Alright babes, Bimini is here with their very own podcast! Bimini is challenging the world around us and asking how the experiences we’ve lived have made us the people we are today. From pop stars to politicians, artists and activists, every week Bimini will be unearthing the moments that have shaped their guests’ identities, whilst exploring how the world today is impacting the people we are becoming. New episodes drop Tuesdays, from October 22nd.
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„BIM & Bier“ ist der Building Information Modeling Podcast von Formitas. In jeder Folge gibt es nicht nur nützliche Infos über BIM und interessante Gespräche mit Gästen aus der Bauindustrie, sondern es wird auch jedes Mal ein neues Bier präsentiert. Was hat Bier mit BIM zu tun? Beides sind prozessuale Themen, die sich durch kleine Veränderungen beeinflussen lassen und am Ende ein tolles Produkt ergeben.
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El Podcast sobre BIM que Chuck Norris no se atreve a escuchar!
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Rabbis Efrem Goldberg, Philip Moskowitz, and Josh Broide, from Boca Raton Synagogue, shmooze about contemporary issues. Every week features an unscripted and lively discussion, special guests, and a behind-the-scenes look at leading a large and dynamic Jewish community.
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TDH by BIMrras es el spin-off de BIMrras en el que semana a semana repasamos el tema que más nos ha llamado la atención en el mundo de la tecnología aplicada al sector de la construcción, o no. Un espacio donde cada uno de los BIMrras expone su opinión sin tapujos y con el auténtico estilo BIMrras.
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Bringing weekly Jewish insights into your life. Join Rabbi Wes Gardenswartz, Rabbi Michelle Robinson and Rav-Hazzan Aliza Berger of Temple Emanuel in Newton, MA as they share modern ancient wisdom.
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Bienvenido a BIMrras Podcast, Podcast sobre BIM en español. El Primer Podcast Colaborativo sobre BIM ¡El PODCAST sobre BIM que Chuck Norris no se atreve a escuchar! Donde 4 arquitectos BIMtrastornados discutimos sobre todo lo relacionado con el mundo del Building Information Modeling. Dirigido a todos los profesionales que intervienen en el ciclo de vida de una edificación o infraestructura, desde las primeras ideas o intenciones, pasando por las fases de diseño, construc ...
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Welcome to the electrifying world of Bimbo Baux, the brainchild of yours truly – the unapologetic Kelsey Pennywinkle, aka Fawxy Baux. Brace yourself for unfiltered conversations with the coolest cats in town, where we dish out truths like it's nobody's business. I'm not just an amateur bimbo historian, adult film sensation, and plus-sized model – I'm your podcast partner in crime, infusing humor sharper than stilettos into every episode. Join me for a wild ride that feels like a night out wi ...
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El primer podcast sobre BIM en español
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Podcast ini adalah rangkuman apa yang saya pelajari sehari-hari.
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Diskusi asik asik, segala hal yang bersifat random
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Un micropodcast diario sobre reflexiones del ámbito tecnológico y empresarial.
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Just some bimbo girls talking NONSENSE on a weekly basis.
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Silicon Valley is a one-stop engineering consultant provider, that delivers and assists its clients in providing all types of engineering services. The professed team of engineers, designers, and drafters are well-trained and experienced in providing architectural engineering consultancy services, structural engineering consultancy services, MEP engineering services, Civil engineering services, CAD services, in a single roof.
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BMW News, Reviews & Opinions that Matter
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bimabroadcaster communication and sharing, motivation, nice moment, song, poem Etc
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Bimbam means "Reflection". This show will have episodes about Science & tech, Nature & Astronomy.
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Introducing @bimbeads
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Selamat datang di Bimbel bersama Yesaya Ferdinand, Shuliya Ratanavara, dan Surya Laili! Di sini kita akan membahas isu-isu yang sedang hangat dibicarakan—even the most random things in life. We'll try to give you some perspective and insight through every day noises.
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ברוכים הבאים Bienvenidos a Bimah Digital.
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Pro bimers podcast
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Sports Bimbo is a weekly combat-focused sports podcast providing lighthearted weekly commentary on the latest UFC & Boxing news from a female fan's POV.
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Un espacio para el encuentro de ideas y novedades sobre BIM, y la transformación digital de la industria AEC en Latinoamérica y el mundo.
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BIM is a big part of the construction process that sometimes goes misunderstood. This podcast is to highlight the benefits of BIM and it's role within the construction sector. BIMTech is a company that works with some of the biggest construction companies in the UK, delivering time and time again. Listen and get to know the workings of BIM, hear from some of the biggest construction companies in the UK, meet the people behind BIMTech and see the culture behind our offices. This is The BIMTec ...
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Podcast berisi banyak hal..
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Podcast v katerem se Matevž in Robert z gosti sproščeno pogovarjata o informacijskem modeliranju zgradb (BIM) in informacijsko-komunikacijskih tehnologijah v gradbeništvu.
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엔지니어링 분야 podcast 방송(BIM, 컴퓨터 그래픽스, 소프트웨어 공학)입니다. 기존 Podcast 업체 서비스 종료(2011~2014.12)로, 해외 서버로 옮겨 다시 시즌 3(2015.4~)방송을 시작합니다.
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Introducción a los conceptos básicos de la metodología BIM y como ella ha impactado las diferentes formas de contrucción. Llega para innovar en Colombia.
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The unofficial podcast
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Podcast FnB (Podcast Fira dan Bimo) tiap Selasa malam akan membahas tentang cinta, dari sudut pandang high quality single ibukota. Stay tune! Connect with us on IG @podcastfnb @squilliams @zhafirahfarina email:
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Une discussion à la cool avec des gens plein d’énergie qui font bouger les choses. Bim. Bam. Boom Hébergé par Acast. Visitez pour plus d'informations.
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O Segunda BIM é um evento mensal promovido pelo GT BIM da AsBEA-RS e patrocinado pelo CAU-RS. Seu objetivo é difundir a metodologia BIM por toda a cadeia construtiva.
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Just two girls interviewing the stonages of the world one bimbo at a time
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A series of BIM Podcasts, with which you will find many aspects of BIM. Charlton Recruitment introduces “BIM 2017 podcasts” a must-listen series for anyone involved in Government construction projects as BIM is still a major trend. Charlton Recruitment will train the market place by bringing BIM Industry experts who all give their opinion regarding their proper experiences.
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B.I.M.O Two belfast podcast pioneers just shooting the shit talking about local events and happenings as well as covering everything in-between from Paranormal to Sports.
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On The Bimah (formerly known as Theatre Schmooze) is a monthly podcast where we chat with Jewish theatre makers from around the world about their art, Judaism, and vision for theater’s future. Hosted by Danielle Levsky, On The Bimah features one-on-one conversations with artists that will illuminate the heart, soul, and diversity of contemporary Jewish theatre. On The Bimah is an Alliance for Jewish Theatre program, produced by Danny Debner and Danielle Levsky. Our theme music is by Ilya Lev ...
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BIMM’s ITMI (Inside the Music Industry) podcast pulls back the curtain on today’s music business. Hosted by acclaimed best-selling author and industry legend Dr Jennifer Otter Bickerdike, ITMI discusses, challenges and answers the big questions in music.
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In Heiliger Bimbam dreht sich alles um die Fragen: Was ist der Sinn des Lebens? Welchen Unsinn erlebe ich auf der Suche danach? Und können wir uns selbst und die Welt um uns herum eigentlich noch retten? Mir ihren Gästen spricht Rebecca Randak über Liebe und Beziehungen, über Geburt und Tod, Nachhaltigkeit und Aktivismus, aber auch über den ganz normalen Wahnsinn des Alltags und darüber, wie man in dieser Welt gut klarkommen kann. Auf Instagram findet ihr uns unter @rebeccarandak. Jetzt abon ...
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Bima Leap Insurance Broker is fully committed to provide you with first in class general insurance solutions that are fully compliant with IRDAI guidelines. We aim to protect all of our customers with their insurance needs. All insurance products provide customers with state-of-the art solutions, and come with the in-house support of a dedicated & professional team and insurers who are there for you ALWAYS.
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This podcast that focuses on the ever-expanding topic of building information modelling, digital workflows and integrated experiences. Doorway to BIM is brought to you by the ASSA ABLOY team behind the award-winning software solution - Openings Studio.
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En podkast fra Standard Norge og buildingSMART Norge. Podkasten vil ta for seg hvordan BIM bidrar til digitalisering av bygg-, anlegg- og eiendomsindustrien i Norge og Internasjonalt. Vi vil informere om utvikling som skjer innen det tekniske rammerverket som f.eks. Relevante standarder og hvordan BIM blir tatt i bruk i næringens verdikjeder. Dette vil vi gjøre gjennom å prate med sentrale aktører, og gjennom rapporter fra sentrale møteplasser.
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Become a Paid Subscriber: Creating awareness about BIM and Digital Transformation in AEC Industry has been our mission since inception. Since Covid hit, we started to create online content openly accessible in different forms like YouTube. Launching our Podcast ‘The BIM Student” is another effort in the same direction. Creating content in a for that is easily accessible and creating wealth of knowledge that can be used by anyone ...
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Co-Founder of Claima and Former Nike Marketer, Bimma Williams interviews leading and emerging creatives and entrepreneurs of color about how they were able to build their own tables by turning their hobbies, side hustles, and ideas into thriving small businesses. From these stories, listeners will learn how to claim their dream careers by stepping into the world of entrepreneurship. Featuring Melody Ehsani, Jeff Staple, James Whitner and more. Follow Claima Stories (@claimastories) and Bimma ...
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Herzlich Willkommen zum BIM TALK der Podcast für Architekten die sich für BIM interessieren und genauer erfahren wollen: > was sind die Vorteile und Herausforderung > was erwartet uns auf diesem Weg und einen Austausch mit Architekten und Experten wünschen. Hier geht es nicht darum eine Rosarotewelt darzustellen, sondern vielmehr die Vorteile und Herausforderungen klar auf dem Punkt zu bringen und eine Vision zu der Digitalisierung zu vermitteln. Du bekommst konkrete Tipps für die Projektbea ...
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Insurance penetration in Kenya is quite low compared to the global benchmark. The same can be reported about Insurance distribution as well. In this podcast we seek to educate and empower Kenyans all over the world on the various Insurance brackets and key stake holders. This shall ensure we have an informed population and thus better the insurance uptake, thus reducing the cost of the same.
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O primeiro Podcast sobre Revit do Brasil, dicas de uso, melhoria de workflows, conteúdos sobre BIM e alguma coisa a mais. Siga no Instagram: @revitcast Meu nome é Erick Mark, gravo os episódios Revitcast em momentos que tenho algum tempo livre, espero que aproveite e que agregue valor para você. 😉 Você pode me seguir lá no LinkedIn. Compartilhe! 🏆
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The performance podcast from the Palais des Beaux Arts Wien. Streamed live to a phone, played back on headphones and recorded with in-ear microphones at a street corner in front of the Palais des Beaux Arts Wien. In the end no one really knows whats going on anymore in the end but we think it is rather good. Produced by Benjamin Tomasi. This podcast features binaural recordings, which sound best through headphones.
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Born in Barbados… raised in DC, Dj Bimshire is one of the Nation's Capital most versatile djs. Known for his smooth mixes and high energy, this rising star has carved his way into the minds, hearts and EARS of party-goers in the DMV. Bim, as he is affectionately known by his peers, followers & dj counterparts, started his professional dj career at the young age of 15, with Muzik Nashun Sound in 2000. Now almost 15 years later, Bim's dj career extends over all the major nightclubs, promoters ...
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Este post es original de BIMrras PODCAST, visítanos si quieres escuchar hablar de BIM Implementación BIM en fase de obra En este episodio nos enfundamos el caso y las botas de seguridad y nos metemos de lleno en la obra para ver como progresa BIM en este entorno. Ahora que parece que alcanzamos un nivel de madurez ¿en realidad es oro todo lo que re…
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BIM & KI - Gebäude nachhaltig steuern
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Kontakt BIM & Bier Senden Sie uns eine E-Mail: Bewerten Sie uns auf Spotify: Folgen Sie Formitas auf Linkedin: Abonnieren Sie unsere monatlichen News: Danke fürs Zuhören!על ידי Formitas AG
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benefits of Solidworks Drawings services.
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silicon valley's infographic post on the benefits of Solidworks Drawings services. visit our website to get more detailed information about solidworks drawings.
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Cuando parecía que las cosas no podían tensarse más, Rusia amenaza con utilizar fuerza nuclear como respuesta a cualquier tipo de ataque contra su territorio.Pero, ¿tanto nos costará dejar de tocarnos las narices unos a los otros?על ידי BIMrras
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From Boca Raton, Florida, this is Behind the Bima. On this week's episode, Rabbi Efrem Goldberg is joined by Rabbi Judah Mischel, a passionate advocate for unity and resilience within the Jewish community. Rav Judah is Executive Director of Camp HASC, the Hebrew Academy for Special Children. He is the Mashpiah of OU-NCSY, founder of Tzama Nafshi an…
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The Slumflower on Divisive Opinions, Patriarchy & Passions
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A fierce advocate for speaking your truth unapologetically, The Slumflower (real name Chidera Eggerue) has built a brand on never holding back. She has inspired millions with her #1 Sunday Times bestselling books "How To Get Over A Boy" and "What A Time To Be Alone" and chart-topping podcast The Slumflower Hour. Whether speaking out about wrongdoin…
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Bimbo Baux Talks: I love Money Episode 1
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Send us a text Bimbo Baux is back with a special edition: *Season 444*! I Love Money Season 1, Episode 1 "A Very 'Short' Trip.“ Fawxy kicks things off on her solo journey as host by diving into one of reality TV’s most iconic and chaotic gems, I Love Money, Season 1. In this premiere, she breaks down the wildest moments, unforgettable cast drama, a…
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Bimbo Baux Talks: I Love Money Episode 2
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Send us a text Episode 2: "Only the Weak Survive" Recap Bimbo Baux Talks Season 444 is back with another deep dive into the chaos that is *I Love Money*! In this episode, the contestants are pushed to their physical and mental limits in a grueling obstacle course, and trust me, the drama did not disappoint. Alliances are shifting, rivalries are hea…
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Shabbat Sermon: Bound with Rabbi Wes Gardenswartz
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What does Naftali Herstik, a pre-eminent cantor at the Great Synagogue in Jerusalem for 30 years, have in common with Bobby Allison, who was one of the greatest race car drivers in American history, who won 85 NASCAR races over 30 years? One is an all-time great cantor. The other is an all-time great race car driver. They both recently passed away.…
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Talmud Class: Hagar and Sarah - What Does Our Pain Do to Us?
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We are plumb in the middle of two of the hardest stories in the Torah. Genesis 16:1-16 tells of Sarai’s continued inability to get pregnant, which leads her to assign her servant Hagar (literally the stranger) to Abram so that she might conceive a child with Abram who would somehow be reckoned as Sarai’s child. When Abram and Hagar have relations, …
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169 Implementación BIM en fase de obra
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En este episodio nos enfundamos el caso y las botas de seguridad y nos metemos de lleno en la obra para ver como progresa BIM en este entorno. Ahora que parece que alcanzamos un nivel de madurez ¿en realidad es oro todo lo que reluce entre el proyecto y la ejecución? ¿Existe realmente la implementación BIM en fase de obra? ¿Progresamos adecuadament…
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Rusia ha impuesto a Google una multa de 20 decillones de dólares.¿Cuánto es un decillón?No lo sabemos. Para nosotros, más de 100 euros es ciencia-ficción.על ידי BIMrras
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Miriam Haber (Mother of Zecharia Hy’D, a Holy Soldier who Fell in Battle)
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From Boca Raton, Florida, This is Behind the Bima. On this week's episode, Rabbi Efrem Goldberg is joined by Miriam Haber to discuss the life and legacy of her son, Zecharia Haber, who was tragically killed fighting in Gaza. Miriam opens up about Zecharia’s remarkable life as a dedicated father, husband, scientist, and Torah scholar. Despite his ac…
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Jake Shears on The Return of Scissor Sisters, Mental Health & Coming Out
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A bold and fearless voice in music, Jake Shears has pushed boundaries and broken records. Both as the frontman of Scissor Sisters and with his solo records, Jake has sold millions of records, holds numerous UK Top 10 albums and has gone Platinum over 14 times. Outside of music, Jake has appeared on Broadway in Kinky Boots, and most recently he has …
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Shabbat Sermon: Holy Flying Fish with Rav Hazzan Aliza Berger
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I have a friend who is a therapist. She tells the story that once, she had someone in her office who was really struggling. As he shared story after story of misfortune and sorrow, she found herself thinking, “oy, he really needs a therapist.” Then, the patient paused and asked her for her wisdom. “Oh no,” she thought, “I am that therapist.” I’ve n…
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Talmud Class: An Iconoclast, a Philosopher, or An Activist: Which Vision of Abraham Do We Need Now?
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A consequential week, in America and in Israel. How can Torah help us become better versions of ourselves? How can Torah help us become better citizens here and better lovers and supporters of Israel? This week we begin the Abraham story.Why Abraham? Why did God pick him? We know that God picked him, but we have no idea as to why. In his essay A Pa…
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149 M4 de Apple ¿Revolución o más de lo mismo?
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La semana pasada Apple presentó su nueva gama de equipos informáticos potenciados con sus procesadores M4, M4 Pro y M4 Max.Las dudas están servidas entre seguidores y detractores.¿Es una propuesta rompedora o es más de lo mismo?En lo que sí que han planteado una tendencia continuista es en su política de precios... ¡Son de infarto!…
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From Boca Raton, Florida, This is Behind the Bima. On this week's episode, Rabbi Efrem Goldberg is joined by Yonasan Rosenblum, a renowned Jewish journalist and the director/spokesperson/founder of Jewish Media Resources. Known for his in-depth analysis and captivating storytelling, Yonasan Rosenblum explores the historical narratives that have sha…
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Clara Amfo on Inspiration, Imposter Syndrome & Celebrity Culture
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Few have done it like Clara Amfo. As one of the UK's most loved TV and radio presenters, she has hosted the BRIT Awards, Top of the Pops and has even competed on Strictly Come Dancing. From the Live Lounge to Glastonbury, Clara has sat down and interviewed some of the world’s most prolific artists – including Jay Z, Kendrick Lamar, Dua Lipa, Sir El…
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Shabbat Sermon: Our Ark and Our Arc with Rabbi Wes Gardenswartz
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On the morning of Kol Nidrei—Friday, October 11 to be exact—my colleagues and I were doing a Kabbalat Shabbat service with our youngest learners, our preschool children who range in age from 15 months to 5 years old. Yom Kippur was in the air. Kol Nidrei with all its solemnity, was in 9 hours. How to convey Kol Nidrei intensity to our youngest lear…
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Talmud Class: Lot is a Lot - What Do We Learn From the Life of Lot?
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The biblical character Lot presents a unique challenge. He appears in three portions, Noach this week, Lekh L’kha next week, and Va-yera two weeks from now. He is a supporting actor in multiple chapters in Genesis: chapters 11, 12, 13, 14, and 19.And yet no one ever talks about him. We don’t mine his story. We avoid him.There is good reason why we …
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Este post es original de BIMrras PODCAST, visítanos si quieres escuchar hablar de BIM En un principio fue la luz. Y con ello, la geometría. Pero la I del BIM está ahí para algo más que dar lustre y buen nombre al acrónimo. En un mundo en el que el dato es el bien de mayor valor, su aprovechamiento, gestión, gobernanza y explotación pueden marcar el…
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En un principio fue la luz. Y con ello, la geometría. Pero la I del BIM está ahí para algo más que dar lustre y buen nombre al acrónimo.En un mundo en el que el dato es el bien de mayor valor, su aprovechamiento, gestión, gobernanza y explotación pueden marcar el beneficio de un proyecto. Pero la cultura del dato puede definir a una organización, p…
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148 Neva, el videojuego hecho arte
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Hacemos una pausa en el camino, para descansar de tanta noticia sobre IA y disfrutar como enanos hablando sobre el último título del estudio barcelonés Nómada Estudio.Un videojuego que, con poco sensible que seas, ¡te va a causar un Stendhalazo del copón de la baraja!Avisado quedas.על ידי BIMrras
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Bel Priestley on Transitioning Publicly, Young Fame & Heartstopper
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When it comes to Gen Z's change-makers, few have made an impact as significant as Bel Priestley. The content creator-turned-actress inspired a generation when she documented her transition on social media, in the process building a legion of over 1.5M fans online. Most recently, Bel has starred in Netflix's hit series Heartstopper and partnered wit…
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Shabbat Sermon: If Our Cup Feels Empty, Even When It Overflows with Guest Speaker Rabbi Ravid Tilles
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The question always is, what’s next? And the answer is, let’s be together. What’s next? This is a question that weighs on me in every facet of my life. My son Avishai, who many of you know well after his many years at Hebrew school here and around at services, for a long time would have the same question for us when we first woke up. “What’s for di…
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El bueno de tito Elon acaba de presentar sus vehículos con conducción totalmente autónoma, y nosotros nos preguntamos... ¿subiríamos a un taxi sin conductor?על ידי BIMrras
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Joe Lycett on Provoking Politicians, Sexuality & Harry Styles Lawsuit
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One of the UK’s most popular comedians, Joe Lycett has consistently used his platform not just to make people laugh (although he is very funny), but to bring attention to worthy causes. His viral stunts have included ‘shredding money’ on a live stream in criticism of Qatar’s sponsorship of the 2022 FIFA World Cup, changing his name to Hugo Boss in …
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Bimini on Rebellion, Sink The Pink & RuPaul’s Drag Race UK
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Welcome to The Pieces, the brand new podcast where Bimini will be challenging the world around us and asking how the experience we’ve lived have made us the people we are today. For our first episode, Bimini is turning the camera on themselves to explore their journey from Great Yarmouth to creating their drag persona and, ultimately, becoming the …
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BIM im Bestand – Lohnt sich das?
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Für mehr Nachhaltigkeit müssen wir ran an den Bestand. Wie das geht zeigen uns Prof. Henriette Strotmann und Leonie Magnolo von der FH Münster. Das Bier: Bio Helles vom Brauhaus Finne Kontakt BIM & Bier Senden Sie uns eine E-Mail: Bewerten Sie uns auf Spotify: Folgen Sie Formitas auf Linkedin: https:/…
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Shabbat Sermon: Understanding the Death of Yahya Sinwar Through the Lens of Jewish Values with Rabbi Wes Gardenswartz
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How are we to understand the death of the leader of Hamas, and the mastermind and architect of October 7, Yahya Sinwar? Does his death mean that an end to the war, and the beginning of the day after, is closer? Or should Israel’s military continue the fight? What will Sinwar’s death mean for our hostages? These questions are hugely important and ab…
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Sukkot Sermon with Rabbi Michelle Robinson
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Sukkot October 18, 2024
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Sukkot Sermon: Bird! with Rav Hazzan Aliza Berger
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When I was growing up, we spent a lot of time with my Grandpa Gene feeding the geese. My Mom kept a 50 lb. bag of birdseed in the car, and, even when Sir Grandfather, as he liked to be called, was not feeling well, we would drive to the pond, and he would sit and watch from the front seat as we tossed out birdseed to grateful honks. My grandfather …
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En términos financiero-tecnológicos se denomina "unicornio" a una empresa que "está podrida de pasta".En este episodio de TDH analizamos el listado de las 10 empresas más podridas... de pasta.על ידי BIMrras
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Alright babes, Bimini is here with their very own podcast! Bimini is challenging the world around us and asking how the experiences we’ve lived have made us the people we are today. From pop stars to politicians, artists and activists, every week Bimini will be unearthing the moments that have shaped their guests’ identities, whilst exploring how t…
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Este post es original de BIMrras PODCAST, visítanos si quieres escuchar hablar de BIM Imagina que te llega un encargo de esos que suponen un reto: levantar el estado actual de una instalación industrial de varios miles de metros cuadrados. Rápidamente te viene a la cabeza la solución ideal: nubes de puntos!!. Pero ¿sabes bien a qué te enfrentas cua…
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167 Scan to BIM industrial
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Imagina que te llega un encargo de esos que suponen un reto: levantar el estado actual de una instalación industrial de varios miles de metros cuadrados. Rápidamente te viene a la cabeza la solución ideal: nubes de puntos!!. Pero ¿sabes bien a qué te enfrentas cuando hablas de Scan to BIM industrial? Hay quien cree que hacer un escaneado láser de u…
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#060 Procesando (datos) voy, procesando vengo con María Pascual
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Hola y bienvenido al episodio 60 de BIM podcast, el primer podcast sobre BIM en español. Mi nombre es Javier Sánchez-Matamoros y estoy acompañado por mis amigos y compañeros José Ángel Cánovas y Marco A. Pizarro. BIM podcast está apadrinado por INTEGESA Soluciones. INTEGESA ofrece servicios de consultoría, formación e implantación de herramientas p…
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Yom Kippur Sermon: Pristine Pillows with Rabbi Michelle Robinson
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October 12, 2024
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Yom Kippur Sermon: Finding Hope When Hope is Gone with Rabbi Wes Gardenswartz
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One quiet Shabbat morning in August, a long-time member comes in and says, Rabbi, I turn 93 today. Can I have an Aliyah? I said of course. We’d love to give you an Aliyah. Just want you to know one thing. You are a youngster. A youngster? I’m turning 93 today. How is that a youngster? I pointed in the direction of a woman who was sitting with her c…
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Kol Nidre Sermon: Situational Anxiety with Rabbi Michelle Robinson
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October 11, 2024
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No seremos los de TDH los que neguemos que la IA va a llegar a transformar todos nuestros trabajos.Y podemos hacer dos cosas:- Dilapidar al que la utilice en su día a día y encerrarnos en una cueva alumbrada con velas, acariciando un gato.- Hacerla jugar a nuestro favorNosotros nos decantamos por la segunda opción.…
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Bonus Episode: October 7 - Reflecting on a Year of Darkness, Resilience and Unity
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In this heartfelt conversation, we speak with Dana and Yedidya, reflecting on the events of October 7th and the enduring impact a year later. Dana Cohen's husband Aviad Hy"d was killed on October 7, and Yedidya Harush, leader of Shlomit, has been fighting in the IDF. They share their experiences of loss, resilience, and the unbreakable spirit of th…
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Mindful Realities of Male Talent: A Conversation with Davin Strong
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Send us a text In this long-awaited return for the finale of season one’s interview episodes , we sit down with our first male adult talent guest, the incredibly charismatic and humble Davin Strong. Together, we explore the often misunderstood world of male performers in the adult industry. From the challenges of sustaining a career in male porn to…
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Shabbat Sermon: A God We Can Believe In After October 7 with Rabbi Wes Gardenswartz
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Rabbi David Wolpe tells a classic story of speaking to a group of American Jews in Tulsa, Oklahoma at their JCC about God. He was trying to make the case that God loves them. But he could see that his words were not resonating. Being the seasoned speaker that he is, he decided to take a bit of a gamble. He stopped his prepared remarks and said: If …
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Talmud Class: Michael Bohnen Teaching the Poems of October 7
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As the horrors of October 7th were unfolding, a common reaction was “ein milim,” no words. But it is not surprising that Hebrew poetry soon appeared that gave expression to the nation’s raw feelings and emotions.Our teacher Rachel Korazim, our member Michael Bohnen and Heather Silverman of California have recently published a moving anthology of th…
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