Dolores Andrew Gavin ציבורי
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I am a Holistic Life Coach, Corporate Wellness Trainer, Storyteller, and your personal mythmaker. I am passionate about helping people take control of their lives by releasing the limiting beliefs that hold them back. We are all worthy to be here in this world right now and to be seen and heard for our unique talents and gifts. I write and teach about Conscious Connection and Conscious Communication. You can connect with me at my website
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show series
Coming Full Circle with Vulnerability .. The Bridgerton WayMany of us live our lives in fear of really being seen and heard for who we are. We don’t feel good enough or bright enough, or thin enough, or educated enough or whatever enough.We will do anything to fit in. This can be at work, with friends and even with our family of origin. However, to…
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In the first paragraph of his book The motivation manifesto Brendon Burchard asks a question - why having being endowed with the courageous heart of a lion do we live as mice? This is a very profound question to ask.One of the ways we can lean into this question and find out why we may be living like a mouse as opposed to like a lion is to find out…
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As humans, we all strive for, a sense of belonging, a sense of belief in ourselves and others, a feeling of security and safety, and connection with others. When these needs are met we will then be able to develop personal skills like boundary building, becoming assertive, and be able to be emotionally aware, and not let stress overtake us. With th…
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Our comfort zone is our safe place. It’s fuelled by the things we do automatically that feel safe to us. If you have ever tried to do something outside of your comfort zone you might know that feeling you get when you think to yourself “ok that’s me done, I need to stop here, it isn’t feeling good or safe anymore”. Sometimes though we don’t hear th…
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On this episode of the podcast we are talking about beauty and the fact that ,,,, and I will quote our guest today Sharon D Founder of Irelands Got Curves who says Beauty isn't a size and size doesn't define you.Sharon you are welcome to the podcast. I want to talk to you about this topic of what defines us and how we can let that get a little ashe…
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Nicola is a passionate advocate for empowering women to take proactive steps to optimise their physical and mental health during this stage of our lives. The more clarity we have the more we will be able to be actively involved in our own healthcare decisions armed with the correct information.A very informative chat with Nicola whose background is…
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The tale of the Little Mermaid is a typical heroine’s quest. Although Ariel, the Little Mermaid seems to have it all, she comes from a beautiful place, has the love of her father and sisters and grandmother she yearns for something more. Something outside of what she has. She is blessed with many things in her life; she has the most beautiful voice…
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In this episode of the podcast, I discuss living in alignment with our core values with Business Owner and Coach Gill Caroll.Gill takes us on a journey of exploration around tuning into our values via our feelings. When we show up in our life coming from a place of being aligned with what brings us contentment and joy we will be more in flow with o…
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Our belief system defines how we see the world and gives us the ability to process what happens around us. If we didn’t have a belief system, we wouldn’t know how to process our reactions to all the things that happen to us on a daily basis. Our belief system is like the cookies in our browser enabling us to sort through things faster and based on …
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On this episode I speak with Kerri Hummingbird, No. 1 Best Selling Author of "The Second Wave: Transcending the Human Drama" and the award-winning best-selling book "Awakening To Me: One Woman’s Journey To Self Love."I speak with Kerri about the mother's wound and how it affects us on so many levels. Oftentimes it is when parenting our own children…
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One definition of the saying “you can’t fit a square peg into a round hole” says that it describes the unusual individualist who could not fit into a niche of their society. Now here my friends in my opinion is where the problem lies. It is the use of the word “unusual” which when we are talking about a person could be better described as “unique” …
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A journey to living a fulfilled life happens when you honour your own values and you live by them. When you are incongruent with your values you may be living someone else’s life and you may form bad habits or become lost in trying to find yourself. Understanding what you value is less about looking outside and wondering what you should value, or w…
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The definition of resolution is the act of solving a conflict. However, we often focus on what we cannot change and stick to that story.In this podcast, I look at some common themes or conflicts that keep you stuck in a rut or feeling overwhelmed and give you ways of looking at the conflict differently.…
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Instead of finding a way to quieten or banish the inner critic I want to show you four ways to embrace it. Why? Because your inner critic is a part of you. It’s the part of you that developed beliefs from your perceptions of your life’s challenges. And although challenges cause tension, without tension there is no growth. Your inner critic points y…
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I want to share something tangible with you now, something that you can do in the present moment that will bring you from where you are now, to where you want to be. This step is vital. It takes courage to visit something that may be painful for you, and you may struggle with admitting your vulnerabilities even to yourself. It is not a blaming or s…
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There are times when not taking it personally is the best advice we can take. But there are also times when it's essential to see what is being triggered in you that is causing you to take something personally in the first place. If you neglect to take this step, then what is being triggered is being kept in the shadow, so to speak, you are brushin…
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I was asked a question by another coach recently about my opinion around whether we are controlled by fate, destiny or other external events as opposed to feeling like our own behaviours or actions determine our results. It got me thinking and I decided to share my views on the topic here at my podcast. I believe in both. I think there are definite…
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The main protagonist in my yet unpublished novel is an example of how we can become empowered by healing the wounded and dissociated parts of ourselves. It’s also a good insight into how we can be leading our life feeling like we have it all under control until we realise we are in fact the one that is being controlled and have no control at al. So…
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At times, our perception of an event may be totally untrue, but our mind distorts the truth to match our beliefs. It is only when we have an AHA moment or a moment of revelation that we realise the real truth, the truth that has been hidden from our consciousness For example you may attend a conference and hear something and have one of these AHA o…
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Gaslighting is another form of bullying and the gaslighter is likely trying to get one up on you from their own warped sense of their story. It can of course make you feel like you are losing your marbles and your self-worth will take a bashing and that is ultimately what the gaslighter wants, you to be perceived as weaker than them and to be weake…
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When you unravel the unconscious patterns that weave through all the stories you tell yourself you begin to see the circumstances you find yourself from a different perspective. And, of course we all have these stories, its part of our life to realise them and to have the opportunity to make better stories. This may require you to be confident enou…
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In order for us to effect change and to create a secure foundation, it’s crucial for us to go through the process of accepting the stories that we hold. We need to acknowledge them, we need to be present to them, we need to mourn them and the loss that we feel around them. Ultimately for true healing we want to go forward with a different story aro…
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Our relationships are what challenge us most in our lives and allow us real growth whether these relationships are with our parents, our siblings, our lovers or our children. It is said that we hurt the ones we love the most. And the reason we do this is because of the invisible “space” we know is there for us to be ourselves, to be vulnerable and …
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When it comes to looking out for others especially those closest to us caring comes naturally for most of us. So why doesn’t that follow on to how we care for ourselves? Are we hardwired with the missing link to that part of the brain?When I coach women one of the areas I cover are her values and time and time again I see how those value systems ar…
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For the most part vulnerability can get us breaking into a sweat and saying “Me, no I don’t do vulnerability”! Maybe that is because the first definition you get when you look it up says that “it is a fear of being attacked either physically or emotionally”. And of course, none of us want that as it taps into our basic fear around our survival. Fee…
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Becoming self-aware is a huge topic and there are many ways you can work on it. One I find extremely beneficial is to become emotionally aware. When you are emotionally aware you have a tool that allows you to figure out where you are holding onto limiting beliefs around something. You will be able to take lessons from life situations as they arise…
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I speak with Bibi Baskin one of lreland’s most loved TV broadcasters. Bibi has gone from broadcasting to being a hotelier in India and is now back in Ireland working in the wellness space. She gives inspirational talks to people and inspires them to make the changes they long to make. She is also an author and is penning her second book at the mome…
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I have spent many years on the journey of finding my voice both in my personal life and in my business. Along that journey there were many mindset issues to deal with and limiting beliefs to be transcended. A common way for me to deal with issues around my personal power in the past had been to get overwhelmed at a certain point and give up because…
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Who said dreams can’t come true? Each day when despair starts to take hold, reach into the light, find that spec of light and allow it keep you steady, allow it pull you up from the darkness of pain. It’s your light, it’s your despair, it’s your fear, it’s your choice. Grab your light and hold onto its promise of hope. Allow it be the light that gu…
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To start with let’s look at both of these words anxiety and stress and dissect them a little and see what they mean. Anxiety is the fear of something that hasn’t yet happened. Stress can be triggered by number of reasons, one of these is of course fear again of what could happen to us should we do something. So what is fear. It is an instinctual em…
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I interviewed Jocelyn Cunningham for The Emotional and Mental Health Summit. She spoke to us about panic attacks and how they affected her life. Jocelyn explains "As it happens there are two types of panic attacks, expected and unexpected panic attacks. The unexpected is unfortunately what I suffered but I am still able to keep on top of it and tha…
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I recently interviewed Mary Finn who is the Founder of Connect4Work an organisation who work with organisations to instill a culture of connection and integration for employees returning to the workplace. For details on The Emotional and Mental Health Summit visit my website…
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When two people with two different stories/energies are together there can be a clash sometimes if the two people are very different. If each are not standing in their own personal power, someone with people pleasing tendencies may become the dependent one, bending and trying to change themselves in order to fit in. I will take you through a story …
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Our psychological reality changes as we go from being a child, into adolescence and beyond and our mind begins to fill with untruths about ourselves, or should I say truths that are not in alignment with our core beliefs and values. We may hide our passions and our dreams believing them to be silly or pie in the sky, perhaps because someone knocked…
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Yes it's true there is pure magic to be found in the present moment because that is where all the magic happens. We cannot change the past and we can only change the future by the actions we take in the present moment. The other way we use the word present is when we exchange a gift ..another potentially magic moment when we have the ability to mak…
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In a recent article I wrote I spoke about the story of Scrooge in a Christmas Carol which is a classic movie. This is a classical example of how an archetypal story can play out. Scrooge had a horrendously sad upbringing and I can only imagine put up a wall of defence around himself as a defence mechanism. However this wall was built so strong and …
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What could make a successful career woman not be able to find her voice within her own family?One would imagine if she had a strong enough voice at work and was confident using it she could also have a strong enough voice at home.This is not always the case though.The study of epigenetics, which is a fairly new in the science world brings us some i…
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We hear a lot about the mother wound which we as adults can carry around with us. We are told that we can hold this wound if we perceive we didn’t get what we needed from the feminine, i.e. the soft nurturing feminine touch. I use the word perceive because with the best will in the world as a mother our children can perceive something so differentl…
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Our worthiness is closely woven with our ability to receive.We can go through life not realising we have self-worth issues as they can be buried so deep and for so long that we don’t realise they are sabotaging us.Our self worth is also closely woven with our money issues and whether or not we feel worthy enough to receive money.Thankfully the good…
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I would like to start this podcast with a question - Do you struggle with defining what the word feminine is? Do you get it confused with being a feminist perhaps because that is seems that’s what society does, bundles the words together.Perhaps you have a very clear understanding of what being feminine means to you and embrace your femininity in w…
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Each of us have our own stories that keep us where we are and if we feel that life is going well for us with these stories and we are happy with them then there is probably nothing coming up right now for us to look at. However if we feel stuck in a rut, if we have lost our mojo or if fear and anxiety holds us back, chances are some part of our sto…
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An empowered woman looks just like you and me because, she is you and me. Each of us can step in to our own personal power because we were each born with the ability to do so, we may just have forgotten our way.An empowered woman stands in her own power and in so doing neither powers over anyone nor does she allow anyone to take her power from her.…
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Having good emotional health or intelligence as it is often called, is our ability to deal appropriately with situations in life while allowing ourselves to feel each emotion that comes up in any given situation. No emotion is negative, in fact what emotions are, are pieces of energy which have a message for us. When we realise this, we can use thi…
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There is a deep embedded wound of silence in our psyche and in our culture. A wound of silence and powerlessness. These two words powerlessness and silence seem to go hand in hand in relation to victims of hideous crimes and the buried stories and secrets which are locked away tightly in closets. It is the polar opposite of what an empowered cultur…
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The wound of not belonging is one of the biggest wounds carried by people and our feeling of self worth can be rattled to the core when this wound is triggered. For people who correlate their social post numbers and likes with their own personal popularity this truly is a sign of their self-worth being linked to a belief that “I am popular because …
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Did you ever read a post on social media and feel that it really resonated with you and that it was the most perfect post you had ever read and perhaps it gave you clarity on a way to verbalise something you were feeling. You feel elated and over joyed that someone has put into print a feeling that you also carry around with you. And then you start…
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If you feel resentment bubbling up inside you, anger at your partner and feeling it is their fault or feeling tired of life I would ask you to first give yourself a break. It is never too late to start again. No matter what you are doing right now confirm to yourself that you are doing a good job. OK so you might feel you could be doing so much bet…
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