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show episodes

Pale Blue Pod


Pale Blue Pod is an astronomy podcast for people who are overwhelmed by the universe but want to be its friend. Astrophysicist Dr. Moiya McTier and comedian Corinne Caputo demystify space one topic at a time with open eyes, open arms, and open mouths (from so much laughing and jaw-dropping). By the end of each episode, the cosmos will feel a little less “ahhh too scary” and a lot more “ohhh, so cool!” New episodes every Monday.
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置于如今多彩而奔放的时代大背景下,我们展开 mixmag 的画卷:音乐是不同色彩的颜料,而音乐人则是各种神奇的画笔,让这张充满无限可能的画卷变得栩栩如生、引人神往 (来自: )
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Întrucât ne-am decis să trăim o veșnicie, ne-am hotărât că vom avea destul timp să povestim despre istoria intelectuală a omenirii într-o serie de podcasturi începând cu antichitatea și ajungând până în zilele noastre. Planul nostru este ca, în fiecare săptămână, să purtăm o discuție despre o temă esențială din sfera umanistă. Vom vorbi, așadar, despre literatura, istorie, religie și, bineînțeles, filozofie. Totul în ordine cronologică.
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The Lonely Palette

Tamar Avishai

Welcome to The Lonely Palette, the podcast that returns art history to the masses, one painting at a time. Each episode, host Tamar Avishai picks a painting du jour, interviews unsuspecting museum visitors in front of it, and then dives deeply into the object, the movement, the social context, and anything and everything else that will make it as neat to you as it is to her. For more information, visit | Twitter @lonelypalette | Instagram @thelonelypalette.
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This Is Palestine

The Institute for Middle East Understanding

'This Is Palestine' is a podcast that highlights people, issues, and events around Palestine. We bring you stories from the ground in Palestine, and we speak with experts and activists to bring you unique perspectives and analysis about Palestine from across the world. This podcast is a project of the Institute for Middle East Understanding (IMEU).
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Paleo Nerds


A Paleo Nerd is a grown-up who still has the child-like wonder and love for dinosaurs, fossils, science, and paleontology. Paleo Nerds follows Alaskan artist, Ray Troll, and his friend ventriloquist David Strassman, as they host exciting interviews with paleontologists, scientists and fellow paleo nerds from around the world. They take what would’ve been a boring science class and turn it into an exciting and extremely informative party.
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Understanding Israel/Palestine advocates for a fair and even-handed U.S. foreign policy that recognizes the rights of both Palestinians and Israelis. The program offers multiple perspectives through interviews with journalists, scholars, policy experts and activists to clarify the underlying issues that are often obscured by mainstream media.
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Du har kanskje hørt om det som skjer i Palestina, men du vet ikke helt hvorfor det er sånn? I denne podkasten tar vi for oss aktuelle temaer om det som foregår i Palestina, lærer litt om historien, kulturen og om menneskene. Kanskje det ikke er så komplisert som de sier? Med Rania Iraki og Nader Khalayli. Produsent: Rania Iraki, Ingvild Mjøen Sausjord. Foto og klipp: Ingvild Mjøen Sausjord. Research: Omme Laila Ali. Illustrasjon: Leif Arno Hofheinz. Jingles: XXD Polo. Podkasten er støttet av ...
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Esse é o podcast oficial do canal Espiritualidade e Vida, com palestras de Haroldo Dutra Dias. As palestras tiveram seus áudios tratados e adequados para a plataforma. Haroldo é Juiz de Direito do Estado de Minas Gerais, expositor espírita no Brasil e exterior. ​Tradutor da obra “Novo Testamento”, editada no Brasil pela FEB (Federação Espírita Brasileira), a qual foi traduzida diretamente do Texto Crítico Grego, publicada pela UBS (United Bible Society). Autor de diversos livros com conteúdo ...
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PaleoJays Smoothie Cafe

Jay Bowers aka PaleoJay

A quick podcast that features tips about the paleo, ancestral, carnivore or barbarian template type of lifestyle. Sometimes politics as well- a succinct summation by your own PaleoJay! Come join the tribe...
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Rethinking Palestine

Al-Shabaka: The Palestinian Policy Network

Rethinking Palestine is a podcast from Al-Shabaka: The Palestinian Policy Network, a transnational think tank that brings together Palestinians from across the globe to produce critical policy analysis and craft visions for a liberated, self-determined future. Host Yara Hawari engages with a range of Palestinian analysts to discuss recent developments and long-standing questions facing Palestinians worldwide.
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Paleo Bites

Matthew Donald

Welcome to Paleo Bites, the weekly podcast hosted by Matthew Donald where we make dumb jokes, reference pop culture, derail like crazy, and oh yeah, discuss and rate dinosaurs and other prehistoric animals. Each episode Matthew and a rotating set of guest co-hosts talk about a different genus of primeval critter, explain basic stats, exchange plenty of banter, barely fact-check, and at the end, rate the creature one out of 65 million for any reason, including but not limited to sexiness, man ...
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Palestine Debrief

Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East

"Palestine Debrief" is a podcast that discusses all things related to Palestine: the stories, people, issues and events. A discussion with experts, politicians, artists and activists to provide a distinctive approach about Palestine as it intersects with the political landscape here in Canada and beyond. This podcast is a production of Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East (CJPME,
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Listen to lively stories and inspiring interviews about the history and cultural heritage of Palestine and the ongoing Palestinian struggle for justice and equality. Every Monday a new episode. Subscribe to the mailing list for a weekly update so you never miss an episode. All social media links (facebook, instagram and youtube) and to subscribe to the mail chimp are in one place, easy, on the website The music for this podcast was made by Zaid Hilal, Palestinia ...
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Palestras Filosóficas Nova Acrópole

Palestras Filosóficas Nova Acrópole

Oferecemos voluntariamente conteúdo cultural e filosófico contido no nosso Curso de Filosofia à Maneira Clássica. Além de palestras diponibiizamos "lives", músicas, poesias, entrevistas, etc, para que possam nos conhecer e, caso queiram, ingressem na Filosofia! São amostras dos temas/ abordagens que aprofundamos de forma pedagógica, dialética, individual e prática na Nova Acrópole. Aproveite nossas reflexões, e busque a escola mais próxima de você! =D Sugestões, colaborações, observações pel ...
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Palestine Deep Dive

Palestine Deep Dive

Palestine Deep Dive: Connecting Palestinian realities to Western audiences. We are a bold new media platform challenging the mainstream, committed to empowering and maximising the impact of Palestinian voices.
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"This podcast sheds light on the daily struggles faced by Palestinians since the loss of their homeland. We bring you in-depth discussions and factual insights into the suffering endured by the indigenous people under a fascist state that continues to expand and claim their lands."
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Sulha (from the Arabic word for "reconciliation") is a grassroots project working to bridge understanding between people in conflict around the world, with a primary focus on the Israel-Palestine conflict. Our goal is to foster a nuanced understanding of important issues, transform the way people communicate, and inspire real-world action. Sulha is an inclusive community, we welcome people from all walks of life and all sides of the ideological spectrum.
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Take control of your health by moving beyond the Paleo template and learning about cutting edge health strategies that really work. This podcast will give you tips and tricks from the mouths of experts and common folk alike who discovered exactly what it takes to THRIVE. Join Chas and Autumn Smith, loving and passionate husband and wife and founders of as they guide you on the journey to cultivate vibrant health and wellness.
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Inspired by Palestine, Sumud Podcast emerges as a powerful platform for inspiration and empowerment for marginalized communities globally. Our mission? To elevate voices that have been sidelined by sharing the stories, experiences, and insights that demand to be heard. Get ready to join us in amplifying the voices shaping our world, one episode at a time. Welcome to Sumud Podcast – where we uplift, empower, and amplify. Connect with Sumud Podcast on your favorite social media channels: Insta ...
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Paleoradio on Hanna-Kaisa Ranisen ja Jaakko Savolahden podcast. Aiheina hyvinvointikokonaisuuden osa-alueet, kuten ravinto, elämäntavat ja liikunta. Voit halutessasi lähettää kysymyksiä podcastiin osoitteeseen [email protected] Hanna-Kaisan löydät: Ja Jaakon:
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Siti’s Stories: Highlighting Palestinian Women is a podcast dedicated to amplifying the voices and celebrating the achievements of Palestinian women. Through in-depth interviews, personal narratives, and cultural insights, we explore resilience, identity, resistance, and heritage—highlighting the powerful stories that shape Palestinian narratives and representation. Inspired by the gatherings of our Siti’s (grandmothers), this podcast is a space where stories inspire, voices are heard, and c ...
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播磨の魅力を発信するメディア「palette」発の音声配信企画「paletteラジオ」。毎回播磨に魅力的なゲストをお呼びしてお送りする人生対談番組です。 パーソナリティ:palette編集長 ロペス 制作:SAKASAMA WORKS paletteでは播磨の魅力を発掘し発信すべく、取材・インタビューを行っております。グルメ、インタビュー、イベントなど、記事広告でご協力できることがございましたら、御気軽にHPから御連絡ください。 ================ ・播磨の魅力を発信するメディア「palette」 ・Facebook ・Twitter ・Instagram ================
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Karl Hultén och Anna-Maria Norman

Vi hjälper dig att ta makten över din egen hälsa, med hjälp av en läkande kost och livsstil. Podden riktar sig till dig med autoimmun sjukdom, magbesvär, allergier och kroniska hälsobesvär. Vi ger dig fördjupande kunskap, effektiva metoder och inspiration. Aktuellt: Prenumerera på nyhetsbrevet och få en gratis e-bok: Läs om våra kurser och medlemskap. Här kan du köpa våra böcker. Vi som gör podcasten är: Karl Hultén (biomedicinare och författare som själv minskat sina symtom av autoimmun sju ...
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The Paley Center for Media

PaleyMatters is a podcast exploring the significance of TV, radio and emerging platforms for the media-interested public. Brought to you by The Paley Center for Media.
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show series
Moiya, Chris, and Buzz Lightyear get together to talk about TRAPPIST-1, a nearby system of 7 exoplanets. Then they tag each planet as one of the 7 dwarves. FYI, this episode was recorded in early November because Moiya has hated Elon Musk for YEARS! Guest Star: Chris Cook is a Chicago-based comedian. Find his work in his website christopherpaulcook…
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Send us a text This is the first part of a talk given by Dr. Norman Finkelstein at the University of Connecticut on February 27. The talk was sponsored by the Northeast Connecticut Gaza Peace Group. In this part, Dr. Finkelstein dismantles the characterization of the devastation in Gaza as a war between Israel and Hamas. To make this argument, he m…
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"Se você regenerar a si mesmo, já cumpriu sua missão. Regenerar-se é o verdadeiro desafio da transição planetária."51º MIEP Na obra da regeneração, qual a minha contribuição? Com Haroldo Dutra e Denise Lino🔹 Resumo do Episódio:Neste bate-papo enriquecedor, Haroldo Dutra Dias e Denise exploram o tema da Regeneração Planetária, abordando o papel de c…
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Jean-Jacques Rousseau, o figură formidabilă a secolului al XVIII-lea, a fost un autor versatil, implicându-se în literatură, filozofie politică, educație și muzică. Deși nu a fost un compozitor de talia lui Handel sau Mozart, opera sa "Le Devin du Village" a avut succes. Revelația sa filozofică a venit întâmplător, citind despre un concurs al Acade…
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恐怕没有谁比vampoleez更令人猜不透了。Mixmag 对这名低调制作人的初记忆,源于他2018以国内电子舞曲新面孔出道后,接连与夏之禹、地磁卡、李丁丁MIA AIM等歌手的合作,展现出惊人的英式舞曲制作成熟度;2021年他在明堂唱片企划的「夏日特辑:嗞~」献上一曲灵魂味儿UK Garage单曲《Taste So Good》,成为了那个夏天首选的解暑电子冰点。其实vampoleez 19岁就凭借过人的舞曲制作才华得到海外关注,屡次登上SONY旗下的传奇音乐平台ACID planet,斩获浩室舞曲类排行冠军。就当大家觉得这位天才新星要开始在海外发光发热之际,他却把自己隐入了写字楼的格子间。然而vampoleez的电子音乐之路,就像是写给所有那些生活中斜杠追梦人的一部浪漫又惊心的歌剧。在音乐…
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In this episode of the Sumud Podcast, we are honored to host Dr. Fady Joudah—a Palestinian-American poet, translator, and physician whose work bridges the worlds of healing, resistance, and storytelling. A doctor of both medicine and metaphor, Dr. Joudah masterfully intertwines themes of exile, memory, and steadfastness (sumud) in his poetry, offer…
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Dr. Hussam Abu Safiya, a renowned and beloved Palestinian pediatrician and director of the Kamal Adwan Hospital in Gaza, has been illegally held captive and tortured by the Israeli army for more than 59 days. On December 27, 2024, the Israeli army kidnapped Dr. Abu Safyia while burning and besieging the Kamal Adwan Hospital. In this episode, we hea…
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📚 Curso de Filosofia PRESENCIAL:: 🌐 AcrópolePlay (conteúdos ONLINE): ________________________________________________________ TODA INVESTIGAÇÃO LEVA À VERDADE? Como confiar nos resultados de um estudo? Todo conhecimento leva à Sabedoria? O professor e voluntário de Nova Acrópole em …
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The ceasefire in Gaza is teetering on the brink, as Israel continues to refuse to engage in negotiation on a second phase of the deal, while in Syria unrest has broken out in the between Allawite forces and the government's security personnel leading to fears that some actors are destabalising the region once again. In this week’s episode, we begin…
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(image source: Host Matthew Donald and guest co-host Lexi Ryan discuss Appalachiosaurus, a tyrannosaur living on the East Coast like some city slicker sellout. Never forget your Western roots here in Laramidia! Remember who you are! From the Late Cretaceous, this 25-foot theropod dinosaur is the on…
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Note: This BP was recorded on February 8th, 2025. ------------------------------------------ You can always reach us via the following platforms: Email: [email protected] Bluesky: Website: Instagram/Threads: @goodanimepalette Discord: Discord Invite Link ------------------------------------------ …
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Send us a text Shaul Magid, visiting professor of modern Judaism at Harvard Divinity School, talks to Margot Patterson about the long-standing debate among Jews over Zionism and about the impact of the 1967 Six-Day War on the Zionization of American Jews. The author of several books on Jewish mysticism, radicalism and identity, Magid says anti-Zion…
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This week Lara and Michael discuss the bizarre admission by Milekowsky (aka Netanyahu) that he is proudly committing war crimes by depriving the Palestinian people of food and aid. We talk about the numerous Israeli violations of the ceasefire and cover the onslaught of colonial violence in the West Bank as well as other stories from the last few w…
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TWIP-250309 The destruction of healthcare in Gaza and Westbank. "Host Sofia Rose Wolman visited the Community Church of Boston to bring us the insightful discussion between Dr. Thair Ahmad and Dr. Brian Wispelway. Together, they explored the realities unfolding in Gaza and the West Bank."על ידי TWIP
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Gratulerer med kvinnedagen! Tilfeldigheter gjør at vi er heldige nok til å møte Palestinas OL-svømmer, Valerie Tarazi! Hvordan ble hun det, og hvordan er det å være kvinne i internasjonal idrett? Tusen takk til Madeleine Schultz, som stilte opp som vikar for Nader.
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Guest hosts Mai Saif and Lina Breik present this week’s episode in recognition of International Women’s Day 2025.Mai is a Palestinian activist, an organiser with Free Palestine Melbourne, and member of the Palestinian Community Association for Victoria. Lina is a Palestinian-Australian dietitian working in critical care nutrition, founder of Tube D…
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Astăzi am discutat despre doi autori importanți din secolul XVIII, Helvetius și d'Holbach, care au avut un rol esențial în iluminismul radical. Acești gânditori, mai radicali chiar decât Diderot, erau materialiști și atei, critici ai monarhiei și ai vechiului regim. D'Holbach a scris mult despre creștinism, politică și societate, publicându-și lucr…
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In this episode of the Sumud Podcast, we uplift, empower, and amplify Imam Suhaib Webb—one of the most dynamic and influential Muslim scholars in the U.S. His journey from a hip-hop DJ in Oklahoma to a renowned Imam, educator, and social activist is one of transformation, deep faith, and an intentional pursuit of justice. Imam Suhaib shares his ins…
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"It's the close focus that draws me into a sound. And then it sort of spreads out and spreads through my body. And I let that happen, and I'm listening in a different way." - Annea LockwoodThe artist and composer Annea Lockwood is not just any musician. She is an artist of sound. She is a composer of art. Her music is performance art, and her art i…
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📚 Curso de Filosofia PRESENCIAL:: 🌐 AcrópolePlay (conteúdos ONLINE): ______________________________________________________ Você sabia que a comunicação vai muito além de palavras? Que ela é a chave para um autoconhecimento profundo, equilíbrio emocional, harmonia e até saúde? 🤔 Elo…
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📚 Curso de Filosofia PRESENCIAL:: 🌐 AcrópolePlay (conteúdos ONLINE): ________________________________________________________ A famosa "Síndrome de Gabriela" nos faz acreditar que somos imutáveis: "Eu nasci assim, vou ser sempre assim, não vou mudar nunca!" Mas será que essa mentali…
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After witnessing US President Donald Trump's awkward meeting with Ukrainian Volodymyr Zelenskyy, does the Middle East - Gaza in particular - need to reconsider the options available with regards the future of the region and Palestinians within it? The latest episode of Palestine This Week kicks off with the collapse of the Gaza ceasefire deal as Is…
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What is your greater purpose in life? How can you create real impact in the world? In this episode of Siti’s Stories, we sit down with Noora Sharrab—co-founder of Sitti Soaps Enterprise and founder of Hopes for Women in Education—to talk about purpose, empowerment, and making conscious choices. As a Palestinian-Canadian with roots in Gaza, Noora sh…
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(image source: Host Matthew Donald and guest co-host Allen Brooks discuss Ceratosaurus, an almost-famous dinosaur that often gets overshadowed by Allosaurus, which gets overshadowed by Saurophaganax, which just recently got overshadowed again by Allosaurus because the latter is now unfortu…
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Episode Timestamps (00:02:32) Breaking Down What A Crossover is (00:03:53) Crossovers Exist in All Forms of Entertainment Media (00:11:08) Are Crossovers "Lazy"? (00:13:10) The Appeals Of Creating Crossovers (00:24:08) Crossovers Work All The Time... Right? (00:41:03) Why Are Crossovers Less Prevalent in Japan? (00:53:50) Tribalism in Fandoms Are H…
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Moiya tells Alana about something that has bothered her for years: the way astronomers make acronyms! Get ready for poetic monsters, ancient weaponry, and magic spells... or the scientific projects named after them. Guest Star: Alana Goldstein is a New York-based comedian. Follow her on instagram at @goldiecomedy Messages Join the patreon at patreo…
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A palestra "Vida, dádiva divina", ministrada por Haroldo Dutra Dias, foi realizada durante o Congresso Espírita promovido pela Federação Espírita do Estado de Goiás.Haroldo aborda a origem da vida humana, contrastando-a com outras espécies do reino animal para ilustrar a singularidade da existência humana e sua dependência do cuidado alheio nos pri…
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Send us a text One piece of misinformation that has been around for a long time is the idea that strength training workouts need to be…LONG! And I mean HOURS long… I fell for this myself in my younger days. I mean, if 1 hour of intense workout exercises is good, well, 2 hours is even better, right? And the big one: if 3 workouts per week is enough …
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Send us a text Shaul Magid, visiting professor of modern Judaism at Harvard Divinity School, discusses his views and personal experience of Zionism, a movement that he says was from its very inception beset by internal divisions. Magid lived in Israel for a decade. He talks to Margot Patterson about the 1940s when World War II transformed Zionism f…
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Denne episoden er et opptak av Palestinapodden Live i Hønefoss 01.02 med Dr. Mads Gilbert (del 1 av 2). Arrangementet var arrangert av Palestinakomiteen Ringerike, Den Palestinsk-Norske Forening, Alles Kulturhus og Palestinapodden. Episoden åpner med musikk av de fantastiske Nawar Alnaddaf og Somoud Nakhla.…
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Nasser speaks with Héritier Lumumba, an Australian-Brazilian-Congolese former professional AFL player, known for his advocacy in human rights, focusing on racial equality, refugee rights, and supporting marginalised communities.They discuss the history of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), Western imperialism and European colonisation, the…
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With the movement to boycott Israel gaining significant momentum since the start of the Genocide in Gaza, and many major brands facing the heat over their complicity in the occupation, Boycat App is a very powerful and simple tool that is making it easier for consumers to buy consciously and ethically. My guest today is Adil Abutalha, the founder o…
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Denis Diderot este una dintre figurile emblematice ale secolului al XVIII-lea, cunoscut în special pentru coordonarea monumentalului proiect "Encyclopedia". Această lucrare nu este doar un simplu dicționar, ci un dicționar critic al ideilor și cunoașterii, simbolizând dorința iluministă de a răspândi cunoașterea nu doar printre elite, ci și în rând…
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大约十年前,中国电音市场在沐浴了国际化EDM浪潮后实现历史上的第二波小高峰,听众涌入、人才崛起、佳作丛生、好生热闹。但随着时间向后推移,在当前所谓的“后EDM时代”便再鲜有令人感到惊艳的声音。但2022年崛起于国内的超新星团队:BRAINFREEZE脑冻,显然是一个特例。先前我们mixmag China也在IMX国际音乐论坛也与之对话,将其视为Z世代[电音+流行]的代表。脑冻由Massica雨季、Neon、clef和还在国外上学年龄最小的ruben四名成员组成,受到互联网青年文化与Hyperpop潮流的影响,他们在顺应音乐进步趋势的前提下,做出了真正属于自己鲜明性格的音乐,并推出首张同名定调EP大受界内外好评。这一将电子作为载体的团体的涌现,不仅兼容了四名全能音乐人的差异与共性,也成为了国内…
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In this inspiring episode of the Sumud Podcast, we sit down with Hani Almadhoun, a Palestinian American humanitarian and Senior Director of Philanthropy at UNRWA USA. Hani shares his deeply personal journey growing up between Gaza and the UAE, living in the US, his work in philanthropy, and the unimaginable losses his family has endured due to Isra…
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מדריך עזר מהיר

האזן לתוכנית הזו בזמן שאתה חוקר