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Sesselja Vilhjálms

Athafnafólk er hlaðvarpsþáttur þar sem talað er við frumkvöðla og stjórnendur sem hafa náð eftirtektarverðum árangri í viðskiptalífinu. Umsjón með þáttunum hefur Sesselja Vilhjálmsdóttir.
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Practical EMS

Practical EMS

My mission is to use the stories we all have in emergency medicine to encourage and uplift you where you are. EMT, Paramedic, nurse, PA, NP or physician. Emergency medicine is a very difficult specialty with unique challenges, and it calls us all to be better than the average person in order to stay healthy for our patients, our families and own mental wellness. I want to connect with EMS crews, fire crews, ER RN's, ER techs and new ER advanced practice providers to better understand their c ...
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Rider Magazine Insider


Join the editors of Rider magazine for entertaining, behind-the-scenes podcasts with moto-travelers, industry icons, executives, movers, shakers, and assorted ne’er-do-wells. Our informal, unfiltered conversations bring you “Motorcycling at its Best,” wherever and whenever you want!
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Learn German with the only German learning podcast that spoon-feeds you vocabulary and grammar, all while you enjoy an exciting story that continues across all lessons. German Stories offers easy German language lessons, helping you whether you’re an absolute beginner, already at A1 or A2, or even more advanced. It’s perfect for building vocabulary, understanding grammar, and practicing listening skills at your own pace in small steps. Find out more at german-stories.com!
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Lederskap er en podkast fra NHH – Norges ledende fagmiljø innen strategi og ledelse. Professor Therese Egeland og forsker Tellef Solbakk Raabe inviterer kloke gjester for å diskutere aktuelle tema og relevant forskning. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
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A podcast aimed at Christian single women to explore practical topics like habits single women should be developing, living with roommates, caring for aging parents and navigating long-distance relationships. "Strength and dignity are her clothing, and she smiles at the future." Proverbs 31:25 smilingatthefuturepodcast@gmail.com
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The first game of D&D took place in the 70’s and that sparked a revolution in gaming. Since that first session, scores of people have role-played and experienced this social phenomenon. The game has always welcomed new players, but recently the game has exploded and exponentially more people are playing the game now. With this growth comes new customs, traditions, preferences and opinions. In this podcast, we want to explore these nuances within the culture and psychology of D&D. So if you’r ...
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show series
Mark (paramedic) | Brent (fire officer and EMT) | Nick (former paramedic and current police officer) Mark has worked in urban and very rural 911 ambulances and does part time EMT education now Community paramedicine is an emerging field and can vary a lot from region to region. Paramedics are flexible providers, so the potential is huge Brent has s…
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I denne episoden dykker vi dypt inn i konseptet psykologisk trygghet med postdoktor Bård Fyhn (NHH), som var gjest i ep. 5 av Lederskap. Vi utforsker hva psykologisk trygghet egentlig er, avkrefter vanlige misforståelser, og diskuterer hvordan det utvikler seg over tid i organisasjoner. Fyhn deler innsikt om balansen mellom frykt og trygghet, samt …
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Nate talks about a motorcycle crash he stopped at on his way home and how he was critical in saving an injured patient and how he became close with the family who still talk to him today. Even though the patient ultimately died, the impact he made on that family was immense. Patients remember us We need to remember we treat a person not a complaint…
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Returning guest Chris Hamilton brings helpful clarity to questions couples may have during engagement such as: What are the contents and benefits of premarital counseling? What are the different topics that should be discussed during an engagement stage as opposed to the dating phase? What advice would you give a couple considering elopement? How s…
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The paradigm around rapid sequence intubation is evolving and becoming much safer with more education and procedures. Sometimes in emergency medicine slow is better. We need to stay mindful and calm in chaos and this requires us to detach and be above the fray and walk slowly instead of run. This will actually increase effectiveness and efficiency.…
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Complain about pain, congratulate, and spur someone on & possessive pronouns in the accusative and dative: meinem/-r/-n, deinem/-r/-n. During a break while playing paintball, Meili, Anna, Tim, and Paul chat. Paul excitedly shares his first freelance gig. The blog about Fritz has gained traction, with fans speculating wildly about his alleged connec…
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Viðmælandi þáttarins er Finnur Oddsson, forstjóri Haga. Hagar er samstæða fyrirtækja sem starfa á íslenskum matvöru-, sérvöru- og eldsneytismarkaði og starfa um 2.600 starfsmenn hjá samstæðunni. Dótturfélög í samstæðu Haga eru Hagar verslanir ehf., (Bónus, Hagkaup og Aðföng), Olís ehf., Bananar (dreifingaðili á grænmeti og ávöxtum), Noron (Zara), E…
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Hvorfor er noen overbevisende og troverdige, mens andre mister sitt publikum? Professor Jens Kjeldsen (UiB), en av Skandinavias ledende eksperter på retorikk, forteller hvordan retoriske virkemidler kan hjelpe ledere til å kommunisere tydeligere og mer effektivt. Helt til slutt forklarer han også hvorfor ledere må slutte å bruke PowerPoint! Hosted …
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EMS varies significantly from state to state so you get a wide range in the abilities of EMT’s and paramedics nation wide Case reviews are moving to an educational rather than a punitive model There is no true national standard for EMT’s and paramedic’s which further complicates things The regions that EMS is practiced in vary a ton as well. Skills…
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Write a story, ask questions, explain a reason & dative verbs: antworten, danken, sagen, fehlen, gefallen, gehören, glauben, helfen, passen. Paul is at home, creating online profiles for freelancer apps. He’s been writing his new blog for 2 days. Grandpa calls him and explains that he never found the painting because the address of the hiding place…
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Vi har spilt de første timene av nye Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom, og med en blanding av nostalgi og nyskaping er dette et spill som det er veldig enkelt å anbefale videre. Vi har også begge fullført Emio – The Smiling Man: Famicom Detective Club, og det har vært en spillopplevelse av de sjeldne. Dette er et spill som det kanskje ikke er like lett å sel…
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Meet our new panel Kash (EM physician) Casey (Paramedic) Nate (EMT) Why emergency medicine? Kash: Likes to see results in the short term rather than manage long-term problems. Decided on EM and even an EMS fellowship before starting med school after getting his EMT Aaron: When in PA school you really need to be at least considering primary care but…
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Episode 73 of the Rider Magazine Insider Podcast is sponsored by Fire Power. Our guest is Austin Rothbard, Founder and CEO of Twisted Road, a peer-to-peer motorcycle rental platform. We learn how the rental process works, from both the owner and renter perspectives. Peer-to-peer rentals are a great way to try out new motorcycles or fly into an area…
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Explain hardships of the past & personal pronouns in the dative: euch, ihnen / Ihnen. Paul boosts Grandpa's spirits with coffee and updates him on his search for the book. But because he gets many rejections for his job applications, he feels hopeless. Grandpa empathizes with him and suggests that he should start writing, even without a formal writ…
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Hva innebærer det egentlig å ha narsissistiske trekk som leder, og kan det være positivt? Organisasjonspsykolog og Fairsight-gründer Espen Skorstad er tilbake som gjest for å snakke om sin helt ferske bok, "Den fabelaktige narsissisten". Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
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Matt talks about our reliance on technology and how sometimes it is nice to remember that to assess a patient it is actually really simple without using technology Andrew: I am mostly paid to not get tricked into missing something big. Standards in medical education changing when there is emphasis on getting people through programs Keep holding hig…
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Talk about the weather, hobbies and technology & personal pronouns in the dative: ihr, uns. Paul and Grandpa play chess together. Tim hears from a friend that Fritz is probably kitesurfing because his BMW can't carry a large windsurfing board. Tim wants to share a video of the best kitesurfing spots with Paul. Paul feels down because he keeps getti…
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Viðmælandi þáttarins er Þorbjörg Helga Vigfúsdóttir, stofnandi og framkvæmdastjóri Köru Connect, sem tengir saman starfsmenn fyrirtækja við ólíka sérfræðinga í velferð og geðheilbrigðisþjónustu. Í dag býður Kara Connect upp á nýja vöru, velferðartorg fyrirtækja, sem getur nýst stjórnendum vel til að styðja starfsfólk við ólíkar áskoranir í lífi og …
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Viðmælandi þáttarins er Finnur Pind, framkvæmdastjóri og meðstofnandi Treble Technologies, sem er fyrirtæki sem framleiðir hugbúnað til hljóðhermunar (e. sound simulation). Hugbúnaður Treble er nýttur af fyrirtækjum út um allan heim í bygginga-, tækni- og bílageirum til þess að hanna betri hljóðupplifanir og draga úr hávaða, meðal annars af mörgum …
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Imminent baby delivery stories Burnout tips: avoid the overtime. Sometimes the extra money is not worth the additional life stress. Make sure you get off on time and make that transition to home life. Andrew uses audio books so he has something to look forward to while driving to and from shift. Patients are often not even the source of our stress,…
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Hva skal man med ledere? Professor Tom Karp mener at “lederisme” er en ideologi og et fenomen som er løftet frem av en ledelsesindustri med egeninteresse i å fremsnakke ledelse. I denne episoden diskuterer vi verdien av lederskap, ledelsesforskning og lederutvikling. Karp er professor i ledelse ved Høyskolen Kristiania, tidligere toppleder og forfa…
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Viðmælandi þáttarins er Margrét Harðardóttir, Senior Vice President hjá Arggosy Real Estate Partners (AREP) þar sem hún er yfir fjáröflun og fjárfestatengslum. Fyrirtækið stýrir framtakssjóðum sem fjárfesta í ákveðnum tækifærum í fasteignum á lægra miðstigi markaðarins (e. lower middle market) og hefur nú yfir $3,5 milljarða af fasteignum í stýring…
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The team mentality at all levels in the ED is key to a harmonious, efficient and effective environment In EMS, this can be difficult on a given scene when you may not know the other responders all that well and it can be easy to get offended when no offense was meant Developing a thick skin is important in emergency medicine. You can’t allow negati…
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Meet our new panel Matt (EMT) Julie (RN) Sarah (paramedic) Schasny (paramedic) Andrew (EM physician) Advice for the newbies: Don’t panic, it is not your emergency Find the balance of detachment while still making sure the patient feels cared for and understood Part of avoiding burnout is taking some time to access the human side of youself in carin…
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Vi er endelig tilbake etter at juli ble den første kalendermåneden uten en Bråss-episode siden desember 2019, og det som ble en ufrivillig, men uunngåelig, pause fra podcasten. Det vi dog ikke har tatt pause fra er å spille tv-spill, og i løpet av sommeren har vi begge spilt og testet flere nye titler til Nintendo. Og det innebærer alt fra nostalgi…
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Viðmælandi þáttarins er Tryggvi Björn Davíðsson, meðstofnandi Indó sparisjóðs. Indó kom inn á fastmótaðan bankamarkað í byrjun síðasta árs og hefur hrist upp í markaðnum með því að bjóða upp á nýja einfalda bankaþjónustu á góðum kjörum. Tryggvi er fæddur árið 1973 og ólst upp í vesturbæ Reykjavíkur. Hann gekk í Menntaskólann á Akureyri og lauk B.S.…
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Keep asking “why” do get to a full understanding of what is going on As providers we do want questions asked of us if someone is not sure about something we ordered Tracey has found techniques to avoid burnout despite 24 years in emergency medicine, she says it is very individualized how you overcome burnout Belligerent patients do cause burnout an…
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Velkommen tilbake til en ny sesong av Lederskap! I denne episoden utforsker vi hvem som er mest sårbare for å bli utbrent og hvorfor man kan bli det. Ikke minst presenteres flere løsninger på hvordan man som leder kan motvirke at ansatte sykemeldes. Episodens gjest er Christina G. Leonore Nerstad, Professor ved Institutt for ledelse og organisasjon…
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We talk about EKG interpretation Adam talks about the power of teaching Ongoing learning is key to performing well in emergency medicine and medicine in general We discuss confidence in emergency medicine and The Dunning-Kruger effect: People with limited competence tend towards an overestimation of their abilities It is very dangerous at the top o…
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Stress exposure in school is very helpful for real life practice A good analogy for lay people: EMT is like CNA, AEMT is LPN, paramedic is RN. This helps people understand the progression of levels of care better Paramedics need to be learning provider type assessments on rotation not nursing assessments Kim talks about the zero to hero debate: Exp…
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We meet our new panelists Kate (EMT) Kim (Paramedic and educator) Tracey (Former paramedic and current PA) Adam (Former paramedic and current EM physician) Kate talks about how the public doesn’t know the difference between EMT’s and paramedics Tracey talks about a humbling experience in her early career where she did not know where her equipment w…
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Be willing to speak up. Sometimes you might be the only person to notice something important. We need resiliency in this field. We are all still learning, so stand up and advocate for your patient. Regardless of your level of care, you need to advocate for your patient. The hierarchy is largely in your mind. Don't be afraid to approach someone with…
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Episode 72 of the Rider Magazine Insider Podcast is sponsored by Fire Power. We talk with Hunter Leonard, the creative force behind Leonard Motor Works. Leonard designed and built a vintage-styled all-electric motorcycle called Starrettania that won Best in Show at the Bring It Bike Show at the 2024 Americade rally. LINKS: LeonardMotorWorks.com, Br…
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Nate (EMT) shares his story and the issues he has been dealing with. Nate overdosed on medication and ended up in inpatient psych care which helped him immensely. He still feels grief from time to time but does have happiness more now. Nate wants people to know that these struggles are real and you are not alone. Don’t be afraid to talk about it. S…
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Vocab for games, application documents & personal pronouns in the dative: mir, dir, ihm. Paul is bowling with his parents and talks about his career plans. His lie that he knew what job he wanted all along goes undetected. Tim writes that he doesn't have any news about Fritz either, but he believes lakes don't have real beaches. So Paul has to look…
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We meet our new panel: Eric (EM Physician) Shelby (EMT) Nate (EMT) and returning guest Sam (Prior EMT, ER RN) DeTessa (ER RN) Part of the fun part of the ER is getting to start from scratch and figure out the puzzle Stories do change as the patient talks with different providers We are not equipped to diagnosis or resolve chronic problems in the ED…
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Chris and I talk about my background and motivation for my podcast. I talk about a pediatric arrest I ran that had a huge impact on me. We tend to dehumanize patients in this job to keep our distance, but that is not always the best technique. Emergency standards are standards I have developed working in the ER. One of those standards is to walk sl…
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Viðmælandi þáttarins Sindri Már Finnbogason, sem er sjálflærður forritari, en hann byrjaði að forrita á Sinclair Spectrum aðeins 7 ára gamall. Hann kláraði ekki framhaldsskóla heldur fór að vinna sem forritari hjá hugbúnaðarfyrirtækinu Innn sem þróaði vefumsjónarkerfið LiSA. Árið 2003 stofnaði hann Miði.is sem seldi miða á alla viðburði á Íslandi í…
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For tiden er det Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door som tar det meste av spilletiden vår, og samtidig gleder vi oss til enda flere nye utgivelser på Nintendo Switch, etter en omfattende Nintendo Direct i juni. Av nyheter er vi innom temaer som det kommende Zelda-legosettet av The Deku Tree, samt nye spill til Nintendo Switch Online. Apropos det; s…
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Chris and I talk about my background and motivation for my podcast. I talk about a pediatric arrest I ran that had a huge impact on me. We tend to dehumanize patients in this job to keep our distance, but that is not always the best technique. Emergency standards are standards I have developed working in the ER. One of those standards is to walk sl…
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Make a decision based on simple job descriptions & sum-up: all dative and accusative prepositions and their contractions. Paul discovers for himself that he wants to be an author. So today he plans to write 20 applications and tell his mother about it. But the chances to become an author are slim, because he doesn't have a degree in German Studies …
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Hvor mye trenger du å kunne om regnskap for å være en god leder? Sesongens siste gjest er førsteamanuensis og instituttleder Finn Kinserdal ved NHHs Institutt for Regnskap, Revisjon og Rettsvitenskap. Han er også revisor for blant annet Equinor, styremedlem i Posten og tidligere partner i EY. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more informat…
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Wrapping up our conversation with Brian and Kristina (PA’s and prior paramedics) and Casey (paramedic) Shadow PAs in different specialties so you really know what the career looks like practically. Use this to find out what specialties you like, school doesn’t always give you enough time and you may not get a job in your desired specialty every tim…
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En ny Nintendo Direct betyr som regel en EXTRA-episode med podcasten Bråss. Adrian er tilbake som EXTRA-host når vi diskuterer helheten, høydepunktene og ikke minst overraskelsene fra det som var en meget solid juni-Direct fra Nintendo. TIDSSTEMPLER: (00:00) LIVE REACTIONS (08:04) INTRO OG VELKOMMEN Du finner oss - Bråss. - der du hører dine podcas…
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Biblical counselor Dr. Ernie Baker shares insights on how couples can grow in relational and communication skills by answering the following questions: What are God-honoring motives for pursuing growth in these two areas? What is the difference between character qualities and relational skills? What are the core areas of communication we need to pu…
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Viðmælandi þáttarins er Haraldur Þórðarson, forstjóri Skaga, móðurfélags VÍS, Fossa fjárfestingarbanka og SIV eignastýringar. Hann er fæddur árið 1979 í Reykjavík og er ættaður úr Dölunum á Vesturlandi en ólst upp í Seljahverfinu í Reykjavík. Haraldur gekk í Menntaskóla Reykjavíkur og þaðan lá leiðin í Háskólann í Reykjavík þar sem hann lauk BS pró…
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We jump back into our conversation with Brian, Kristina and Casey Advice for newbies Reflect on the calls that you run. What went well and what went poorly? Are there providers that did a great job that are worth emulating? Find those mentors that are worth emulating. Also make note of those that are worth avoiding. Keep in mind there are multiple …
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Viðmælandi þáttarins er Anna Regína Björnsdóttir, forstjóri Coca-Cola Europacific Partners á Íslandi (CCEP). CCEP er leiðandi fyrirtæki í neytendavöru á heimsvísu og er með starfsemi í 30 löndum í Evrópu, Asíu og Eyjaálfu. Starfsmenn fyritækisins eru 45 þúsund og þjónar fyrirtækið yfir 600 milljón neytendum. Anna Regína er fædd árið 1982 og er alin…
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We meet our new panelists Brian and Kristina (PA’s and former paramedic’s). Casey is back! Transitioning from paramedic to PA Professionalism is a big emphasis in PA school. This was something I learned as an EMT from a great paramedic partner early in my career as well. Professionalism in EMS is a cultural and personal aspect to strive for. PA sch…
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Bærekraft har vært på agendaen i årevis, men med nye regulereringer opplever nok mange ledere at bærekraftsarbeid er en ekstrajobb som blir tredd nedover hodet på dem. I denne episoden diskuterer vi en praktisk tilnærming til tema som regulering og rapportering. Ikke minst skal vi bore i bærekraft og business! Episodens gjest er BI-professor Caroli…
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