Listen to the weekly sermons from the Evangelical Free Church of Crystal Lake.
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THE BEATITUDES: GOD’S PATH TO MATURITY & JOY #7 | Blessed Are The Peacemakers Pastor Marty Voltz | Matthew 5:9 The importance of peace in the biblical narrative. JESUS: the supreme peacemaker. Christians as peacemakers in a world at war with God and others. The reward for those who do the difficult work of making peace.…
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THE BEATITUDES: GOD’S PATH TO MATURITY & JOY #6 | Blessed Are The Pure in Heart Pastor Marty Voltz | Matthew 5:8 Our Terms Defined. Our Dilemma Acknowledged. Our Options Considered. God’s Provision Set Forth.על ידי EFCCL
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THE BEATITUDES: GOD’S PATH TO MATURITY & JOY #5 | Blessed Are The Merciful Pastor Marty Voltz | Matthew 5:7 The Nature and Source of Mercy. How One May GROW in Mercy. Practical Obstacles to Growing in Mercy The Rewards of Growing in Mercy Personal Evaluation.על ידי EFCCL
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THE BEATITUDES: GOD’S PATH TO MATURITY & JOY #4 | Blessed Are Those Who Hunger and Thirst for Righteousness Pastor Jay Childs | Matthew 5:6 The Call The Promiseעל ידי EFCCL
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THE BEATITUDES: GOD’S PATH TO MATURITY & JOY #3 | Blessed Are The Meek Pastor Jay Childs | Matthew 5:5 The Call to Meekness The Promise of Inheritanceעל ידי EFCCL
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THE BEATITUDES: GOD’S PATH TO MATURITY & JOY #2 | Blessed Are Those Who Mourn Pastor Jay Childs | Matthew 5:4 The Call to Mourn The Promise of Comfortעל ידי EFCCL
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THE BEATITUDES: GOD’S PATH TO MATURITY & JOY #1 | Blessed Are The Poor in Spirit Pastor Jay Childs | Matthew 5:1-3 A Flyover of The Sermon on The Mount Blessed Are The Poor in Spiritעל ידי EFCCL
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TITHING AND THE BLESSING OF GOD Pastor Jay Childs | Malachi 3:6-18 A Reminder of God’s Faithfulness (vs 6-10a) A Reminder of God’s Blessing (vs 10b-18)על ידי EFCCL
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Who Do You Hang Around? Pastor Ron Kirkeeng | Acts 3 and 4 Scene One Scene Two Scene Threeעל ידי EFCCL
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A PROMISED SAVIOR #3: A Most Unexpected Savior Pastor Jay Childs | Micah 5:1-4 An Unexpected Place of Birth (vs 1-2) An Unexpected Past (vs 2b) An Unexpected Purpose (vs 4)על ידי EFCCL
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A PROMISED SAVIOR #2: Unto Us a Child is Born Pastor Jay Childs | Isaiah 9:1-7 The Birth of the Savior (vs 1-6) The Identity of the Savior (vs 6) The Reign of the Savior (vs 7)על ידי EFCCL
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A PROMISED SAVIOR Kiss the Son Pastor Jay Childs (Psalm 2) The Rebellion of the Nations (vs 1-3) The Lord’s Response to the Nations (vs 4-9) A Warning to the Nations (vs 10-12)על ידי EFCCL
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GRATEFULNESS IN AN UNGRATEFUL WORLD: GRATITUDE IS A CHOICE Guest Speaker, Pastor Don Erickson The ungodly marks of ingratitude. The biblical rationale for a heart of gratitude. The biblical marks for a heart of gratitudeעל ידי EFCCL
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JESUS: THE ONLY SAVIOR #29 | The Resurrection and the Rest of the Story Pastor Jay Childs (John 20-21) The Bodily Resurrection of Jesus (Chapter 20) The Rest of the Story (Chapter 21)על ידי EFCCL
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JESUS: THE ONLY SAVIOR #28 | The Great Frame-Up Pastor Jay Childs (John 18-19) The Arrest of Jesus (18:1-18) The Trials of Jesus (18:19-19:6) The Execution of Jesus (19:7-42)על ידי EFCCL
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JESUS: THE ONLY SAVIOR #27 | The Real Lord’s Prayer Pastor Jay Childs (John 17) A Request for Himself (vs 1-5) Requests for His Disciples (vs 6-19) Requests for His People (vs 20-26)על ידי EFCCL
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MISSIONS WEEKEND In This Place I Will Give Peace (Haggai 1:1-2:9) Context (historical situation; how did we get here?) Discouragement (the work on the temple stopped) Confrontation (words from the prophet) Response (obedience) Reassurance (I am with you) Hope (the results of trusting God)על ידי EFCCL
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JESUS: THE ONLY SAVIOR #26 | What True Disciples Can Expect Pastor Jay Childs (John 16) The Hostility of the World (vs 1-4) The Help of the Holy Spirit (vs 5-15) The Hope of Overcoming (vs 16-33)על ידי EFCCL
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HE’S NOT DONE WITH YOU YET Pastor Marty Voltz (Jonah 3:10-4:11) God’s work in and through Jonah leading up to and including his preaching ministry to Nineveh. The evidence that Jonah is still in need of God’s gracious work in his life. The proof that God is not yet done with His man Jonah. The persistence of God in the work of perfecting His man.…
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TRUST IN THE LORD, NOT IN YOURSELF: In All Ways Submit to the Lord! Gabe Rickard and Andrew Peterson (Proverbs 3:1-7) Trust in the Lord Don’t Trust in Yourselfעל ידי EFCCL
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JESUS: THE ONLY SAVIOR #24 | Heart Trouble Pastor Jay Childs (John 14) Jesus is Preparing a Place (vs 1-14) Jesus is Sending a Helper (vs 15-31)על ידי EFCCL
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JESUS: THE ONLY SAVIOR #23 | Everything is About to Change Pastor Jay Childs (John 13:31-38) The Coming Glory for Jesus (vs 31-32) The New Commandment of Jesus (vs 33-38)על ידי EFCCL
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JESUS: THE ONLY SAVIOR #22 | The Danger of Being a Phony Pastor Jay Childs (John 13:18-30) Jesus Predicts His Betrayal (vs 18-19) Judas Fulfills Prophecy (vs 20-30)על ידי EFCCL
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JESUS: THE ONLY SAVIOR #21 | Called to Serve Pastor Jay Childs (John 13:1-17) The Example of Serving (1-14) The Command to Serve (vs 15-16) The Reward of Serving (vs 17)על ידי EFCCL
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The Character of a True Servant of Jesus Christ Pastor Marty Voltz (1 Timothy 6:11-16) A true servant of Christ knows whose he is. A true servant of Christ flees all forms of evil. A true servant of Christ actively pursues righteousness. A true servant of Christ fights for the faith. A true servant of Christ persists in the quest for eternal life. …
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INQUIRING MINDS WANT TO KNOW #7 | What is the Book of Revelation Really About? Pastor Jay Childs (Revelation) Some Preliminaries The Big Picture The Callעל ידי EFCCL
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INQUIRING MINDS WANT TO KNOW #6 | What About Predestination? Pastor Jay Childs (Romans 3 and 9) No One is Righteous; No One Seeks God (Romans 3) God Has Mercy on Whom He Wills (Romans 9)על ידי EFCCL
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INQUIRING MINDS WANT TO KNOW #5 | Can Evolution Be Reconciled With the Bible? Austin May (1 Corinthians 15:20-26) God Gospel Youעל ידי EFCCL
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INQUIRING MINDS WANT TO KNOW #4 | What’s So Special About the Bible? Pastor Jay Childs (2 Peter 1:19-21) The Claims of Those Who Wrote the Bible The Testimony of Jesus The Reliability of Oral Tradition The Abundance of Bible Manuscripts Confirmation From Archaeologyעל ידי EFCCL
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INQUIRING MINDS WANT TO KNOW #3 | Can We Choose Our Own Gender? Pastor Jay Childs (Matthew 19:4-6) Created Not Evolved (vs 4) Created in Two Genders (vs 4-6)על ידי EFCCL
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INQUIRING MINDS WANT TO KNOW #2 | What About Those Who’ve Never Heard? Pastor Jay Childs (Romans 1:18-32) God’s Wrath is Revealed from Heaven (vs 18) God’s Existence is Clear from Creation (vs 19-20) Sinful Humanity Turns to Substitute Gods (vs 21-25) Judgment on Unbelief Begins in This Life (vs 26-32) Everyone Must Call on Jesus to Be Saved (Rom. …
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INQUIRING MINDS WANT TO KNOW #1 | Is There Really an Eternal Hell? Pastor Jay Childs (Revelation 20:11-15) The Coming Judgment (vs 11-13) The Lake of Fire (vs 14-15)על ידי EFCCL
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The One and Only Pastor Tim Bruns (Revelation 4 & 5) One Theme: The Almighty God Reigns One Response: All Creation Worships Himעל ידי EFCCL
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JESUS: THE ONLY SAVIOR #20 | Infatuated with Jesus Pastor Jay Childs (John 12) Many Are Attracted to Jesus (vs 1-19) Few End Up Following Jesus (vs 20-50)על ידי EFCCL
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JESUS: THE ONLY SAVIOR #19 | The Plot to Kill Jesus Pastor Jay Childs (John 11:45-57) A Meeting (vs 45-47) A Concern (vs 47-48) A Plot (vs 49-57)על ידי EFCCL
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JESUS: THE ONLY SAVIOR #18 | I Am the Resurrection and the Life Austin May (John 11:1-44) The Reasons for Lazarus’ Suffering (vs 1-16) The Glory Revealed (vs 17-44)על ידי EFCCL
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JESUS: THE ONLY SAVIOR #17 | Dissecting Unbelief Pastor Jay Childs (John 10:22-42) The Reasons for Unbelief (vs 22-27) The Consequences of Unbelief (vs 28-30) The Foolishness of Unbelief (vs 31-42)על ידי EFCCL
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JESUS: THE ONLY SAVIOR #16 | The Shepherd and His Sheep Pastor Jay Childs (John 10: 1-21) Jesus Gathers His Sheep (vs 1-6) Jesus Guards His Sheep (vs 7-10) Jesus Give His Life for His Sheep (vs 11-21)על ידי EFCCL
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JESUS: THE ONLY SAVIOR #15 | Spiritual Blindness Pastor Jay Childs (John 9) The Misunderstanding (vs 1-5) The Miracle (vs 6-34) The Message (vs 35-41)על ידי EFCCL
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JESUS: THE ONLY SAVIOR #14 | Additional Extreme Claims Pastor Jay Childs (John 8) The Light of the World (vs 12-20) The Son of Man (vs 21-30) The Truth That Sets Us Free (vs 31-47) I Am (vs 48-59)על ידי EFCCL
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JESUS: THE ONLY SAVIOR #13 | Hostility Towards Jesus Pastor Jay Childs (John 7) Hatred (vs 1-10) Division (vs 11-44) Unbelief (vs 45-52)על ידי EFCCL
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From One Generation to the Next: A Generation at Risk Pastor Don Erickson (Joshua 24, Judges 1-2) Joshua’s Generation: A Generation of Commitment (Joshua 24:14-15) The Next Generation: A Generation of Compromise (Judges 1) The Generation of Leader’s Children: A Generation of Rebellion (Judges 2:10-11)…
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How Far Would You Go? Learning to Follow Jesus Where He Leads Gabe Moore (Acts 14:21-22) Where Does the Leader Lead Us? Training Myself to Follow Closing the Back Doorעל ידי EFCCL
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JESUS: THE ONLY SAVIOR #12 | The Preacher Who Lost His Crowd Pastor Jay Childs (John 6) The Miracles (vs 1-21) The Message (vs 22-59) The Migration (vs 60-71)על ידי EFCCL
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JESUS: THE ONLY SAVIOR #11 | The Man Who Made Extreme Claims Pastor Jay Childs (John 5) The Cure (1-9) The Controversy (vs 1-16) The Claims (vs 17-47)על ידי EFCCL
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JESUS: THE ONLY SAVIOR #10 | False Faith vs Saving Faith Pastor Jay Childs (John 4:43-54) False Faith (vs 43-50) Saving Faith (vs 51-54)על ידי EFCCL
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Why the Resurrection Matters | Easter Sunday Pastor Jay Childs (1 Corinthians 15:1-19) Jesus is Risen (vs 1-11) The Consequences if Jesus Wasn’t Raised (vs 12-19)על ידי EFCCL
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JESUS: THE ONLY SAVIOR #9 | The Story of the Bad Samaritan Pastor Jay Childs (John 4:1-42) The Conversation The Reactionsעל ידי EFCCL
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JESUS: THE ONLY SAVIOR #8 | Why Jesus Came Pastor Jay Childs (John 3:16-36) To Be The Savior (vs 16-18) To Be The Light (vs 19-21) To Be Exalted (vs 22-36)על ידי EFCCL
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Test of Knowing God Pastor Cal Hiebert | (1 John 2:3-11) The Test of Obedience (2:3-6) The Test of Love (2:7-11)על ידי EFCCL
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