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Willow Creek Weekend Podcast

Willow Creek Community Church

Love God, love people, and change the world. We believe the life and lessons of Jesus aren’t just good advice, but are Good News for us here and now. As a church, we are all about following Jesus and know there’s no end to that journey—we’re more about becoming than arriving. We are committed to becoming a multi-generational, multi-ethnic, multiplying movement of Christ followers, equipping and empowering our kids and students to not only be the church of tomorrow, but the church of today.
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Church History Podcast

First Covenant Church

~60 min class time with Pastor Kevin Wright discussing the History of the Church within the context of the history of the world. Listen as they discuss how the Church developed and how it affected the world in the process (and how it was affected by the world in return). Make connections on how history repeats itself -- how we can learn from that, and how we tend to make the same mistakes people made in the past. This series was originally presented with PowerPoint slide shows. Unfortunately ...
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show series
When we think about all the religions in the world, what makes Christianity the one we want to be a part of? Perhaps you’re wondering if all religions ultimately teach about the same God - and how many gods are there? Don’t all religions basically teach about love and are equally good (or bad, depending on your POV)? There are so many questions. Bu…
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What does the Bible say about sex? Let’s talk about it! American culture and the American church have missed the mark on what our sexuality is for and how to use it. From the falsely liberating sexual culture of the modern era to the condemning and damaging messages of purity culture, no wonder the students and young adults in our church are confus…
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How familiar are you with the phrase “do as I say, not as I do?” Almost all of us have heard that said at least once, right?! Now how do you think you do with saying one thing but living another way? Think about how you present yourself to others and how you really live.Many people are critical of Christians, and for good reason. Christian hypocris…
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Welcome to our new series, which seeks to shed light on and answer the hard questions kids and young people are asking about Christianity. We start with a question that is seen as divisive but shouldn’t be: What role do Christians play in justice, specifically in pursuing racial justice and racial equality? Some people don’t feel this is an area Ch…
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Have you ever considered your spiritual gifts? Are you wondering what spiritual gifts even are?! God has given each person unique skills and talents, including you! But why has God given everyone spiritual gifts? So that you, and each person in the church, can contribute in unique and awesome ways to live out the mission–the purpose–of God’s Kingdo…
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This week, we’re asking: What good is knowing the Good News if we’re not sharing it? We’re often hesitant to share our faith with others because it seems too hard or too tricky to navigate, or we worry about how we will be perceived. Pastor Dave shows us how we can practically begin sharing faith with those around us through the B.L.E.S.S. model; a…
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New to Willow? Go here to find out more about our church and to see more great teaching: you want to discover new joy, set aside shame and guilt, and live relaxed in the midst of stress, mistakes, and fatigue? Sounds pretty good, right?!In the final week of our Summer Book Club series, we hear from our very own …
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New to Willow? Go here to find out more about our church and to see more great teaching: We’re so excited to welcome best-selling author, transformational speaker and leadership coach, Ryan Leak!In our Summer Book Club series this week, Ryan teaches from his new book, How to Work with Complicated People. His book …
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It’s the first of our three-week Summer Book Club series, and we start off with author, preacher and Director of Theology and Research for Proverbs 31, Joel Muddamalle!We’re excited that Joel is with us to teach from his new book, The Hidden Peace: Finding True Security, Strength, and Confidence through Humility. We hear how Biblical humility can h…
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Oh boy. Here we go. It’s the book of Revelation (strap in for a wild ride)!A dragon, a white horse, a beast or two, trumpets, a woman clothed in the sun—what is going on? Read the book of Revelation and without any context or understanding, it may seem like it was torn from an epic science fiction novel. Typically this leads to two approaches: 1) t…
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Have you ever overheard a conversation only to realize it was about something completely different? Context is key—in life and in reading the New Testament Letters! There are a lot of apparent contradictions throughout the Letters, some people point to this as a reason to disprove the Bible. But understanding the context and realizing the purpose o…
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What are the Gospels? They are books of the Bible that provide historical narratives documenting the life and work of Jesus and the creation of the early church. It is in Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, and Acts that we see God come to earth as a human, in Jesus. They also show how, as Christians, we are to live and love others as one of God’s children.…
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The prophets in the Bible did some pretty strange things to grab the attention of God’s people and bring them back to Him. Understanding the prophetic books can be tricky if you don’t know the historical setting, so let’s use them as a framework for cultivating a relationship with Jesus, not simply religious adherence.…
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Did you ever do something you knew you weren’t supposed to? Like, rebel against your boss, your parents, God? How did your boss or your parents respond? Probably not great.This week Pastor Megan Marshman covers the History books of the Bible: and, more closely, the book of Ruth. Ruth’s story in the Bible is set during a very dark moment in the hist…
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So, the Bible is a little long…and overwhelming. And hard to understand a lot of the time. Ever thought: TL;DR? Same. Same.So we’re starting a brand new series on the ENTIRE BIBLE. Yep, everything in seven weeks. If you’ve ever wondered “how to start reading the Bible” or what a good Bible study plan is, this is the series for you.Sound boring? Nah…
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What are “strongholds”? Strongholds are more than sins; they’re the patterns, addictions, behaviors, or traits that you might not even realize are holding you back from being the person God created you to be. The good news? The grace of God is available to all of us, and He will help you break free from the strongholds–the sins–that keep you from l…
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If you’re the type of Christian who attends church a couple of Sundays each month and maybe reads a Bible plan on your phone app every so often, you’re not living up to your full potential.Just attending church is not enough to fully live out God’s plan. Our true purpose in life is living as the church every day. Wherever you are, that’s where God …
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Where does your loyalty lie? Your sports team? Your family? Your political party?What about with Jesus? Does Jesus sit at the top of your loyalty list? If not, we can become diverted from God by other things. As much as we might feel passionate about a cause we believe in, or fiercely loyal to our “people”; Jesus should always be the one you're mos…
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It’s easy for Christians to focus solely on answering the question; “how do I get into Heaven''? and getting others into Heaven with them. But when we break the real message of the Bible down to just that, we’re missing a huge part of it: God’s purpose for your life.God’s not only concerned about you getting into Heaven, He wants you to express Hea…
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When you become a Christian you have to follow a bunch of boring rules, right? Well… sort of! It’s not so much rules as it is moral boundaries that God sets. These boundaries allow us the freedom to live fully in the beautiful life He has planned for us.Some people believe they’re being a “good Christian” by following the “Christian rules”. Perhaps…
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What do Christians get wrong about Christianity? We can all be in danger of veering off in a direction that God never intended. In this new series, exploring the church in the book of Ephesians in the Bible, our hope is to remember the mission of the church as it was originally designed, and inspire you to be a part of it!When Christians think it’s…
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All things are possible with God. No, really! Nehemiah’s story in the Bible shows us how, in partnering with God first, nothing is impossible. Nehemiah does what was previously impossible for 100 years–built the walls of Jerusalem–through his faith and partnership with God. What could that look like today for us?In our final week of Celebration of …
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Do you have what it takes to make a difference in the world? To change it for the better and to help others? Yes! You do! Nehemiah, in the Bible, felt like he had many constraints, but he was still able to use his influence as King Artaxerxes’ cupbearer and his connection to God to serve others in need. And you can too. In week two of Celebration o…
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What do you do when you’re faced with a big problem? Most of us do one of two things: either move quickly into action, or become overwhelmed and freeze. It’s fight, or flight, or freeze.When we think about how to change the world, or how to help people in difficult times, our best course of action is to go to God first. It’s a natural thing to want…
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Have you ever been told to stop questioning and just believe? People say that with good intentions, but it can lead to a lack of faith. It’s perfectly normal and expected to have doubt and curiosity about Jesus and the Bible. Have you ever heard of “doubting Thomas?” In John 20, Doubting Thomas had witnessed Jesus’ miracles and heard Him teach, but…
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We know the Easter story—Jesus lived a perfect life, suffered and died on the cross, and then rose from the dead on Easter Sunday. But what would it have been like to be one of His disciples or friends at Easter? They changed their entire lives to follow Him; then everything they thought would happen shattered when Jesus died. Their own hope died. …
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Many of us have a fear of being alone. It’s a very human trait to suffer through feeling lonely and social isolation. But with God next to us, we are never truly alone. And God understands our feelings of loneliness and sadness; Jesus suffered terrifying depression and loneliness in the Garden of Gethsemane (Matthew 26:36-46)and cried out to God in…
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We imagine Jesus as a very serene, calm and soft-spoken man. But, just like us, Jesus feels anger, and in John 2:13-25, He gets so angry Jesus flips tables!But have you ever noticed that anger comes from another feeling? The thing that lies underneath it causes an explosion that sometimes we struggle to contain; your disappointment, grief or sadnes…
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Shame is a word and feeling we all want to avoid. Shame is often a barrier between us and God, too. Our regrets, all those actions and feelings we carry with us for years, weigh us down and make us feel less than worthy of God’s love. But that’s just not true at all. In John 18, Peter denies Jesus three times, something he is deeply ashamed of. And…
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Does God understand our grief? In the story of Lazarus and his death and resurrection, Jesus shows us that He lives grief just as deeply as we do. Even though Jesus knew Lazarus would be brought back from the dead, He still joined Mary and Martha, Lazarus’ sisters, in their grief and sadness. Jesus also demonstrates how, through Him, we can use our…
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When Jesus turned water into wine at a wedding, it was not only His first miracle but also caused great joy. No, not because the guests got the best wine (but that did make them pretty joyful)! But because Mary, Jesus’ mother, saw Him step into His calling. We can sometimes wonder how we can be happy. Or curious about where others are finding joy i…
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What is the power of our giving? Can our generosity change the world? In the earliest Christian church (in Acts 2:42-47), people gave so that others in their community were looked after. Orphans were homed, the sick were cared for, and anyone with a need was helped. Jesus calls us to do the same in our world today! We can help in our community by g…
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What is a motivating factor in giving when you decide to give? It’s usually in response to a need; a heartstring has been pulled, and you want to help someone else. When something really hits home, we can feel like it’s worth giving sacrificially–more than we might usually, or perhaps we have to forgo something else to help meet someone else’s need…
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Church offerings, or the concept of “tithing,” is typically hard to talk about, hard to begin doing and often is questioned. When many doubt the church's intentions, what good comes from tithing? Tithes and offerings are all about generosity. It’s about how you give, not how much. It is an expression of worship in response to God’s goodness. And it…
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Yes, God’s will for your life is much bigger than you could imagine! God wants to use YOU to help heal, restore, and redeem the world. You can change the world in partnership with God’s work in your life. But how?We finish up the last week in our Divine Dreams series by looking at Joseph in the Bible, in Genesis 50 and Romans 8:28, and learning how…
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Temptation is all around us, testing our character and will. Temptation also affected Joseph in the Bible. When faced with temptations such as seduction by Potiphar’s wife, a weak work ethic, and revenge on his despicable brothers, Joseph leans into his faith and resists, choosing instead to show kindness and keep his integrity. Pastor Dave explore…
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How do you hold onto your life’s dreams and persevere through tough times when others threaten to derail them or even actively hurt you? The story of Joseph in the Bible deals with his struggles with a highly dysfunctional family and the ways in which they harm him (Genesis 37–40) when they dislike his big dreams for life. Joseph holds onto hope th…
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Many of us wonder: what is my life’s purpose? We have big dreams, but do they match God’s will for our lives? And what happens when obstacles get in the way of our dreams? Remember when you were a kid, and you wanted to be an actor, a firefighter, or a marine biologist, but life got in the way, reality hit, and your big dreams fell by the wayside? …
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It’s a new year; we’re all thinking about what we want to do and achieve in the next 12 months. Do you want to hit the gym, read those books you’ve had on your shelf for ages, or pick up a new hobby? How about rest? Could resting well be a part of what you want to achieve this year? It’s different, sure! But God Himself takes a rest, and if He can,…
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Once you make a decision to follow Jesus, you’re told to go out and evangelize to everyone you know; and all those you don’t know too. Ooof, that sounds scary, right? What does evangelism really mean? We’ve all seen the guy standing on the street corner yelling at everyone to repent. But that’s not what the Bible tells us about evangelism. Is evang…
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The biblical Christmas story is one of peace and hope, but only if you see Jesus for who He really is. When Jesus, the King of Kings, was born, King Herod felt intimidated and tried to eliminate the threat to his kingdom. What’s your response to Jesus? You can ignore Him, feel threatened by Him, or choose to follow and experience the wholeness He h…
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If you ever felt like you didn’t fit into church or God wasn’t for you, you aren’t alone. The shepherds in the Bible were the first to hear the news of the birth of Jesus. The “lowly” shepherds, as they’re sometimes referred to, were not important, high-powered people. Had Jesus been born in a castle or fortress, He would only be accessible to a se…
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In week 2 of our Christmas series, we look at how we can focus on the goodness of God in the busyness of the season or the chaos of our lives. Jesus’ birth came at a most inconvenient time—or so Mary thought. Right before the birth of Jesus, His parents, Mary and Joseph, had to journey from Nazareth to Bethlehem, and by the time they arrived, there…
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Christmas is an exciting time of year, filled with food, lights, traditions, connection, and gifts. But in the midst of the holiday season, we can forget that Jesus is God’s gift to us, and He offers us many gifts, too: peace, strength, companionship and direction. It’s easy to become fixated on the gifts, forgetting about the Giver. What happens w…
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Here comes the fruit of the spirit some of us really don’t want to talk about: ‘self-control’. Why is self-control sometimes so hard? And what benefits can we draw from this fruit of the spirit to help our own lives and those of others? The Holy Spirit can help empower us to be masters over our own desires and destructive impulsivity. Pastor Dave c…
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The Holy Spirit, using the fruit of the spirit called ‘faithfulness’ equips and empowers us to become trustworthy users of our thoughts, time, energy, and resources. By being faithful, we can most effectively use all of those things at our disposal to reflect the love of God in our embattled world.
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Gentleness is a fruit of the spirit that we think we get, right? But how exactly can our being gentle, or using gentleness, bring us closer to living our lives like Jesus? And doesn’t that just make us weak? Through the Holy Spirit, we’re empowered to live lives of humility, using our power, strength, and influence to benefit others. Does that soun…
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Which fruit of the spirit is probably the hardest to understand or define? Could it be ‘goodness’? We know what it means to be a good kid, or a generally good person, but ‘goodness’ feels a little more intangible. And it’s not just about doing a good deed, or being good natured. As Pastor Shawn explains this week, the Holy Spirit empowers us to liv…
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Let’s look at the fruit of the spirit known as kindness. Why is kindness important as a fruit of the spirit? Because the kindness of God is an incredibly powerful force against injustice and cruelty. And when our world feels so full of injustice, we can work to restore the brokenness with our kindness.…
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