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António Raminhos, casado desde o Paleolítico Inferior e pai de 3 filhas; Luís Filipe Borges, à beira do divórcio e pai de dois pequenotes; Marco Horácio recém-casado com uma mulher 20 anos mais nova, pai de um latagão que acaba de entrar na maioridade… e de uma bebé de 2. Três comediantes a discutir a vida “de forma sincera”.
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C ce soir

France Télévisions

Karim Rissouli, accompagné de Laure Adler et Camille Diao, présente ce rendez-vous où les idées sont les vedettes, des idées qui éclairent l’actualité et la complexité du monde. « Débattre, c’est argumenter pour ne pas se battre », Étienne Klein, physicien et philosophe des sciences. Telles sont la philosophie générale et l’ambition de C ce soir.
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FIP met le cinéma sur écoute et invite les auditeurs à une balade dans l’imaginaire musical d’un cinéaste, d’un genre ou d’un compositeur de musique de films. Rendez-vous sur l'application Radio France pour découvrir tous les autres épisodes.
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No Ponto Certo

Cobrador Júlio Cesar

Sou Júlio César, cobrador do transporte público coletivo de passageiros, e vou te levar no meu podcast No Ponto Certo em uma viagem pelos diversos contos que acontecem ao longo do percurso até o destino final.
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Stasera c’è Cattelan esplode e diventa Supernova, cioè un vivace e avvincente podcast di interviste a personaggi straordinari o – come preferisce definirlo il suo conduttore Alessandro Cattelan – l’ennesimo podcast. Lunghe conversazioni dirette e informali che spaziano dai più insignificanti dettagli della quotidianità alle riflessioni sul senso della vita.
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KG Certified

All The Smoke Productions

KG CERTIFIED is a series hosted by Hall of Fame NBA legend, Kevin Garnett. Garnett traverses the sports landscape to bring you unparalleled sit-downs with the biggest stars and most influential power brokers in the industry. Plus, KG is joined weekly by former teammate and Hall Of Famer Paul Pierce to break down the latest in the NBA in TICKET & THE TRUTH.
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Buscando Certeza

Gonzalo Perilhou

Buscando Certeza es un podcast en donde exploramos la naturaleza de la realidad utilizando tecnologías budistas. El programa es presentado por Gonzalo Perilhou quien estudió filosofía budista y el idioma tibetano un largo tiempo en Nepal. En este podcast nos sumergiremos en la riqueza de la filosofía budista explorando la meditación y las profundidades de la espiritualidad de oriente.
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Reasonably Certain

Ellen Larson

Welcome to Reasonably Certain with Ellen Larson! Ellen covers topics she has learned about throughout her 20's such as mental health, body image, makeup, fashion, and living abroad. Ellen offers insights and tips to promote emotional well-being, encourage self-acceptance and confidence, perfecting your makeup routine, and advice about living abroad. Overall, Reasonably Certain provides a comprehensive approach to self-care, confidence, and empowerment. Make sure to leave a review and share t ...
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Lafiya Jari ce

RFI Hausa

Shirin Lafiya Jari ce na tattaunawa da likitoci da mahukunta a game da kiyon lafiyar jama’a, sanin sabbin magunguna da binciken kimiya ya samar. Ana gabatar da shirin a ranar Littinin da hantsi, tare da maimaici a ranar Jumma'a da safe.
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CE Podcasts for Nurses

Elite Learning by Colibri Healthcare

Listen, Learn, and Earn CE Hours with Elite Learning. Elite Learning is among the first to bring you nursing podcasts that are part of an accredited continuing education activity. With real-world examples, interviews with subject matter experts, practical insights, and the opportunity to earn nursing CE hours- we’re taking learning to the next level. Subscribe and never miss a chance to listen, learn, and earn nursing CE. Learn more at elitelearning.com/podcast
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NP Certification Q&A

Fitzgerald Health Education Associates

Welcome to NP Certification Q&A presented by Fitzgerald Health Education Associates. This podcast is for NP students studying to pass their NP certification exam. Getting to the correct test answers means breaking down the exam questions themselves. Expert Fitzgerald faculty clinicians share their knowledge and experience to help you dissect the anatomy of a test question so you can better understand how to arrive at the correct test answer. So, if you’re ready, let’s jump right in.
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Adesso ci trovate a questo indirizzo: https://www.spreaker.com/show/la-biblioteca-che-non-ce Oppure su Spotify qui: https://open.spotify.com/show/1rTvVLyk5AOCoXsBljMpMD Seguici anche su Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCb2etJfurlwy3wp-PW8MXig Per donazioni - https://ko-fi.com/bibliotecachenon Per abbonamenti - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCb2etJfurlwy3wp-PW8MXig/join
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Un certain goût pour le noir est le podcast qui explore le polar et le thriller sous toutes ses formes ! Toutes les semaines, écoutez avec nous votre genre favori en littérature, au cinéma, dans les séries ou les bandes dessinées. Un podcast produit par Bepolar.fr (https://www.bepolar.fr/) et animé par Jérôme Vincent Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez ausha.co/fr/politique-de-confidentialite pour plus d'informations.
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Chaque dimanche, découvrez une facette inédite des invités de Didier Barbelivien, auteur-compositeur-interprète emblématique, dans son émission Dis-moi ce que tu chantes. À travers cinq chansons qui ont marqué leur vie, les invités se dévoilent et partagent des souvenirs intimes, des moments clés et des émotions fortes. Une rencontre authentique où la musique devient le fil conducteur pour explorer leur parcours personnel et professionnel. Que vous soyez passionné de musique, amateur de conf ...
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La foi vient de ce que l'on entend

Jean Sebastien Morin

La foi vient de ce que l'on entend est un podcast évangélique francophone qui traite de la formation de disciple de tous les âges ainsi que de comment vivre en tant que chrétien au 21ème siècle. Il est animé par Jean-Sébastien Morin, pasteur, auteur, philosophe et conférencier québécois. Vous pouvez trouvez plus d'outils sur sa plateforme : www.missionnel.org
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Certified Forgotten


Certified Forgotten is a 60-minute biweekly podcast with a focus on underseen horror films. Hosts Matthew Monagle (@mattmonagle) and Matt Donato (@DoNatoBomb) speak with creators, filmmakers, and critics about their lifelong relationships to the horror genre. Each episode also highlights another unique genre title with ten-or-fewer reviews on aggregator site Rotten Tomatoes. Previous guests include April Wolfe (screenwriter, Black Christmas); Tyler MacIntyre (writer-director, Tragedy Girls); ...
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A Certain Age

Katie Fogarty

A Certain Age is an age-positive podcast that helps you live your best, evolving midlife. We know the only constant is change. Kids grow. Jobs come and go. What it takes to be fit, healthy, happy, and fulfilled looks waaaay different than it did in our thirties and forties. Amp up your midlife with expert tips, tools, and resources to help with the hard stuff and light you up about what’s next. Pop in your AirPods and spend time with women just like you who are knocking it out of the midlife ...
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Certified Yappers

Christina, Jose Miguel, Christabel

Three siblings Christina, Miguel, and Christabel taking our yapping to a podcast because our family is tired of listening to us from family stories to viral news and everything in between come have a yap session with us.
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Six Figure Certified

The IGC Coaching School

Your go-to spot for expert advice on growing your coaching business, mastering your mindset, and turning your passion into profit, all while working for yourself, but not by yourself. More at: innerglowcircle.com/becomeacoach. Join us every week for inspiring conversations with Six-Figure Certified coaches, top service providers, and successful online business owners. Get ready to embark on this amazing journey with us, learn how to GLOW – achieve your Greatest Level of Want – and make money ...
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Reprendre le contrôle sur tout ce qui se dit autour de l’intelligence artificielle, voilà pourquoi nous avons créé ce podcast IA pas que la Data ! Tous les mois, nous aurons le plaisir d’accueillir des experts de l’IA, de la data et de la tech, qui nous partageront leur opinion et regard critique sur cette révolution. Technophiles, ce podcast vous apportera un éclairage sur ce qui se cache derrière l’IA et vous permettra de prendre de la hauteur sur ce que l’on entend quotidiennement. #IA #GenAI
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Changing the menopause narrative with Women of a Certain Stage - the global authority in menopause advocacy, workplace, education, and empowerment. Hosted by Lauren Chiren, internationally multi award winning menopause expert, speaker. This podcast is dedicated to shattering outdated narratives, amplifying real voices, and driving meaningful change in how menopause is understood and supported, at work and beyond. We believe that by normalising the conversation and equipping individuals, busi ...
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show series
Dans C CE SOIR, la réalité de la menace russe au coeur du débat politique… Emmanuel MACRON exagère-t-il la menace comme le lui reprochent ses opposants ou est-il au contraire “lucide” face au danger venu de Moscou ? Ceux qui lui reprochent d’être dans la “surenchère de la peur” sont-ils eux-mêmes “lucides” ou au contraire aveuglés voire, par ricoch…
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Envoies un texto à La Foi vient de ce que l'on entend! Il y a toutes sortes de transitions pastorales : celles où tout va bien, celles ou tout semble mal aller et celles qui sont un peu entre les deux. La Bible a-t-elle quelque chose à nous dire sur les transitions pastorales ? Y a-t-il un modèle à privilégier ? Que penser du modèle où on recherche…
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This is episode 2 of the series: Gender Bias in Healthcare: Consequences and Solutions Gender bias in healthcare can lead to significant disparities in patient care and outcomes. Understanding and addressing gender bias is essential for healthcare professionals to provide equitable and effective care. This podcast series aims to empower healthcare …
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A wannan makon shirin na lafiya jari ce ya mayar da hankali kan cutar kuturta ko kuma Lebrosy ko albaras, cutar da Hukumar Lafiya ta Duniya WHO ke ganin sam bai kamata a samu ɓirɓishinta a banƙasa ba. Rayuwar masu wannan lalura ta kuturta rayuwa ce mai cike da ban tausai, musamman waɗanda ke killace a asibitin na Bela wanda Turawan mishan daga Neth…
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Com'è la vita di Damiano David oggi? Come trascorre le sue giornate a Los Angeles? Come sta andando il progetto solista? Queste e altre risposte in un episodio "sanremese" di Supernova, in cui si scoprono, tra l'altro, anche la sua passione per l'ordine e per Baldur's Gate. Colonna sonora di questa puntata secondo noi: (I Can't Get No) Satisfaction…
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Suite au succès de l'épisode "récap 2024 / Bilan 2025", Pierre et Thomas vous proposent un tout nouveau format : IA de l'actu. Une discussion autour des actualités IA du mois. Au programme de ce premier épisode : Retour sur les rencontres tech de Pierre à San Francisco : Comment le software est bouleversé par l'IA. L'exemple de Lovable. World Summi…
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Bonjour à toutes et à tous Bienvenu dans le journal du polar du 3 mars 2025 toute l'actu du polar en trois minutes, top chrono. C'est le journal d'un certain goût pour le noir, le podcast de Bepolar. Et l'info de la semaine a été la disparition de Gene Hackman. Les corps sans vie de l'acteur et de sa femme Betsy Arakawa ont été retrouvés dans leur …
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No Ponto Certo: Contos de um Cobrador de Ônibus, chegamos à terceira e última parte deste primeiro episódio, dedicado à luta diária de uma verdadeira guerreira no mercado de trabalho. O episódio destaca as desigualdades sociais enfrentadas pelas mulheres e a resistência contínua por condições mais justas e dignas. Neste Dia Internacional da Mulher,…
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Neste episódio, seguimos com a inspiradora história de uma mulher corajosa que deixou sua cidade natal no Piauí há 20 anos, em busca de uma vida melhor em Brasília. Motivada pela música de Renato Russo, ela enfrentou desafios sociais e econômicos para conquistar sua casa ao lado do marido. Exploramos a desigualdade de gênero no mercado de trabalho,…
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Este episódio homenageia a força, a resiliência e a determinação de mulheres que enfrentam desafios diários para manter seu espaço na sociedade. Mergulhe na história de um cobrador de ônibus e uma mulher notável que, apesar das exaustivas demandas da vida diária, luta por um futuro melhor. Testemunhe sua jornada, destacando o espírito implacável da…
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Atenção, ouvintes! Vem aí o No Ponto Certo, o podcast que vai te levar nas histórias do dia a dia de um cobrador. Na estreia, vamos falar sobre uma mulher nordestina que saiu do estado do Piauí para capital do Brasil almejando uma qualidade de vida melhor. E você não vai querer perder! Fique ligado! Dia 08 de março de 2025. Quem aí já está ansioso?…
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Aujourd'hui, place à la BD. Nous avons découvert il y a peu avec Jessica, un super blog sur la BD polar. Et ne vous y trompez pas, c'est un genre majeur. Ce blog s'appelle bedepolar et depuis 2009 il décortique les albums qui mettent le noir à l'honneur. Son tenancier s'appelle Frédéric PRILLEUX, aussi rédacteur des rubriques BD des revues 813 et L…
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Are you one of the millions of women battling debilitating migraines? This episode is your guide to understanding the surprising connection between your hormones and those crushing headaches. Join host Katie Fogarty as she speaks with Dr. Nada Hindiyeh, former Stanford neurology professor and founder of Haven Headache and Migraine Center, who revea…
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We're doing something a little different this week for Certified Forgotten! It's South by Southwest time for the Matts, as they check out the slate of cinematic offerings at Austin's biggest film festival. In honor of SXSW, Donato and Monagle have picked some of their favorite festival titles, old and upcoming. It's easy for festival films to fall …
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Getting in the Ides Of March spirit the Noonas decided to get the Hit List back together to discuss a favourite genre of theirs- Murder! They get into their history with crime dramas, and give some of their favourite dramas in the genre. Check out the episode to find out what your next murder show might be! Episode Post: https://bit.ly/3XGMEwf We’d…
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This is episode 1 of the series: Gender Bias in Healthcare: Consequences and Solutions Gender bias in healthcare can lead to significant disparities in patient care and outcomes. Understanding and addressing gender bias is essential for healthcare professionals to provide equitable and effective care. This podcast series aims to empower healthcare …
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Bonjour à toutes et à tous Bienvenu dans le journal du polar du 10 mars 2025 toute l'actu du polar en trois minutes, top chrono. Les fans d’Agatha vont bientôt avoir une nouvelle série à dévorer. Intitulée Towards Zero et produite par la plateforme BritBox, elle vient de dévoiler sa bande-annonce pour sa première saison. C’est l’adaptation de son r…
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Which of the following is most consistent with the clinical presentation of a person with folate-deficiency anemia? A. A 45-year-old woman with uterine fibroids, menorrhagia and a microcytic, hypochromic anemia with elevated RDW B. A 35-year-old woman with newly diagnosed systemic lupus and a normocytic, normochromic anemia with NL RDW C. A 40-year…
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Chaque lundi, dans un nouveau "Face Camille", retrouvez une interview de Camille Diao face à face avec un ou une invité(e). Cette semaine, c'est Jadd Hilal. L'écrivain d'origine palestinienne est régulièrement invité sur le plateau de C Ce Soir. Il revient sur l'exil de sa famille et sa volonté de porter la voix des Palestiniens dans le débat publi…
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durée : 00:56:41 - Certains l'aiment Fip - À l'occasion de sa présence au Festival de la Cinémathèque, nous sommes en compagnie du réalisateur de "Predator", "Die Hard", "Last Action Hero" ou "Le 13ème guerrier" pour évoquer sa carrière glorieuse puis tumultueuse et les musiques de ses films d'action devenus des modèles du genre.…
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EP #36: Ellen has been feeling a little run down and overwhelmed and on top of that... got ghosted by TWO dates. But at least we can enjoy the fruits of TV... thank you Love is Blind and The White Lotus! FOLLOW ELLEN: https://www.instagram.com/larsonellen/ https://www.tiktok.com/@larsonellen https://www.youtube.com/c/ellenn https://bento.me/ellenn …
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Send us a text 1975 CBC Classmate Chief Kerry Hogan talking about the upcoming 50th Class Reunion , his career in the fire-service and about fire-safety at home , in-public & at work .... Be aware & make others aware .על ידי Kevin Whalen
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KG and Paul are back at it on the latest TICKET & THE TRUTH, and they’re bringing the heat! This time, they kick things off by recapping the first episode of the brand new Celtics City doc on MAX, and of course, they react to the tough news about Kyrie Irving’s injury. Then, the guys dive into the drama brewing in Phoenix between Devin Booker and C…
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It’s awards season once again, and once again, Guys of a Certain Age podcast has taken itself out of the running - The Guys want to give everyone else a chance. But who knows, maybe a surprise winner will emerge, just as in every single other awards show that some people still watch. Art watched a few clips of the SAG-AFTRA awards and Jay watched a…
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En este episodio, exploramos la vida y obra de Jamgön Mipham Namgyal Gyatso (1846-1912), uno de los maestros más influyentes del budismo tibetano y figura clave en la revitalización de la escuela Nyingma. Mipham Rinpoche no solo fue un erudito y practicante excepcional, sino que también estableció un marco racional para la enseñanza de Dzogchen, in…
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We look back at the first season of Skeleton Crew! Topics include: Charismatic Jude Law made us root for him right til the end The kids were portrayed brilliantly From the cold open to Jod sharing bits of his childhood, great moments throughout! How does the show being well-received impact the future of Star Wars programming? In our Question of the…
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En direct sur France 5, après le feu vert des 27 pays de l’Union européenne pour la mise en place du grand plan de réarmement de l’Europe à 800 milliards d’euros… Nous allons en débattre avec nos invités : ce vote, à l’unanimité, signe-t-il le réveil militaire et stratégique de l’Europe après le grand revirement des Américains ? Ces milliards vont-…
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Send us a text St.Mary"s SouthSide Catholic needs financial donations and whale certified is on the books as a monthly contributor ..... join us as we make it a mission to be about the best for the best [314] 481-8400 to start today , thru Lent and infinity . the UNION Apprenticeship Program with over 18 different Trades after Graduation along with…
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Send us a text Women in The Construction Trades & Women in Labor salute Journeyman Insulator Gina Walsh for her life to the Labor Movement & 50yrs. of Service to her community & fellow workers . " An injury to one is an injury to all "על ידי Kevin Whalen
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Send us a text Gina Walsh has made the grade to be admired by many thru her love of work & family . The Community of Just people are grateful to live in the time of my friend & Great Missouri Labor Leader Gina Walsh ........Happy St.Patrick's Day to u and yoursעל ידי Kevin Whalen
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You’re doing all the “right” things – posting on social media, networking, offering free sessions – but clients aren’t showing up. So you start wondering if people even want what you have to offer. Sound familiar? If your marketing strategy seems fine to you, that’s probably because there’s nothing wrong with it. You’re probably just looking in the…
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En direct sur France 5, après l’allocution d’Emmanuel MACRON, qui a revêtu ce soir ses habits de chef de guerre… Jamais le président n’avait été aussi clair sur la menace russe, une menace pour la France, l’entrée dans une nouvelle ère” qui entraîne “des changements irréversibles”... Alors cette prise de parole aura-t-elle permis à la fois de rassu…
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מדריך עזר מהיר

האזן לתוכנית הזו בזמן שאתה חוקר