Latest sermons from Kingdom Vineyard, East Fife
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Acts 2:45 What it looks like to live generously, what might prevent us and what steps to take to be more like our generous God.על ידי Morag Steele
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John 15:1-8 This week for our service we had a Youth Takeover and one of our lovely youth group members, Esther, spoke to us about stepping out in faith by remaining in God.על ידי Esther Wright
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Acts 2:42-47, John:20-26 Carrie unpacks what it looks like for a posture of radical community to flow from an understanding of the relational, trinitarian Godעל ידי Carrie Brown
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Acts 2:42-47 These two, of four vital cornerstones of Early Church culture, mean more than they might seem to. Taken together, they redefine the kind of church and people we aspire to be.על ידי Toby Foster
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Acts 2:42, 2 Timothy 3:16-17 Caitlin explores what it could look like to be a church devoted to teaching through looking at the Bible as more than a book, but a transformational meeting place with God.על ידי Caitlin Macdonald
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Acts 2:42-47 Jim talks us through the new sermon series, "spreading out the map" of how we got here, and sharing what we think the Lord is inviting Kingdom Vineyard into in this new season.על ידי Jim Cronin
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Ezekiel 37:1-14 Being filled with the Holy Spirit is being given an intimacy with God - this is a wonderful gift in itself! But, it also brings with it a purpose, as part of His Kingdom Coming, and His power, as He does wonderful things in and through us.על ידי Lucy Clarke
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John 14:8-17 The Holy Spirit is as much God as the Father and the Son, but we understand so little of Him! He not only comes to us to comfort and empower us, He brings us up into the fellowship of the Triune God.על ידי Jesse Duley
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Luke 14:25-35 Jesus is surprisingly, starkly, clear about the costs of becoming His disciple. Jim look at Jesus’ challenging words and how we can learn from them today.על ידי Jim Cronin
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Luke 14:12-24 As Jesus chats with some Pharisees over dinner, He challenges both their table-etiquette … and their whole view of God’s Kingdom!על ידי Toby Foster
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John 4:5-39 The third and final of our “Dwell, Gel, Tell” summer series, Jim talks about “telling” people that God loves them, taking lessons from Jesus conversation with a woman at the well in John 4, and then talks practicalities about our plans for next week.על ידי Jim Cronin
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Community and group evangelism - sometimes we are better together. What Can I Do for You? Bob Dylanעל ידי Carol Foster
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Acts 2:1-13 To open our summer programme on carrying God's light, Carrie unpacks what it means to start our missional activity from a place of dwelling with God.על ידי Carrie Brown
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Luke 14: 1-14 Jesus eats a meal with the Pharisees and confronts them about how they use Scripture as a barrier that keeps people from joining God's Kingdom Table. This raises the question... Are we doing the same?על ידי Tessa Hayashida
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Luke 13:31-35 Jesus often makes decisions that take a lot more than worldly data into account. How can we do this too?על ידי Jesse Duley
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Luke 13:22-30 Jesus urges us away from idle speculation on who's in or out but concentrate on our own efforts to enter the Kingdom. And what to do when life feels like its going off-target.על ידי Morag Steele
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Luke 13:10-21 Jesus confronts religious leaders who, at first glance, seem to be ridiculous. But looking a little more closely, what can we learn from their point of view that can challenge and help our relationship with God, today?על ידי Jim Cronin
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Luke 12:41-53 In this passage Jesus expresses his frustration with leaders of Israel, saying they should know better. What does this warning mean for us today?על ידי Morag Steele
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Luke 12:35-40 In this parable Jesus tells us to be waiting and watching for Him before he comes back again, asking us to seek him first in our everyday lives.על ידי Phoebe Smith
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Luke 12:22-34 When Jesus says "do not worry", is he asking us the impossible? How can we follow his instruction, practically?על ידי Jim Cronin
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Deuteronomy 11:1-7 Guest preacher, Nicky Du Toit, Pastor of East Kilbride Vineyard, shared with us her story with God encouraging us that God is so faithful and kind and reminding us that there is power in our testimony.על ידי Nicky Du Toit
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Luke 12:12-23 Jesus tells us how not to store up treasure in heaven.על ידי Carol Foster
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Luke 12:1-12 The opening of Luke 12, coming just after the battle-lines are drawn between Jesus and the Pharisees, collects some of Jesus’ most important teaching on dealing with opposition, fear, and social pressures.על ידי Toby Foster
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Matthew 6:19-33 Jim shares a brief look at what Jesus says about moneyעל ידי Jim Cronin
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Luke 24:1-13, 33-49 Jim looks out how Jesus’ disciples responded to his rising from the dead, and suggests 4 steps for how we can respond to it, too.על ידי Jim Cronin
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Mark 14:32-42, Luke 22:47-53 Through the Good Friday narrative, Carrie encourages us to embrace the crucified Jesus - the one who was not delivered out of darkness, but through it.על ידי Carrie Brown
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Luke 19:28-46 Palm Sunday is a reminder to keep our eyes on Jesus, the Gentle King, and his way of Peace.על ידי Tessa Hayashida
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Luke 11:45-54 Looking at Jesus’ woes to the experts in the law, we ask the question, how do we respond Jesus when he shines His light into the darker areas of our lives?על ידי Caitlin Macdonald
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Acts 14:19-28 Guest speaker Chuck Freeland, one of the Senior Pastors of Catalyst Vineyard and area leaders of the vineyards in Scotland, asks the question “what does a normal church look like?” and how does our church compare with the normal we see in the scriptures.על ידי Chuck Freeland
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Luke 11:33-44 You can take care of external behaviours without your heart being changed, but having your heart changed will lead to a natural change in external behaviours.על ידי Jesse Duley
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Luke 11:14-26 In the "Beelzebul" controversy, Jesus urges his hearers to choose his side in the war against the darkness.על ידי Jesse Duley
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Luke 11:5-13 Some practical thoughts on persistent prayer. Recommended books: How to Pray, Pete Greig God on Mute, Pete Greig Celebration of Discipline, Richard Foster The Life You've Always Wanted, John Ortberg.על ידי Morag Steele
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Luke 11:1-4 Luke’s version of this famous prayer is much shorter than the one commonly said in churches. Why is that, and how should we respond?על ידי Toby Foster
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Hebrews 12:1-3 Abi, Pastor of the St. Andrews Baptist Church, shared with us what he felt the Lord is saying to our church family in this season. He encouraged us to keep our eyes fixed on Jesus, shedding off anything that is getting our way, as we look to the joy set before us.על ידי Abi Ngunga
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John 1:5 Each year we ask the Lord what He would like our wee church family to focus on for the year. Jim shares what this looks like, why, and what the Lord has given us as an emphasis for 2024.על ידי Jim Cronin
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Luke 10:38-42 Among the all-consuming nature of life, the story of Mary & Martha challenges us to put aside our distractions and our busyness to come and sit at the feet of Jesus.על ידי Caitlin Macdonald
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Luke 10:25-37 The parable of the Good Samaritan is explored through the context of loving God and abiding in him; with particular attention being paid to how we apply this today. The talk includes a video showing the work of a local charity, and an attempt to retell the parable as a children’s story.…
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Isaiah 52:13-53:12 Continuing the theme of holding on to hope looking at the Old Testament prophecy regarding the Suffering Servant which found fulfilment in Jesus.על ידי Morag Steele
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Jeremiah 29:1-14 In the darkest moments of life, we are counselled to acknowledge how hard things are, while clinging fast to the hope we have in God.על ידי Jesse Duley
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Revelation 21:1-27 What is the point of Advent? How can it help our relationship with God? Or how can missing out on advent and going straight to Christmas be a problem for our relationship with God? Jim opens up what Advent is and what we are waiting for, as we wait for God, with God.על ידי Jim Cronin
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Luke 10:17-24 As the disciples return to Jesus with the joy at the thing’s they’ve done, Jesus himself rejoices, and takes another opportunity to teach.על ידי Jesse Duley
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Luke 10:1-16 We can take 9 principles for following Jesus, in our day-to-day lives, from this story of Him sending out 72 of His disciples on a mission trip 2000 years ago. Which of these 9 areas might the Lord be inviting you to readdress today?על ידי Alastair Clarke
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Luke 9:46-62 Up until now in Luke 9 we’ve learnt a lot about who Jesus is. This week we turn to the question that follows, who am I to be in light of who Jesus is?על ידי Caitlin Macdonald
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2 chronicles 7:1-3, 12-18 God’s famous “If my people” promise, at the dedication of Solomon’s Temple remains as relevant and powerful for us today as it was to Ancient Israel then, and has much to teach us about the why and the how of prayer.על ידי Toby Foster
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Psalm 4 The Psalms show us life lived before God. Psalm 4 is a Psalm for the end of the day, giving us a pattern for taking the difficulties and disappointments of the day, landing them not in distraction but devotion and resting in sleep.על ידי Tim Hendry
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Luke 9:37-45 Jesus is exasperated by the disciples "unbelief" as they try to deliver a boy from demonic oppression. Jesus has given us his power and authority, and looks for faith in his followers to "do the stuff" of the Kingdom of God.על ידי Jim Cronin
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Luke 9:28-36 Jesus climbs up a mountain, prays, and gets all shiny. It's a weird story. But it turns out to be an important key to understanding Luke's gospel, the whole Bible, and what God wants for humanityעל ידי Tessa Hayashida
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Luke 9:20-27 Jesus offers a vision of following him that is deeply challenging. Whether it is worth taking on or not depends entirely on one question: who do you say he is?על ידי Jim Cronin
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Luke 9:10-20 In the well-known story of Jesus feeding the 5,000, once we look beyond the obvious, we can see clear evidence of His leadership, His values, and His power-source. Each speaks strongly of the kind of church we aim to be.על ידי Toby Foster
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Luke 9:1-9 Luke's Gospel moves into its third phase, with Jesus' mission now growing exponentially with the gathering, equipping, and sending out of his discipleship group.על ידי Jesse Duley
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