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Martini Judaism

Religion News Service

For those who want to be shaken and stirred. Join one of American Judaism’s most prolific thought leaders and his special guests as they talk about the current state of Judaism, American culture, politics, religion, and spirituality.
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Judaism From Within

Rabbi Simi Lerner

A tribute to the legacy of Rav Samson Raphael Hirsch Why This Title? It was his motto ’sich selbst begreifendes Ju dentum ’, Judaism understood from within, a term that encapsulates Rav Hirsch’s approach of diving into the essence of Judaism, viewing it through its inherent structures rather than through external lenses. Under the ”Topical Resources” , you’ll find additional Topics
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Judaism Unbound

Institute for the Next Jewish Future

Listen in as Dan Libenson and Lex Rofeberg analyze pressing issues for 21st century American Judaism. Mixing their own analysis with interviews of leading thinkers, practitioners, and even "regular Jews," Dan and Lex look to push past the bounds of what it means to be Jewish in the 21st century. You can support Judaism Unbound at www.JudaismUnbound.com/donate.
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The Everyday Judaism Podcast (formerly Living Jewishly Podcast) is dedicated to learning and understanding the laws and basic how-to of daily Jewish living. Presented by Rabbi Aryeh Wolbe in a simple and concise manner, easy for anyone to understand and connect. This Podcast Series is Generously Underwritten by Marshall & Doreen Lerner.
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What does Judaism Say About...? is a podcast where we explore different values, ethical issues, or dilemmas relevant to the 21st century, and examine the normative Jewish viewpoint on each issue. Every week, a fascinating value and topic will be analyzed from the traditional Jewish perspective.
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Do you have questions that the educational system didn't adequately address? Today, there are many who don't find Torah to be compelling or relevant as we are faced with unprecedented challenges such as the OTD phenomenon, suppression of ideas, cover-ups, assimilation, skepticism, biblical criticism, charlatanism, atheism, and a slew of other existential threats. As 2 lifelong Sepharadi friends, we decided to create the Torah content we couldn't find elsewhere: long-form discussions with thi ...
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Parallel Judaism

Dovid Taub

Explore the Jewish Multiverse through interviews with residents of parallel worlds in which one Halachic debate swung the other way. What if Turkey wasn't kosher? Or if we started with 8 candles on Chanukah. What kind of butterfly effect would that have?
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Historias con el Rab. Uri y Elo. Como surgió la idea de este Podcast? En el mes de Julio de 2018, Elo invitó un Shabat al mediodía al Rab Uri junto a su esposa e hijo a comer. Mientras transcurría el almuerzo el Rab Uri le propuso a Elo estudiar una vez por semana Tora solos, a lo cual Elo le respondió que le parecía muy egoista que de su clase solo él tenga provecho y le contestó que aceptaba con la condición de filmar las clases para subirlas a Youtube y plataformas digitales para que la m ...
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Meaningful Judaism is a podcast dedicated to exploring why we do what we do in Jewish life, by diving deep into the Torah text. So many of our practices can feel like they’re just there; we go through the motions but they don’t feel especially meaningful. In this podcast, we search for that meaning. Each episode will take you on a journey, tackling questions such as “Why can’t we mix milk and meat?” and “What’s the meaning behind the laws of niddah?” Join our host, Imu Shalev, along with Rab ...
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On Messianic Judaism

Daniel Nessim

On Messianic Judaism follows the amazing history of Messianic Judaism from the days of Ezra to modern times. Additional episodes treat the Theology and Philosophy of Messianic Judaism, as well as featured interviews of leading Messianic Jewish thinkers.
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A podcast series compiled from oral histories and produced as part of a digital exhibition exploring how Liberal Judaism has evolved since it was co-founded by British visionary Lily Montagu in 1902. This podcast series of oral histories is part of the exhibition: “Lily's Legacy - Voices and Visions of Liberal Judaism”, a project supported by The National Lottery Heritage Fund. It was produced by Miri Lawrence and Lucia Scazzocchio, narrated by Harry Hurst, sound editing and design by Lucia ...
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College of Judaism

Rabbi Nissim Wernick

Yeshiva style Jewish learning mixed with modern secular classes. We will be offering Kabbalah, Torah, Talmud, Mitzvot, Jewish spiritual history, and Halacha. We also plan on bringing you a weekly Jewish news show. Thank you in advance for your patience as we get things up and running. Please sign up by sending an email as your enrollment. By enrolling in the College of Judaism, you will be signed up for class lists, study documents, and news letters.
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The fully comprehensive series on all the elements of Judaism: the religion. The Average Rabbi teaches the complete framework to Joe, a real, new student of Judaism. Join Joe on his journey as he explores the ancient path for the first time. Whether you are a fresh beginner like Joe, or raised in the orthodox faith, this series will provide you with the knowledge to answer the questions, "What's the Jewish take on...?", "Do Jews believe in...?" and ultimately, "What is Judaism?" This series ...
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Daily 10 minute learning, covering a range of topics from a halachic perspective on modern questions. To Jewish history The Torah learning that comes out of the shuirim is in Merit of a complete recovery for Yosef Yitzchak ben Bracha and liylui nishmas Ozer ben Tzvi and Tziporah bas Mordchai Eliyahu. Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/mendelp/support
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Superando Desafíos | Crecimiento Personal, Mentalidad, Judaísmo, Vínculos Familiares, Paz Mental Emocional y Espiritual

Jana Temkin - Judaísmo - Tora - Desarrollo Personal - Vínculos Familiares - Paz Mental, Emocional y Espiritual

¿Qué tal si te dijera que las soluciones que buscamos afuera, están en nosotras? Que D-os nos da todo lo necesario para vivir nuestros vínculos con alegría, gozo y tranquilidad, pero nos compramos las mentiras del mundo, distrayéndonos por ahí. Hola, soy Jana Temkin, esto es Superando Desafíos, el podcast para descubrir y activar nuestra esencia, mujeres plenas y verdaderas, gracias a la sabiduría del Jasidut. Un atajo simple, un camino directo, rápido y fácil hacia la Libertad, la Geula. Es ...
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Exploring Judaism with Rabbi Skobac Judaism can be a very busy religion. We do so many things in our observance. It's easy to get lost in the details & forget about the big picture. So what's Judaism really all about? What’s the ultimate goal of everything we do as Jews? Where's Judaism supposed to be taking us? This lecture analyzes the core spiritual foundation for the context for the menu of Judaism. This lecture's dedicated in memory of Herb Green, z”l, Chaim Moshe Ben Yitzchak, who died ...
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Conversion to Orthodox Judaism with Rabbi Yaron Reuven to give a lecture at your synagogue, home or office please call 917.468.2324. Yaron Reuven is based out of Boca Raton, Florida, but travels around the country to give lectures to different groups. Please join our Facebook group "Torah Lessons To Help Our Lives". This Group is solely about publicizing HaShem's holy Torah from my lectures as well as great Rabbi's such as Rabbi Efraim Kachlon, Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi, Rabbi Zamir Cohen, Rabbi ...
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I believe that the world we live in is understood through words. I believe the more words we have the more we can be in this world. I feel lucky to have inherited a 3,000-year old Jewish tradition of expressing the world in words, and try to be a bridge between the old texts and where people are at today.​​I don't have so many answers to the fundamental questions of existence. I don't try to convince people about anything. But I like learning, I like to facilitate Jewish discussions, I like ...
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Out of the Box Judaism Podcast

Out of the Box Judaism Podcast by Esther Goldenberg

This podcast is for people who are interested in Out-of-the-Box Judaism -- whether Jewish or not. What does out of the box mean? Out-of-the-Box can mean… thinking outside the box. Many people have an impression or idea of what it means to be Jewish or what you have to do to be Jewish or what you have to believe to be Jewish. Out-of-the-Box can mean thinking outside the box of preconceived notions and creating the Jewish experience that is right for you. Out-of-the-Box can mean… being outside ...
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José María Pérez Gay (Ciudad de México, 1944 - 2013) fue escritor, académico y diplomático. Se licenció en Ciencias y técnicas de la información en la Universidad Iberoamericana y fue doctor en Filosofía germana por la Universidad Libre de Berlín. Vivió más de diez años en Alemania y fue traductor de la obra de autores como Goethe, Thomas Mann, Franz Kafka, Karl Kraus, Hermann Broch, Walter Benjamin, Jurgen Habermas, Theodor W. Adorno, Elias Canetti y Hans Magnus Enzensberger, entre otros. D ...
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show series
In was April, 2008. A small group of tired, homesick campaign staffers are quickly trying to put together a small Passover Seder. And who walks in...then-Senator Barack Obama. And thus began a meaningful journey to the first Seder ever held in the White House, by the first African American President of the United States, organized by one of those o…
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Matthew Boxer and Janet Krasner Aronson are both sociologists whose work focuses on American-Jewish life. They join Dan Libenson and Lex Rofeberg for a conversation about two studies that they've been working on, that explore the wide range of meanings that the terms "Zionism" and "Anti-Zionism" hold for American Jews. This episode is the 8th episo…
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In this episode, we sit down with Jessie Fischbein, author of 'Infertility in the Bible: How the Matriarchs Changed Their Fate; How You Can Too.' Jessie’s book stands out for its informal, accessible style and its ability to resonate with readers beyond just Jewish or theistic audiences. We discuss what inspired her to write it and how readers stru…
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Think Shabbat is all about turning things off? Think again. This week's Torah portion, Vayakhel, offers a unique perspective on Shabbat observance. While the prohibition of lighting fires is explicitly mentioned, it's just one piece of a much larger puzzle. Let's explore how Shabbat has evolved over time and continues to change in our modern world …
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Join us once again as we shed light on the intricacies of the Four Parshiyot, those special Torah readings that enrich the Jewish calendar around the month of Adar. Could understanding these ancient practices transform how we connect with our faith today? We take a journey through Siman 140, illuminating the deeper meanings behind Parshas Shekolim,…
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Mitzvah #73 - כבוד אב ואם - Honor Thy Father and Mother: A Bridge to Transcendence In Gratitude to My Own Parents, Who Showed Me the Path Rav Samson Raphael Hirsch on the rational of Jewish lawעל ידי Rabbi Simi Lerner
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Chochmat Nashim is sharing the results of its multi-year survey of Jewish courts around the world to improve the beit din experience, the first ever of its kind, and Shoshanna and Anne discuss the results and why they're important. Moreover, the topic of agunot, women chained in Jewish marriage despite their desire to divorce, was recently discusse…
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We often fail to appreciate the virtues of the Shepherd period of Judaism, which preceded the Israelite period. In this dvar Torah, I focus on the virtues of sustainability and repairability of the portable sanctuary (Mishkan) over the permanent version (Temple), and I apply it to legislation before state congresses today.…
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My friend, Vanessa Hidary. Vanessa Hidary is a cool person. She is a spoken word artist, an educator, and an advocate. She is a trail-blazer. Her work has had a profound impact on both the Jewish community and beyond. Recently, the ADL honored her as a "Hero Against Hate." Vanessa embodies the bravery of Queen Esther, the pride of Mordecai, and a l…
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This podcast will show how man is similar to all other animals, and yet, very different. It will discuss if the human being is qualitatively different from animals or only quantitively different, and will analyze how many is unique is several special ways, and show how man’s “animalness” affects his daily life.…
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Alissa Wise is the founder and lead organizer of Rabbis for Ceasefire. Andrue Kahn is the executive director of The American Council for Judaism. They join Dan Libenson and Lex Rofeberg for a conversation about the role of rabbis in this heightened political moment, the work of their two organizations, and the growing movement of Jews creating comm…
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Ever wondered how to balance the joyful chaos of Purim with the serene preparation for Shabbos, especially when they collide on a Friday? We tackle this unique challenge head-on, offering practical strategies that start as early as Thursday night. Discover how setting the Shabbos table early and preparing challah on Friday afternoon can be both a l…
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As our 'Getting to Know the Rishonim' series continues, we explore the towering figure of Rashi with Rabbi Dr. Ephraim Kanarfogel, one of the foremost scholars of medieval Jewish thought. French Jewry produced a remarkable corpus of Torah commentators—from Rashi to Rashbam, Bechor Shor, Rav Yosef Kara, and Hizkuni. What makes this school of biblica…
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Dressing up as the opposite gender on Purim: a tradition or a taboo? As we approach the joyous holiday of Purim, it's time to look beyond the costumes and revelry to uncover the profound lessons this ancient celebration holds for our modern world. In this eye-opening episode of Madlik, we explore the surprising connections between Purim and other g…
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Rabbi Aryeh Wolbe from Torch in Houston, Texas, unpacks the vibrant and multifaceted festival of Purim! Known for his deep insights and engaging storytelling, Rabbi Wolbe brings clarity to the joyous traditions that make Purim so special. We journey through the timeline of Purim celebrations, starting with Taanis Esther and moving through Purim and…
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Unlock the secrets of Everyday Judaism with our latest episode, a journey through faith, law, and the soulful essence of human connections. Explore the surprising notion of escaping from a mugger as a mitzvah and how the Torah guides us in self-defense and moral clarity. We'll traverse the fine line between caution and courage, delve into the signi…
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Unlock the profound layers of the morning prayers with us, as we journey through the intricate teachings of the Kitzur Shulchan Aruch. Get ready to enrich your understanding of Ashrei and Uva Letzion, two pivotal components of the Jewish prayer service. We'll take you through the flow of the morning prayers, from the initial blessings to the powerf…
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¿Qué eventos definieron el nacimiento del Ejército de Defensa de Israel (IDF) tras la creación del Estado de Israel en 1948? ¿Cómo la lucha por la supervivencia en los primeros años del país transformó a Israel en una potencia militar regional? En este episodio, Julio Sandoval regresa para llevarnos a través de una historia fascinante, profundizand…
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People sometimes call Jews "people of the book." And when they say that, they tend to be referring to the Bible, or the Torah (first five books of the Bible). But Eva Mroczek, the Simon and Riva Spatz Chair in Jewish Studies at Dalhousie University, thinks that Jews may actually have a relationship to far more books than we've realized -- including…
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מדריך עזר מהיר

האזן לתוכנית הזו בזמן שאתה חוקר