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Checking your credit score regularly is an essential step in managing your financial health. Your credit report is a comprehensive summary of your credit history, detailing information like payment history, credit accounts, outstanding balances, and any accounts sent to collections due to non-payment.…
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Vivre un divorce ou une séparation peut être un défi émotionnel et financier, et l'un des aspects les plus complexes est la gestion des dettes. Tout comme les actifs, les dettes doivent être examinées. Le partage des dettes peut soulever de nombreuses questions quant à la responsabilité, en particulier lorsque l'un des conjoints ou les deux ont du …
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Going through a divorce or separation can be emotionally and financially challenging, and one of the most complex aspects is dealing with debt. Just as assets are divided, debts must be looked at too. The division of debt can raise lots of questions about responsibility, especially when one or both spouses struggle to pay it off on their own.…
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Borrowing money often gets a bad rap, but in actuality… it’s not always a bad thing. Sometimes life throws unexpected expenses your way, or maybe you need extra cash to invest in your future. In these situations, borrowing can be a smart financial decision... if you’re careful.על ידי MNP Debt Ltd.
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Près de la moitié des Canadiens se trouvent à seulement 200 $ de ne pas pouvoir couvrir leurs dépenses mensuelles. Si vous ressentez une pression financière, vous n'êtes pas seul. Mais que faire lorsque des coûts imprévus vous poussent au bord du gouffre? Si vous luttez contre des dettes mais souhaitez éviter les conséquences à long terme d'une fai…
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Almost half of all Canadians are just $200 away from not being able to cover their monthly expenses. If you're feeling the financial squeeze, you're not alone. But what happens when unexpected costs push you over the edge? If you're grappling with debt but want to avoid the long-term effects of bankruptcy, a Consumer Proposal might be your solution…
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The MNP Consumer Debt Index has dropped to 85 points, down six points from the previous quarter. Conducted quarterly by Ipsos on behalf of MNP Limited, the Consumer Debt Index tracks Canadians’ attitudes about their debt and ability to meet their monthly payment obligations.על ידי MNP Debt Ltd.
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Dans l'ère numérique d'aujourd'hui, la simplicité avec laquelle on peut obtenir tout ce que l'on veut d'un simple toucher du doigt est indéniable. Toutefois, ces luxes peuvent rapidement s'accumuler et avoir un impact significatif sur votre compte bancaire.על ידי MNP Debt Ltd.
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Canadians are facing a cost-of-living crisis. With rampant inflation, many have taken on more debt just to make ends meet. With interest rates still high, some households might be considering declaring Bankruptcy for the first, second, or even a third time.על ידי MNP Debt Ltd.
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Le coût des produits de consommation courante est en hausse depuis quelques années, ce qui entraîne une augmentation du prix de la nourriture, de l'essence, des vêtements et d'autres produits essentiels dont les Canadiens ont besoin. Selon le calculateur d'inflation de la Banque du Canada, les coûts ont augmenté de 15 % entre 2020 et 2023.…
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The cost of daily goods has been rising over the past few years, increasing the price of food, gas, clothing, and other essential items Canadians need. According to the Bank of Canada’s Inflation Calculator, costs have increased by 15 percent from 2020 to 2023. This means an item that used to be $1.00 now costs $1.15. If your income hasn’t increase…
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Nous avons tous été dans cette situation. Vous utilisez votre carte de crédit ou signez sur la ligne pointillée pour un achat que vous avez tant désiré. Cependant, après quelques instants, jours, voire même une semaine, un sentiment de malaise s'installe. Peut-être que l'achat ne correspond pas tout à fait à vos attentes, que le budget n'est pas au…
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We've all been there. You swipe your credit card or sign on the dotted line for a purchase you've been dreaming about. But then, a minute, a day, or even a week later, that sinking feeling sets in. Maybe the purchase isn't quite what you expected, the budget doesn't stretch that far, or you think the money could have been better spent elsewhere.…
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Managing personal finances in Canada's current economic landscape is a discussion most households are having. With high levels of household debt, soaring inflation, and climbing interest rates, understanding and navigating personal finance has become crucial for individuals and families alike.על ידי MNP Debt Ltd.
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Imaginez recevoir un appel avec le message, « Nous sommes l’Agence du revenu du Canada. Nous avons évalué votre déclaration de revenus que vous n’avez pas produite, et vous avez un solde important à payer ». Ce scénario semble-t-il trop familier ? C’est une situation dans laquelle se retrouvent souvent de nombreux Canadiens, souvent en raison d’un …
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Imagine receiving a call with the message, "This is the Canada Revenue Agency calling. We assessed your tax return that you didn’t file, and you have a significant balance owing." Does this scenario seem all too familiar? It's a situation many Canadians find themselves in, often due to oversight or confusion regarding tax obligations.…
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Owing the government money can be VERY intimidating. It’s a topic that resonates with many Canadians. How to deal with debt owed to the Canada Revenue Agency, especially given the CRA's broad powers to collect what's owed. We’ll dive into what those powers entail, how you can navigate the situation, and what options are available if you find yourse…
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Each province in Canada has its unique statute of limitations governing how long a creditor has to take legal action against you for debt collection. Taking Alberta as an example, under the Limitations Act, a creditor has two key time frames to initiate legal proceedings: within two years from when they first became aware of the debt or ten years a…
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Avoir une dette envers le gouvernement peut être TRÈS intimidant. C'est un sujet qui résonne avec bon nombre de Canadiens. Comment aborder les obligations envers l'Agence du revenu du Canada, surtout compte tenu des pouvoirs étendus de l'ARC pour recouvrer les sommes dues ? Nous allons analyser en détail les implications de ces pouvoirs, comment na…
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Canadians’ current debt perception has reached an all time low on MNPs Consumer Debt index. Conducted quarterly by Ipsos on behalf of MNP Limited, the Consumer Debt Index tracks Canadians’ attitudes about their debt and ability to meet their monthly payment obligations. And last month, the Index has dropped to 83 points.…
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Credit scores are important when it comes to financial institutions deciding if they'll lend you money or extend your credit. Think of your credit score as a financial reputation that follows you around, telling banks and lenders if you're good with money. Your credit score reflects your ability to meet certain financial requirements such as qualif…
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Les cotes de crédit sont importantes lorsque les institutions financières décident de vous prêter de l'argent ou de vous accorder un crédit. Considérez votre cote de crédit comme une réputation financière qui vous suit partout, indiquant aux banques et aux prêteurs si vous avez de bonnes relations avec l'argent. Votre cote de crédit reflète votre c…
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The close link between mental and financial health is undeniable. Compromised mental health not only impacts personal well-being but also has significant economic implications. Similarly… financial stress can severely affect mental health.על ידי MNP Debt Ltd.
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Sometimes financial trouble can creep up on us, turning everything upside down. But it's rare for debt to just appear out of the blue. Usually, there are signs along the way, and recognizing them early can make a big difference. Here are a few things to look out for and how to handle it before things get too tricky.…
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Parfois, des difficultés financières peuvent surgir de manière inattendue, perturbant tout sur leur passage. Cependant, il est rare que l'endettement apparaisse soudainement. En général, des signes se manifestent le long du chemin, et les reconnaître précocement peut faire toute la différence. Voici quelques éléments à surveiller et des conseils su…
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Happy Almost New Year! With this new year comes the chance to tackle those resolutions you’ve been thinking about. Especially the financial ones. But it can be tough and setting goals to reduce debt and actually making a dent in it are two different things. So, here are some solid steps to help you move confidently towards a more debt-free life in …
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The Holidays can be all about feasting, toasting, and spreading joy. But let's face it. The pressure to go all out during the festive season can turn wallets inside out, leaving you in a financial hangover that lasts into the new year. The good news? You don't have to break the bank to have a blast this holiday season.…
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Les Fêtes peuvent être synonymes de festins, de toasts et de joie partagée. Mais soyons réalistes. La pression d’en faire trop pendant la saison des festivités peut vider les portefeuilles, laissant place à une gueule de bois financière qui dure jusqu’à la nouvelle année. La bonne nouvelle ? Vous n’avez pas besoin de casser la tirelire pour vous éc…
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"Comment savoir si j'ai trop de dettes?" C'est une question que beaucoup se posent, et la vérité est que ce n'est pas toujours une question de chiffres. Bien que la situation de chacun soit unique, il existe des signes universels qui peuvent indiquer que votre dette atteint un niveau inconfortable.על ידי MNP Debt Ltd.
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"How do I know if I have too much debt?" It's a question many wrestle with, and the truth is, it's not always about the numbers. While everyone's situation is unique, there are universal signs that might indicate your debt is reaching an uncomfortable level.על ידי MNP Debt Ltd.
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Canada has seen a steady rise in debt settlement companies recently. With enticing promises like "Reduce your debts by 70% without the need for bankruptcy," it's easy to see why many are tempted. But as with all things that seem too good to be true, it’s essential to proceed with caution.על ידי MNP Debt Ltd.
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Le dépassement de budget demeure un facteur significatif entraînant de nombreux Canadiens dans des problèmes financiers. La préférence des cartes de crédit par rapport à l'argent liquide et le manque de planification budgétaire ne font qu'aggraver le problème. Avoir des pratiques financières saines dépend de la maîtrise des habitudes de dépenses, t…
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Overspending remains a significant factor leading many Canadians into financial troubles. The rise of credit card usage over cash and the lack of budgeting only continues to make the problem worse. Having healthy financial practices depends on controlling spending habits like efficient expense management, reducing redundant expenses, and clearing c…
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Before the unforeseen happened in March 2020, a term like 'virtual insolvency proceeding' was nonexistent. To navigate the process of Bankruptcy or Consumer Proposal, a face-to-face interaction with a Licensed Insolvency Trustee (LIT) was mandatory. But, as with many things, the pandemic compelled the Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy (OSB…
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Avant que l’imprévu ne se produise en mars 2020, un terme comme « procédure d’insolvabilité virtuelle » était inexistant. Pour naviguer dans le processus de faillite ou de proposition de consommateur, une interaction en personne avec un syndic autorisé en insolvabilité (SAI) était obligatoire. Mais, comme pour beaucoup de choses, la pandémie a obli…
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There are a few different ways you can manage your debt in a smart way. One is a frequently misunderstood topic, Consumer Proposals. We’re going to look at three common misconceptions that could be hindering your journey towards financial freedom.על ידי MNP Debt Ltd.
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Nous visitons et parlons régulièrement avec des médecins et d'autres professionnels de la santé pour prendre soin de notre santé. Tout comme nous devrions parler avec des professionnels pour prendre soin de notre santé financière. Comment savoir si vous êtes financièrement en bonne santé? Il existe des signes qui peuvent vous aider à évaluer votre …
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We visit and talk to doctors and other professionals about our health regularly. Or we should. Just like we should talk with professionals about our financial health. How can you tell if you're financially healthy? There are some signs that can help you assess your financial wellbeing.על ידי MNP Debt Ltd.
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When it comes to personal debt, there are many areas that can affect how well we can stay in control of it and get ahead. One of the most important to know more about is credit card debt. We'll cover the basics, how it affects your credit score, and strategies to pay it off.על ידי MNP Debt Ltd.
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When it comes to determining the threshold of excessive debt, it can be a challenging question to answer. Income, expenses, interest rates, and repayment terms all play a role. However, the MNP Debt Scale can assist. This online assessment tool, found at MNPDebt.ca, is designed to give you a clear rating of your debt situation, regardless of your i…
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