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Karolinska Institutet

I podden Medicinvetarna kan du lyssna på ledande hälsoexperter om allt från snusets farlighet till odling av minihjärnor. Medicinvetarna ges ut av Karolinska Institutet.
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Sensible Medicine

Sensible Medicine Authors - Prasad/Cifu/Mandrola/Demania/Makary/Cristea/Alderighi & More

Common sense and original thinking in bio-medicine A platform for diverse views and debate
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Longevity im Fokus: Alessandro Falcone (Medizin-Doktorand) spricht wöchentlich mit Top-Experten und Expertinnen über wissenschaftlich fundierte Strategien für ein langes, gesundes Leben. Von Ernährung und Fitness bis zu den neuesten medizinischen Innovationen – hier erfährst du, was wirklich funktioniert.
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Best selling author JJ Flizanes brings cutting edge information and inspiration on weight loss, nutrition, alternative medicine, gluten free, dairy free & paleo diets, acupuncture, chinese medicine, homeopathy, bioidentical hormones, feng shui, food, health, wellness, diet, exercise, fat loss, healing and wellness.
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Welcome to The MedicinesEd Podcast - your ultimate guide to mastering medicines! Gain confidence, deepen your understanding, and take control of your health. Together, let’s change how you use medicines, helping you make smart choices for your well-being. Get ready to unlock a world of knowledge and transform your health decisions!
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Chinese Medicine Matters

Mayway Herbs

Traditional Chinese Medicine related articles, interviews, and news to support practitioner and student knowledge and lifelong learning. Select your favorite podcast provider to subscribe and get notified of new recordings!
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Chinese Medicine Podcast

Marie Hopkinson

Dedicated to helping people understand Chinese Medicine, The Chinese Medicine Podcast is run by Herbalist and Acupuncturist, Marie Hopkinson. Marie appreciates your reviews :) The Chinese Medicine Podcast (CMP) started out in 2013 just as a a way for Marie to share the self help aspects of Chinese medicine with her own patients via youtube, but soon found that people all over the world were watching and benefiting from Marie's Chinese medicine videos, and now we're on audio too!
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In questo podcast Karin Wallnoefer racconta la medicina cinese in modo accessibile, con un focus su prevenzione, cura della salute e alimentazione. Un viaggio alla scoperta delle pratiche quotidiane per migliorare il benessere e portare equilibrio nella vita di tutti i giorni.
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soluna medicines podcast

Chantelle Castano

soluna medicines is an in-person community and online creative space. Our podcast explores how to practice, cultivate, and nourish emotional health, spiritual fulfilment, and physical wellbeing. <3 [[ ]]
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Planting Medicine enhances the community’s knowledge of herbal medicine by sharing voices of traditional, holistic healers and healing practices. Hosted and produced by Emiliano Lemus and Renée Camila. Find archived episodes of The Herbal Highway here.
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Medicína srdcem

Lékařská fakulta v Plzni

Vítáme vás u podcastu Lékařské fakulty, kde se zaměřujeme na různá témata související s medicínou a zdravím. Podcast připravují členky e-learningového týmu MUDr. Terezie Matušková a studentka všeobecného lékařství Terezie Zegermacherová. Prostřednictvím něj vám budeme přinášet rozhovory s lékaři, studenty medicíny, pacienty a jinými zajímavými lidmi, kteří k tématu zdraví mají co říct. Názory a zkušenosti vyjádřené hosty jsou jejich osobními pohledy a nejsou oficiálním stanoviskem fakulty an ...
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The Curbsiders Internal Medicine Podcast

The Curbsiders Internal Medicine Podcast

Supercharge your learning and enhance your practice with this Internal Medicine Podcast featuring board certified Internists as they interview the experts to bring you clinical pearls, practice-changing knowledge, and bad puns. Doctors Matthew Watto, Paul Williams, and friends (a national network of students, residents, and clinician-educators) deliver a little knowledge food for your brain hole. Yummy! No boring lectures here, just high-value content and a healthy dose of humor. Fantastic f ...
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Core Internal Medicine via following series: 5 Pearls || Clinically relevant pearls Mind the Gap || Why do we do what we do? Gray Matters || Management Reasoning Hoofbeats || Dissecting clinical reasoning At the Bedside || Explore everyday challenges
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Este podcast tem o objetivo de ajudar você, colega médico(a), a aprender como viver 100% do seu consultório particular, ganhando mais e trabalhando menos. E assim exercer a medicina com excelência técnica e humana, ter um retorno financeiro justo e compatível com seus esforços, e ter mais qualidade de vida! Siga a CVM nas redes sociais: Bem-vindo ao movimento do resgate da boa medicina. Bora pra cima! Abraço fraterno, Wilderi Sidney Guimarães
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Searching for Medicine’s Soul

Ethics and Public Policy Center

Hosted by Dr. Aaron Rothstein and featuring expert guests, Searching for Medicine’s Soul explores medicine’s purpose: Why do physicians do what they do? How does the practice of medicine relate to scientific progress and human flourishing? The result is an in-depth analysis of the history and aim of medicine, and its collision with a thrilling and sometimes tragic age of discovery.
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Equine Energy Medicine

Audrey Mclaughlin

Equine Energy Medicine Podcast brings you the latest on ancient and modern non-invasive, tools for the energetic and physical wellbeing of your horses. Tune in for holistic horse health, nutrition, energy medicine, and care.
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Øjenåbner - Øjensygdomme for medicinstuderende

Alexander Kai Thomsen, Kathrine Gotfredsen, Torben Lykke Sørensen

Øjenåbner er en podcast om øjensygdomme. Vi gennemgår nogle af de mest almindelige og akutte sygdomme indenfor oftalmologi for alle med interesse for øjensygdomme, dog særligt målrettet dig der læser medicin. Alle episoder er lavet i samarbejde med lektorer og professorer fra danske universiteter skræddersyet til pensum. Til hvert afsnit vil der være noter og en oftalmologi-ordbog tilgængeligt online, som findes ved at trykke på linket i afsnittenes beskrivelse. Podcasten er udelukkende tilt ...
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World Extreme Medicine Podcast

World Extreme Medicine

We’re committed to ensuring extreme medicine education can reach all medical, healthcare and supporting professionals working in austere environments. With regular updates, our team brings you the latest from across the broad spectrum of extreme medicine disciplines, including expedition, space, remote, pre-hospital and humanitarian medicine as well as a range of topics across performance and non-technical skills. Enhance your ability to tackle challenges with new skills you can take home or ...
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Welcome to New Frontiers in Functional Medicine, Longevity & Epigenetics™ where I interview the best minds in functional medicine to discuss the science and research behind medicine, longevity, epigenetics, and so much more. Expect thought-provoking ideas, new research, lots of clinical pearls for practitioners, and step-change information for clinicians and patients. Join us! ~DrKF Copyright © 2023 by KF Education and Consulting, LLC All Rights Reserved
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GW Integrative Medicine

GW Integrative Medicine

Welcome to GW Integrative Medicine, a podcast about using an integrative approach to disease prevention and health promotion. We look forward to sharing the latest news and research on Integrative Medicine – where the best practices of conventional medicine and evidence-based complementary medicine meet. This podcast is brought to you by the Office of Integrative Medicine and Health, the George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences, in collaboration with the university ...
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Wilderness Medicine Podcast

Wilderness Medical Society

Stay current with new and noteworthy cutting-edge topics in wilderness medicine and adventure through the Wilderness Medicine Podcast, the official podcast of the Wilderness Medical Society. You won’t want to miss our engaging approach to discussing current articles from the Wilderness & Environmental Medicine journal and highlighting adventures, programs, and other research related to this exciting field.
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Produced by McGraw Hill, Harrison's Podclass delivers illuminating and engaging discussions led by Drs. Cathy Handy Marshall and Charlie Wiener of The John Hopkins School of Medicine on key topics in medicine, featuring board-style case vignettes from Harrison's Review Questions and chapters from the acclaimed Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine – available on AccessMedicine from McGraw Hill.
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Medicina del Laboratorio

Luis Edgardo Figueroa Montes

🧪🧬 Te ayudo a comprender las pruebas del laboratorio clínico / Patólogo Clínico / Fundador de Medicina del Laboratorio. En este podcast te narrare algunos de mis artículos breves, además conocerás los detalles de las pruebas de laboratorio y el aporte de sus profesionales en este campo. Bienvenido 🎉
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Living Medicine


This is the Living Medicine podcast where we talk about ethical, medical use of psychedelic psychotherapy- teaching skills, examining the issues, and interviewing interesting people.
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show series
The Chinese herbal market is shifting, and U.S. practitioners are feeling the impact. With new tariffs and evolving regulations, herb prices and availability are changing. In this episode, we break down what’s driving these changes, how they could affect your practice, and what’s being done to stabilize the market. Tune in to stay ahead of the curv…
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In this episode of The Barbell Medicine Podcast, Drs. Baraki and Feigenbaum discuss a mystery case of young woman who presents with severe abdominal pain after working out. Case: Seminar: Become a Barbell Medicine Plus Member Today Resources Page: https://ww…
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Neste vídeo, vou te mostrar passo a passo de como escolher uma boa agência de marketing. Se você quer escalar sua carreira médica com marketing eficiente, este vídeo é para você! Siga no instagram: @digitaluper Entre para o canal do Telegram do CVM: Você também pode me encontrar: Instagram:…
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Send Audrey a Text to get your question answered on the show Wondering what to do about EPM or recurring EPM flares? This episode is for you! We are talking about EPM: diagnosis conventional treatment acute treatment flare treatment and prevention chronic EPM help Special thanks to our sponsors: (listener code audrey) AND Visi…
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When we diagnose REM sleep behavior disorder, we know that there is a risk of the development of Parkinson's disease or related conditions. But how great is the risk? In this podcast, we discuss how a healthcare provider can help estimate a patient’s risk with specific questions and examination findings.…
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Dr. Kelvin Hong, Executive Vice Chair of Radiology, shares the experience of the Department of Radiology, a large department at Johns Hopkins with a range of well-being needs. Learn about how they are investing in well-being, how they view outcomes … Ep. 12 Department-level Strategies for Well-being | Johns Hopkins Medicine Office of Well-Being Rea…
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In this episode of Dive Into Diet, Nutrition Coach Lucas Schmidt explores a popular herbal remedy for dissolving blood clots. Tune in to learn the role Nattokinase plays in cardiovascular health. What did you think of this episode of the podcast? Let us know by leaving a review! Connect with Performance Medicine! Check out our new online vitamin st…
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In this episode… Many people struggling with trauma feel stuck — trapped by memories they can’t fully recall yet deeply affect their daily lives. Traditional therapy can take years to untangle the layers of emotional pain, and even then, some wounds remain deeply buried. How can you unlock those hidden experiences to begin healing? After enduring c…
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Join me for a fascinating conversation around an exciting breakthrough in dementia detection that’s offering real hope for early intervention. Dr. Hans Frykman, Chief Scientific Officer at Neurocode Laboratories, is here to share groundbreaking insights into cutting-edge biomarkers that can identify pathology associated with Alzheimer's disease bef…
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What do COVID and mono have in common? How can infectious diseases impact our health for life? How does a dancer end up doing basic science research? Join our hosts Isha Yardi and Elaine Yang in conversation with Sasha Tabachnikova about her work as a PhD student in the Iwasaki Lab. Today, she is our guide through the evolving landscape of research…
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#37: Climate Change: Recreation at RiskWilderness & Environmental Medicine journal online: www.wemjournal.orgQuestions/comments/feedback and/or interest in participating? Send an email to: WMPodcast@wms.orgPart 1: Journal ClubTitle: Climate Change Impact on Outdoor Organizations TodayArticle link:…
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Send Audrey a Text to get your question answered on the show Today we are talking poo and parasites. We are going to touch on DIY fecals but go indepth in how to utilize chemical dewormers and herbal wormers as well. Thanks to our flagship sponsor for this episode: use listener code audrey to save. Find all the Resource Listed…
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Samuel Mikhail, MD, pediatric resident at Nemours Children's Hospital, reflects on his Match Day experience, shares how the process can be improved, and offers advice for current and future applicants. Let us know what you thought of this week’s episode on Twitter: @physicianswkly Want to share your medical expertise, research, or unique experience…
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I dette afsnit skal vi snakke om nethindeløsning, ogsåkaldet amotio. Vi vil gennemgå definition, inddeling, patofysiologi, symptomer, diagnostik, behandling og slutter af med en quiz. Noter: Oftalmologi-ordbog: Tak til Ulrik Correll Christensen, lektor, overlæge, ph.d., Københavns Universitet…
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I dette afsnit skal vi snakke om glaslegemesammenfald,retinale rifter og vitrektomi. Vi vil gennemgå definition, patofysiologi, forekomst, symptomer, diagnostik og behandling af glaslegemesammenfald og retinale rifter. Vi vil også kort beskrive det kirurgiske indgreb vitrektomi, og slutter af med en quiz. Noter: Oftalmologi-o…
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I dette afsnit skal vi snakke om vaskulære okklusioner iretina. Vi vil gennemgå definition, patofysiologi, forekomst, symptomer, diagnostik, behandling og slutter af med en quiz. Noter: Oftalmologi-ordbog: Tak til Toke Bek, professor, overlæge,, Aarhus Universitet og Øjenafdelingen Aa…
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I dette afsnit skal vi snakke om diabetisk retinopati, ensynstruende komplikation til folkesygdommen diabetes. Vi vil gennemgå definitionen, patogenese, forekomst, inddeling, risikofaktorer, symptomer, diagnostik, behandling, screening og slutter af med en quiz. Noter: Oftalmologi-ordbog: Tak…
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I dette afsnit skal vi snakke om aldersrelateretmakuladegeneration, den hyppigste årsag til irreversibelt nedsat syn og social blindhed i Danmark. Vi vil gennemgå definition, patogenese, forekomst, inddeling, symptomer, diagnostik, behandling og slutter af med en quiz. Noter: Oftalmologi-ordbog:…
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I dette afsnit skal vi snakke om akut vinkellukningsglaukom,også kaldet akut glaukom eller akut grøn stær. Akut glaukom er en synstruende akut øjensygdom hvor der i løbet af kort tid opstår et overtryk inde i øjet, ofte forbundet med smerter og nedsat syn. Vi vil gennemgå definition, patogenese, forekomst, symptomer, diagnostik, behandling og så vi…
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I dette afsnit skal vi snakke om glaukom, også kaldet grønstær. Vi vil gennemgå definitionen, patogenese, forekomst, symptomer, diagnostik, behandling og slutter af med en quiz. Noter: Oftalmologi-ordbog: Tak til Miriam Kolko, professor, overlæge, PhD, FEBOS-G, fra Københavns Universitet, Afd…
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I dette afsnit skal vi snakke om uveitis – en vigtigøjensygdom, som alle medicinstuderende bør kende til. Vi gennemgår definition, inddeling, årsager, sygdomsmekanismer, symptomer, diagnostik, behandling ogrunder af med en quiz. Noter: Oftalmologi-ordbog: Tak til Henrik Vorum, professor, over…
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I dette afsnit skal vi snakke om katarakt, også kaldet gråstær. Vi vil gennemgå definitionen, patogenese, forekomst, symptomer, diagnostik, behandling, komplikationer og slutter af med en quiz. Noter: Oftalmologi-ordbog: Tak til Mads Krüger Falk, lektor, overlæge, ph.d., Københavns Universite…
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I dette afsnit skal vi snakke om keratitis, altsåhornhindebetændelse, en akut og smertefuld tilstand i øjet. Vi vil gennemgå definitionen, patogenese, forekomst, symptomer, diagnostik, behandling og slutter af med en quiz. Noter: Oftalmologi-ordbog: Tak til Jesper Hjortdal, professor, overlæg…
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I dette afsnit skal vi snakke om conjunctivitis, ofte blotkaldt øjenbetændelse. Vi vil gennemgå definitionen, patogenese, forekomst, symptomer, diagnostik, behandling, komplikationer og slutter af med en quiz. Noter: Oftalmologi-ordbog: Tak til Peter Bjerre Toft, kursusleder, overlæge,…
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I dette afsnit skal vi snakke om den øjenspecifikke anamneseog objektive undersøgelse. Vi gennemgår først den almindelige øjenfokuserede anamnese og objektive undersøgelse og derefter gennemgår vi nogle ekstraundersøgelsesmetoder, som er gode at kende til, men ikke forventes at kunne udføres af personale udenfor en øjenafdeling. Noter: https://bit.…
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Vi behöver alla få i oss vitaminer för att hålla oss friska, men precis som med det mesta kan det finnas risker med att få i sig för mycket. Hör professor Martin Bergö berätta om när kosttillskott kan vara nödvändiga, när de är onödiga, och i vilka situationer de rent av kan innebära hälsorisker.
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A new way to think of clots beyond provoked vs. unprovoked: Learn all about how important it is to think about reversibility! What patient states affect the inherited thrombophilia testing? Learn the nuances and practical approaches! 🔹 Sponsor: Freed is an AI scribe that listens and writes your note in < 30 seconds. Freed learns your style over tim…
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Velkommen til Øjenåbner, en podcast om øjensygdomme. Vi gennemgår nogle af de mest almindelige og akutte sygdomme indenfor oftalmologi for alle med interesse for øjensygdomme, dog særligt målrettet dig der læser medicin. Alle episoder er lavet i samarbejde med lektorer og professorer fra danske universiteter skræddersyet til pensum. Vi lyttes ved!…
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Dr. Sydnee brings a little levity as she talks about a new medical show, The Pitt. Following fictional doctors in real-time(ish), Dr. Sydnee discusses how it compares to working in an actual ER, as well as it how it compares to the 1990s show ER. Music: "Medicines" by The Taxpayers Harmony House: https://harmonyhouse…
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“Scénáře dané nemáme. Důležitý je timing a hravost.” Hostem 77. epizody byl Ondřej Jiráček z dobročinné organizace Zdravotní klaun. Co obnáší práce zdravotního klauna? Jaké vlastnosti by měl mít? Koho je nejtěžší rozesmát? To vše a mnohé další se dozvíte v novém díle podcastu Medicína srdcem. Číslo účtu veřejné sbírky: 20 20 20 20 20/ 0600 IBAN: CZ…
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What is our immune system, and how does it work? A vast array of cells, proteins and chemicals spring into action whenever our bodies are damaged, but immunity is not something you can see, touch, or feel. It can fight off malicious bacteria and viruses, locate cancerous growths, and even rewire our brains--but sometimes our own tissues can get cau…
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In this episode of The Performance Medicine Show, Dr. Rogers answers YOUR health and wellness questions! What did you think of this episode of the podcast? Let us know by leaving a review! Connect with Performance Medicine! Check out our new online vitamin store:⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠…
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4 Spots Left for CONNECT: A Couple’s Retreat May 15-19th Find Your Tribe in Empower U- month to month membership JJ Flizanes and Doug Sandler are a dynamic couple dedicated to helping others create deeper, more fulfilling relationships through conscious connection, communication, and per…
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#37: Climate Change: Recreation at RiskWilderness & Environmental Medicine journal online: www.wemjournal.orgQuestions/comments/feedback and/or interest in participating? Send an email to: WMPodcast@wms.orgPart 1: Journal ClubTitle: Climate Change Impact on Outdoor Organizations TodayArticle link:…
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Thank you for joining the GW Resiliency and Well-being Center (R&W Center) for a Women's Well-being Lecture Series discussion on "Debunking Nutrition Myths for Women’s Well-being & Aging: An Expert Panel." The experts are Julie Wendt, MS, LDN, CNS, adjunct instructor, Department of Clinical Research and Leadership, GW School of Medicine & Health Sc…
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Many people use medicines to sleep, but it’s often not the best solution. In this episode we talk with Carl who has a brain injury from a car crash. Carl has had trouble sleeping for many years and has tried different sleep medicines over this time. In this episode you'll learn: what you can do to get a better sleep pattern good habits that help yo…
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One way to avoid the reported epidemic of insomnia is to create a routine you follow before you go to bed, resetting your brain to prepare for sleep. That’s according to sleep expert Charlene Gamaldo at Johns Hopkins. Gamaldo: There's … How should you create a sleep routine? Elizabeth Tracey reports Read More »…
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One way to avoid the reported epidemic of insomnia is to create a routine you follow before you go to bed, resetting your brain to prepare for sleep. That’s according to sleep expert Charlene Gamaldo at Johns Hopkins. Gamaldo: There's … How should you create a sleep routine? Elizabeth Tracey reports Read More »…
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Insomnia appears to be epidemic in the US in some studies, with additional data suggesting the problem is growing. Johns Hopkins sleep expert Charlene Gamaldo says there are things you can do to prevent insomnia. Gramaldo: Blue light wavelength suppresses … What can you do to protect yourself from developing insomnia? Elizabeth Tracey reports Read …
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Insomnia appears to be epidemic in the US in some studies, with additional data suggesting the problem is growing. Johns Hopkins sleep expert Charlene Gamaldo says there are things you can do to prevent insomnia. Gramaldo: Blue light wavelength suppresses … What can you do to protect yourself from developing insomnia? Elizabeth Tracey reports Read …
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Apple watches and other electronic self-monitoring tools may up the risk that you might think you have insomnia when you don’t. That’s according to Charlene Gamaldo, a sleep expert at Johns Hopkins. Gramaldo: All of our devices are great from … Could your electronic devices mislead you into thinking you have insomnia? Elizabeth Tracey reports Read …
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מדריך עזר מהיר

האזן לתוכנית הזו בזמן שאתה חוקר