Ecclesia ציבורי
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Diskutujeme o aktuálním dění a současných tématech s odborníky, kteří mají k dané problematice co říct. Pojďte se spolu s námi vzdělávat v otázkách souvisejících s vírou a křesťanstvím obecně.
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Wir sind eine Kirche mit Standorten in Roth und Hilpoltstein, in der Menschen neue Hoffnung schöpfen können und bedingungslos angenommen werden; ein Ort, an dem Menschen die Möglichkeit haben, Gott zu begegnen. Die Gottesdienste am Sonntag sind das Highlight der Woche, wir treffen uns um gemeinsam Gott zu feiern, von Gott zu hören und Zeit miteinander zu verbringen. Das Kernstück unserer Gottesdienstes ist die realitätsnahe und praxisorientierte Predigt, durch die jeder von uns herausgeforde ...
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Life-Study of the Bible with Witness Lee is a 30-minute radio broadcast composed of excerpts from Witness Lee's spoken ministry that focuses on the enjoyment of the divine life as revealed in the Scriptures. The ministry portions are followed by a discussion of the portion presented, including questions and answers.
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Ecclesia Arts Radio

Ecclesia Arts Collective

Ecclesia Arts Collective is a group of young men and women eager to serve God and others by using our art platforms to share the Gospel. Follow us on Instagram @ecclesiaartscollective
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Igreja Reformada Ecclesia

Igreja Reformada Ecclesia

Como filhos de Deus, nos submetemos sem reservas ao Seu bom governo. Anunciar o evangelho da Graça ao maior número possível de pessoas; cuidar, ensinar, treinar e enviar aqueles que, soberanamente, forem sendo acrescentados à família de Deus!
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Ecclesia Catholica

Ecclesia Catholica

Bienvenue sur la chaîne Ecclesia Catholica. C'est ici que Etienne Omnès et Maxime Georgel, deux protestants réformés passionnés de théologie, diffusent leur podcast amateur sur l'histoire de l'Église ! Vous pouvez nous retrouver sur notre blog
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ecclesia lewisham

The main work of ecclēsia is to build up the body of Christ by the consistent teaching of the Bible, book-by-book, chapter-by-chapter, verse-by-verse. The worship is simple, focusing on exalting the Lord.
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Comunidad Ecclesia

Comunidad Ecclesia

Somos un grupo de jóvenes de distintas iglesias que nos hemos unido para exaltar el nombre de Jesús, vivir el Evangelio y cultivar amistades centradas en la Palabra de Dios para Su gloria. Conferencia Ecclesia celebra el 500 aniversario de La Reforma Protestante
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This series of messages was part of an exposition of the book of Ecclesiastes by Jim Osman, a pastor at Kootenai Community Church. For more sermon series and verse-by-verse expository preaching, please visit and click on the KCC Audio Archive.
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When all else fails or comes up empty, what are you left with? What gives ultimate and lasting value to our lives? Ecclesiastes helps us to answer those questions in a very real and direct way. Join us this fall as we discover together how it’s truths point us to God through the difficulties of life, not around them.
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Barnabas Piper is an assistant pastor at Immanuel Church in Nashville and is the author or coauthor of several books and small group studies, including The Pastor’s Kid, Help My Unbelief, and Hoping for Happiness. Prior to being called into ministry Barnabas worked in Christian publishing for almost 15 years. He co-hosts the Curious Curmudgeons podcast, writes regularly for He Reads Truth, and has contributed to numerous other websites and publications. Piper speaks regularly at churches, ca ...
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Books 1 and 2. Leviathan, or The Matter, Forme and Power of a Common Wealth Ecclesiasticall and Civil is a book written in 1651 by Thomas Hobbes. The book concerns the structure of society (as represented figuratively by the frontispiece, showing the state giant made up of individuals). In the book, Hobbes argues for a social contract and rule by a sovereign. Influenced by the English Civil War, Hobbes wrote that chaos or civil war – situations identified with a state of nature and the famou ...
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show series
Máme tu advent, dobu očekávání příchodu Ježíše. Připravujeme se na jeho narození v Betlémě, které oslavíme už za několik dní. Proto přinášíme epizodu, kde se věnujeme tématu, které panna Maria v těchto dnech řešila. 💭 Jak se řeší nejčastější problémy párů při početí? Co je nejdůležitější při těhotenství a porodu? Jaký posun nastal v porodnictví opr…
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Será no dia 24 de dezembro que, celebrando o nascimento de Jesus, o Papa Francisco vai abrir a porta santa, um local de peregrinação que é também um convite à mudança pessoal. Este é um dos símbolos do início do Jubileu, um ano santo, um tempo especial para a Igreja que Francisco quis convocar com a tónica da esperança. Vamos procurar perceber que …
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#KonstantinKruse #EcclesiaChurch #OnlineGottesdienst ⬇️ HIER FINDEST DU WEITERE INFOS UND RESSOURCEN ⬇️ ▬ MITSCHRIFT und NACHBESPRECHUNG ▬ Die Bibelstellen zur Predigt und eine Möglichkeit aktiv mitzuschreiben, findest du in der digitalen Predigtmitschrift. Einen Download der Predigt findest du unter den Ressourcen. ✍️ Mitschrift:…
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In this month's episode we interview Dr Laura Sangha (Associate Professor at the University of Exeter) about her research on angels and other supernatural beings. We also hear about her work as a Co-Investigator on the Leverhulme Project 'The Material Culture of Wills, England 1540-1790'. If you would like to volunteer with the project, you can fin…
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In this teaching Trent Walker interviews Ray Eppard on the scary truth about immigration as well as what it truly means to be a Christian Nation. Learn more at my website You can also watch all key podcasts on my YouTube channel,על ידי Ray Eppard
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João Miguel Tavares era jovem quando as parábolas de Jesus e a estética dos Evangelhos começaram a não deixá-lo indiferente. Em novo fugia da catequese, mas jovem o grupo criado pelo professor de EMRC e o movimento Convívios Fraternos marcaram-lhe a vida: deram-lhe amigos e a companheira que lhe mostra todos os dias que mesmo que Deus não exista, E…
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In this teaching Trent Walker interviews Ray Eppard on the issues in the Middle East, as well as other hot topic trending in the U.S. Learn more at my website You can also watch all key podcasts on my YouTube channel,על ידי Ray Eppard
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Tony Neves, na Beira e em InhazóniaAterrei em Maputo terça, com viagem marcada para o Chimoio no dia seguinte. As confusões que paralisam Moçambique, desde que a Comissão Nacional de Eleições atribuiu 70% dos votos à Frelimo e seu candidato presidencial, obrigaram-me a chegar ao aeroporto às 3h da manhã, antes de se bloquearem as ruas. Bem cedo per…
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A Missa do Parto marca a preparação para o Natal e acontece habitualmente ao final da madrugada. Este ano, em Porto santo, as celebrações vão dividir-se entre as duas paróquias: da Piedade e Espírito Santo, já a partir de amanhã, às 6h horas haverá celebração e assim será, alternadamente até ao dia 23. Convidamo-lo a ficar desse lado, vamos convers…
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In this teaching Trent Walker interviews Ray Eppard on the issues in the Middle East, as well as some prophecies be fulfilled. Learn more at my website You can also watch all key podcasts on my YouTube channel,על ידי Ray Eppard
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Quantas vidas se podem contar numa vida é o que vamosdescobrir com Deolinda Machado. Começou a trabalhar aos 12 anos numa empresa têxtil, foi professora, dirigente sindical, vereadora na autarquia de Lisboa, promotora de uma Cooperativa de Solidariedade Social «Os Amigos de Sempre». Pelo meio a luta pelos trabalhadores e a erradicação da pobreza, s…
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A tradição da Igreja católica convida à celebração Imaculada Conceição. Um ferido, que este ano calha durante o fim-de-semana, e que traduz a devoção que o povo tem, com largos séculos de história à mãe de Jesus. Vamos com a professora Teresa Messias procurar perceber o que a devoção trouxe à Igreja, como se reveste de imaculada uma jovem que, diz …
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In this teaching, Trent Walker continues to interview Doobie Sabo on the war in Israel. As well as, many hot topics in the U.S. and how they will affect the world. Learn more at my website You can also watch all my podcasts on my YouTube channel,…
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In this teaching, Trent Walker continues to interview Doobie Sabo on the war in Israel. As well as, many hot topics in the U.S. and how they will affect the world. Learn more at my website You can also watch all my podcasts on my YouTube channel,…
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Tony Neves, em MaputoAterrei em Maputo numa manhã quente, depois de sair gelado de Lisboa e ter, em Luanda, experimentado apenas o ar condicionado do aeroporto. Moçambique está a braços com uma crise política e social que é rescaldo das eleições cujos resultados não foram aceites pela oposição. As muitas manifestações, regra geral violentas, que ma…
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In this teaching, Trent Walker continues to interview Doobie Sabo on the war in Israel. As well as, many hot topics in the U.S. and how they will affect the world. Learn more at my website You can also watch all my podcasts on my YouTube channel,…
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In this teaching, Trent Walker continues to interview Doobie Sabo on the war in Israel. As well as, many hot topics in the U.S. and how they will affect the world. Learn more at my website You can also watch all my podcasts on my YouTube channel,…
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In this teaching, Trent Walker continues to interview Doobie Sabo on the war in Israel. As well as, many hot topics in the U.S. and how they will affect the world. Learn more at my website You can also watch all my podcasts on my YouTube channel,…
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#KonstantinKruse #EcclesiaChurch #OnlineGottesdienst ⬇️ HIER FINDEST DU WEITERE INFOS UND RESSOURCEN ⬇️ ▬ MITSCHRIFT und NACHBESPRECHUNG ▬ Die Bibelstellen zur Predigt und eine Möglichkeit aktiv mitzuschreiben, findest du in der digitalen Predigtmitschrift. Einen Download der Predigt findest du unter den Ressourcen. ✍️ Mitschrift:…
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In this teaching, Trent Walker interviews Doobie Sabo on the war in Israel. As well as, many hot topics in the U.S. and how they will affect the world. Learn more at my website You can also watch all my podcasts on my YouTube channel,על ידי Ray Eppard
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מדריך עזר מהיר