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In this episode, we provide an analysis of current domestic and international news events from a left perspective. Items for this week's focus may include, what's happening in Venezuela, the crisis between United States and North Korea, and the White supremacist rally in Charlottesville.על ידי Socialist Visions
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Under the storm clouds of P45, Attorney General Jeff Session and other rich white men in the Administration are attacking the human rights of people of color, immigrants and women. It’s time for socialists to rebuild a broad mass social movement not only to defend the basic human rights but also for social transformation.…
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In this episode, we discuss the Leap Manifesto, a document written by "60 representatives from Canada’s Indigenous rights, social and food justice, environmental, faith-based and labour movements." We discuss how and where the manisfesto reflects the objectives of modern socialism and why we should support and build on this manisfesto.…
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Carl, the co-host of Socialist Visions will be attending the Socialism2017 conference taking place July 6-9. I'll be talking to Carl on Friday about the workshops attended, the people he's connected with, and what's some the dominate issues being discused. We all can't be at the conference, but it's great to have my co-host there to provide some fi…
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If you want to get a clear current example of how capitalism works, simply follow the reporting about the Trump family and property holdings and investiments. Property ownership is at the art of capitalism. Capitalist know that people need a place to live. They know people will pay almost any price for shelter. So like fictional vampires, capitalis…
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There's so much going on with the neo-facisit WH admistratation that we want to devote a show to talking about what should be learned from the election of Trump, the state democracy in this country, and how capitalsim is a motivating factor in where we are and are headed. We haven't done a show in two weeks so there's much to talk about. Hope you c…
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In this episode we speak with Brian Bean, a writer and activist for, about this summer's Socialist 2017 conference in Chicago. The conference will feature noted speakers and performers including actor John Cusack, Democracy Now host, Amy Goodman, Keeanga-Yamahatta Taylor, author of #BLM to Black Liberation, Palesine solidarity a…
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In this episode we disucss the popular myths about Marxism and why Marx was right. We'll use Terry Eagleton's Why Marx Was Right, a very readable book about the critical and most criticized concepts and theories of Karl Marx and socialism. Some of the myths include that Marxism is a form of determinism, that Marxism reduces everything to economics,…
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This is episode will focus on the John Bellemy Foster's article, "Neofacism in the White House", published in the April 2017 editon of Monthly Review. Charting the rise of neofascism in this country is crucial to understanding and responding to the futher undermining of democratic institutions, the rise and consolidation of oligarchy, and how the m…
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As a follow-up to the international March for Science day, we discuss why the development of modern socialism must have at its core the use of the scientific methodology and wide range democratic decision making in order to make for a true revolution in how we manage resources and govern our lives beyond capitalism. We'll examine why the traditiona…
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This is our 3rd and last espisode about the The Commonist Manifesto, by Karl Marx and Frederick Engles. If you have never read it, there's no way that you really can undertand the contributions Marx and Engles made to the birth of left movements and revolutions worldwide. If you're a part of the working class, a student, a journalist, an activist, …
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Part II of our discssion about the Communist Manifesto. There's no better time than now in the midst of class struggle in the United States and the around the world to review the classic pamaphlet, The Commonist Manifesto, by Karl Marx and Frederick Engles. If you have never read it, there's no way that you really can undertand the contributions Ma…
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There's no better time than now in the midst of class struggle in the United States and the around the world to review the classic pamaphlet, The Commonist Manifesto, by Karl Marx and Frederick Engles. If you have never read it, there's no way that you really can undertand the contributions Marx and Engles made to the birth of left movements and re…
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Recently U.S. Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos was quoted as saying, there's "no such thing as a free lunch," a euphanism that dates back decades. In this episode, we examine what should DeVos means by "no free lunch," and why the bourgeois class is so reistent to public funding of food, housing, medical care, education, and the like. We futher d…
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In this episode we talk with political philiospher and professor Jodi Dean, about the nature of crowds, protests, resistance to capitalism, left political parties, and her views on communism. Jodi Dean's most recent books include Democracy and Other Neoliberal Fantasies, The Communist Horizon, and Crowds and Party. Dr. Dean has several interviews p…
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This episode picks up from our previous epsiode about the nature of protests and political parities. In this episode we will outline 10 points for left activism, especially in the era of an facist regmine in power in the US. These points are applicable to any year or time, but we'll discuss them particularly in light of the right-wing authoritarian…
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In the last several years, we have seen a resurgence of various forms of political protests, from Occupy, Black Lives Matter, the recent Women's March, to the successful anti-Muslim immigration ban order. In this episode, we'll discuss what these forms of resistance mean, including the challenges and the prospects of resistance and political and ec…
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In this episode, in honor of Black History Month, we provide an overview of historical Black and Pan- African revolutionaries, whom have made important contributions to liberation struggles and ideologies. Tune in to hear our views of figures including W.E.B. Du Bois, Marcus Garvey, Nat Turner, Kwame Nkrumah, Patrice Lumumba, Amilcar Cabral, Franz …
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This episode is a continuation of last week's show about the emergence of Donald Trump out of the systems and culture of White supremacy and capitalism. In this episode will discuss more on why and how capitalism leads to fascism and authoritarian rule. We will also discuss how we should be responding to the authoritarian regime of the Republican P…
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Following up on our episode, we will discuss 20 statistics taken from Bernie Sanders' book, Our Revolution: A Future to Believe In. We will use the stats as basis for discussing how a true democratic socialist system could greatly tranform economic and political inequality, and pave the road for universal health care, education, housing, food, and …
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In this episode, we look back on the Bernie Sanders campaign and movement by discussing two related books, Our Revolution: A Future to Believe In, by Bernie Sanders, and Rules for Revolutionaries: How Big Organizing Can Change Everything, Becky Bond and Zack Exley ( affiliate links included). There's much to learn from the movement that is not yet …
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The episode is based on a discuss Rana Forhoohar's book, the Makers and Takers: The Rise of Finance and the Fall of American Business. We'll discuss what this book gets correct about the role of finance, and what where its analysis falls short.על ידי Socialist Visions
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Because of the recent and disastrous presidential elections, we didn't get a chance to delve fully into the topic of socialism vs. liberterianism. In this espisode we'll discuss the differences between the two political and economic idealogies, and what many people misunderstand about modern revolutionary socialism.…
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In this episode, we address head on the differences between socialism and libertarianism, and why we think the former is a better direction for humanity to take. We've discussed libertarianism before, but have not devoted an entire show about it. If you have some views on this subject, you're welcome to call in. 347-857-1319.…
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In the lead up to the US presidential election, in this episode we will interview Green Party spokeswoman and organizer, Laura Wells. Ms. Wells was the Green Party candidate for Governor of California 2010 and has been an active Green since 1992. She will give us an update on where things stand with the current campaign, her vision for the movement…
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In this episode we will examine the rise of oligarchy and how it exists. Modern elections have clearly shown the power of the oligarchy to run politicates, in both the Republican and Democratic parties, who will work for the power and interest of the bourgeois class, and ultimately develop policies that undermine the working-class and oppressed peo…
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In this episode we continue the discussion of why we advocate socialsim. In our last episode we focued on the democratic process of socialism and how it could be different from the bourgeois "domocracy" under capitalism. In this episode we will delve deeper into why the economic conditions of capitalism are not sustainable, and why a more equitable…
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In this episode, we revist why we advocate for a socialist political economy. We address many of the myths and misunderstandings about socialism, and we explain what is required to build a real socialist society that is based true democratic principals, respect of workers rights, the environment, and social justice. If you agree with our analysis, …
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In this episode, we discuss the conditions of workers in countries like Brazil, Venzuela, India, and Africa. We'll discuss these conditions in light of a capitalist global economy and what that means for trade deals and the livelihood of people whose labor gets exploited for the wealth of others.על ידי Socialist Visions
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There are many questions about what's going on in Venezuela and Brazil, especially in regard to the socialist struggles and the economic plight of the countries. We are not experts on these topics, but we plan to provide an analysis from a perspective.על ידי Socialist Visions
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In this show discuss working consciousness and the meaning of Labor Day. We'll review the history of Labour Day, and May Day. How has Labour Day changed from its orginal intent. What does labor mean today under the pernicious system of capitalism, and for a vision for socialism. Since this is your day off, we hope that you can call in. 347-857-1319…
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Four years ago George Zimmerman killed Trayvon Martin, and after Mike Brown was shot dead by a police officer in Ferguson, Missouri. The Movement for Black Lives exploded on the scene as #BlackLivesMatter. We will discuss the Movement for Black Lives Platform in the context of a struggle for socialism and the end to racism.…
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In this third part series on the Green Party and Jill Stein, we take a closer look at the Party's proposals about educaiton and student loans. We examine this issue from a left, socialist perspective and how it could be a defining issue. Call in with your views. 347-857-1319על ידי Socialist Visions
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In this episode we continue out discusion on why working class people should support Jill Stein and the Green Party platfrom. Even with the threat of Donald Trump being elected, we make a case for why voting for Jill Stein is not wasted vote. Tune in live to the show and give us your opinion. Guest call-in: 347-857-1319…
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While we know that Dr. Jill Stein cannot win the presidential election, there are very good reasons to support her in the Green Party. In this episode, we discuss why many Bernie Sanders supporters are not voting for Hillary Clinton, and are instead supporting Jill Stein and/or writing in Bernie Sanders. Call in and let us know your views on this t…
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In this episode we explain what is called the bourgeois class, a Marxist term that is not used enough these days. Trump and the Clintons are very much a part of the bourgeois class. We explain the role and function of the bourgeois class and how it relates to you, the working class. Socialism does indeed seek to overthrow the bourgeois class, and w…
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We seriously apologize for not doing consistent shows for the last two months. Our schedules have been conflicting, and we hope to correct that by having an alternative time set up when we can't produce a show on Monday at 6pm. In this week's episode we discuss a range of important issues including the Black Lives Protests, the killing of cops in D…
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Despite the benefits of the Affordable Care Act, it has serious problems, given it's neoliberal model, and the challenges it faces under a for-profit system. Listen in to our as we explain some of the issues we have with Affordable Care Act, or fameously called, Obamacare. Call in with your views. 347-857-1319…
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The show will focus on the ideological tenets of liberalism and scientific socialism. We will explore some of the shortcomings of traditional liberalism, especially relationship to the Democratic party, and explain why we think scienfic socialism is a better political direction for humanity.על ידי Socialist Visions
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In our continuing episodes about the Bernie Sanders campaign and the left in general, we discuss why if Sanders does not win the nomination that we won't vote for or support Hillary as the Democratic Party nominee. This episode will include a delegate at large to the Democratic convention. We invite you to call in with your views and position on Be…
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Fact Sheet may become a part of a regular series in which we pick and share 10-15 facts related to race, class, and gender and discuss those facts from a left, socialist perspective. Listen in and let us know what you think of this topic. 347-857-1319על ידי Socialist Visions
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In this episode we discuss the ideological struggle behind the Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton's run for presidency. We explain how whether Sanders wins or not what his run and political platform means for the left movement and the direction of the country as a whole. We invite you to call in with your views analysis. 347-857-1319.…
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In this episode, we dicuss the myth of meritocracy and explain how that myth is harmful to development of any society, and how socialism provides better and opportunties for better to reach their potentials has human beings.על ידי Socialist Visions
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In this episode, we interview Sarah Leonard, editor of the new book, The Future We Want: Radical Ideas for the New Century. This book provides insight about full employment, Black Lives Matter, sex and class, gay marriage, criminal justice, the environment, and much more. Sarah Leonard the senior editor at the Nation magazine, as well as editor of …
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In this show, we focus on cultural transformation mean, and why it's important for socialist revolution. Have you lately about the cultural landscape of the U.S., and rest of the world? Culture influences how we think about ourselves, one another, and even the future of our planet. We would discuss why and how it is important that cultural shifts c…
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In our continuing series about socialsim and Bernie Sanders, we discuss the importance of the African American vote for Bernie Sanders, especially as Bernie heads into South Carolina. This show is a followup particularly to our show about Bernie and Black Lives Matter that aired last July, and our other show, What We Think of Bernie Sanders' Platfo…
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