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Take control of your life and money once and for all. The Ramsey Show offers up straight talk from Dave Ramsey and his team of co-hosts. Millions listen in as callers from all walks of life learn how to get out of debt and start building for the future. Check out one of Apple’s most popular podcasts! For more information, visit
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C'est l'exutoire anarchique d'une bande de mélomanes fêlés. C’est une playlist infernale alimentée chaque jour par les obsessions et les découvertes de chacun. L’arbitraire y est roi et on s’y amuse bien : c’est Musique Approximative.
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Bienvenue les amis ! The Easy French podcast was made for you if you love learning French while entertaining yourself with funny and educational content. In it, we explore cultural and day-to-day topics in a light-hearted way. While listening to us, you will learn tons of French expressions, phrases, and even slang to help you grasp French as spoken by the locals! And because we love interacting with French learners, we will also answer your questions and invite you to send us voice messages ...
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🇫🇷 Bonjour ! Je m'appelle Marion, je suis française et j'habite à Paname. Paname, c'est un mot d'argot qui signifie...Paris, oui ! Apprends le français avec Madame à Paname ! Nouvel épisode tous les vendredis Rendez-vous sur pour devenir membre "Podcast PREMIUM" et avoir accès à : ⭐️ la transcription ⭐️ le quiz ⭐️ la fiche de vocabulaire expliqué ✨ et plein d'autres activités... Bonne écoute ! Marion, Madame à Paname YouTube : Ins ...
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The Blackjack Apprenticeship Podcast

Blackjack Apprenticeship

Everyone wants to beat the casino. Hear from those who actually have. From practical tips and hard earned wisdom to epic stories of blackjack careers that went far better than expected, the Blackjack Apprenticeship podcast is for anyone interested in blackjack, card counting, or just ”sticking it to the man.”
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Apptivate is a show that explains app marketing, one expert at a time. It's produced by retargeting specialist Remerge, focusing on the challenges and advancements in the ever-evolving world of mobile marketing. Every week, we interview marketing game-changers and app experts to share industry insights and real-life lessons, covering optimization, incrementality, creative strategy, data science, and more. Subscribe now to stay on the cutting edge of app marketing strategy.
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Apprenticeship 2.0

Reach University

Apprenticeship 2.0 is a twice-monthly, national podcast covering the ever-changing landscape of apprenticeship. The podcast explores the latest industry trends and uncovers the most significant innovative strategies, success stories, and best practices in the field. Our target audience is anyone intrigued by apprenticeships, including students, working professionals, educators, and creative strategists in the evolving job market. Our guests include thought leaders, industry professionals, ed ...
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«Réussite Appro, Secrets Partagés avec Claudine Fyfe - Un balado de Fynlam

Claudine Fyfe, le Balado qui fait rayonner la profession approvisionnement !

Pourquoi lancer ce Balado? - Pour propulser la fonction d’approvisionnement au sommet de la stratégie organisationnelle des entreprises et; - Pour favoriser la reconnaissance envers les professionnels et les experts qui la dynamisent ! Professionnels des achats et dirigeants d'entreprises en quête d'excellence, joignez-vous à nous ! Grâce à l'expertise d'intervenants clés de divers horizons, des secteurs privé et public, nous améliorons la performance, amplifions la reconnaissance et stimulo ...
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Low Code Approach


As more and more organizations continue to adopt low code as a standard practice for solution development, information technology professionals find themselves learning new skills, translating professional development skills into low code tools and implementing governance and service management strategies. Learn from Microsoft MVPs, Microsoft Product team members, and Microsoft Power Platform users how they approached building solutions using Microsoft Power Platform.
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Welcome to Law & Life: The Levoritz Approach where experienced attorney Yoni Levoritz brings his innovative and holistic approach to the forefront of family law. This podcast, hosted by Kevin Rosenquist, offers practical legal insights and compassionate guidance and dives into the critical issues impacting families in New York.
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APP Podcasts

Values Consulting

"Na szefa powołuje cię rada nadzorcza, na lidera – serca i umysły ludzi” - John Adair. Żeby być sobą w roli Lidera, najpierw trzeba "być kimś". Sednem programu Akademii Psychologii Przywództwa jest poznanie modeli autentycznego przywództwa i osobisty trening w zakresie stawania się naturalnym autorytetem. W podcaście APP rozmawiamy o wszystkim tym, co pomaga w realizacji tego celu. Akademia Psychologii Przywództwa to studium podyplomowe dla doświadczonych przedsiębiorców i menadżerów, główny ...
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Vous pouvez télécharger l'intégralité du cours sur notre site Web : « LinguaBoost Espagnol » est un cours audio pour les débutants ou pour tous ceux qui ont du mal à maîtriser l'espagnol. L'objectif de ce cours est de pratiquer l'espagnol conversationnel dès la toute première leçon. Chaque leçon contient des phrases quotidiennes utiles liées à un sujet spécifique.
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Brianna Approved

Dr. Brianna Diorio

A lifestyle podcast dedicated to bringing you real science & clinical research about all things health, nutrition, botanicals and balance. Approaching complex subject matters with directness and humor. Hosted by Dr. Brianna Diorio—Integrative Medicine PhD, Clinical Nutritionist MS, Holistic Lifestyle Coach, FDN, Herbal Practitioner, NASM CPT.
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Die lädt regelmäßig spannende Gäste aus der Welt der App- und Webentwicklung zum Gespräch ein. Es geht um neue Technologien, unsere liebsten Tools und unsere Erfahrungen aus dem Entwickler-Alltag mit all seinen Problemen und Lösungswegen. Euer Input ist uns wichtig! Schreibt uns eure Themenwünsche und Feedback per Mail an oder auf Twitter (@programmierbar), Instagram ( oder Facebook ( Wir sind Full-Stack-S ...
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Approaching Schools

Cerys Keneally

Tips for children's activity providers who want to learn how to approach schools and nurseries without cold calling so they can grow their business, earn a more stable income and have a bigger impact on children's lives. LoveAdmin are proud sponsors of the Approaching Schools Podcast. Save time and step up your admin software. Take your organisation to the next level with the only provider of advanced booking and club management software, with multi-award winning growth consultancy and perso ...
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show series
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In this podcast, you'll discover why app localization is the most overlooked strategy for instantly increasing revenue. We’ll break down key strategies for localizing keywords, screenshots, pricing, and overall app content—showing you how they can dramatically boost downloads, engagement, and monetization. You will discover (Talking points): 📌 Why …
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As gravações no carro. O mau negócio por uma parvoíce. O gozo todas as manhãs. E a cabeça especial de Rui Ramos. Segredos e bastidores dos podcasts mais ouvidos em Portugal, contados pelos próprios autores, na semana em que saiu o primeiro ranking nacional. See for privacy information.…
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Large Language Models, kurz LLMs, sind mittlerweile fester Bestandteil im Alltag vieler Entwickler:innen. Aber auch abseits davon halten sie Einzug in immer mehr Produkte – in Form von Chatbots, intelligenten Suchen oder gar selbständig agierenden Agenten. Allzu oft wird bei derartigen Integrationen aber zu wenig auf Sicherheit geachtet. In unserem…
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1 What's Picking Cotton "Picking Cotton" is a powerful memoir by Jennifer Thompson-Cannino and Ronald Cotton that explores themes of justice, wrongful conviction, and the impact of trauma. The book recounts Jennifer's harrowing experience of being raped and her subsequent identification of Ronald Cotton as her assailant, which led to his wrongful c…
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Ania Mils to doświadczona trenerka Porozumienia Bez Przemocy (NVC) i nauczycielka mindfulness, która od 20 lat popularyzuje te idee w Polsce. W rozmowie ze Sławkiem Błaszczakiem opowiada o tym, jak podejście NVC ewoluowało przez lata oraz jak rosnąca społeczność trenerów wpływa na edukację i biznes. Rozmawiamy o wyzwaniach emocjonalnych liderów, za…
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ToXSL Technologies is a renowned mobile app development company in Australia, offering cutting-edge solutions for startups and enterprises. With expertise in iOS, Android, and cross-platform development, ToXSL Technologies delivers high-performance, user-friendly, and scalable applications tailored to business needs. Our team of skilled developers,…
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As the founder and CEO of Yodel Mobile, an international app marketing agency based in London, Mick Rigby brings over 20 years of experience in the industry. In this episode, Mick shares his insights on the evolution of mobile marketing and his approach to today’s greatest industry hurdles, from creative development and AI, to testing channels and …
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With project management and quality assurance, nothing signifies success more than a seamless project handover. A structured approach to ensure all aspects of a Project Completion Report meet predetermined standards beforehand is essential. This is where a Final Inspection Checklist comes into play, serving as a comprehensive tool for verifying pro…
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The canteen’s noodle dish went viral on social media. Read the episode transcript by joining the Learn English with Ben fan club. You'll get access to transcripts and quizzes plus other bonus content. Visit for more information and to join now. Patreon: - For transcripts, comprehension…
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Join us for a deep dive into Change Management Models and Theories! In this episode, we explore Kotter’s 8-Step Process, Lewin’s Change Model, and the ADKAR framework—unpacking strategies to lead and support change effectively in education. Tune in for insights, reflections and practical takeaways! 🎙️ #ChangeManagement #EducationLeadership…
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Neu: Unser Short-Dive-Format! Du willst schnell verstehen, worum es in unseren Deep-Dive-Folgen geht? Dann ist der Short Dive genau das Richtige! In weniger als 5 Minuten bekommst du einen kompakten Überblick. Ideal, um zu entscheiden, ob du tiefer eintauchen möchtest. Wir hoffen, dass dich dieses Format für neue Themen begeistert – vielleicht soga…
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Vous pouvez télécharger la fiche de ce cours en cliquant ici. Dans cet épisode, nous explorons les nombreuses utilisations du verbe "take" en anglais, avec des exemples concrets pour chaque situation. Que ce soit pour prendre un taxi, accompagner quelqu'un, faire une pause ou passer un examen, "take" est un verbe incontournable ! 📚✈️🎤 👉 Écoutez jus…
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Send Us A Message! Let us know what you think. Topic #1: RNZ 26th of February - Refixing borrowers swamp banks Topic #2: NZ Adviser 27th of February - Report reveals gender gaps in NZ property ownership Topic #3: NZ Herald 24th of February - Waiting to fix mortgages in 2026 could cost borrowers more, interest rate analyst says Topic #4: NZ Herald 2…
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🎙 Découvrez ou redécouvrez l'expression "J'ai le moral dans les chaussettes 🧦" et pratiquez votre français à l'oral ! 🎯 Passez au niveau supérieur en français ! Rejoignez le cours de français général de l’Académie de français en ligne de Madame à Paname ! 🗣️ Petits groupes (3-6 étudiants) 📈 Niveau intermédiaire et avancé 🧑‍💻 En ligne (Zoom) 🇫🇷 Prof…
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The 30 year old sat through 25 minutes of adverts for upcoming films, homeware, mobile phones, and cars before the movie began. Read the episode transcript by joining the Learn English with Ben fan club. You'll get access to transcripts and quizzes plus other bonus content. Visit for more information and to join now.…
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Get ready to explore the stories behind some of the most iconic and innovative apps that have shaped the mobile landscape! We’re here with App Masters Greatest Hits—a 10-episode series where we’ll journey back in time to uncover the successes, challenges, and game-changing moments that made these apps truly distinguished. In this episode, we’re joi…
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Featuring Adam Collett from Bridgwater and Taunton College, this podcast looks into the issue of sustainability in schools and educational settings. The conversation with Adam lifts the lid on legislation, including global perspectives, and suggests strategies for building sustainability into the educational sector.…
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1 What's Braving the Wilderness In "Braving the Wilderness," Brené Brown explores the importance of belonging and authenticity in an increasingly disconnected world. She argues that true belonging requires us to be vulnerable and courageous, advocating for the necessity of embracing one's individuality while fostering genuine connections with other…
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Dans cette leçon, vous apprendrez les phrases suivantes : Comment était la fête ? / La fête était super. / Nous avons tous passé du bon temps. / C'était ennuyant. / Je suis parti tôt. / Je suis resté longtemps. / Nous avons dansé pendant plusieurs heures. / On devrait recommencer un de ces quatre.על ידי LinguaBoost
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The artists protesting include Annie Lennox, Damon Albarn, and Kate Bush. Read the episode transcript by joining the Learn English with Ben fan club. You'll get access to transcripts and quizzes plus other bonus content. Visit for more information and to join now. Patreon: - For transc…
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Les mots magiques "bonjour", "merci" et "bonne journée"... plutôt basique, non ? Les règles pour boire comme un Français 🍷, dire "vous" ou "tu", faire ou non du small talk 💬... c'est plus subtil ! Découvrez les habitudes et les règles implicites qui permettent aux Français de bien vivre ensemble ! Interactive Transcript and Vocab Helper Get interac…
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Die Themen der letzten zwei Wochen im AI-Umfeld: Grok 3 wurde von xAI veröffentlicht und die Benchmarks angezweifelt Bolt kann jetzt auch App Store Apps bauen Visual Edits sind neu in Lovable – damit lassen sich kleine visuelle Änderungen ohne Prompt umsetzen Mit Google AI co-scientist gibt es ein neues Tool für Wissenschaftler:innen, um mit einem …
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Everyone is preparing for this weekend's Bootcamp, let's dig into the archives and check out jcrox111 for those who weren't around in 2019 to hear it the first time. Winning 150k from one local casino, getting comped a 2019 Mercedes and a $14,000 European Cruise. jcrox111 is a professional card counter. In this interview we discuss: – Winning 150k …
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Send Us A Message! Let us know what you think. Topic #1: NZHerald 18th of February - Property investors eye short-term rentals for higher yields Topic #2: 19th of February - Auckland's median price dropped $51,000 in January, national median down $30,000 Topic #3: RNZ19th of February - All major banks cut interest rates after officia…
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1 What's A Gentle Reminder "A Gentle Reminder" by Bianca Sparacino is a reflective collection of poems that emphasizes self-love, resilience, and healing. The book encourages readers to embrace their worth, confront emotional struggles, and find solace in understanding their experiences. Through poignant language and relatable themes, Sparacino off…
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Breaking Down Cal AI – The Calorie Tracker App Making $800K/Year Cal AI has taken off, pulling in over $800K a year with 300K+ downloads – but how are they doing it? In this teardown, I’ll break down: ✅ Cal AI's onboarding flow — what they are doing right ✅ Their paywall strategy and areas for improvement ✅ Some great tools to guesstimate their str…
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1 What's Living with a SEAL "Living with a SEAL" by Jesse Itzler explores the transformative journey of the author as he invites a former Navy SEAL, David Goggins, to live with him for a month. The book intertwines humor and self-discovery as Itzler shares his experiences facing physical and mental challenges that push him beyond his limits. Throug…
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