Legendarni podkast, kjer Delova komentatorja Ali Žerdin in Janez Markeš analizirata tedenske politčne, gospodarske in mednarodne dogodke. Vredno poslušanja.
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Bloomberg's Joe Weisenthal and Tracy Alloway explore the most interesting topics in finance, markets and economics. Join the conversation every Monday and Thursday.
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Humans are resilient. In our toughest moments, we will fight, we will struggle, and we will triumph...often against the odds. In this immersive series from Wondery, host-adventurers Mike Corey and Cassie De Pecol will share thrilling stories of survival. From the daring rescue of a soccer team trapped in an underwater cave in Thailand, to a woman taken hostage by Somali pirates, these stories made headlines around the world. AGAINST THE ODDS will make you feel as though you’re living these e ...
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Odd Trails is an anthology of true paranormal stories, narrated by Andy and Brandon Lanier. Join us every week as we dive into all things weird and otherworldly. Submit your experiences to stories@oddtrails.com.
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Zbirnik pomembnejših informativnih oddaj v programu Radia Ognjišče.
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Welcome to The OddBox! We're a tight-knit group of family and friends who love diving into epic adventures and untold stories (or retellings). An actual play Pathfinder 2e experience. We'd be rolling dice and facing monsters either way, but now, we're bringing you along for every twist, triumph, and surprise! Get ready to journey with us, laugh with us, and maybe even cry a little- because anything can happen at the table. Roll for initiative!
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En podcast om odds og spill med Frode Lia, Lars Dybwad og Thorstein Helstad.
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audycja o historycznej Warszawie
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V sodelovanju s strokovnjaki in kmeti predstavljamo dobre in uspešne kmetijske prakse vseh kmetijskih panog, v komentarjih pa vzamemo pod drobnogled aktualne odločitve kmetijske politike. Prisluhnite!
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A podcast based in those farthest reaches of your nostalgia filters. A place where this group of best friends never left. Hosts: Jared Minekime - @Jokeypantsgames Anthony Denney- @Infernofrenzy Mikeal Kennedy- @beetle_cast Sven- (Error) Follow us- @OddcastN, Oddcast Network Email us- oddcastmedia@gmail Get episodes and bonuses early- Patreon.com/OddcastN #nostalgia #nerdsunite #stayodd #bestfriends #comedy #podcast
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This podcast examines the oddities of the world...Cryptids to Conspiracies, Cults to Curiosities, Myths to Mysteries, and so much more! Stop by the shop, where the bizarre is always on sale... Each week your curators, Kara Perakovic and Zach Palmer will be opening the shop and sharing stories with you.
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Oddnormal takes you deep into the shadows of our everyday lives, where the familiar becomes strange and the unexplainable leaves us questioning reality. From curious quirks in daily encounters to baffling phenomena that defy all logic, we explore whether the world is truly growing stranger — and if global weirding has reached a tipping point. Join us as we uncover the hidden oddities lurking in plain sight.
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Bobby Julich and Jens Voigt are back with a brand new cycling podcast. Speaking to the biggest names in the professional peloton and sharing their wisdom from their own careers.
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Dnevne oddaje slovenskega uredništva Radia Vatikan.
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A biweekly weird-history podcast based in Dallas, TX WILD & TRUE stories 🤯 OCCASIONAL guests 🤝 Starring comedians Jimmy Nelson & Scott Crisp
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The Webby Award-winning “Box of Oddities" is a podcast that delves into the strange and mysterious aspects of our world, exploring topics ranging from bizarre medical conditions to unsolved mysteries, and from paranormal phenomena to strange cultural practices from around the world. With a focus on oddities, curiosities, and the macabre, each episode is a journey into the unknown, where hosts Kat and Jethro Gilligan Toth share their love for unusual stories and inject their humor and comment ...
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A podcast about something different every week! Join your hosts Jacob and Mochi Squeeze, as they drink and talk about whatever the topic is that week. Drink along if it's legal to do so!
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Brant Hansen is from small-town Illinois, and is a self-professed nerd, diagnosed with Asperger's as an adult. He's a fan of C.S. Lewis and toast. "Producer Sherri", also a radio veteran, is from Pittsburgh, has one of the world's great laughs, and demonstrates incredible patience with Brant. Both are believers in Jesus, but have difficulty fitting in with modern American church culture. Together they have a daily radio show that is syndicated across the country, with segments ranging from t ...
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A podcast about how people have applied ideas from outside software to software.
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The Odd News Minute podcast from United Press International is a weekday roundup of hilarious and awe-inspiring stories. New world records, critter misadventures, freaky discoveries, serendipitous lottery wins -- it's the best news you'll hear all day.
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Taisha Koster, with her BA in anthropology, and Ivy Boyd, upcoming anthropology and archaeology student, bring you fascinating stories of humanities past and the journeys which lead us to its discovery. New episode monthly.
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Dnevni informativni in formativni program o papežu in vesoljni Cerkvi. - Podcast - Radio Vaticana - Vatican News
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Hi everyone and welcome to Oddly Specific hosted by me, Meredith Lynch! Each episode I’ll inviting on experts who can deep dive with us on the topics YOU want to hear about, together we will cover everything from Private Equity to Pete Davidson. My water is topped off, my lawyer is on stand by, and I’m here to remind you that the devil is always in the details, this is Oddly Specific! Drop us a line oddlyspecificteam@gmail.com!
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Follow along with Patrick as he begins his weightlifting journey. He talks all things Oly lifting and strength, and keeps listeners up to date with what is going on in his Oly program, "Dissident Barbell." Interviewing prolific individuals in the sport, he allows listeners to gather valuable insight into what the top athletes and coaches are doing.
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Jak zacząć i jak rozwinąć swój biznes. Rozmowy z przedsiębiorcami i specjalistami, wskazówki, inspiracje.
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We aim to cover a myriad of topics, issues, movies, video-games or anything else that gives us interest... while drinking a lot . We are a couple of dudes that will never take ourselves seriously because that’s no fun. So join us on an adventurous escapade while we delve into wacky, weird and sometimes serious topics.
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What Bob, Sheri, Lamar and the rest of the crew talk about when the mics are off.
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A Comedy Horror Actual Play Podcast using the Monster of the Week system. Follow along as Jamie, Marlin, and Ron take a road trip together in a brand new, totally normal van they just bought. Journey from town to town with these three as they try to figure out what to do after college.
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Two black millennials with a lot of learning AND teaching to do.
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Hosted by Tanner and Kristin, Truly Odd dives into the uncanny, the bizarre, and the unexplained. From ghostly encounters and cryptid legends to unsettling true crimes and the everyday peculiarities that make life fascinating, this podcast explores the mysteries that keep us questioning the world around us.
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Welcome to The Ultimate O.D. podcast with host, optometrist and practice owner, Dr. Nick Lillie. Join us weekly as Dr. Lillie brings the real talk with hard won wisdom and levity on all things Optometry such as practice management, practice specialties, business tips, and more all from his own personal experience!
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Welcome to It’s An Odd World After All! Your host Jensen narrates the spookiest paranormal stories out there. If you need a good spook or love paranormal stories, this podcast will give you that chill down your spine you’re craving!
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David Taggart and Gareth Hall are ‘The Odds Couple’ and they provide their fun yet focused take on racing’s pressing issues and the form for the big race day ahead.
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Odd Socks and Docs is a podcast aimed at anyone working in a Special Educational Needs & Disabilities setting. Primarily teaching children and young people with severe and complex and profound learning difficulties. I hope this will be helpful to anyone with an interest in SEND including parents and other professionals in medical and social roles.
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Join Amy Walter, the celebrated editor-in-chief of the Cook Political Report, every other Tuesday, for conversations on the surprising — and often odd — times we live in. Amy brings her smart and sought-after insights on politics to a podcast that covers a range of subjects. What makes this moment interesting, unpredictable, and surprising? Amy will talk to people who live and breathe politics (like ourselves) and plenty who do not. We think you can learn stuff — and have fun at the same tim ...
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Vypočujte si blogy Ľuboša Fellnera, riaditeľa cestovnej kancelárie BUBO a najscestovanejšieho Slováka. Preneste sa v čase a ulovte o úroveň dokonalejší zážitok, vďaka profesionálnemu prednesu a podmanivému hlasu Kamila Mikulčíka. Vždy začiatkom mesiaca, vám prinesieme novú exkluzívnu epizódu.
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The Podcast about three brothers coming to terms with the oddly true or the truthfully odd.
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V oddaji Od slike do besede gre za poglobljeno podajanje širše kulturnih in umetnostnih tem, ki se vežejo na literaturo, gledališče, glasbo, upodobitvene umetnosti … V njej najdejo mesto za pogovor avtorji, kritiki in preizpraševalci oz interpreti umetniških del. Oddaja je namenjena izobraženi publiki s posluhom za teme, ki so se in se pojavljajo v umetnosti. V oddaji gostimo številne nagrajence različnih nazorov in umetniških področij, ki predstavljajo in razmišljali o svojem delu in o širš ...
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Prvý slovenský podcast venovaný cyklistike... Postrehy a informácie z diania v pro pelotóne i mimo neho počas celej sezóny.
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The Fox Sports Radio personalities provide listeners with a dynamic discussion as the two polar opposites take listeners through the biggest hits in sports.
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The Three Links Odd Cast is an exploration of and discussion about issues in Odd Fellowship for members of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows. It provides a fun, light-hearted look at the history, traditions, customs, and practices of Odd Fellowship as well as an examination of where the fraternal order is today. NOTE: there will be *NO* discussion of The Unwritten Work or any of the signs, grips, or passwords of Odd Fellowship.
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A podcast where Owen Colgan takes a deep on the internet, to see what’s really out there. How are you?
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Nie sme kritici, ale fanúšikovia, ktorí dokopy videli viac ako 45 000 filmov a seriálov. Sme OD VECI K VECI! Hľadáte odporúčania, hodnotenia či informácie o novinkách? Ste na správnej adrese. 🍿
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Podcast "Pani od zmiany" - opowiada o tym jak wdrażać zmiany w swoim życiu w oparciu o filozofię - #rozwojbezspiny- czyli bez wyrzeczeń i wychodzenia ze strefy komfortu a przyjemnie i z poczuciem satysfakcji na co dzień. Masz gotowość do działania- zapraszam do dołączenia do grupy na FB Rozwój bez spiny https://www.facebook.com/groups/rozwojbezspiny
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Real Moms, Real Talk, Real Impact. Odd Moms On Call is a podcast for moms navigating the chaos of current events. Join our diverse panel of moms from across the U.S. and Canada, breaking down how politics, policies, and culture impact our families—and how we talk to our kids about them. Honest, unfiltered, and insightful, we're making sense of the world, one conversation at a time.
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Welcome to The Odd Lot - a podcast about everything auctions, sporting memorabilia and an odd lot! In each episode, sports memorabilia specialists David, John and Adam from Graham Budd Auctions share their insights, stories and anecdotes about some of the most unique, valuable and unusual items they’ve come across over the years. Whether you're a seasoned collector or simply curious about the world of auctions, The Odd Lot is the perfect place to discover something new and unexpected.
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How to Be A Better Doctor - It's Not What You Think | E245
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17:47How to Be A Better Doctor - It's Not What You Think | E245 Highlights from this episode: How to Be A Better Doctor - It's Not What You Think (00:38) Closing Thought: The Parable of 3 Stone Cutters (15:14) There's a lot that goes into being a good doctor. While clinical knowledge is incredibly important, my hot take is there is something else that i…
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Markeš: ZDA so ujetnice sionističnega programa, ki mu nasprotujejo tudi Judje
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20:31Delova komentatorja Ali Žerdin in Janez Markeš komentirata dogajanje minuli teden, tokrat predvsem v ZDA in na Bližnjem vzhodu.על ידי Ali Žerdin in Janez Markeš
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(19.3.2025) Jar je difinitívne tu a s ňou aj La Classicissima! So stúpajúcou ortuťou na teplomeri graduje aj napätie pred prvým monumentom sezóny. Pogačar a jeho UAE už týždne spriadajú plány, ako sa zbaviť konkurencie čo najďalej od cieľa. Podľa slov Madsa Pedersena, v Lidl-Trek počítajú s plánom A, B a aj C. Na mieste je ale otázka klasika: „A bu…
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Smrt v nepojansnjenih okoliščinah
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44:17Dag Hammarskjöld je bil drugi generalni sekretar Organizacije združenih narodov, ki je umrl v strmoglavljenju letala. Imel je zanimivo življenjsko pot, kar odkrivajo njegovi Zapiski. Izšli so pri KUDU Logos, prevedla jih je Nada Grošelj, ki je tudi gostja v studiu.על ידי Mateja Subotičanec
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Biznes w którym marża wynosi 1%, a i tak się opłaca - Krzysztof Janoszek
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24:26Krzysztof Janoszek to prezes firmy Glinmet, która od lat specjalizuje się w produkcji blach dachowych, elewacji i ogrodzeń metalowych. Dzięki jego wizji i zaangażowaniu firma przeszła dynamiczny rozwój, współpracując z czołowymi producentami stali. Glinmet to przykład sukcesu w branży, który łączy wysoką jakość produktów z nowoczesnym podejściem do…
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Čierne kone jarnej anime sezóny (OVKV #197: FO 15)
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39:37🍿 Každá anime sezóna má svoje veľké hity. Ale čo nenápadné tituly, ktoré môžu prekvapiť? V dnešnej epizóde sa pozrieme na skrytých favoritov jarnej anime sezóny, ktorí môžu získať kopec fanúšikov, alebo rozprúdiť vášnivé diskusie. 📌 Ktoré seriály si zaslúžia viac pozornosti? 📌 Čo vyzerá ako flop, ale možno prekvapí? 📌 A objaví sa nový isekai, ktorý…
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174 - Jak wspiera się kobiecy biznes. Gościnnie Emilia Bartosiewicz-Brożyna
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30:26Bardzo cieszyłam się na ten odcinek, bo lubię rozmawiać z kobietami a jeszcze kiedy do tego temat jest kobiecy to już rewelacja :) W tym odcinku rozmawiam z Emilią Bartosiewicz-Brożyną o tym co mogą na wzajem kobiety robić dla siebie, żeby się wspierać, jak pomaga w tym jej organizacja oraz o tym co mówi raport z badania jakie ostatnio przeprowadzi…
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🔹 Początki Poczty w Warszawie – listy początkowo dostarczano przez posłańców 🔹 Montelupi i Poczta Królewska – pierwsza stała poczta w Warszawie w XVII w. 🔹 Krzywe Koło – historia i pierwsza siedziba urzędu pocztowego 🔹 Rozwój usług pocztowych – wpływ handlu, dyplomacji i wojen na komunikację 🔹 Kamienica Montelupiego – dawny zajazd pocztowy i centru…
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Sunniti vs šiiti a čo sa stalo v Karbale
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1:11:46OD PÓLU K PÓLU S ĽUBOŠOM FELLNEROM ✿ Blogy najscestovanejšieho Slováka, narozprávané umelou inteligenciou ✿ V Bahrajne, kde vládne sunnitský vladár, ale väčšina poddaných sú šiiti (shia), mi moja známa, pôvodom Nemka, ktorá žije v ostrovnej krajine pätnásť rokov, vysvetľovala rozdiel: „Sunniti sa modlia päťkrát do dňa tri minúty a šiiti trikrát do …
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BLACK BUSINESS OF THE WEEK: City of Angels Run Club instagram.com/cityofangelsrunclub + The Modern Luxury Gathering Suite themodernatl.com instagram.com/themodernatl _________ SHOP TALK: Farting in the Gym RIP Angie Stone Gorgeous Doll Bhad Bhabie vs Alabama Barker _________ OPEN DISCUSSION: Should Food Stamps restrict the purchasing of junk foods?…
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Novice iz življenja Cerkve dne 21. 3.
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5:46Cerkveni letopis, katoličanov 1,4 milijarde, upad duhovnikov, porast stalnih diakonov. V Kopru jutri Pohod za življenje. Svetoletno romanje vernikov ljubljanske nadškofije v Oglej. Nova osvetlitev kupole vatikanske bazilike.על ידי Radio Ognjišče
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Lots More With Charlie McElligott on the Sharp, Strange Selloff
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25:42Last week, the US market sold off sharply. The S&P 500 fell as much as 3.6% on Monday alone, entering technical correction territory. Momentum trades were hit particularly hard and stocks that had been winners for years suddenly became losers, while ones that had been losers suddenly outperformed. Perhaps the strangest thing though, is that volatil…
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Mothman Mysteries: Chiseled Cryptid Booty and Unseen Dangers
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29:43In this Truly Odd episode, the Kristin and Tanner stumble into the enigmatic legend of Mothman, tracing its origins to a 1966 sighting in Point Pleasant and exploring theories ranging from misidentified birds to experimental military gear. The discussion also expands into the tragic tale of two Bigfoot hunters who succumbed to harsh conditions, hig…
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The Inbox of Oddities is a delightful bonus episode where Kat and Jethro dive into the treasure trove of listener emails, comments, and messages sent by you—the ever-curious Freak Family. From spine-tingling personal encounters with the paranormal to bizarre trivia, mysterious coincidences, and even a touch of the hilariously strange, this episode …
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Rob and Kelvin debate whether day one of the NCAA Tournament is a better sports day the MLB Opening Day and argue whether the Michigan Fab Five can be considered iconic despite never actually winning a national championship. Plus, former Michigan Fab Five member Jimmy King swings by to discuss why his team is so iconic even though they never won a …
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Hour 3 - The Michigan Fab Five Is Far From Iconic
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37:33Rob and Kelvin debate whether the Michigan Fab Five can be considered iconic despite never actually winning a national championship and go head-to-head in this week’s March Madness edition of Teichert’s Tower of Trivia. See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.על ידי Fox Sports Radio - iHeartRadio
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Hour 2- Legacies on the Mind in College Basketball + NBA champion Antonio Daniels
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38:05Rob and Kelvin tell us which college basketball coach will have his legacy changed the most with a national championship (Kelvin Sampson, John Calipari, Tom Izzo and Bruce Pearl). Plus, NBA champion and FOX Sports Radio NBA analyst Antonio Daniels swings by to discuss the New York Knicks identity change, what’s currently ailing the Milwaukee Bucks,…
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Hour 1 - The Single Greatest Day in Sports + Michigan Fab Five member Jimmy King
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37:40Rob and Kelvin debate whether day one of the NCAA Tournament is a better sports day the MLB Opening Day, share their thoughts on the real importance of filling out a March Madness bracket and take a trip out to Shekel City for Rob’s nightly bets. Plus, former Michigan Fab Five member Jimmy King swings by to discuss why his team is so iconic even th…
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Connie Carpenter-Phinney: The head of a cycling dynasty
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1:02:22Connie Carpenter-Phinney is an extraordinary rider. Her Olympic began not on two wheels, but ice, as a speed skater at the age of 14. She subsequently returned to become a champion at a home games in LA in 1984. Connie and her husband Davis were a massive influence on our Bobby Julich early in his career and in this chat - she reveals the role she'…
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Data Analytics Was Supposed To Be How Dems Dominated Politics. That Didn't Happen in 2024.
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54:31Back in the 2012 cycle, Chauncey McLean was a young staffer on the Obama campaign working in the newly developing field of data analytics. Six years later, McLean put those data science skills - and the ones he developed while working in the private sector testing ads for commercial products - to work as head of the Democratic super PAC, Future For…
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A painting bought for $2.99 at an Ohio Goodwill store is auctioned for over $2,800, rescuers remove a metal can that was stuck over a cat's head in Mississippi and the mystery of an ice chunk that fell through the roof of a Florida home deepens on today's UPI Odd News Minute. For these stories and more, visit UPI.com/Odd_News. Follow the UPI Odd Ne…
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Slovenska oddaja Radia Vatikan 20. marec 2025
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19:45על ידי Radio Vatikan
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Vlada odločila, da bo nova gorenjska regijska bolnišnica v Kranju. Zelenski Evropsko unijo na vrhu v Bruslju pozval k ohranitvi sankcij proti Rusiji do začetka njenega umika iz Ukrajine; v ponedeljek novo srečanje delegacij v Rijadu. Vlasta Nussdorfer v pogovoru za Radio Ognjišče o postopku imenovanja novega Varuha človekovih pravic. Pozeba prizade…
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Borut Pahor o politični krizi v Sloveniji: Razmere v mednarodni skupnosti so takšne, da bi slovenska politika morala spoznati, da je čas za sodelovanje. V SDS zbrali več kot 47.500 podpisov za razpis referendum o pokojninah za privilegirane. Člani SLS bodo na kongresu izbirali vsaj med tremi kandidati za vodenje stranke. Papeževo stanje vsak dan bo…
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Novice iz življenja Cerkve dne 20. 3.
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6:50Papež ne potrebuje več maske za mehansko predihavanje. Postne pridige p. Pasolijina odprte tudi za javnost. Papež Frančišek: »Svet išče pričevalce upanja«. Akcija Slovenske karitas: Ne pozabimo.על ידי Radio Ognjišče
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Frode Lia, Thorstein Helstad og Lars Dybwad diskuterer helgens kamper og oddsspill. Denne gangen må gutta grave dypt. Veldig dypt!על ידי Oddspodden
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We finally did it. We finally did an episode on the Jones Act. For years on the podcast, we've been referencing this controversial law from 1920, which places restrictions on domestic port-to-port transport in the United States. But we had never actually done an episode on what it is, why it was created, and why people feel so fervently about eithe…
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1966 UFO Pursuit: Police Chase Flying Saucer Across 2 States!
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46:10Welcome To The Oddity Shop, Where The Bizarre is Always on Sale. This week, your curator Zach is taking you on a wild goose chase....Or should we Say Saucer Chase?? Take a ride with us through the 1960s as we relive the high-speed pursuit of an egg-shaped UFO by officers Spauer and Neff. Picture the scene: a mysterious object darting across state l…
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Rob and Kelvin debate whether or not the Detroit Lions are poised to take a big step back in 2025, tell us why this Daryl Morey fiasco is further proof that analytics is running sports and explain why Nikola Jokic doesn’t need to be a good defender to be consider the Greatest Player in the NBA. See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.…
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Hour 3 - Nobody Cares that Nikola Jokic Can't Defend
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36:57Rob and Kelvin explain why Nikola Jokic doesn’t need to be a good defender to be consider the Greatest Player in the NBA. Plus, sports talk personality Barry Long swings by to defend his hottest takes in this week’s edition of The Hot Seat. See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.על ידי Fox Sports Radio - iHeartRadio
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Hour 2 - The Vikings are Making a Big Mistake + Sirius XM NBA Radio host Brian Geltzeiler
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36:37Rob and Kelvin tell us if the Minnesota Vikings are taking an unnecessary risk by shunning Sam Darnold and Aaron Rodgers in favor of JJ McCarthy. Plus, Sirius XM NBA Radio host Brian Geltzeiler swings by to discuss the NBA MVP race, whether or not the Los Angeles Lakers are legitimate championship contenders, which under-the-radar teams could make …
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Hour 1 - Lions Will Take a Big Step Back in 2025
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36:50Rob and Kelvin debate whether or not the Detroit Lions are poised to take a big step back in 2025, tell us why this Daryl Morey fiasco is further proof that analytics is running sports, explain why Los Angeles Dodgers fans comparing Rodney Peete to Steve Bartman are out of line, and take a trip out to Shekel City for Rob’s nightly bets. See omnystu…
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Send us a text Gardis lets his prejudice cloud his judgment, refusing to engage with a prisoner of the aberrations that now infest the lumber camp. Meanwhile, the Protectors take one of these strange creatures hostage and press forward, slipping past the gate and heading straight for the heart of the danger—the court of the dread leader himself. Bu…
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Fish of the Year, highway gets corned
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2:54The blobfish wins New Zealand's Fish of the Year 2025 competition and a truck crash on a Virginia highway spills a load of corn on today's UPI Odd News Minute. For these stories and more, visit UPI.com/Odd_News. Follow the UPI Odd News Minute on YouTube and TikTok.
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Slovenska oddaja Radia Vatikan 19. marec 2025
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19:45על ידי Radio Vatikan
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Bogomil Ferfila v pogovoru za Radio Ognjišče med drugim pravi, da bi bil mir v interesu obeh in da si Trump želi Nobelove nagrade za mir. Na Brdu o odpornosti države- sogovorniki poudarjali pomen sodelovanja vseh. Kakšno je zdravstveno stanje dveh v požaru poškodovanih, ki se zdravita v Mariboru? Državni svet za nov način obračunavanja omrežnine za…
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Izplen telefonskega pogovora med Trumpom in Putinom nejasen, Ukrajina in Rusija z novimi napadi. Bruselj predstavil načrt o krepitvi evropske obrambe, ki naj bi prinesel 800 milijard evrov naložb. Nacionalni posvet o krepitvi odpornosti na Brdu pri Kranju: V čase, ki prihajajo, ne smemo priti nepripravljeni. V izraelskih napadih na Gazo v zadnjih d…
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Topics: “We Don’t Know, Doug.” Welcome To The Show, Asking For The Impossible, Wisdom, What Am I Worried About?, Breaking Animal News, Heaven/Image, Human Intelligence BONUS CONTENT: Tweety Bird, Brant & Sherri Rewind, Prophecy Quotes: “We share these stories among each other because it builds our faith.” “I want to talk to God about what I’m worry…
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Novice iz življenja Cerkve dne 19. 3.
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5:31Papež ponoči brez maske za mehansko predihavanje. Praznik sv. Jožefa: V Novem mestu podelitev škofijskega priznanja Marjanu Dvorniku. Teden družine, letos pod geslom »Pričevalci upanja«. Hotiza - križev pot 2025על ידי Radio Ognjišče
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When Luigi Mangione allegedly gunned down UnitedHealthcare’s CEO, the media called it a senseless crime. But online, a different story emerged—one of rage, reckoning, and a suspected killer turned folk hero. More than just a true crime podcast, LUIGI, hosted by Jesse Weber, dares to look beyond the crime and the accused to explore a cultural tippin…
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(EP:142) Sinister Whispers & Shadowy Figures
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17:46Welcome to It's An Odd World After All! In this chilling throwback episode, we start with continuing with a lesson from the How to Be a Psychic book. Next, we revisit four eerie encounters that will leave you questioning reality. A caregiver hears sinister whispers in the dark, a childhood home oozes black goo and vanishes without a trace, a vacati…
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Terror in the Desert, Mystery at Sea
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39:00In this episode of The Box of Oddities, we unravel two wildly bizarre tales that will leave you questioning reality itself. First, Jethro dives into the terrifying legend of the Red Ghost of Arizona—a monstrous, bloodthirsty creature that terrorized the Old West, leaving a trail of destruction and something even more horrifying in its wake. Then, K…
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Rob & Kelvin question whether or not the Los Angeles Dodgers are already truly perceived as the new Evil Empire of Baseball, college basketball analyst DeShaun Tate joins the show, another edition of Trash Talk, and more! See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.על ידי Fox Sports Radio - iHeartRadio
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Rob Parker & Kelvin Washington discuss if the Warriors are legit or not, Ephraim Salaam stops by, and where Aaron Rodgers should end up. See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.על ידי Fox Sports Radio - iHeartRadio
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Hour 1 – Golden State: Bologna or Filet Mignon?
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40:15Rob Parker and Kelvin Washington question whether or not the Golden State Warriors are filet mignon or bologna after their trade for Jimmy Butler, Ephraim Salaam stops by to talk about all the latest in the NFL, another edition of Shekel City, and more! See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.…
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Rob & Kelvin react to Cam Heyward’s comments on Aaron Rodgers, discuss where they think he should end up as he continues to ponder between Minnesota (?), New York, and Pittsburgh, Jon Paul Morosi stops by, and more! See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.על ידי Fox Sports Radio - iHeartRadio
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