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show episodes

Crayon Mania


Comedians Nathan Hugh Robért and Tristan Haze discuss a different random Wikipedia article each episode. Scattered insights and plenty of gentle ribbing. Cosy.
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Pulling Crayons


We are a podcast about two dudes trying to learn. One of us was homeschooled and the other went to private school. We are trying to close the gap caused by our upbringing.
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Edible Crayons

Edible Crayons

a podcast about nerds talking about animation Mai: Spaghetti: Mr David: n/a Milton: Sam:
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Insightful Crayons

Maya Hoover

This is sacred space in time where we come together as a community to discuss important topics through different spiritual perspectives in a raw way. We pull our topic questions from a magic hat and authentically express our views in answering the question for that night.
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Hey guys! Broken Crayon Collective podcast is made up of four siblings, Brendon, Amber, Emmanuel, and Timothy and three different shows. All of the Above- funny current events podcast hosted by all four siblings airing every other Monday Amberside Chat- intriguing interviews hosted by Amber airing every other Monday Triple A- analysis of todays best anime hosted by Timothy airing Fridays
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Dull Crayons

Z to A Productions

Coloring over the line since 1987 One part Majority Report, two parts Uhh Yeah Dude, a couple ounces of bourbon, two dashes of Bodega Boys, and a splash of Chapo Traphouse. Stir it all up and drink it after-hours in a classroom while watching a dark comedy on your smart board and you’ve got Dull Crayons, the podcast for teachers, parents, and students* who want the real skinny on education and the crap-tastic nature of the world around them. *Contains explicit material not suitable for young ...
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Crayons and Tantrums

Monica J Sutton

Monica J Sutton talks about the good, the bad and everything in between those early childhood years. She brings fresh approaches and solutions to real childhood topics. Dive into stories from early childhood classrooms and conversations about topics like child behavior and development. There are even occasional interviews with some pretty amazing guests.
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Crayons X

Ecole primaire d'Orthevielle

- 2005/2006 : à l'école primaire d'Orthevielle, on aime la science ! Au point de créer une classe d'astronomie en 2006, et de rendre compte des expériences vécues sous la forme de podcasts réunis sous le titre de... Crayons X ! Découvrez avec les jeunes Paolo et Maeva Orthanov, solidement sanglés derrière leurs pupitres volants, les merveilles et secrets de l'Univers ! Et quand vous verrez une classe entièrement composée d'élèves passionnés par leurs cours, vous vous direz que dans l'Univers ...
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Headphones and Crayons

Nikita Burks-Hale

Headphones and Crayons is an art-infused dialogue-based podcast that shows leaders, creatives, and entrepreneurs how to turn down the noise and find their calm to spark creativity, innovation, and alignment in their lives and beyond. Join Nikita Burks-Hale weekly as she colors with impact leaders and change-makers while exploring the integration of voice, sound, color, and creativity and its relationship to business, relationships, life, and your inner self. Consider this your personal invit ...
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show series
Selon toi, l’État français gère-t-il bien nos finances ? Dis-nous en commentaire !Aujourd'hui, nous recevons Charles Gave, essayiste, financier et entrepreneur français, dirigeant fondateur de Gavekal, société de conseil financier, et président du think tank libéral et conservateur l'Institut des libertés.On compte sur votre bienveillance dans les …
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Hey there friends, we are happy you’re here. Welcome back to another episode of Cursewords and Crayons! This is where we talk about True Crime (and sometimes parenting), reminding everyone that it's what is on the inside that counts and sometimes the inside is just as rotten as the outside. This week we are talking about Sydney Powell. Have you hea…
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Comprends-tu la colère des agriculteurs ? Dites-nous en commentaire !À l'occasion du Salon de l'Agriculture (22 février au 2 mars 2025), nous avons eu la chance de pouvoir organiser une rencontre en direct.D'un côté, Jérôme Bayle, agriculteur, éleveur en polyculture-élevage et président de l'association "Les Ultras de l'A64".De l'autre, Flora Gheba…
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We’re back with another re-release of an oldie but goodie. This week we are featuring the OG black widow, Dena Thompson. Have you heard of her? Either way, buckle up…she’s a bumpy ride. Collectively on Instagram: @cursewordsandcrayons Zee: @mrs.zette Amy: @amyrehsdupin Resources: Dena Thompson - Wikipedia 'Black Widow' Dena Thompson could be grante…
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La France a-t-elle une dette coloniale ? Dis-nous en commentaire !Aujourd'hui, nous recevons Gaël Faye, rappeur, chanteur, auteur-compositeur-interprète et écrivain franco-rwandais.En avril 2024, le « pays des mille collines » commémore le 30e anniversaire du génocide de 1994, qui a fait en 100 jours entre 800 000 et un million de morts parmi les T…
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Hey there friends, we are happy you’re here. This is where we talk about True Crime (and sometimes parenting), reminding everyone that it's what is on the inside that counts and sometimes the inside is just as rotten as the outside. This week we are talking about Texarkanauuuurrrr!!! You don’t know what that is? Rude…I guess you’ll just have hear i…
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Avez-vous peur de la mort ? Dîtes-le nous en commentaire !Aujourd'hui, nous recevons Charline Gayault, sage-femme et créatrice de contenu, ainsi que Sabrina Beringuier-Salhi, dirigeante des Pompes Funèbres de France à Montauban.Elles ont partagé leur regard sur la mort et leur vision de la vie, à travers leur expérience personnelle et professionnel…
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Comment vous positionnez-vous sur ce conflit ?Donne ton avis en commentaire !Une émission similaire avec un profil pro-palestinien vs 4 profils pro-israéliens arrive très bientôt.Le 7 octobre 2023, le Hamas lance une attaque sans précédent contre Israël, tuant environ 1 200 personnes, principalement des civils, et prenant 250 otages. En représaille…
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We’re so glad to have you back with us for another parenting episode here at Cursewords and Crayons! Where we talk about True Crime (and sometimes parenting), reminding everyone that it's what is on the inside that counts and sometimes the inside is just as rotten as the outside. This week we are talking about ALL the smart ways that we play with o…
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We’re so glad to have you back with us for another oldie case that will definitely turn into the a series! It’s time for another episode of Cursewords and Crayons presents True Crime. Where we talk about True Crime (and sometimes parenting), reminding everyone that it's what is on the inside that counts and sometimes the inside is just as rotten as…
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We’re so glad to have you back with us for another oldie case! It’s time for another episode of Cursewords and Crayons presents True Crime. Where we talk about True Crime (and sometimes parenting), reminding everyone that it's what is on the inside that counts and sometimes the inside is just as rotten as the outside. This week we are talking about…
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Welcome back to another speculation with us here today! It’s time for another episode of Cursewords and Crayons presents True Crime. Where we talk about True Crime (and sometimes parenting), reminding everyone that it's what is on the inside that counts and sometimes the inside is just as rotten as the outside. This week we are speculating wildly a…
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Faites-vous confiance aux médias ? Dis-nous en commentaire !Aujourd'hui, nous recevons Idriss Aberkane, conférencier, essayiste, consultant international et journaliste citoyen.Il est l'auteur de l'ouvrage "Libérez votre cerveau !".Nous l'avons interrogé sur la presse en France, le souverainisme et le changement de paradigme mondial avec les derniè…
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We back baby, new year, same sass! It’s time for another episode of Cursewords and Crayons presents True Crime. Where we talk about True Crime (and sometimes parenting), reminding everyone that it's what is on the inside that counts and sometimes the inside is just as rotten as the outside. This week we are speculating wildly about the case of miss…
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Hosted by Tristan Haze and Nathan Hugh Robért Implicit leadership theory (ILT) is a cognitive theory of leadership developed by Robert Lord and colleagues.[1] It is based on the idea that individuals create cognitive representations of the world, and use these preconceived notions to interpret their surroundings and control their behaviors.[2] Them…
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New Year, Same Sass! We are back baby! It’s time for another episode of Cursewords and Crayons presents True Crime. Where we talk about True Crime (and sometimes parenting), reminding everyone that it's what is on the inside that counts and sometimes the inside is just as rotten as the outside. This week is a parenting chat episode and we are so ex…
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La France doit-elle abandonner ses enjeux stratégiques en Afrique ? Dis-nous en commentaire !Aujourd'hui, nous recevons Robert Bourgi, avocat et conseiller politique franco-libanais. Spécialiste des questions africaines, il est considéré comme un représentant de la « Françafrique ».Robert Bourgi publie ses mémoires sous le titre "Ils savent que je …
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Hey my body positive potatoes! It’s time for another episode of Cursewords and Crayons presents True Crime. Where we talk about True Crime (and sometimes parenting), reminding everyone that it's what is on the inside that counts and sometimes the inside is just as rotten as the outside. It's almost 2025 so we're here to recap our most listened to e…
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Greetings and Sparkling Salutations, we hope that you have your Holiday Anxiety on! It’s time for another episode of Cursewords and Crayons presents True Crime. Where we talk about True Crime (and sometimes parenting), reminding everyone that it's what is on the inside that counts and sometimes the inside is just as rotten as the outside. This week…
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Parler d'argent, c'est tabou ? Dites-nous en commentaire !Selon le rapport 2024 de l'Observatoire des inégalités, 3.860 euros net par mois est la somme à partir de laquelle vous êtes considéré comme riche en France si vous êtes seul.Près de la moitié des Français considèrent que l'argent est un sujet difficile à aborder en société. Après la sexuali…
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Hey all! We are back with yet another re-release of maybe our TOP favorite episode of all time. much as it can be when we're discussing murder...let's get down to business and break down Belle Gunness, the first recorded female serial killer. We have MERCH!!!! Get yourself some gear! Checkout our Amazon Storef…
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Faites-vous confiance aux politiques ? Dites-nous en commentaire !Aujourd'hui, nous recevons Yaël Braun-Pivet, Présidente de l’Assemblée nationale dans un tout nouveau format : le détecteur de mensonges.On soumet des personnalités politiques au polygraphe.Cet outil mesure la sudation, la tension artérielle et la respiration. Chaque mouvement du co…
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Greetings and Snarky Salutations! It’s time for another episode of Cursewords and Crayons presents True Crime. Where we talk about True Crime (and sometimes parenting), reminding everyone that it's what is on the inside that counts and sometimes the inside is just as rotten as the outside. This week we are talking about FOUR cases, involving possib…
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Selon vous, comment éduquer les enfants à la sexualité ? Dis-nous en commentaire !Aujourd'hui, nous recevons Miel Abitbol, créatrice de contenu et co-fondatrice de Lyynk, une application dédiée à la santé mentale des jeunes.Comment se rend on compte que ce qu'on subit n'est pas normal ?Comment en parler ?Comment sensibiliser les jeunes, les profess…
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Greetings Turkeys! It’s time for another episode of Cursewords and Crayons presents True Crime. Where we talk about True Crime (and sometimes parenting), reminding everyone that it's what is on the inside that counts and sometimes the inside is just as rotten as the outside. This week we are talking about TWO cases, involving vampires and we cannot…
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Avez-vous déjà subi ou fait subir du harc*lement ? Dites-nous en commentaire !À l'occasion de la journée nationale de la lutte contre le harcèlement à l'École, jeudi 7 novembre 2024, un évènement a été organisé à la Sorbonne par Anne Genetet, ministre de l'Éducation nationale.Cet événement était l'occasion de mobiliser toute l’École, ses partenaire…
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Greetings Witches! It’s time for another episode of Cursewords and Crayons presents True Crime. Where we talk about True Crime (and sometimes parenting), reminding everyone that it's what is on the inside that counts and sometimes the inside is just as rotten as the outside. This week we are talking about the witch killin’ Carson and the wild shena…
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Nous avons reçu Brice Perrier, journaliste indépendant et auteur de "L'obscurantisme au pouvoir : quand la pensée dominante entrave la connaissance" éd. Max Millo "Quand l’obscurantisme n’est pas là où on le croit Depuis une dizaine d’années, il est courant d’entendre parler d’une menace obscurantiste liée à une montée de l’irrationnel qui se manif…
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Crains-tu un attent*t ? Dis-nous en commentaire !Aujourd'hui, nous recevons Marc Trévidic, magistrat et écrivain. Entre 2006 et 2015, il est juge d'instruction au pôle antiterror*ste du tribunal de grande instance de Paris.Comment définir et expliquer le terror*sme ?Aurait-on pu prévoir certains attent*ts ?Doit-on avoir peur aujourd’hui ?On compte …
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We're back you beautiful turkeys to dive into the murder of Joel Guy Sr and Lisa Guy at the hands of their son, Joel Guy Jr. What a gem this guy is! Buckle up...its brutal. If you liked what you heard today, please leave us a review!!! We have MERCH!!!! Get yourself some gear! Checkout our Amazon Storefront! Can’t get e…
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Avez-vous peur d'un conflit mondial ? Dites-nous en commentaire !Aujourd'hui, nous recevons Emmanuel Chiva, délégué général pour l’Armement.Il nous a annoncé en exclusivité la suite de la Red Team Defense : le programme Radar.Ça commence le 7 novembre 2024 à la Maison de la Radio avec la première journée de prospective et d’anticipation stratégique…
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Greetings from the Upside Down. It’s time for another episode of Cursewords and Crayons presents True Crime. Where we talk about True Crime (and sometimes parenting), reminding everyone that it's what is on the inside that counts and sometimes the inside is just as rotten as the outside. This week we are talking about TWO similar cases involving ne…
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Welcome to the hot mess express…choo choo! It’s time for another episode of Cursewords and Crayons presents True Crime. Where we talk about True Crime (and sometimes parenting), reminding everyone that it's what is on the inside that counts and sometimes the inside is just as rotten as the outside. This week we are talking about the Brides in the B…
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Doit-on DOUTER de tout ? Dites-nous en commentaire !Aujourd'hui, nous recevons Étienne Klein, physicien et philosophe des sciences.Nous l'avons rencontré à l’occasion de la première édition de l’Université d’été du Laboratoire de la République sur le thème « Jeunesse et égalité des territoires ».L’occasion d’aborder des thèmes comme la place de la …
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Welcome back to another Parenting Chat here at Cursewords and Crayons! Round here we talk about True Crime (and sometimes parenting), reminding everyone that it's what is on the inside that counts and sometimes the inside is just as rotten as the outside. This week we are talking about technologies and your kiddos! A bit of a hot button issue for s…
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Welcome back to another unhinged episode of Cursewords and Crayons presents True Crime. Where we talk about True Crime (and sometimes parenting), reminding everyone that it's what is on the inside that counts and sometimes the inside is just as rotten as the outside. This week we are talking about Katherine Knight. We covered her in a round up epis…
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Faites-vous beaucoup d'achats inutiles ? Dites-nous en commentaire !Nous avons reçu Stéphane Priami, Directeur général de Crédit Agricole Personal Finance & Mobility.Allons-nous arrêter d'acheter certains produits ?Quand arriveront les voitures autonomes ?Comment financer la mobilité du futur ?On compte sur votre bienveillance dans les commentaires…
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Welcome to the circus y’all. It’s time for another episode of Cursewords and Crayons presents True Crime. Where we talk about True Crime (and sometimes parenting), reminding everyone that it's what is on the inside that counts and sometimes the inside is just as rotten as the outside. This week we are talking about the murder of Asunta Basterra, a …
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Aujourd'hui, vidéo un peu spéciale ! On célèbre vos 300 000 abonnements à notre chaîne YouTube. 🙌La saison dernière a été riche en émotions. Et cette année, on avait envie de commencer par une vidéo de remerciements pour votre soutien, mais aussi de réponse à ceux qui nous ont critiqué.Encore merci à tous. Vous nous apportez une grosse force au quo…
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We are here and so let’s get rolling! Time to lay some facts this week. SIt’s time for another episode of Cursewords and Crayons presents True Crime. Where we talk about True Crime (and sometimes parenting), reminding everyone that it's what is on the inside that counts and sometimes the inside is just as rotten as the outside. This week we are tal…
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So happy to be back, you look cute and you’re capable of some real petty behavior so welcome! Let’s get weird y’all. It’s time for another episode of Cursewords and Crayons presents True Crime. Where we talk about True Crime (and sometimes parenting), reminding everyone that it's what is on the inside that counts and sometimes the inside is just as…
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Well Well Well, here we are again. So happy to be together. Let’s get weird y’all. It’s time for another episode of Cursewords and Crayons presents True Crime. Where we talk about True Crime (and sometimes parenting), reminding everyone that it's what is on the inside that counts and sometimes the inside is just as rotten as the outside. This week …
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Aujourd'hui, nous recevons dans notre format VERSUS, Ludovic-Hermann Wanda, écrivain et formateur en maîtrise du langage soutenu et du LOGOS.Face à lui, Douce Dibondo, journaliste, chercheuse indépendante et poétesse. Dans son premier essai "La charge raciale - Vertige d'un silence écrasant", Douce Dibondo analyse en profondeur la charge raciale et…
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Hello again, we are falling for fall y’all…sorry…it had to be said. It’s time for another episode of Cursewords and Crayons presents True Crime. Where we talk about True Crime (and sometimes parenting), reminding everyone that it's what is on the inside that counts and sometimes the inside is just as rotten as the outside. This week we are talking …
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Hello again, we missed you! It’s time for another episode of Cursewords and Crayons presents True Crime. Where we talk about True Crime (and sometimes parenting), reminding everyone that it's what is on the inside that counts and sometimes the inside is just as rotten as the outside. This week we are talking all about John Haigh…he’s the haigh-iest…
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Êtes-vous pour ou contre le nucléaire ? Dites-nous en commentaire !Aujourd'hui, nous recevons dans notre format VERSUS, Myrto Tripathi, ingénieure, présidente et fondatrice de l'association Les Voix Du Nucléaire.Face à elle, Marion Rivet, hargée de communication médias et des relations extérieures pour le réseau Sortir du nucléaire.La France doit-e…
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Hello there! Welcome back! It’s time for another episode of Cursewords and Crayons presents True Crime. Where we talk about True Crime (and sometimes parenting), reminding everyone that it's what is on the inside that counts and sometimes the inside is just as rotten as the outside. This week we are talking all about Brian Kohberger and what we kno…
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Hello there! We’re so happy you’re here! It’s time for another episode of Cursewords and Crayons presents Parenting Chats. Where we talk about Parenting (and mostly True Crime), reminding everyone that it's what is on the inside that counts and sometimes the inside is just as rotten as the outside. This week we are talking all about the holidays an…
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Faites-vous confiance à nos dirigeants ? Dites-nous en commentaire !À l'issue des élections législatives anticipées du 30 juin et du 7 juillet 2024, 4 d’entre vous sont venus dans nos studios pour nous parler de leurs ressentis et de leurs rapports à la politique et au vote : Mathys, Charlotte, Félix et Hugo.Qui pour nous gouverner ? Quelles mesure…
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האזן לתוכנית הזו בזמן שאתה חוקר