Sam Wellumson ציבורי
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The Scripture readings are Isaiah 55:1-9; Ephesians 5:15-21; and Matthew 22:1-14. We can buy back, purchase, and reclaim the time from the forces of evil (Eph. 5:16). Evil spreads, but it doesn’t own our days. God calls us to redeem and reclaim the time back from darkness and evil through our good works.…
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The Scripture readings are Genesis 28:10-17; Ephesians 4:22-28; and Matthew 9:1-8. The paralytic's friends help him by bringing him to Jesus. As Christians we do the same. We eternally help others by bringing them to Jesus at church, by praying for them, and by forgiving them as Christ has forgiven us.…
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The Scripture readings are Daniel 10:10-14, 12:1-3; Revelation 12:7-12; and Luke 10:17-20. The battle has been raging ever since the Fall into sin. When it appears as though the devil and his angels are gaining ground, remember they are a defeated enemy. Jesus is on the throne, and He will never be removed. God calls you to be faithful.…
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The Scripture readings are Proverbs 25:6-14; Ephesians 4:1-6; Luke 14:1-11. Only God can elevate us. When we sinners repent, abandon our own good works, and turn to God for our righteousness and holiness, then – and only then – we become God’s friend. And He calls us higher. He lifts us up.על ידי Rev. Sam Wellumson
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The Scripture readings are Job 1:1-22; Ephesians 3:13-21; and Luke 7:11-17. God's answer to suffering is that He sends Jesus, not to bring an end to the sufferer, but to defeat suffering through His suffering (1 Co. 15:54). In your suffering you find your Savior, who has died and risen again for you, to deliver you.…
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The Scripture readings are 1 Kings 17:8-16; Galatians 5:25-6:10; and Matthew 6:24-34. Christ never grew weary of you and your burdens. Not once. Instead, He has borne your burdens and carried your sorrows (Is. 53:4). Keep in step with the Spirit because that keeps you in step with Jesus (Mt. 11:29-30).…
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The Scripture readings are Proverbs 4:10-23; Galatians 5:16-24; and Luke 17:11-19. The works of the flesh are evident, plain, visible. The same thing isn’t said about the fruit of the Holy Spirit. If you don’t see them, continue to pray that the Holy Spirit will continue to nourish all these things in you.…
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The Scripture readings are 2 Chronicles 28:8-15; Galatians 3:15-22; and Luke 10:23-37. Jesus has neighbored you and come to your rescue. He binds up your wounds, pours on the medicine of immortality, and sets up an all-expenses paid account for you in the inn of the Church. Let the mercy He has given you spill over to others.…
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The Scripture readings are Jeremiah 7:1-11; Romans 9:30-10:4; and Luke 19:41-48. Much of Scripture follows a pattern – creation, defilement, cleansing, and filling. But there is a danger. We can too easily become complacent, indifferent, and unconcerned about our sins. Repent, believe, and receive God’s cleansing now (Ps. 95:7-8).…
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The Scripture readings are 2 Samuel 22:26-34; 1 Corinthians 10:6-13; and Luke 16:1-13. Jesus wants you to be shrewd like the manager. Recognize who you are. Recognize what you have that will not last. And recognize ways to use things that are slipping away to secure eternal treasure. Invest in Christ’s kingdom which will never fail.…
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The Scripture readings are Jeremiah 23:16-29; Romans 8:12-17; and Matthew 7:15-23. As God’s adopted sons, Christians have an inheritance. Don’t let the suffering you encounter in this world discourage you so that you give up on what lies ahead. Keep going. Keep pressing on. Your inheritance is just around the corner. Christ is coming.…
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The Scripture readings are Exodus 20:1-17; Romans 6:1-11; and Matthew 5:17-26. Jesus completes the Commands in another way than just explaining them. Jesus also keeps all of God’s Law, perfectly and completely – for you. Every aspect of every command was perfectly kept by Jesus. And His obedience is yours through faith in Him.…
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The Scripture readings are 1 Kings 19:11-21; 1 Peter 3:8-15; and Luke 5:1-11. We praise God for the fishers of men who have become pastors and proclaimed God’s Word, and we pray that God would call more men to answer that calling. But that doesn’t happen without the Zebedees, who are equally important.…
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The Scripture readings are Genesis 50:15-21; Romans 8:18-23; Luke 6:36-42. You have had a forest of logs removed from your eye because of Christ. Christ will continually teach us through His Word. May we be humble enough to continually learn from Him as we are made to be merciful and giving like He is.…
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The Scripture readings are Proverbs 9:1-10; 1 John 3:13-18; and Luke 14:15-24. God, who is Wisdom itself, calls you to His feast. We might think that banquet is only for those who have attained wisdom on their own. Not true. God invites us who are simple and lack sense, “Leave your simple ways and live, and walk in the way of insight.”…
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The Scripture readings are Genesis 15:1-6; 1 John 4:16-21; and Luke 16:19-31. Because He is the Creator of all things, God has an infinite supply of gifts to give. He gives you everything freely and desires that you receive it as a gift. You, dear saints, are a conduit that receives from God and passes His bounty on to others (Pro. 19:17).…
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The Scripture readings are Isaiah 6:1-7; Romans 11:33-36; John 3:1-17. Trinity Sunday is a fitting time to pause, step back, and simply praise God for all He has done, accomplished, and delivered to us. “From Him and through Him and to Him are all things.”על ידי Rev. Sam Wellumson
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The Scripture readings are Genesis 11:1-9; Acts 2:1-21, 36; John 14:23-31. Pentecost is about the sounds, not the sights. It’s about the audible rather than the visible. The work of the Holy Spirit is not in what is seen but in what is heard.על ידי Rev. Sam Wellumson
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The Scripture readings are Ezekiel 36:22-28; 1 Peter 4:7-11; John 15:26-16:4. It is extremely easy for us to put assign horrible motives on people who sin against us. But you know what is just as easy? To put the most charitable construction on their actions. Covering up of sin through love is a distinct virtue of Christians.…
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The Scripture readings are Numbers 21:4-9; James 1:22-27; John 16:23-33. God’s sovereignty and the power of prayer seem to be incompatible. But they aren’t. The reason you ask and God responds is His love for you. Jesus says, “Ask in My name. I don’t need to ask the Father for you because the Father Himself loves you.”…
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The Scripture readings are Isaiah 12:1-6; James 1:16-21; and John 16:5-15. The Holy Spirit’s work is to guide you into these truths and convictions. The Spirit will convince you of your sin so you will believe in Jesus, convince you of the righteousness you have been given, and convince you of the judgment of the devil.…
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The Scripture readings are Isaiah 40:25-31; 1 John 3:1-3; and John 16:16-22. It can be dangerous to look to the past and troubling to think about the future. Let your past, present, and future be seen through the lens of God’s love which has made you His beloved child.על ידי Rev. Sam Wellumson
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Sermon for Easter 3. The Scripture readings are Ezekiel 34:11-16; 1 Peter 2:21-25; and John 10:11-18. Jesus’ voice, which calls to you from the Scriptures, is how you recognize Him. Jesus, your Good Shepherd, leads and what follows you? His goodness and mercy follow you all the days of your life, and you will dwell in His house forever (Ps. 23:6).…
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Sermon for Easter 2. The Scripture readings are Ezekiel 37:1-14; 1 John 5:4-10; and John 20:19-31. Jesus is way better at forgiving than you are at sinning. The absolution is a great gift that Jesus has given to the Church. That is the message Jesus has sent us into the world to announce (Jn. 20:21).…
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Sermon for the Resurrection of Our Lord. The Scripture readings are Job 19:23-27; 1 Corinthians 15:51-57; and Mark 16:1-8. Whatever plans, worries, or anxieties you have, they now matter a whole lot less. Because of Christ’s Resurrection, you can now look at everything–all the sin, evil, sickness, and wickedness of this world–through a different le…
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Sermon for the Vigil of Easter. The God of the living brings life to every corner of creation where we bring sin and death. The God of the living took on flesh and blood to take your place on Golgotha, the Place of the Skull (Mt. 27:33). He willingly went to death to utterly defeat it.על ידי Rev. Sam Wellumson
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Sermon for Good Friday on John 19:25-27. As Jesus accomplishes the salvation of the world, He also makes sure that His mom won’t be alone to fend for herself in the world. Just as Jesus cared for Mary and John in this way, He also cares for you in every way. This sermon was adapted from a sermon by Pr. Bryan Wolfmueller.…
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Sermon for Maundy Thursday. The Scripture readings for tonight’s service are Exodus 24:3-11; 1 Corinthians 11:23-32; and John 13:1-15, 34-35. We were not created to live in isolation. We are created for others (Gen. 2:18). In the Lord’s Supper, God makes us a united community, a holy and forgiven people. We are bonded to Jesus and united with one a…
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Sermon for Palm Sunday. The Scripture readings are John 12:12-19; Zechariah 9:9-12; Philippians 2:5-11; and Matthew 26:1-27:66. Jesus’ silence amidst all these accusations isn’t weakness. It’s powerful. This is how God powerfully removes your sins from you as far as the east is from the west. Death will have no power over Jesus. Easter is coming.…
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The fifth and final in our Lenten series "A Spiritual Contemplation of Christ's Suffering." The Scripture readings for tonight’s service are Psalm 119:65-72; Job 1:6-22; 1 Peter 4:12-19; and John 15:18-16:4. You have a suffering God (Is. 53:3). So, when you suffer – no matter the reason – don’t look for escape in asking, “Why?” Instead, look for co…
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Sermon for the Fifth Sunday in Lent. The Scripture readings are Genesis 22:1-14; Hebrews 9:11-15; and John 8:46-59. Jesus has offered the sacrifice of Himself that redeems you from all your sin. Christ has opened the greater tent which is not of this creation. You have been purified with the Blood of God. Jesus has washed your conscience clean.…
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The fourth in our Lenten series "A Spiritual Contemplation of Christ's Suffering." The Scripture readings for tonight’s service are Psalm 85; Hosea 14:1-2; 1 John 4:17-21; and John 15:1-17. When you return to God, you are to return with the words, “Take away all iniquity” (Hos. 14:2). You point God back to the suffering and death of Jesus, your Sav…
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Sermon for the Fourth Sunday in Lent. The Scripture readings are Exodus 16:2-21; Acts 2:41-47; and John 6:1-15. Jesus did not let the crowds take Him by force and make Him king that day, but He did later. He was nailed to a cross, shed His blood, and gave His for you. Receive that gift with thanks and watch how God multiplies it and makes you a ble…
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The third in our Lenten series "A Spiritual Contemplation of Christ's Suffering." The Scripture readings for tonight’s service are portions of Psalm 22; Zechariah 13:1, 7-9; and Mark 14:32-41. Out of love for you God the Father punished Jesus on the cross. Christ willingly took all of God’s wrath against your sin. He was punished so that you would …
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Sermon for the Third Sunday in Lent. The Scripture readings are Exodus 8:16-24; Ephesians 5:1-9; and Luke 11:14-28. Demons still want to silence you – especially when it comes to making distinctions between what is right and wrong, good and evil, righteous and what is sinful. But blessed are those who are continually hearing the Word of God and kee…
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Second in our Lenten series "A Spiritual Contemplation of Christ's Suffering." The Scripture readings for tonight’s service are Psalm 103:1-5, 8-14; Isaiah 53:10-12; Galatians 3:10-14; and John. 3:13-21. If we want to be in God’s holy presence, we need to be changed. Through His suffering, Christ changes us – not God – in such a way that we are cle…
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Sermon for the Second Sunday in Lent. The Scripture readings are Genesis 32:22-32; Romans 5:1-5; and Matthew 15:21-28. Great faith trusts that Jesus is the Savior of all mankind. Great faith is bold and consistent in prayer. And great faith recognizes that God’s crumbs are more than enough.על ידי Rev. Sam Wellumson
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The first in our Lenten series "A Spiritual Contemplation of Christ's Suffering." The Scripture readings for tonight’s service are Psalm 16; Isaiah 50:5-10; and John 6:35-40. Obeying God’s will wasn’t what caused Jesus to suffer, but that obedience led Him through suffering. Yet, that suffering was Jesus’ delight. It was for the joy that was set be…
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Sermon for the First Sunday in Lent. The Scripture readings are Genesis 3:1-24; Hebrews 4:14-16; and Matthew 4:1-11. Satan is going to work to harden your conscience, but you need to fight to soften your conscience. Remember, the One who will rescue you is your Great High Priest. He can sympathize with your weakness because He was tempted in every …
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Sermon for Ash Wednesday. The Scripture readings for tonight’s Ash Wednesday service are Jonah 3:1-10; 2 Peter 1:2-11; and Matthew 6:16-21. Jesus has destroyed sin and fixed everything that we, by our sin, have broken. And the day of Christ’s return is coming. Then all creation will be put back together.…
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Sermon for Quinquagesima. The Scripture readings are Isaiah 35:3-7; 1 Corinthians 13:1-13; and Luke 18:31-43. Normally, when sinners hear about vengeance, they are afraid. But notice what this vengeance accomplishes – God comes to save you. He pays the debt that you owe. He avenges your sin upon His only-begotten Son. The payment has been made; you…
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Sermon for Sexagesima. The Scripture readings are Isaiah 55:10-13; 2 Corinthians 11:19-12:9; and Luke 8:4-15. You are right to long for your suffering to come to an end. Jesus came to rescue you from it. But in your suffering, know that God is at work. Christ is right there beside you with His strength in every affliction and weakness you have.…
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Sermon for Septuagesima. The Scripture readings are Exodus 17:1-7; 1 Corinthians 9:24-10:5; and Matthew 20:1-16. Christian life is work and labor in the vineyard (not a factory). The work you do in Christ’s kingdom brings joy, peace, and feasting to the world. May we all be diligent and joyful as we live out our faith in the life of the vineyard.…
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Sermon for Epiphany 2. The Scripture readings are Amos 9:11-15; Ephesians 5:22-33; and John 2:1-11. Human marriage is defined by Christ’s relationship to the church. Marriage doesn’t give us a picture of the Church’s relationship to Christ. Christ’s relation to the Church gives us a picture of what our marriages should look like (Eph. 5:31-32).…
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Sermon for the Baptism of Our Lord. The Scripture readings are Isaiah 42:1-7; 1 Corinthians 1:26-31; and Matthew 3:13-17. Whenever you do what God gives you to do in the different offices He places you in, you are serving God by loving your neighbor. You are working with Jesus to fulfill all righteousness as you walk in the good works God prepared …
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מדריך עזר מהיר