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Continuing our rewatch of Series 2 brings us the long awaited two-part return of... Pete Tyler! Also I guess the Cybermen... whatever Boomer (scoffs)... Whilst “Rise of the Cybermen” lands us in an alt-universe London where their Rose is a dog, Mickey is gay, and our Doctor reunites with his Potterverse father. “The Age of Steel” kills off alt-Jack…
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Next up on our NewWho re-watch are arguably the two best episodes of series two. First is “School Reunion” where current companion Rose gets a ‘chip’ on her shoulder when she and the Doctor bump into past companion Sarah Jane. Awkward... Then we travel to the 51st century where a bickering Rose and Mickey nearly get harvested for spare parts whilst…
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After concluding our Eccleston re-watch, we now begin our David Tennant reexamination. First up is “The Christmas Invasion” where a practically comatose Doctor saves the planet from said invasion... all whilst it’s just another day for the majority of the planet. Followed by "New Earth" where the Doctor and Rose visit New Earth (oh... clever...) 23…
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We watch the First Doctor’s second serial featuring their first encounter with the Daleks titled “The Daleks”. But we’re watching the 60th anniversary version which chews up seven black and white 25 minute episodes and then regurgitates out one 75 minute coulorized version that still feels like it contains lots of filler. Whilst said story is being…
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We watch “Joy To The World” (Series 15, Episode 0) where the Doctor exposes their always simmering underlying dickishness to this episode’s titular companion Joy in order to save the world from certain death in the form of an immature Star Seed (takes a deep breath...). Whilst said self-discovery is occurring, the Doctor has a ‘gap year’ with shoul…
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We conclude our Series One re-watch with the Satellite 5 three episode saga... whist also not-coincidentally concluding the ninth Doctor’s saga. First up is “The Long Game” where the Doctor and Rose try to impress new companion (nope) Adam by taking him to the year 200,000 yet need to rescue them all from certain death in the form of Albino Simon P…
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Rejoin us on our re-watch of nearly 20 year old Nu-Who! So on this podcast episode we watch two episodes which happen to be one singular story. First is "The Empty Child" where the Doctor tries to impress Rose by taking her to London during the Blitz whilst rescuing her from certain death in the form of the creepiest preschooler ever. Next is "The …
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Whaaa? We’re rewatching the first season of the Doctor Who reboot? Serially... like you don’t know at this point? So rejoin us yet again as we re-discuss “Dalek” where the Doctor tries to impress Rose by taking Rose to a museum and rescues Rose from certain death in the form of the Doctor’s oldest enemy. Then we regather together to yammer on about…
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We continue our re-watch of series one with the arc featuring the Slitheen family from Raxacoricofallapatorius: “Aliens of London” where the Doctor and Rose watch an alien ship crash into the Thames and need to be rescued from certain death in the form of corpulent farting aliens, “World War Three” where they are rescued from certain death by Micke…
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Join us as we begin a re-watch for the series-one-Christopher-Eccleston-starring Doctor Who reboot. This podcast episode features: “Rose” where the Doctor rescues shop girl Rose Tyler from certain death in the form of CGI plastic and it's army of killer mannequins, “The End of the World” where the Doctor tries to impress Rose by taking her to Earth…
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We watch the last half of “The Five Doctors”, the 20th anniversary special that posits the eternal query: “If Tom Baker can’t be bothered to show up, is it really all that special?” As we ponder that question, the Doctor encounters (yet doesn’t recognize) his childhood bestie, the Doctor encounters phantom companions he shouldn’t know that they sho…
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We watch the first two episodes of the 20th anniversary serial “The Five Doctors” in which the Doctors and their assorted companions get transmatted to the infamous Death Zone on Gallifrey... but none of them actually die? As said surviving is going down, the Doctor acts sexist, the Doctor attends the Brig’s poorly attended retirement party, the Do…
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Now that our podcast locks its bedroom door, ignores us, and calls us ‘stupid’, we give it space to let it explore itself as we discuss Series 14. Whilst said ‘special time’ is occurring (it’s natural... we all do it...), friend-of-the-show-Tim asks us which random Doctor/Companion pairing would ‘do it’ (ship much Tim?), we recycle past Drunktor Wh…
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We watch “Empire of Death” (Series 14, Episode 8) where the Doctor realizes this season’s big big bad is a bad bad boy... oh yes you are... you are soo bad.... So whilst Sutekh is ‘Thanosing’™ the universe, Mel travels down memory lane, the Doctor goes spooning with a ‘kind’ woman (oh did we already get over Rogue? too soon Doctor... too soon...), …
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We watch “The Legend of Ruby Sunday” (Series 14, Episode 7) where the Doctor commandeers the vast resources of UNIT to solve the season long mystery of... Ruby’s parentage? WTF? So the same woman who keeps showing up on various planets and in various time-lines is the frakkin’ B plot?!? OK then (deep breath). Whilst said misdirection is occurring, …
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We watch “Rouge” (Series 14, Episode 6) where the Doctor and Ruby travel back to basically... Bridgerton! Whilst the Whosome Twosome dance to anachronistic chamber music, evil shape shifting bird people wreak havoc for (Nan-E filter engaged) poops and giggles (Shonda Rhimes wishes she thought of that). All that plus the Doctor flirts with a bounty …
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We watch “Dot And Bubble” (Series 14, Episode 5) in which we meet the seemingly vacuous and totally-non-homicidal Lindy Pepper-Bean. We follow Lindy on her typical day: she wakes up, checks her social feed, reports to work for her daily two hour shift, narrowly avoids being eaten by slow moving slug creatures…you know, the usual. Whilst all this wa…
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We watch “73 Yards” (Series 14, Episode 4) where Ruby stars in the British remake of “It Follows”: “It Semperdistanses”. While Ruby keeps a constant 66.75 metres from her new lifelong lady friend, she learns the Welsh are dicks, she prevents a mad Welshman from making it rain nuclear warheads, and dies of old age on the shore of Wales whilst succes…
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We watch "Boom" (Series 13, Episode 3) where the Doctor and Ruby take a ‘beach holiday’ on a planet where the invading religious forces are unknowingly fighting themselves in a blatant scheme for profit by the villainous Villengard Corporation. Whilst said business-as-usual is occurring, our Whosome-Twosome duet on a haunting shanty, Anglican Marin…
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We watch “The Devil's Chord” (Series 14, Episode 2) where the Doctor and their now fully fledged companion Ruby Sunday travel back to the swinging 60’s to meet the Beatles…whilst they were recording “Meet The Beatles”. As this trip down Penny Lane was occurring, the Doctor complains about the high price of tea, Ruby fangirls on Cilla Black (don’t a…
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We watch “Space Babies” (Series 14, Episode 1) where the Doctor takes trainee-companion Ruby Sunday on her first (mis?)adventure in the TARDIS. Whilst our Whosome Twosome travel about in time and/or space, Ruby gets schooled on sixty years of Whostory, the Doctor scares the (Nan-E filter engaged:) excrement out of the titular Space Babies, and misu…
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We watch the last two episodes of the classic-Who serial “The Three Doctors” where the Doctors are tasked by the Time Lords with saving the universe. Whilst our titular heroes Moe, Larry, and Curly their way through the proceedings, Jo proves she’s more than just a stooge and the Brigadier Shemps his way to victory! I guess that makes Omega the Mar…
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We watch the first two episodes of “The Three Doctors” (finally!) considered by most to be the 10th anniversary story of classic Who even though it aired nearly a year prior to the actual 10th anniversary…awkward. So whilst said premature shenanigans are shenaniganing, the Doctor investigates a rogue weather balloon, the Doctor catches up with UNIT…
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We watch the concluding episodes of classic serial “Spearhead From Space” where the third Doctor and soon-to-be-companion-Liz-Shaw (no relation to Tim Shaw) battle space tentacles (?) attempting to take over the earth. Whilst said Plan 9 From Outer Space is occurring, the Doctor continues wearing another man’s dirty clothes, Liz continues proving s…
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We end up watching the first two episodes of the classic serial “Spearhead From Space” where John ends up eating crow because Steve and I committed to watching “The Three Doctors” but I misremembered and thought that we were watching this story and did all the research for this story and then whilst live in the recording of the podcast Steve rightf…
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We watch the concluding episodes of “The Tomb of the Cybermen” where our retro-Whoby Crew attempt to lull the crankily woken up Cybermen back to their semi-eternal slumber. Whilst said cradle rocking is occurring, Doctor Mop-Top low key continues enabling murder, Jamie runs around... a lot..., and Victoria shows she smarter than the men by getting …
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We watch the first two episodes of the classic serial “The Tomb of the Cybermen” where Doctor Two takes Jamie and Victoria to a futuristic planet (that is most certainly not a quarry outside of London in 1967) where they encounter morons attempting to resurrect slumbering Cybermen. Whilst said rude awakening is occurring, Jamie gets ‘handsy’ with t…
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We watch the final two episodes of the “Time Meddler” saga ('A Battle of Wits' and 'Checkmate') where our retro Whoby crew discover the Meddling Monk is another time traveler with a plan to jump start human development. Whilst said Western Pro-Civilization is occurring, Vikings continue to slo-mo battle the Saxons, the Doctor sabotages the Monk’s T…
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We watch the first two episodes of “The Time Meddler” four part saga (‘The Watcher’ and ‘The Meddling Monk’) where the 1st (or, at the time, only) Doctor takes established companion Vicki and accidental stowaway companion Steven to 11th century Northumbria. Whilst our listeners Googling of Northumbria is occurring, Vicki allows Steven to think he’s…
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We watch “The Church on Ruby Road” (Series 14, Episode 0) where the newly bi-generated Doctor dances like no one is watching and apparent clumsy foundling Ruby Sunday is set up as a likely addition to the Doctor’s ‘fam’. Whilst said auditioning is occurring, Ruby reads for the role of ‘Marty McFly’, the Doctor channels ‘Doc Brown’, and the Goblins …
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We watch “The Giggle” (60 Anniversary, Ep3) where the Doctor and Donna return to London and realize that yes, everyone on Earth is now the A—hole. Plus, for once the Doctor encounters an old foe who is not the Daleks nor the Cybermen nor the Sontarans nor the Weeping Angels nor the Master nor... sorry... it’s the Toymaker! So... yeah? Whilst said e…
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We watch “Wild Blue Yonder” (60th Anniversary, Ep 2) where a sickly Tardis crash lands on an alien ship, vomits out the Doctor and Donna, then quickly buggers off to recuperate away from our traveling duo. Whilst exploring their new home, said duo quickly becomes a quartet after meeting their decidedly disturbing doppelgängers. One Doctor uses far …
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We watch “The Star Beast” (60th Anniversary, Ep 1) where the newly regenerated Doctor has a re-re-re-meet cute with past companion Donna Noble. Whilst said reconnecting is reoccurring, the Doctor attempts to puzzle out why this familiar face has returned, Donna attempts to remember why this skinny man is just so familiar, and Donna’s daughter Rose …
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Gather ‘round childrens whilst the adults discuss series 13 of our beloved Doctor Who. Plus this being show-runner Chris Chibnall’s and Doctor portrayer Jodie Whittaker’s final (for now...) series, we also discuss what they contributed to the Whoniverse. All that and friend-of-the-show-Tim asks us to weigh in on which classic sitcom characters coul…
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We watch "The Power of the Doctor" (Series 13, Episode 9) where the Whoby Crew descend upon a space train to foil a Cyberheist. No! Wait! Where the Whoby Crew travels to early 20th century Russia to foil the Master. No! Wait! Where the Whoby Crew recruit past companions and compatriots to foil the Daleks. No! Wait... sigh... Whilst all said plots a…
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We watch "Legend of the Sea Devils" (Series 13, Episode 8) where the Doctor takes Yaz and Dan to meet the Pirates of the Caribbean... er... of the China Sea! Whilst said cross-cultural debauchery is occurring, the Doctor skips stones, Dan skips out on his ship mates, and Yaz skips merrily towards heart break. Plus, Sea Devils. Don’t forget to mark …
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We watch “Eve of the Daleks” (Series 13, Episode 7) where the Whoby Crew land themselves in a ‘Happy Death Day’ situation at a Manchester storage facility. Whilst said ‘Edge of Tomorrow’-ing is occurring, the Doctor tries to solve the mystery without her ‘Time Machine’ and Yaz ‘Run Lola Run’s away from her feelings because Dan wants to help Yaz bec…
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We watch “Flux: Chapter Six - The Vanquishers” (Series 13, Episode 6) where the Doctor gets split up into a non-holy trinity. Whilst said blasphemizing is occurring, the Doctor crashes the Sontarans' psychic stratagem, the Doctor explores Liverpool’s tumultuous tunnels of terror, and conversely the Doctor defeats Swarm, Azure, and the personificati…
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We watch “Flux: Chapter Five - Survivors of the Flux” (Series 13, Episode 5) where the Weeping Doctor discovers their adoptive parent is totally a manipulative jerk. Whilst said family reunion is reunion-ing, Vinder hitches a Passenger to Diane-town, Bel learns the consequences of stowing away on a Lupari ship, Karvasista is still a good-good-boy a…
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We watch “Flux: Chapter Four - Village of the Angels” (Series 13, Episode 4) where the Doctor and Fam discover a Weeping Angel is a shite co-pilot. When said Weeping Angel takes the wheel of the Tardis, the Whoby Crew end up in rural England circa November 1967 (known in the history books as the ‘Autumn of Post Coital Bliss’ which followed the ‘Sum…
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We watch "Flux: Chapter Three - Once, Upon Time" (Series 13, Chapter 3), an episode so confusing that one of your hosts repeatedly named it incorrectly. (John will throw himself to the mercies of Steve and the listeners on the following episode.) Whilst said perplexion is perplexioning, Dan misplaces his date, Yaz is a bad loser at video games, Vin…
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We watch "Flux: Chapter Two - War of the Sontarans" (Series 13, Episode 2) where the Doctor and the Newby Crew are all transported to the Crimean War in the 19th century... until some of them get honorably discharged to parts elsewhere. Whilst the Doctor remains on the front to battle the historically inaccurate Sontarans, Dan returns to present da…
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We welcome best selling author and humongous Doctor Who fan Andy Weir to the podcast where we discuss “City of Death”. This Fourth Doctor’s 1979 story was Andy’s choice not just because it’s a great story but for the sizzling chemistry between the Doctor and Romana... since the actors were frakking at the time apparently. Whilst speaking about Who …
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We watch "Flux: Chapter One - The Halloween Apocalypse" (Series 13, Episode 1) where the Doctor and Yaz pick up stray companion Dan. Whilst our remaining Whoby crew adopt this good-good-boy for our abbreviated-because-of-Covid-season, assorted shenanigans occur. Said shenanigans include appearances by dog-people (the Lupari), crystalline-people (Sw…
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We conclude our watch of the 1971 serial "Terror of the Autons" where the Doctor, Jo Grant, and UNIT assemble to defeat an evil plastic intent on taking over the world. Wait! Didn’t we already cover that in Series 12? Well, I guess it’s timey-wimey. Whilst said story-pre-recycling is occurring, the Doctor finds he prefers cordless phones, Jo is mos…
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We watch the first two episodes of the Third Doctor story “Terror of the Autons”, originally broadcast before one of your cohosts was born. (Spoilers: it’s Steve. John is older than dirt. Carbon dating certification available on request.) Whilst we enjoy Jo Grant’s first story and her groovy 70’s style, the sexism of the 70s... not so much. Perhaps…
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Welcome again weary travelers to the latest season recap of our most prior recapping of the previously watched and/or rewatched series 12 of Doctor Who. On this episode, friend-of-the-show-Tim asks us to over-serve the Doctors, Steve asks John to Finish Bigly or Horrifically, all whilst John surprises sports-fan-Steve with a Series-12-Bad-Guy-Brack…
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We watch "Revolution of the Daleks" (Series 12, Episode 11) where Captain Jack Harkness busts the Doctor out of the Judoon Prizoon whilst the Whoby crew celebrate New Years Day by complaining that the Doctor hasn’t been around to visit. So anyways... when the Doctor returns to Earth after (for her) decades atoning for a crime she didn’t commit, she…
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We watch "The Timeless Children" (Series 12, Episode 10) where the Doctor is the latest guest on "This Is Your Lives". Whoa! Whilst the Master traps the Doctor in the Time Lord Matrix (but not THAT Matrix™), the Fam+ (not to be confused with Disney+... the Doctor’s future overlord) take the red pill (staying in the real world... not to be confused …
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We watch "Ascension of the Cybermen" (Series 12, Episode 9) where the Doctor and Fam travel to the distant future and find the absolutely, positively, finalist of all final humans (for reals this time... wink) holding off an attack by Cybermen. Cybermen who are attempting (rather successfully) to kill them all off. But, but, but don’t they like to …
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