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Net plus ultra

France Inter

Ce qu'on a vu passer d'insolite, de novateur, d'intéressant, de créatif cette semaine sur les Internets... Rendez-vous sur l'application Radio France pour découvrir tous les autres épisodes.
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UltraForm hlaðvarpið

Sigurjón Ernir Sturluson

UltraForm hlaðvarpið snýr að heilsu og heilsutengdum málefnum. Okkar markmið er að hjálpa þér að hámarka þína heilsu og vera besta útgáfan af sjálfum þér á sama tíma. Við rekum tvær hóptimastöðvar, erum með hlaupaþjálfun og einnig lífstílsþjálfun Nánar: UltraForm.is
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Becoming Ultra

Athlete On Fire

Becoming Ultra is all about that first Ultra. We follow other runners training for their first Ultra, interview race directors of Ultra's, talk training tips, and just about anything for that next, very long, step.
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Ultra Running Magazine Podcast

UltraRunning Magazine

The UltraRunning Magazine Podcast brings listeners in-depth conversations with elite ultrarunners, coaches, medical professionals, race directors and more who cover any and all topics in the world of ultrarunning.
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Rachel Maddow Presents: Ultra

Rachel Maddow, MSNBC

As a new authoritarian movement rises in American politics, stoked by one of the country’s most outrageous demagogues, there is an all-out international manhunt for an American traitor. The U.S. Army’s Nazi war crimes trials in Germany have been infiltrated by a spy -- a mole for the other side. A gruesome foreign influence operation unfolds in Washington. A blackmail plot turns deadly in the U.S. Senate. A Hail Mary scheme to stop the counting of the Electoral College votes rattles democrac ...
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Plus Ultra - Der Weg in den Dreißigjährigen Krieg

Studio Bummens & Geschichten aus der Geschichte

Ende des 16. Jahrhunderts stellt das Haus Habsburg seit Generationen den Kaiser des Heiligen Römischen Reichs. Doch der amtierende Herrscher Rudolf II. hat keinen legitimen Thronfolger vorzuweisen. Der junge Erzherzog Ferdinand von Innerösterreich macht sich insgeheim Hoffnungen eines Tages zu seinem Nachfolger gekrönt zu werden. Er träumt von der Rekatholisierung des gesamten Reichs. Denn der sich rasch ausbreitende Protestantismus ist dem tiefgläubigen Katholiken ein Dorn im Auge. Und eine ...
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Ultra Simmo Podcast

Ultra Simmo

Bookings - Music@UltraSimmo.com Caribbean Hit DJ, Hypeman, Radio Personality, Producer/Remixer & Entrepreneur HOTT 93.5FM & RED 96.7FM Soca, Hip Hop, EDM, Top 40, Dancehall, Reggae & More!!! Old Account Was Deleted So I've Re-Uploaded Some Popular Old Content!
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Rodičovské ultra

Iva Škvorová

Středeční podcastové desetiminutovky a inspirativní rozhovory. Od mámy, která ví, jak krásné i náročné mateřství umí být a ráda s vámi sdílí motivaci, tipy i podněty k zamyšlení.
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Everyday Ultra

Joe Corcione

Tips on how to be a better endurance athlete, every day, directly from the world's best runners! Whether you participate in endurance races as a hobby, or you're a competitive ultra-endurance athlete, this podcast will help you achieve your goals when it comes to racing, training, and recovery. The show is hosted by Ultra-Endurance athlete, Joe Corcione, who has competed in Ultramarathons, Ultratriathlons, and Ironman races.
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The Live Ultralight Podcast is all about inspiring you to get outdoors and teaching you how to lighten your pack so you can go on more adventures. We largely focus on backpacking and things that are interesting to backpackers, but occasionally we delve into other adventure and travel topics as well. In addition, we aim to feature interesting and inspiring guests all around the backpacking, travel, and adventure space.
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Living An Ultra Life

Mike Horner

Living An Ultra Life: How running can help you overcome obstacles. Ten years ago, chaos erupted in multiple areas of my life, creating a “perfect storm” strong enough to kill most of my hopes and dreams. Running helped me begin to dream again. https://www.livinganultralife.com/
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Ultras XI Podcast

Ultras XI

Jos Genova and Alex Amato discuss all things football from the biggest stories, to stuff that we simply find remarkable with The Ultras XI podcast. Essentially were just two washed up football players, just speaking about the thing we love most; Football. Follow us on Twitter, Instagram and TikTok @UltrasXI
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Chaque mois, plongez dans l'univers captivant du trail et des courses d'endurance avec Ultra Run. David Michel vous emmène à la rencontre des acteurs emblématiques du trail et des courses comme Kilian Jornet ou Stéphanie Gicquel. Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez ausha.co/fr/politique-de-confidentialite pour plus d'informations.
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Blueprint to Ultra

Blueprint to Ultra

Whether you are dabbling with the idea of running your first ultra or wanting to figure out how you can push farther than you ever have before, we are here to help you put that plan together. Join ultra runners, Steve and Jeff, as we interview people that are just like you, all with the goal of helping you answer the question, "what does it take?"
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Ultrasound Podcast

Jailyn Avila

If you'd like cutting edge beside ultrasound information (and reimaginings of foundational content), look no further than the original Ultrasound podcast! Check out our longitudinal, year-long and virtual ultrasound fellowship here: https://academy.ultrasoundleadershipacademy.com Check out our FREE content on our website: https://www.coreultrasound.com Check out our courses here: https://courses.coreultrasound.com Check out our question bank here: https://courses.coreultrasound.com/collectio ...
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Ultra Hope Girls: A Gaming Podcast

Meryn Holtslander and Caroline Orejuela

Ultra Hope Girls is a bi-weekly podcast for those wanting to dive deep into video games. Along with their usual silliness, commentary, and in-depth research, they’ll bring in an “expert” at the beginning and end to brief the Ultra Hope Girls on what to expect. Join Meryn Holtslander and Caroline Orejuela in obsessing over these deep characters, gripping murders, and amazing games. www.ultrahopegirls.com cover art: Shane Baker
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Vert is the home for every trail & ultra runner. On this podcast we host conversations with key members of our Trail & Ultra running community from all over the world. From professional world class athletes to our Vert.run members and community. Narrating captivating stories and learning from and about this amazing sport.
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Ultra N Podcast (Nintendo)

Ultra N Podcast

Procurando um Podcast sobre Nintendo? Achou! Aqui falamos sobre os consoles (Switch, Wii U, Nintendo 3DS, Wii, Nintendo DS, Game Boy Advance, GameCube, Nintendo 64, Virtual Boy, Super Nintendo, Game Boy, NES), jogos lançamentos, jogos antigos e nostálgicos, além de tentar explicar a longa história da Nintendo, tanto no Brasil como no mundo. Nossos episódios são lançados quinzenalmente aos domingos as 11 da manhã. Você também pode acompanhar nossos casts em formato de vídeo no Youtube (www.yo ...
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O Ultra Lado com Roger Darrigrand

Roger Mark Carvalho Darrigrand

Seja bem-vindo ao Ultra Lado, onde a gente vai explorando as trilhas vastas da sua mente com duas pernas e uma grande vontade de correr. Fitness, comida, psicologia e mais, a gente vai em busca de uma vida mais saudável e completa. https://www.instagram.com/roger_darrigrand/
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Klassik Ultras

Deutsche Staatsphilharmonie Rheinland-Pfalz

Klassik Ultras sind besonders leidenschaftliche Fans der klassischen Musik. Leider sind sie im Vergleich zur gesamten Ultra-Bewegung bisher nur eine kleinere Randgruppe. Dieser Podcast wird das ändern. Ihre Gastgeberinnen sind Catharina Waschke (Marketing und Development) und Judith Schor (Kommunikation und Dramaturgie). In nicht immer zielorientierten, dafür von Faszination und Begeisterung getriebenen Dialogen berichten sie über Begebenheiten, die mit klassischer Musik und dem wahren Leben ...
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The Ultra Happy Podcast

Tania Carmona

Welcome to ’The Ultra Happy Podcast,’ where joy, ultrarunning, and insightful conversations converge. Join me, along with invited guests, athletes, and experts, as we explore the happiness found in both ultrarunning and everyday life. Delve into inspiring stories, practical tips, and the transformative power of adopting the ultrarunning mindset. As I document my journey crossing the 5 deserts, we invite you to share in the joy, resilience, and lessons learned on the trail and in our pursuit ...
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Ultra Endurance Podcast

Ultra Endurance Podcast

Klein Guillaume / Coach diplômé « Ultra Endurance » Nutrition / Entraînement / Préparation mentale Fondateur DIET NUTRI ENERGIE / Créateur de la Méthode EPIC Passionné de sport, et athlète d’ultra endurance en course à pied et cyclisme, j’ai pu tester sur moi-même les bienfaits d’un équilibre alimentaire au naturel approprié à nos réels besoins, d’un entraînement spécifique adapté, et d’une préparation mentale optimisée. J’ai eu la chance de pouvoir réaliser des courses mythiques d’ultra tra ...
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Ultrascape podcast is a brand new podcast with Josh Ibbett taking a look into the world of Bikepacking and Ultracycling. Along with co-host Beccy Waters the podcast takes a look at the news storys and rumours about bikepacking and ultra cycling races as well as in depth discussion and rumours about key topics.
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Welcome to Run Far Podcast - Your Running Companion! Join me, a passionate runner, as I share inspiring stories, expert insights, and actionable tips to fuel your running journey. From training advice to race recaps, we'll cover it all! Explore more at: mRuns.com Connect with me on: MarathonRuns@gmail.com - Facebook: @MarathonRuns - Twitter: @MarathonRuns - Instagram: @MarathonRuns - YouTube: @MarathonRuns and @TheSilwal Let's run together and crush our goals!
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Hosted by ultra endurance and adventure cyclist Mel Webb, Detours brings you stories from inside the world of bikepacking and ultra cycling, featuring racers, community members, race directors and more. This show is about celebrating the journey, and the detours along the way, as much as the destination. We're especially passionate about providing space for folks that identify as women to share their stories and hope to inspire more people to ride bikes. Presented by Albion Cycling Have a to ...
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She Runs Ultras

Meghan Gould

She Runs Ultras is about (yup, you guessed it) running ultras. Lots of other running podcasts out there are full of gear & race reviews and interviews with the experts telling unrelatable stories about their record breaking times and super human feats. Now…don’t get me wrong, I’ve learned some great stuff from those podcasts...But what about those of us that aren’t getting paid to do this?Those of us that are mid to back of the pack runners?And those of us that have never won a damn thing? W ...
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show series
Baptiste Chassagne est un traileur atypique, qui a découvert la discipline sur le tard, pour finalement devenir champion de France 2023 et arriver 2e de l’UTMB en aout dernier. Originaire de Saint-Etienne, il raconte dans Ultra Run son parcours, sa passion pour les Verts, le journalisme sportif et l’écriture. Entretien : David Michel. Réalisation :…
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We chat with ultra runner Kerri MacFarlane, who has transformed her life through running and recovery. Kerri has been in recovery for over three years and we talk about how community support has played a crucial role in her journey and why asking for help is a sign of strength, not weakness. We talk about Kerri’s journey through recovery and how sh…
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Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) no es el primer intento de la ultraderecha por ganar espacio en Alemania. Desde el fin de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, múltiples partidos similares han buscado obtener representación política. El Nationaldemokratische Partei Deutschlands (NPD) fue uno de los más relevantes, al lograr escaños en distintos parlamentos …
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V dnešní epizodě vám povyprávím jeden příběh z dob, kdy jsem dělala basketbalovou rozhodčí a změna názoru nebyla překvapivě konečná nebo strach, že dostanu pěstí, ale právě naopak. Respekt dvoumetrových chlapů. 🏀 V rodičovství to vidím podobně. Změnit názor není prohra - ať už jde o zrušenou návštěvu herničky, nebo o větší životní rozhodnutí. V dob…
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Unfortunately I do not have an episode title within the provided guidelines. No Sleep Til Crowning. Catholic handcuffs. I don't like Beards of Beeeeeeees. A Faux pas and a Fupa. Chubby Broccoli Soup. Arrested in Pope Town. PEACE AND LOVE. Horrifying Ladybug Wingspan. Corn-Based Chippage. I Enjoy Cold Sushiiiiiiiiii. Won't You Consider The Worm? Tha…
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Neste viagem no Ultra Lado, estamos com João Silveir pra falar sobre: Desafio Deus Me Livre: Uma Celebração da Essência do Trail Running e da Cultura Local Maldição do Corpo Seco: Uma Imersão no Folclore da Mantiqueira e na Resistência Física e Mental Cenário do Trail Running no Brasil: Crescimento, Desafios e Alternativas Dicas para Criar um Event…
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Lentidão ao navegar, uma lista imensa de jogos de qualidade duvidosa, jogos copia e cola, promoções indiscriminadas.... a quantidade de problemas que a eShop do Nintendo Switch enfrenta são inúmeras! Nesse programa abordamos todos esses problemas que rezamos que sejam resolvidos no novo console da Nintendo.Esse episódio é oferecido pelo Hype Games:…
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In this episode of The Constantia Nek Podcast, we’re diving deep into all things Two Oceans Ultramarathon 🏅. If you're training for this iconic race, this episode is a must-listen 🎧. ✅ What You’ll Learn in This Episode: 🔹 Where you should be in your training right now (Peak Phase & Recovery) 🔹 Pacing strategies: How to run easy runs easy and hard r…
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Today, we’re celebrating Andy’s incredible journey from zero to 21K in just one year! We’ll dive into the key lessons for new runners—from staying motivated and recovering well to actually enjoying the process of building up to longer distances. Stepping outside our comfort zones is where the magic happens, and just like Andy did with his half mara…
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00:00 - Kes - Cocoa Tea (DJ Ana & Ultra Simmo Remix)02:41 - Yung Bredda - Greatest Bend Over (DJ Ana & Ultra Simmo Remix)04:30 - Machel Montano - The Truth05:55 - Kes - No Sweetness07:02 - Full Blown - Good Spirits08:41 - Trinidad Killa - Eskimo (With Nicki Minaj)10:35 - GBM Nutron - One Piece (DJ Ana & Ultra Simmo Remix)12:08 - Sackie - Table13:40…
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durée : 00:02:55 - Net Plus Ultra - par : Julien Baldacchino - L'application d'apprentissage de langues Duolingo a lancé cette semaine sa nouvelle opération de communication, annonçant la mort de sa chouette Duo. Une mascotte qui inspire autant de sympathie... que de terreur chez les utilisateurs de l'appli.…
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In this episode of 'Becoming Ultra', Scott, Ian, and his coaching client, Carrie, discuss the emotional and physical hurdles faced during Carrie's preparation for her first ultra marathon, the Mendocino 50k. The conversation delves into the common struggles of first-time ultra runners, the importance of learning from setbacks, and finding balance a…
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Covering: Johnny Mnemonic (1995 film), ft. Burning Chrome (1986 short story collection) It's a packed episode on this first Detour Quarry under our new format covering both the wild and curious 90s cyberpunk film Johnny Mnemonic and also our rankings of William Gibson's Burning Chrome stories (which of course includes...Johnny Mnemonic). Because th…
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Scotty sits down with one of UltraRunning Magazine's newest columnists, Cliff Pittman. Cliff is a coach and competitive ultrarunner, and recaps his recent FKT attempt in his home state of Arkansas. He also discusses how to implement simplicity and specificity into training for your next ultra. Find more in the Dec/Jan 2025 and Feb/Mar 2025 issues o…
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🔥 Bonjour, je suis KLEIN Guillaume, Coach diplômé « Ultra Endurance » spécialisé en Nutrition / Entraînement / Préparation mentale. Passionné de sport, et athlète d’ultra endurance en course à pied et cyclisme, j’ai pu tester sur moi-même les bienfaits d’un équilibre alimentaire au naturel approprié à nos réels besoins, d’un entraînement spécifique…
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James Elson chats to UK born, US based Ultrarunner Ian Sharman ahead of his upcoming visit to race in the UK for the first time since 2009 – at this years Centurion Running South Downs Way 100. Ian is a four time winner of the Leadville Trail 100, ten time Western States 100 finisher with nine consecutive top ten finishes to his name. And previous …
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Dakota Jones is a professional trail runner for Nnormal living in Salt Lake City. Dakota is also the founder and executive director ofFootprints Running, a non profit organization with the mission to support climate action at the community level by bringing people together around their shared interest in trail running. In two days, Dakota is attemp…
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When Angus paced his friend back in 2022 at Western States 100, he knew that one day he wanted to complete a 100 mile race. In 2024, he set out to do just that. Angus shares his journey of conquering his first 100 mile race, Despite facing significant physical and mental challenges, including dealing with ulcerative colitis and emergency surgeries,…
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A special guest joins us for the final chapter of Ace Attorney! Stay tuned for what we're playing next... Become a patron at https://www.patreon.com/ultrahopegirlspod to get access to extra content for as little as $2/month!Learn more about the Ultra Hope Girls: http://ultrahopegirls.comTwitter: https://twitter.com/ultra_podcastFacebook: https://ww…
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"I want to finish with a big smile on my face." That’s Mascha Wahlig’s goal for the 2025 Atlas Mountain Race. Last year, Mascha lined up at Atlas Mountain Race, her second-ever ultra-endurance bikepacking event. She was fast, pushing herself to the limit, but she was also overwhelmed. The intensity of the race, the sheer number of riders, and the p…
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מדריך עזר מהיר

האזן לתוכנית הזו בזמן שאתה חוקר