Andrew Devis ציבורי
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The Bible Story Podcast. A podcast which has a mixture of Bible storytelling including teaching Bible stories and telling of well-known stories from the Bible. These stories are researched and major themes are pulled out so that the thrust of the story is more evident to listeners. While the stories of Season 2 and upwards are good for children, they are also suitable for adults and for teaching both in church services and for Bible studies. The stories of Season 1 and more teaching stories ...
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show series
As Paul tried to show the Jews that he upheld the law, enemies of Paul watched him, looking for an opportunity to cause him trouble and, within no time at tall, they had practically the whole of Jerusalem in uproar as they accused Paul of a very serious crime. So bad was the situation, that the Roman garrison had to be called out to save Paul not o…
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Moving on to Ephesus, the Lord starts to do amazing things and the name of the Lord Jesus is held in very high regard as the Lord confirms Paul's message with extraordinary miracles! Others who don't know Jesus try to use His Name for their own purposes and end up suffering the consequences. However, opposition comes again, this time in the form of…
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This story is based on Acts chapter 18 verses 18 to 28 The time came for Paul to leave Corinth, and as he travelled he spent time in Ephesus and hoped to return some day. Then as he hurried back to Jerusalem, a young man named Apollos arrived in Ephesus, eventually meeting some of Paul's travelling companions!…
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Story 52 – An Important Decision Based on Acts chapter 15 verses 1 to 35 Previously, the young church had had to face attacks from the enemy, such as when the apostles were beaten for talking about Jesus, or when Stephen was murdered because he loved Jesus and wouldn’t stop sharing with others that Jesus was the Messiah. Then, even greater trials c…
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Story 51 – Iconium, Lystra and Back Home Based on Acts chapter 14Nearly 100 miles away to the south-east of Pisidian Antioch, Paul and Barnabas eventually came to the town of Iconium where a very similar thing happened to what they’d just experienced in Pisidian Antioch! The habit of Paul and Barnabas when arriving in a town was to go the Jews and …
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Story 50 – Paul and Barnabas at Pisidian Antioch Based on Acts chapter 13 verses 13 to 52 It was time for Paul (who used to be known as Saul) and Barnabas, along with John Mark, to move on. So, leaving Cyprus, the place Barnabas knew so well, they decided to head up to the area Paul was from. Sailing from the Cyprian port of Paphos, they took the 1…
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Story 49 – Barnabas and Saul Sent Out Based on Acts chapter 12 verse 25 to chapter 13 verse 12 So the relief mission to Jerusalem took place and the church continued to grow even though people like Herod Agrippa tried to stop it. These people who opposed the church couldn’t stop the spread of the Good News and the growth of the church anymore than …
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Story 48 – Peter in Prison Based on Acts chapter 12 Sometimes terrible things happen and we don’t know why, we just have to trust God that He knows, the situation isn’t out of His control and we can trust Him no matter how bad things get. And things were pretty bad. You see, for some reason, King Herod Agrippa, the grandson of that awful King Herod…
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Story 47 – The Church at Antioch Based on Acts chapter 11 verses 19 - 30 After the death of Stephen, many believers were scattered out from Jerusalem during the persecution of the church. As well as Philip travelling to the area of Samaria, others continued their travels far outside the land of Israel. Some went south to Egypt and beyond, even endi…
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Story 46 – Peter and Cornelius Based on Acts chapter 10 verses 1 to chapter 11 verse 18 In Caesarea, a Roman officer called Cornelius, a captain in the Italian Regiment, knelt in prayer. He and all his family feared God and tried to live good lives. He regularly gave to those in need and prayed to God. But today, as he knelt to pray at the usual ti…
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Story 45 – Peter, Aeneas and Tabitha Based on Acts chapter 9 verses 32 - 43 So the church had a period of peace and growth throughout the region. And as it grew, Peter left Jerusalem and started an itinerant ministry, going from place to place encouraging the believers and telling those who hadn’t heard - about Jesus. And, as he moved around, he ev…
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Story 44 – The Road To Damascus Based on Acts chapter 9 verses 1 to 31 Had the two of them met before Jesus had been crucified? Had they both been in the Temple together at a Jewish festival or celebration? Had Saul listened to the carpenter from Nazareth as He’d taught the people about the Kingdom of God? Saul knew about John the Baptist and had c…
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Story 43 – Beyond Jerusalem Based on Acts chapter 8 verses 4 to 40 So Stephen was dead and, as those who hated the church swept through Jerusalem to arrest and imprison every believer they could find, the rest of us fled for our lives, not sure what to think! Satan, the enemy of God, seemed to be winning, killing Jesus’ followers and making it almo…
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Story 42 – Stephen – (told by Philip) Based on Acts chapter 6, verse 8 to Acts chapter 8, verse 4. We’d been prayed for and commissioned to look after believers who were in need so that the apostles could concentrate on teaching the people about Jesus and on prayer. But that didn’t mean that the likes of Stephen and me, Philip, gave up telling peop…
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Story 41 – Opposition Comes Based on Acts chapter 5 verse 17 to Acts chapter 6 verse 7 After Jesus had gone back to heaven, and sent the Holy Spirit, the apostles performed many miracles and the name of Jesus spread throughout Jerusalem. The Jewish leaders looked on with jealous eyes, determined to do away with the apostles, as they’d done away wit…
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Story 40 – Ananias and Sapphira Based on Acts chapter 4 verses 32 to 37 and chapter 5 verse 1 to 16 The thing about praying is that God answers your prayers - and the new church in Jerusalem had just prayed for great boldness when speaking about Jesus and the Kingdom of God. They had also asked for healing power and for signs and wonders to be done…
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Story 39 – Peter and John on Trial Based on Acts chapter 4 verses 1 to 31 A miracle had taken place right outside the Temple in Jerusalem. And now, inside the temple area, a man crippled from birth was walking, leaping and praising God that he’d been healed. Maybe if that’d been all that had happened, then those in charge of the temple may have loo…
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Based on Acts chapter 3 verses 1 to 20 Story 38 – A Crippled Beggar The people in the temple came running from all directions! Once again something truly incredible had taken place – a miracle! And there he was! The beggar they’d seen almost every day on their way to the temple. But HE WAS no longer sitting on the floor with his mis-shapen and usel…
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Based on Acts chapter 2 Story 37 – Pentecost – Never the same again! Seven weeks had gone by since the Passover in Jerusalem, when Jesus had been executed by Roman crucifixion – an execution that at the time had looked like a terrible defeat as the ‘Messiah’ was murdered at the hands of evil men. But so much had changed since then! Yes, Jesus had b…
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Based on Acts chapter 1 verses 1 to 14 Story 36 – Jesus’ Ascension (PETER) ‘Jesus had risen from the dead! And from time to time during the 40 days after His resurrection He came to see us, His disciples, or apostles as we were also called. Apostle means ‘Someone who’s sent out’, and we were called apostles of Jesus because He’d chosen us and sent …
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Based on John chapter 21 verses 1 to 23 Story 35 – Peter and Jesus (PETER) ‘Although I was overjoyed that Jesus’ death on that cross hadn’t been the end of it all, inside I was feeling uncomfortable. Uncomfortable about all those things I’d said the night before He’d been … murdered. How He’d told us all that we’d desert Him and leave Him, and then…
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Based on John chapter 20 verses 19 to 29 Episode NT34 – Thomas’ Story ‘I was there! I watched Him die! Me! Thomas! One of His so-called disciples! ‘You have no idea what it’s like, to watch all your dreams, all your ambitions, all your hopes being crucified on a rough cross, and then die – right before your eyes! All I wanted, all I ever hoped for …
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Based on John chapter 20 verses 1 to 18 The Empty Tomb For those who loved Jesus, who followed Him, who believed that He was the Son of God, the Saviour that’d been promised for so many years, that Friday had been the darkest day of their lives. And it had been made all the more dark because they hadn’t understood or believed what Jesus Himself had…
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Based upon the crucifixion accounts in the Bible Episode NT32 – The Soldier’s story ‘I saw it all. You see, I was in the Roman army at the time and I lived in Jerusalem. We’d ‘eard about Jesus and many of us ‘ad seen ‘im. ‘E didn’t look anything special, but they kept telling us about the miracles’e’d done, and the things ‘e’d said about God. We th…
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Based on Mark chapter 15 verses 16 to 47 and Luke chapter 23 verses 39 to 43 The Crucifixion What a victory! The religious leaders could hardly believe it was true – Jesus, the One they’d hated – the One who’d been nothing but a … but a pain in the neck since He’d first arrived, showing them up and embarrassing them with all His talk about the King…
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Based on Matthew chapter 26 verse 69 to chapter 27 verse 26 Peter’s failure and Pilate’s Trial While Jesus was being tried by the leaders of Israel, Peter sat outside in the cold courtyard. He was thinking about how Jesus had encouraged them to pray with Him on the Mount of Olives and how they’d let Him down by falling asleep. But there was somethi…
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Based on Matthew chapter 26 verses 30 to 69 Gethsemane DISCIPLE ANDREW ‘After we’d shared our meal together and Judas had left, we went to a place we often went to together, to a hill nearby called the Mount of Olives. As we were walking along Jesus spoke to us. ‘Tonight,’ He said, ‘every one of you will desert me. For it’s written in the Scripture…
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Based on Luke chapter 22 and John chapter 13 The Last Supper As the Passover celebration drew closer, the Chief Priests and teachers of the Law tried to find a plan to murder Jesus away from the eyes of the crowd. For if the crowd saw them acting against Jesus, they were terrified it would start a riot! It was at this time that Satan, the devil, en…
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Based on Matthew chapter 21 verses 12 to 32 Jesus Clears the Temple DISCIPLE ANDREW ‘Hi, I’m Andrew, Simon Peter’s brother, one of Jesus’ disciples. We’d seen Jesus come to Jerusalem with crowds singing His praises and throwing their cloaks on the ground before Him as He rode a young donkey. And just like us, we knew that the crowd thought Jesus wa…
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Based on John chapter 12 verses 1 to 19 The Triumphal Entry Once again Jesus came to Bethany. It was about six days before the important Jewish ceremony of Passover. During Passover, Jews from all around the world returned to Jerusalem to sacrifice a Passover lamb and remember how God had rescued the Israelites from Egypt! The Passover had been the…
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Based on John chapter 11 Lazarus DISCIPLE ANDREW ‘When the messenger arrived he had a serious look on his face and we could tell his message was urgent. Going straight to Jesus he said, ‘This message is from Martha and Mary, the sisters of Lazarus, who live in Bethany which is in Judea. They say, ‘Lord, the one you love is very sick.’’ ‘We’d experi…
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Based on Mark chapter 10 verses 46 to 52 Blind Bartimaeus On the whole, life was pretty tough for Bartimaeus. Oh, it was ok when Jericho, the city where he lived had a festival or celebration. Then Bartimaeus would have more than enough to eat. But that wasn’t most days. Most days Bartimaeus would be found sitting by the side of the main road that …
  continue reading ( Based on Luke chapter 19 verses 1 to 10 Zacchaeus Zacchaeus was a short man, short in height and short of friends! To say he was unpopular would be an understatement because most people hated Zacchaeus. You see Zacchaeus was a tax collector – he had paid the Roman…
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Based on Luke chapter 15 Lost and Found Lots of different people came to see Jesus, even the most despised people in the land like the treacherous tax collectors – who worked for the Romans against their own people. The lowest of the low came to Jesus, and much to the outrage of the Pharisees and Teachers of the Law, Jesus welcomed them, tax collec…
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Based on Mark Chapter 10 verses 12 to 31 The Rich Young Ruler DISCIPLE (ANDREW)‘Look, He’s a very busy man! Everyone wants to see Him and I’m sorry but He doesn’t have time for your children. You’re just going to have to go.’ ‘We’d been trying to protect Jesus from the constant stream of people wanting to come and see Him. And now it wasn’t just ad…
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Based on John chapter 9 The Man Born Blind ‘What people tend to forget when you’re blind is that you’re not deaf as well! In fact, my hearing’s a lot better than most peoples and I could hear them quite clearly as they came towards me.’ ‘Jesus,’ somebody asked, ‘Whose fault is it that this man’s been born blind?’ And then, to rub it in a little mor…
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Based on Mark chapter 9 A Little Faith! –The Demon-Possessed Boy As Jesus and the three disciples Peter, James and John came down from the mountain where they’d seen Jesus transformed and heard the Words of God, they talked about a common belief Jews held that Elijah must ‘return’ before the Messiah could come. ‘Why do the teachers of the law say t…
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Based on Mark chapter 8 verse 27 to chapter 9 verse 13 The Transfiguration As they travelled northeast, out of Israel to the area of Caesarea Philippi, they couldn’t help noticing all the temples and places of worship there were to different ‘gods’. It was said that at the bottom of one of the nearby mountains the so-called ‘god’ Pan was born – a g…
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Based on John chapter 8 The Woman Caught Committing Adultery It was the people who thought they were more religious than anyone else, the Pharisees and teachers of the law who started to oppose Jesus. They hated the fact that the people loved Jesus. But what they hated, even more, was that every time they tried to show Jesus up, to catch Him out, H…
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Based on John chapter 6 verses 14 to 20 and Matthew chapter 14 verses 28 to 36 Walking on Water ‘It was hard work passing out all that bread and fish to all those people! And by the time we’d each collected a basket full of leftovers, the twelve of us were exhausted!’ ‘It was then that the crowds realised Jesus had just fed well over five thousand …
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Based on John chapter 6 verses 1 to 15 Feeding the Hungry ‘My name’s Andrew, I’m Simon Peter’s brother and I’ve been following Jesus since He started His work here. It’s been an amazing time. I’ve seen things you couldn’t even imagine. The sick being healed, the demon-possessed being freed and even the dead brought back to life.’ ‘But even though J…
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Based on John chapter 3 verses 22 to 36 and Mark chapter 6 verses 14 to 29 The Death of John the Baptist His life had been outstanding. It had even begun with a miracle when his father, Zechariah, had met the angel Gabriel in the temple and been told that at long last God had heard their prayers, and would give them a son as the forerunner to the l…
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Based on Mark chapter 2 verses 1 to 12 The Paralysed Man ‘So we’re going to do this then?’ one of the friends asked. ‘We’re going to take him to Jesus?’ The other three friends nodded their heads determinedly. ‘Jesus heals people,’ one of them said. ‘No one’s ever gone to Jesus and not been healed, so we will take him - today. I know he’d go himsel…
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