Tanya Classes Rabbi Krasnianski The Epistle On Repentance Igeret Hateshuva Ch 1 6 ציבורי
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וזהו שאמרו רז״ל: אין בידינו לא משלות הרשעים וכו׳Hence the statement of our Sages, 19 of blessed memory: “It is not within our hands (i.e., it is not given us) to The post Chapter 06 – Part 3 – video podcast appeared first on TanyaClass.com.על ידי Tanya classes – Rabbi Krasnianski: The Epistle on Repentance (Igeret HaTeshuva) ch. 1 - 6
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ואדרבהIn fact, not only is it possible for the sinner to receive his nurture from kelipah as do animals and other living beings, but indeed,ביתר The post Chapter 06 – Part 2 – video podcast appeared first on TanyaClass.com.על ידי Tanya classes – Rabbi Krasnianski: The Epistle on Repentance (Igeret HaTeshuva) ch. 1 - 6
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The Alter Rebbe opened the fourth chapter by beginning to explain the concept of repentance according to the mystical approach to the Torah. He prefaced his commentary by noting that according to Scripture and our Sages a person who committed a sin punishable by excision would The post Chapter 06 – Part 1 – video podcast appeared first on TanyaClas…
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והוא על דרך משל מחבל עב, שזור מתרי״ג חבלים דקיםThis is analogous to a thick rope woven of 613 thin strands.ככה חבל ההמשכה הנ״ל כלול מתרי״ג מצות The post Chapter 05 – Part 3 – video podcast appeared first on TanyaClass.com.על ידי Tanya classes – Rabbi Krasnianski: The Epistle on Repentance (Igeret HaTeshuva) ch. 1 - 6
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וזה שנאמר: כי חלק ה׳ עמו, יעקב חבל נחלתוThis, then, is the meaning of the verse, 2 “For [G‑d’s] people is a part of G‑d; Jacob is the rope of His inheritance The post Chapter 05 – Part 2 – video podcast appeared first on TanyaClass.com.על ידי Tanya classes – Rabbi Krasnianski: The Epistle on Repentance (Igeret HaTeshuva) ch. 1 - 6
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The previous chapter taught that the Jewish soul is a part of the Tetragrammaton, the internal aspect of G‑dliness, from which it derives. In this it differs from other created beings whose source is more external — the Divine Name Elokim and Supernal speech. The post Chapter 05 – Part 1 – video podcast appeared first on TanyaClass.com.…
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וגם ההתבוננות, להבין ולהשכיל באמתתו וגדולתו ית׳, נמשכה גם כן מן התורהFurthermore, contemplation that endeavors to understand and conceive of G‑d’s true being, also derives from Torah, I.e., such contemplation must necessarily be preceded by the study The post Chapter 04 – Part 9 – video podcast appeared first on TanyaClass.com.…
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ואף שאין לו דמות הגוף חס ושלוםNow “He has no corporeal form,” G‑d forbid. How, then, can one differentiate Above between those letters that possess substance and those that do not? The post Chapter 04 – Part 8 – video podcast appeared first on TanyaClass.com.על ידי Tanya classes – Rabbi Krasnianski: The Epistle on Repentance (Igeret HaTeshuva) ch. 1 - 6
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ונכללת ונרמזת באות ה׳ אחרונה של שם ה׳This [attribute of sovereignty] is contained and represented in the final hei of the Tetragrammaton, in the following manner:” align=”right The post Chapter 04 – Part 7 – video podcast appeared first on TanyaClass.com.על ידי Tanya classes – Rabbi Krasnianski: The Epistle on Repentance (Igeret HaTeshuva) ch. 1 - 6
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em (repeating from previous class)ושם אלקים הוא בחינת חיצוניות לגבי שם הויה ברוך Similarly, the Name Elokim is an external state relative to the Tetragrammaton.אבל נשמת The post Chapter 04 – Part 6 – video podcast appeared first on TanyaClass.com.על ידי Tanya classes – Rabbi Krasnianski: The Epistle on Repentance (Igeret HaTeshuva) ch. 1 - 6
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ושם אלקים הוא בחינת חיצוניות לגבי שם הויה ברוך Similarly, the Name Elokim is an external state relative to the Tetragrammaton.אבל נשמת האדם, שהיא מבחינת פנימיות החיות, היא חלק שם The post Chapter 04 – Part 5 – video podcast appeared first on TanyaClass.com.על ידי Tanya classes – Rabbi Krasnianski: The Epistle on Repentance (Igeret HaTeshuva) ch. 1 - 6
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As mentioned earlier, this verb indicates the internal aspect of the Divine flow of life-force, for “he who blows, does so from his innermost being.” Thus, the soul originated in the internal aspect of the life-force and flow issuing from G‑d. It is only afterwards, in order The post Chapter 04 – Part 4 – video podcast appeared first on TanyaClass.…
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אך הענין יובן על פי מה שכתוב: כי חלק ה׳ עמו וגו׳The key to this will be found in the phrase, 14 “For [G‑d’s] people are part of G‑d…” The post Chapter 04 – Part 3 – video podcast appeared first on TanyaClass.com.על ידי Tanya classes – Rabbi Krasnianski: The Epistle on Repentance (Igeret HaTeshuva) ch. 1 - 6
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הנה להבין זאת מעט מזעירTo grasp even a minute glimmera 6 of this,צריך להקדים מה שמבואר מהכתוב ומדברי רז״ל, ענין הכרת ומיתה בידי שמים The post Chapter 04 – Part 2 – video podcast appeared first on TanyaClass.com.על ידי Tanya classes – Rabbi Krasnianski: The Epistle on Repentance (Igeret HaTeshuva) ch. 1 - 6
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Certain penitential fasts, then, are to be actually undertaken, while others are to be redeemed through charity.ואולם כל הנ״ל הוא לגמר הכפרה ומירוק הנפש לה׳ אחר התשובהHowever, all we have said refers to the culmination The post Chapter 04 – Part 1 – video podcast appeared first on TanyaClass.com.על ידי Tanya classes – Rabbi Krasnianski: The Epistle on Repentance (Igeret HaTeshuva) ch. 1 - 6
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אכן כל זה באדם חזק ובריא, שאין ריבוי הצומות מזיק לו כלל לבריאות גופו, וכמו בדורות הראשוניםHowever, all this ” 4 applies to the strong and robust, whose physical health would not be harmed at all by repeated The post Chapter 03 – Part 2 – video podcast appeared first on TanyaClass.com.על ידי Tanya classes – Rabbi Krasnianski: The Epistle on Repentance (Igeret HaTeshuva) ch. 1 - 6
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Though fasting is not at all necessary for attaining atonement, it was explained above that nevertheless it has a salutary effect as a substitute for the olah offering. In Temple times this sacrifice was offered (even) for transgressing a positive command, in order to make the former offender once The post Chapter 03 – Part 1 – video podcast appear…
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ועכשיו שאין לנו קרבן להפיק רצון מה׳, התענית הוא במקום קרבן, כמו שכתוב בגמרא: שיהא מיעוט חלבי ודמי שנתמעט כאלו הקרבתי לפניך כו׳Today, when we have no offerings to call forth G‑d’s pleasure, fasting replaces the offering. As the Talmud says, The post Chapter 02 – Part 2 – video podcast appeared first on TanyaClass.com.…
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Repentance, as the Alter Rebbe explained in the opening chapter, is in no way synonymous with fasting for a sin that one has committed; repentance merely entails abandoning the sin for all time. This is so even with regard to transgressions — those punishable by excision or by execution — whose atonement becomes The post Chapter 02 – Part 1 – video…
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ולכן לא הזכירו הרמב״ם והסמ״ג שום תענית כלל במצות התשובה, אף בכריתות ומיתות בית דיןIt is for this reason that the Rambam and Sefer Mitzvot Gadol The post Chapter 01 – Part 6 – video podcast appeared first on TanyaClass.com.על ידי Tanya classes – Rabbi Krasnianski: The Epistle on Repentance (Igeret HaTeshuva) ch. 1 - 6
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(כדאיתא בגמרא ,פרק ג׳ דסנהדרין, ובחושן משפט, סוף סימן ל״ד, לענין עדות)(18cf. Sanhedrin, ch. 3 Choshen The post Chapter 01 – Part 5 – video podcast appeared first on TanyaClass.com.על ידי Tanya classes – Rabbi Krasnianski: The Epistle on Repentance (Igeret HaTeshuva) ch. 1 - 6
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The Beraita with which this chapter opened is now resumed:עבר על כריתות ומיתות בית דין, תשובה ויום הכפורים תולין, ויסורים ממרקיןIf one commits a sin [punishable by] excision or execution, repentance and Yom Kippur The post Chapter 01 – Part 4 – video podcast appeared first on TanyaClass.com.על ידי Tanya classes – Rabbi Krasnianski: The Epistle on Repentance (Igeret HaTeshuva) ch. 1 - 6
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However, in light of the above, it would seem that the same reasoning should apply with regard to transgressions: a higher degree of repentance should be necessary for violating a positive command than for transgressing a negative command — yet according to the above quotation from the Gemara in The post Chapter 01 – Part 3 – video podcast appeared…
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תניא בסוף יומא: שלשה חלוקי כפרה הםIt has been taught in a Beraita at the end of Tractate Yoma: 1 There are three types of atonement, The post Chapter 01 – Part 2 – video podcast appeared first on TanyaClass.com.על ידי Tanya classes – Rabbi Krasnianski: The Epistle on Repentance (Igeret HaTeshuva) ch. 1 - 6
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Introduction By way of introduction to Iggeret HaTeshuvah it should be noted that the Alter Rebbe is known as1 “Master of the Tanya The post Chapter 01 – Part 1 – video podcast appeared first on TanyaClass.com.על ידי Tanya classes – Rabbi Krasnianski: The Epistle on Repentance (Igeret HaTeshuva) ch. 1 - 6
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