這是矽谷太太- Jacqueline 跟朋友們分享生活經驗、人生領悟、補足元氣的園地。本節目討論的內容包括矽谷的生活、親子與家庭關係、個人身心靈成長等等。歡迎大家一起來充電! 歡迎您加入矽谷太太Podcast會員,除了享受零片頭/廣告的充電時光、無限收聽舊有節目+特別節目、每季收到精美電子報,還可以和Jacqueline免費面談一次(一年兩次)。謝謝您支持本節目的持續營運。 https://plus.acast.com/s/63fffb7d302d250011b22068. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
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為了自己,也為了家人,期許自己成為一個健康推廣者。 愛自己,才能成為自己的女王👑 Powered by Firstory Hosting
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I just want real love and be happy
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Because for every reason you think you can't, there's a more important reason why you must. Impact is a podcast by Jacqueline Jax about art and the creative journey. Subscribe to it across all Podcast channels.
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Meditationen mit Jacqueline Brand.
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Welcome to JACQUELINE ELLIS, where amazing things happen.
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Historias y Misterios
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Podcast by Jacqueline Burkepile
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Wellness is a trillion-dollar industry full of scams and snake oil salesmen but comedians and best friends Kate Berlant and Jacqueline Novak just can’t get enough. Join them as they try products and practices, consult healers and experts, and ask the ultimate question: is it truly wellness they’re after or just the thrill of the chase?
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Welcome to the Jacqueline Bay podcast, where learning things happens.
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Welcome to Jacqueline Rare Antique (http://jacquelinestallone.com), the premier destination for antique collectors! Check Images: Jacqueline Rare antique Pin: https://www.pinterest.com/jacquelinerareantique/ FB: https://www.facebook.com/jacquelinerareantique/ TW: https://twitter.com/jacquelinerare Ins: https://www.instagram.com/jacquelinerareantique/
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Introducing "Seen on the Screen with Jacqueline Coley,” a bi-weekly podcast and your ticket to the personal narratives happening behind the scenes at Universal. Hosted by Jacqueline Coley, Awards Editor at Rotten Tomatoes, each episode invites you into intimate conversations with NBCUniversal employees and our creative community to explore how the magic of film impacts their lives. With a blend of entertaining games and thought-provoking questions, Jacqueline guides us through an exciting jo ...
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A voice of Energetic Empowerment for reminding you of Who You Are & What You Desire. Permission Granted Jacqueline ✨
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Honest and joyful explorations of ideas to help you align with your spiritual purpose and live your best life.
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In this Podcast we talk about the many life lessons learned as a Christian and living a everyday life. Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/jacqueline-cain/support
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Prophetess Jacqueline P. King is founder of Prophetic Judah International Ministries Est. 2009. Prophetic Intercession how to pray with the word of God along with teaching.
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Welcome to the Jacqueline Vasquez Advocacy Network podcast, where Advocating. and Empowering and Educating LGBTQ Issue and Civil Rights Protecting Human Rights for All
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Mi proposito es proveerles a mis oyentes la informacion que buscan para contestar preguntas acerca de la sanidad emocional, y vario en temas como la depresion, el abandono, abuso y violencia domestica y relaciones interpesonales. Resolver es areas de nuestra vida que nos traen mucha tristesa y al resolverlas emerger hacia la felicidad.
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I tell spooky tales to awaiting ears in the dark. Some are of my own writing, others by very talented authors across the web, but all are sure to leave you...unsettled. So turn out the lights, get comfortable, and listen to my voice.
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Jacqueline Ronco, also known as Jackie Ronco, is a pioneering women’s embodiment guide and spiritual leader in Portland, Oregon. With a rich tapestry of knowledge in spiritual practices and plant medicine, Jackie facilitates profound reconnections to the self, helping individuals navigate the intricate dance between masculine and feminine energies. Her transformative approach emphasizes emotional healing, inviting people to explore their inner landscapes and cultivate self-awareness. Through ...
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Welcome to my podcast! I'm Jacqueline, and I will be discussing Angie Thomas' compelling debut novel: The Hate U Give.
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Mein Name ist Jacqueline und ich liebe es, meine eigenen Gedichte und Geschichten zu schreiben, und diese auch zu vertonen. Mein Ziel ist es, mit dem, was ich schreibe, ein Stück Licht in die Welt zu bringen und den Menschen zu vermitteln, dass nicht nur das Sehen mit den Augen wichtig ist, sondern auch/vor allem das Sehen mit dem Herzen. Ich selbst bin seit der Geburt blind, kann nur hell und dunkel (Tag und Nacht) unterscheiden. Inspirationsquelle zum Schreiben ist z.B. die Natur. Außerdem ...
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聊聊Jacqueline今年的「新年決心」,討論「什麼是新年願望的真諦?」。分享一些耶誕假期的幾件趣事和感想。 祈禱: 為加州火災災民祈禱 為韓國濟州航空空難受難家屬祈禱 New Year Resolution 新年的決心 Diagon Alley 對角巷(哈里波特場景) 密室逃脫遊戲公司:https://theescapegame.com/ 鐵達尼號文物博物館:https://titanicorlando.com/ coercive compassion 強迫的同情 *節目贊助: Flora Chen 房屋仲介(矽谷灣區) REALTOR® | DRE 01334314 https://www.compass.com/agents/flora-chen/ Joseph Yen 房屋仲介(矽…
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重播S3E1 :這一集分享了2023耶誕假期回婆家過節的經歷,並探討如何面對年節壓力和家庭相處的挑戰。由於過敏反應,聲音沙啞,但仍分享了許多父母、配偶、孩子及婆家的相處經驗。節目中,強調非暴力溝通的重要性,並以自己的經歷說明如何應對家庭中的情緒和衝突。另外,談到在紐約購書的體悟,學會接納人生中的不如意。在此提醒大家,面對家庭和親人時,投資更多的善意和體諒,人生就會更加美好。 捐款支持Jacqueline:線上捐款 成為會員:非常喜歡我們的節目嗎?歡迎「訂閱」,並點以下連結「成為會員」,支持本節目的基本營運開銷,收聽已歸檔的舊節目、和會員專屬的節目。每季會有會員專屬的精美電子書,寄送到會員電子郵件信箱。節目會員還可以跟Jacqueline約時間面談,討論問題和聊聊心事喔~ (Music by …
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什麼是父母的權威?什麼是父母的職責?什麼是(不鬆不緊)剛剛好的教養風格?怎麼建立權威?今天跟大家聊聊後現代父母遇到的困境,讓父母能重建權威,放手教養。分享培養剛剛好的父母權威的五個方法。 相關節目: S4E17 面對(孩子)「不聽話」~ 心法 https://shows.acast.com/63fffb7d302d250011b22068/episodes/s4e17 Ep 2 親子話題後設一:父母的角色 What does "parenting" mean to us? https://shows.acast.com/63fffb7d302d250011b22068/episodes/63fffb84a9e3990011721851 Ep 21 親子話題後設四:愛是什麼? https://…
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真的「吃虧就是佔便宜」嗎?怎麼感覺就是吃虧了呢?有些朋友會有來有往,有些怎麼就老是愛佔便宜呢?今天跟大家一起來想想這個古老的友誼問題,和怎麼幫自己解套、幫孩子也解套? 相關節目: S3E16 心理不平衡?談『公平』 https://shows.acast.com/63fffb7d302d250011b22068/episodes/s3e16 S1E19 談友誼 - 健康的依附、交友三大原則 https://shows.acast.com/63fffb7d302d250011b22068/episodes/s1e19 S3E14 應付青少女的問題與困擾 之紀錄 https://shows.acast.com/63fffb7d302d250011b22068/episodes/s3e14 S1E…
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旅行,就是成長的機會。尤其是跟著成長中的孩子旅行。今天,想跟大家分享感恩節J家庭旅行的見聞,和跟teenager過招的經驗。同場加映培根媽媽的文章分享,14歲的女兒談戀愛了?母女間,到底有什麼「過不去」的呢? 過去相關節目: S3E25 旅行的意義~J的英倫之旅 https://shows.acast.com/63fffb7d302d250011b22068/episodes/s3e25-j Jacqueline金句: (和孩子的)每一次的交手,都是一次放手 人生是苦海,心情不好是應該,心情能好,是一個人的功力。 英文字詞: the lower 48 (states) 下四十八州(美國) Contiguous United States 美國本土 (不含夏威夷及阿拉斯加) melt down…
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The Power of Music in The Wild Robot with Kris Bowers
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נגן מאוחר יותר
In this special episode, Jacqueline Coley sits down with Emmy and Grammy nominated composer and Academy Award® winning filmmaker Kris Bowers, in front of a live audience at the SCAD Film Festival in Savannah, GA. Known for his genre-defying scores in films like Bob Marley: One Love, The Color Purple, the Emmy winning series Bridgerton and his lates…
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這個禮拜是美國的感恩節週,上週節目說明了感恩的感覺,這個禮拜來跟大家分享最近一些值得感恩的事情。值得感恩的事情,不見得都是「好事」,就看我們怎麼面對,怎麼詮釋。祝大家過節愉快。 書:”One Thousand Gifts: A Dare to Live Fully Right Where You Are” by Ann Voskamp 英文單字: Aroraphobia 廣場恐懼症 金句: “Every sin is an attempt to fly from emptiness” by Simon Weil 捐款支持Jacqueline:線上捐款 成為會員:非常喜歡我們的節目嗎?歡迎「訂閱」,並點以下連結「成為會員」,支持本節目的基本營運開銷,收聽已歸檔的舊節目、和會員專屬的節目。每季會…
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下週感恩節,先來談談「感恩」的感覺!遇到小孩不懂得感恩、珍惜,要怎麼教,才能不會既不浪費,又不會養出稀缺心態?怎麼教孩子不浪費,避免稀缺心態,並感覺生命的豐富?什麼是稀缺心態?什麼又是富足的心態呢? 相關節目: S3E13 談「稀缺心態」(夫妻聊天分享) Ep 6 你「麻里惠」了嗎?Have you found your spark joy? Ep 2 親子話題後設一:父母的角色 What does "parenting" mean to us? Jacqueline金句:「你的孩子,就是你的孩子,你無法養出別人家的孩子!」 超好玩桌遊:Caton 加拿大感恩節的制定:1957 年 1 月 31 日,加拿大總督文森特·馬西 (Vincent Massey) 發佈公告,指出:”A Day of…
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S4E21 另一半不成長怎麼辦?什麼是生命的成長?進步?與改善?
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נגן מאוחר יותר
在身心靈成長的努力過程中,你會因為另一半的不成長,感覺身心俱疲,萬般無力嗎?或許,你只是問錯了問題?! 讓我們一起來想想,到底什麼是成長?什麼是進步?什麼是改善?的真正意涵。 金句: "the quality of your life is determined by the quality of the questions you ask yourself" said Tony Robbins 捐款支持Jacqueline:線上捐款 成為會員:非常喜歡我們的節目嗎?歡迎「訂閱」,並點以下連結「成為會員」,支持本節目的基本營運開銷,收聽已歸檔的舊節目、和會員專屬的節目。每季會有會員專屬的精美電子書,寄送到會員電子郵件信箱。節目會員還可以跟Jacqueline約時間面談,討論問題和聊聊心事喔~…
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A Filmmaker-Driven Focus with Peter Kujawski
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נגן מאוחר יותר
Bringing movies to the big screen takes passion and expertise. In this episode, Jacqueline Coley sits down with Peter Kujawski, Chairman of Focus Features, to talk about his path from intern to head of a studio known for award-winning, auteur-driven films. Peter shares an inside perspective on Focus’s commitment to unique, culturally relevant stori…
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這一集,有一些哲學上、邏輯上的想法,也有一些實際面對問題時,可以應用的心態與可以給大家參考做法。希望對常常在趕時間、或被時間趕著、或感覺人生有一點overwhelming或underwhelming的人,有一點幫助。 (overwhelming就是感覺事情太多喘不過氣,underwhelming就是感覺事情太少,窮極無聊。) 諺語:夫妻若同心,烏土變成金 road rage:路怒症 書: "Four Thousand Weeks: Time Management for Mortals" by Oliver Burkeman "Build the Life You Want: The Art and Science of Getting Happier" by Arthur C. Brook…
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這一集主要是想更正上次悄悄話中講錯的內容,順便為大家補充一些關於以色列戰爭的事情。下週二大選,談談華郵貝佐斯最近的決定與文章。後半段補充一下關於前幾集讓身邊的人「聽話」的主題。 華郵刊登貝佐斯的opinion文章:The hard truth: Americans don’t trust the news media https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2024/10/28/jeff-bezos-washington-post-trust/ 蓋洛普「美國人對媒體的信任程度下滑」民調結果:Americans' Trust in Media Remains at Trend Low https://news.gallup.com/poll/651977…
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你愛吃醋嗎?你的另一半愛吃醋嗎?醋勁大發的時候該怎麼辦?嫉妒是個什麼東西?如何擺平你的嫉妒心呢?學會擺平嫉妒的人生,是什麼樣的風景呢? 佳句賞析:“I've lived through some terrible things in my life, some of which actually happened.” by Mark Twain 英文單詞: Jealousy/Envy/Covet 嫉妒/羨慕/覬覦 Green-Eyed Monster 莎士比亞奧塞羅中的綠眼怪 ruminating 反芻、反覆思考(有毒的訊息) mate guarding 配偶守護 捐款支持Jacqueline:線上捐款 成為會員:非常喜歡我們的節目嗎?歡迎「訂閱」,並點以下連結「成為會員」,支持本節目的基本…
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Opening the Aperture of WICKED with Director of Photography Alice Brooks
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נגן מאוחר יותר
As the Director of Photography for WICKED, Alice Brooks shaped the film’s visual identity, bringing Director Jon M. Chu’s vision to life with a vibrant and immersive cinematic experience. In this episode, Alice joins Jacqueline Coley to share her journey working in entertainment, from growing up in a creative family to discovering her passion for c…
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Jackie Ronco Shares 5 Ways to Use Plant Medicine for Deep Healing and Transformation
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נגן מאוחר יותר
Discover how Jackie Ronco inspires the use of plant medicine for profound healing and personal transformation. Explore five holistic approaches, including ayahuasca ceremonies, and integration practices, to unlock your potential for emotional and spiritual well-being with insights from Jacqueline Ronco.…
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在上上週「為我好」那一集播出後,有聽眾提供了一個案例給我,希望我進一步說明怎麼「聆聽」,能讓孩子變得聽話?親子關係不論對上對下,怎麼讓彼此的心融化?這一集,我們來做個小小的案例分析。 捐款支持Jacqueline:線上捐款 成為會員:非常喜歡我們的節目嗎?歡迎「訂閱」,並點以下連結「成為會員」,支持本節目的基本營運開銷,收聽已歸檔的舊節目、和會員專屬的節目。每季會有會員專屬的精美電子書,寄送到會員電子郵件信箱。節目會員還可以跟Jacqueline約時間面談,討論問題和聊聊心事喔~ (Music by Yevhen Onoychenko & Kevin MacLeod) 歡迎您加入矽谷太太Podcast會員,除了享受零片頭/廣告的充電時光、無限收聽舊有節目+特別節目、每季收到精美電子報,還可以…
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SUBSCRIBE TO THEIR NEW SHOW AT BERLANTNOVAK.SUPERCAST.COM. This is an episode about faith, diaspora, and what ants are for. Jacqueline is mommy, and the world is your womb. Revelations in a time of rupture: everything “stimulates collagen”. Kate can’t stop smelling the beeswax candles from her cousin, and Jacqueline is searching for a song to mark …
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這一集跟大家聊聊以色列目前的戰爭,增廣我們的世界觀~ 過去相關節目: S1E12 三觀概述:何謂三觀正、三觀合、顛覆三觀? https://shows.acast.com/63fffb7d302d250011b22068/episodes/s1e12 Mass Psychosis/ Mass Hysteria 集體歇斯底里(瘋狂) Preemptive 先發制人的 Hamas 哈瑪斯(加薩走廊反以組織) Judeo-Christian 猶太-基督 Hezbollah 黎巴嫩反以組織(真主黨) intifata 暴動/起義 uprisings Zionism 猶太建國主義 (錫安主義) 書:"State of Fear" by Michael Crichton 歡迎您捐款支持節目:線上捐款 ~…
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Defying Gravity with WICKED Director Jon M. Chu
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נגן מאוחר יותר
How do you bring a cultural phenomenon like WICKED to the big screen? In this episode, Jacqueline Coley joins director Jon M. Chu in Oz to talk about his work on his generation-defining cinematic event and how his personal connection to the stage musical inspired him to take on the project. We’ll explore Chu’s special connection to WICKED, his crea…
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Going full placebo and confronting the parable’s obvious idiot. There is no safe chalice, with literacy and hydration at an all-time low. Softer clay. Why we must sleep, and dreams of cat arms wrapped around. What is the cost of donating one’s life to Instagram? Jacqueline would never brag about reading an article. Every day Kate’s hands don’t touc…
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S4E15 怎麼讓身邊的人「聽話」?說「為你好」卻是「為我好」?
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נגן מאוחר יותר
你希望身邊的人都乖乖聽話嗎?這有可能發生嗎?你有想過為什麼你一心為對方好,對方卻都「講不聽」、不領情?爸媽越老越頑固?孩子一直不聽話?先生、太太不懂得你的心意?「為你好」的真正含義是什麼?聽懂這一集的秘密,可以幫你轉念、轉氣,讓身邊的人漸漸都能聽你的話,感受到你的compassion,感受到你的關心與愛,並加倍回饋給你! 歡迎您捐款支持節目:線上捐款 ~非常喜歡我們的節目嗎?歡迎「訂閱」,並點以下連結「成為會員」,支持本節目的基本營運開銷,收聽已歸檔的舊節目、和會員專屬的節目。每季會有會員專屬的精美電子書,寄送到會員電子郵件信箱。節目會員還可以跟Jacqueline約時間面談,討論問題和聊聊心事喔~ (Music by Yevhen Onoychenko & Kevin MacLeod) 歡…
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$25 for a new life, and the need to be nudged. Should we not be driving from dead centre? Tradwife sippy cup fertility mug. The fear of looking like a pile of lymph leads Jacqueline to thrilling appointments with specialists, and then on a designer men’s shoe chase. An IV drip and a B12 shot in the ass—ring me up! Dreams of a backyard sauna…but wil…
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你做事會拖拖拉拉的嗎?想做的事情一直提不起勁完成?你的小孩拖拖拉拉嗎?所謂「拖延」真的是一種心理疾病嗎?怎麼擺脫自己(或他人)拖拖拉拉的行為?這一集節目,不是真的能讓你從此不拖延,但能讓你更理解這個現象、與調整如何面對的心態。說不定,你能從此擺脫慢性拖延的痛苦!領悟到:human being/ human doing/ human creating!的三個人類生命層次。 procrastination 拖延 procrastination 提前做 Back burner 暫時擱置(不需立即處理) 歡迎您捐款支持節目:線上捐款 ~非常喜歡我們的節目嗎?歡迎「訂閱」,並點以下連結「成為會員」,支持本節目的基本營運開銷,收聽已歸檔的舊節目、和會員專屬的節目。每季會有會員專屬的精美電子書,寄送到會員…
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Bringing THE WILD ROBOT to Life with Chris Sanders
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נגן מאוחר יותר
How do you bring a beloved book series to life on the big screen? In this episode, we chat with Chris Sanders, the writer and director behind DreamWorks Animation's THE WILD ROBOT. Chris shares how he first discovered the project and what drew him to adapt Peter Brown’s popular book series, giving us a behind-the-scenes look at the creative process…
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Mirror work. The World Wide Web. Flash frozen blueberries. Fructose. The Holocaust Museum. The Freedom Tower. The fall and rise of Smoothie. See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.על ידי Big Money Players Network and iHeartPodcasts
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心想事成和自我實現 大不同!只有心想事成,能滿足自我的(實現)需求嗎?心想事成的原理是什麼?吸引力法則的秘密是什麼?跟許願時的腦波有關係嗎?原來仙杜拉(灰姑娘)都知道!聽到最後有小獎勵喔! Law of attraction 吸引力法則 Self actualization 自我實現 Manifestation 顯化、實相化 buzzword 熱門字詞 Biohacker 生物駭客 Holons (part/whole) 又是個體,且屬於某個更大的整體 補充資料:40 year of Zen program https://40yearsofzen.com/ 快速成為冥想大師的生物駭客程序 書:“A brief history of everything” by Ken Wilber 歡迎您…
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Retinol, white strips, and burying our dead in the earth. Jacqueline teaches Kate the Pallbearer Shuffle. Kate tells Jacqueline about the first time she saw a corpse. Jacqueline woke up listening to Caroline Myss. Women become more powerful with age. Force Majeure. Ben Franklin’s habit tracking. Surviving on 24 hours in a day. Kate considers an Ere…
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自我實現是一種生命需求。可以每天滿足,也可以階段性地得到滿足。 歡迎您捐款支持節目:線上捐款 ~非常喜歡我們的節目嗎?歡迎「訂閱」,並點以下連結「成為會員」,支持本節目的基本營運開銷,收聽已歸檔的舊節目、和會員專屬的節目。每季會有會員專屬的精美電子書,寄送到會員電子郵件信箱。節目會員還可以跟Jacqueline約時間面談,討論問題和聊聊心事喔~ (Music by Yevhen Onoychenko & Kevin MacLeod) 歡迎您加入矽谷太太Podcast會員,除了享受零片頭/廣告的充電時光、無限收聽舊有節目+特別節目、每季收到精美電子報,還可以和Jacqueline免費面談一次(一年兩次)。謝謝您支持本節目的持續營運。 https://plus.acast.com/s/63fff…
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How Passion Powers Film Production with Ryan Jones
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How do you turn an idea into a box office hit? Meet Ryan Jones, Senior Vice President of Production at Universal Pictures, who has a built a career on tackling just that! In this episode, Ryan takes us into the world of creative development and reveals what has inspired him to work on some of the most talked-about films and how they take shape. Fro…
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The hags discuss frothers versus steamers and dying among close friends. Jacqueline got a 5 on the French AP exam and has never been to Paris. Kate speaks fake French gibberish, but has been multiple times. Making a friend into a tit you procure milk from. Narrating your own routines. Space gray. See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.…
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當一個解決型人格的媽媽,遇上嚴重憂鬱症的高中兒子。作者Kristina怎麼一步一步發現自己無法「解決」兒子的問題?打敗心中「解決者人格的魔鬼」跟她說的十大謊言? 讀書心得分享~書名:I can fix this. And other lies I told myself while parenting my struggling child. by Kristina Kuzmic 金句:“If the only tool you have is a hammer, you tend to see every problem as a nail.” by Abraham Maslow 如果你唯一的工具就是一枝鐵錘,每個問題看起來都會像是一根釘子 - 馬斯洛 英文小貼士: I’ve come t…
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A Tower of Profiterole (RE-RELEASE)
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נגן מאוחר יותר
The hags went for their big night at Jar. Crying while driving, it’s time for the ashram. To identify the true medicine. To be refined in the fires of suffering. The critic. Ice cold water. Tomatoes in November. Loose leaf tea. Thank you’s written in hot fudge. Calling all New York Body Workers and Acupuncture Practitioners. Will we ever develop ha…
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這個禮拜陪大家聊聊天~聊聊身體自癒力的秘密、聊聊美國大選、聊聊大法官的新書、和最近帶女兒看中醫的事情。 Spontaneous Remission: 不藥而癒 / 自發性緩解 fluke: 僥倖、偶然或意外 Jumping spider: 跳蛛 https://www.chasingbugs.com/jumping-spiders/ 書: 『哈佛醫師教你喚醒自癒力:為什麼有些人的病自己會好,其他人卻不行?哈佛醫院權威逾15年研究,解開啟動人體自癒力的4大關鍵,癌症、心臟病、糖尿病、憂鬱症……都可以不「藥」而癒!』作者:傑佛瑞.雷迪格 "Over Ruled: The Human Toll of Too Much Law" by Neil M. Gorsuch 歡迎您捐款支持節目:線上捐款 ~…
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From Parks to Pictures with Arnold Klein
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Imagine if your high school job sparked a successful career in entertainment. For Arnold Klein, Senior Director of Digital Marketing at Universal Pictures, a part-time gig at Universal Studios Hollywood evolved into a role where he now contributes to the success of global digital marketing campaigns for major film releases. In this episode, Arnold …
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Clicking on pictures of motorcycles and haunted highways. Has the definition of extroversion changed? Cancelling and taking stock of the 365 days. Kate is healing through errands due to a meme from 6 years ago. Race for the cure? A bold move for someone who’s diminished emotionally. The retirement of a crutch via spiritual awakening… no pun intende…
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這次內容談到許瑞云、鄭先安兩位醫師,如何經營美滿婚姻的法門、他們對心念影響身體健康的看法、與臨床經驗。節目最後,由於聽說許醫師能遠距能量看診,Jacqueline 順道夾帶了自己的病情諮詢,得到許醫師和鄭醫師充滿智慧的回應,為J指點迷津。這次訪問內容,希望也為同樣在煩惱自身健康問題的聽眾朋友,帶來珍貴的醫療洞見和對康復的信心。 兩位醫師的北加訪問活動行程: 2024/09/01 北加演講分享 主題:心念自癒力 - 如何平衡、穩定我們的心和免疫力,遠離疾病。 《時間》: 9/1/2024 (星期日) 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM 《地點》: 慈濟北加州分會 2355 Oakland Road, San Jose CA 95131 免費報名:https://docs.google.co…
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A masseuse in Kate’s home reminds her of the necessity of addressing the angels and eating pears. New blocks are located, while Jacqueline scrambles pancakes. What else does one put in a dishwasher? Phone call avoidance and the myths of protein. The hours you’re asleep still count, but where does it start? A math lesson leaves Kate feeling seen. Me…
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節目內容:J和你分享最近的兩個「感覺」事件,一起思考(心理)「感覺」的本質和意義。「感覺」是心靈療癒的工具,是增進自我認識的通道,也是所謂「心想事成」的理論基礎。如果感覺造就生命的實相,那感覺不好怎麼辦?怎麼面對別人的感覺?從感覺的角度,去理解別人的行為?感覺和情緒是同一件事情嗎? 歡迎您捐款支持節目:線上捐款 ~非常喜歡我們的節目嗎?歡迎「訂閱」,並點以下連結「成為會員」,支持本節目的基本營運開銷,收聽已歸檔的舊節目、和會員專屬的節目。每季會有會員專屬的精美電子書,寄送到會員電子郵件信箱。節目會員還可以跟Jacqueline約時間面談,討論問題和聊聊心事喔~ (Music by Yevhen Onoychenko & Kevin MacLeod) 歡迎您加入矽谷太太Podcast會員,除了…
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Making Movie Music with Angela Leus
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What’s your favorite movie music moment? Angela Leus, Senior Vice President of Film Music at Universal Film Entertainment Group, is one of the people who helps make those magical moments happen and today, she takes us behind the scenes of her dynamic role. Angela’s journey from a classically trained pianist to a key player in the film industry is a…
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Open bins and thick nails. Is she gonna be screaming all night? Jacqueline’s true thoughts on Improv Everywhere, and the shadow of a blogger. 2 days or 2 years? Elegante. Kate recalls hearing a white rap in total darkness, and Jacqueline is not afraid of information. Perhaps you didn’t have to bare that burden! Teller vs Machine and the tyranny of …
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