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Koan Bogiatto Show

Koan Bogiatto

Nel "Koan Bogiatto Show", esplora il mondo affascinante insieme a Koan Bogiatto, un esploratore appassionato di avventure e scoperte. Con una sete insaziabile di conoscenza e un'anima curiosa, Koan ti guiderà in un viaggio coinvolgente alla scoperta di culture, imprese straordinarie e curiosità senza fine. Attraverso storie avventurose e interviste con personaggi di spicco, Koan condividerà le sue esperienze e la sua vasta conoscenza, ispirandoti, divertendoti e sorprendendoti. Preparati a f ...
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disrupt. is a podcast dedicated to inspiring and educating aspiring entrepreneurs by exploring the deeper narratives of successful CEOs and founders. Beyond the surface of business success, we delve into the personal struggles and mental health challenges that accompany the entrepreneurial journey. Our aim is to provide a holistic view of what it truly means to be an entrepreneur, uncovering the raw emotions and real-life impacts behind the success stories. Each episode promises an intimate ...
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Sneakers 54 was established in 1976 when a group of friends got together after deciding they had to do something about the lack of good West end clubs that played Jazz,Funk & Soul music. They found that in order to gain entry into clubs they would need to dress in suits, pay extortionate entrance fees, and then have to listen to pop music for hours until the DJ decided to play the odd Soul or Jazz tune at the end of the night. Their next move was to hire venues in the West End and hold their ...
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Welcome to Kars and Koaching, the podcast where we seamlessly blend our passion for cars, the intricacies of medicine, and the art of self-development to guide you towards the life you truly deserve. Join us on this unique journey as we explore the intersections of automotive excellence, healthcare insights, and personal growth. Get ready for engaging conversations, expert interviews, and practical tips that rev up your life both on and off the road. It's not just about driving, healing, or ...
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Koala Mind - Meditation & Achtsamkeit

Petra Hess I Gründerin von Koala Mind

Ich bin Petra und ich freue mich sehr, dass du da bist! Mit meinen Meditationen und meinem Podcast möchte ich dir helfen, mehr Leichtigkeit und Freude in deinen Alltag zu bringen. Wir sprechen darüber, wie du bewusst mit Emotionen und Gedanken umgehen kannst. Mit meinen Meditationen möchte ich dir helfen, deine Verbindung zu dir selbst zu stärken und mit dem Kopf immer da zu sein, wo deine Füße stehen. Ob zur Entspannung, Selbstfürsorge oder den Umgang mit Ängsten und Sorgen: Ich freue mich, ...
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Bersumber dari apapun yg ingin dibicarakan, tentu saja dengan sudut pandang dari cahyoga. Bisa monolog, atau diskusi, atau rame-ramean. Punya pesan yang mau disampaikan, silakan ke https://anchor.fm/cahyoga/message
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Coca-Koala (可樂熊樂團) 由「超級偶像」演員歌手瘦瘦領軍,成立於 2012 年,以逗趣的即興閒聊與動人的不插電音樂在各活動與藝術節備受好評,2018年發行首張日本授權動漫專輯「老宅歌」。Coca-Koala有點宅又不會太宅的官方Podcast 「宅度5公分」當中,瘦瘦與可樂熊夥伴們將從動漫愛好者的角度出發,進行時而動漫科普、時而音樂、時而失控瞎聊的無節操雜談,略帶宅度的內容,陪您度過宅度大概5公分的愉悅時光。
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In an age of increasing complexity and exponential change, it is not always clear what you need to do to achieve your goals and reach your full potential. Eventually everyone needs some help, and when that time comes, the perfect coach is waiting for you at Koach.net.
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Kognitive Koalition

Kognitive Koalition

Kognitive Koalition Der neue Podcast mit den Kulturschaffenden Qukser & Timo. Deeper Polit- & Smalltalk, Kultur, Satire, Kommentare & Musik. Jeden Monat eine neue Folge rund um die Welt der politischen Landschaft und ein wenig mehr.
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A girls journey to Vet School to teaching the world about animals. My dream is to work in Australia as well as traveling to Africa and India to work with Large Predator Cats.
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Join in on this podcast, where we will discuss diversity in families, everyday struggles within families and coping with those struggles. We will also discuss our products relative to the diverse family movement.
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Koala Dreams

Koala Dreams

This Is for the Koala Dreams podcast which takes a post that I have written and go into depth as to what I was thinking about at the time. Shenanigans will be had and I hope your ears enjoy them!
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Peace Of Mind with The Soul Koach

Mashai Small aka The Soul Koach

Welcome to the Peace Of Mind with The Soul Koach, where I cover finance, branding, motivation, military transitioning and all life decisions on one station 🧡I share my life hacks, life goals, the trials and tribulations that I go through and have gotten through to allow others to gain insight that life isn't a cookie-cutter. It's a build your own kind of thing. I also feature other creators, philanthropist and healers who share their stories and life experiences to give you their #LifeHacks!
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As heard on the Check A Pro Radio Show, this is the Koala Insulation Podcast! The Koala Insulation podcast is designed to provide information on energy efficient products for your attic such as insulation, solar attic fans, and stairway insulators. Show produced and hosted by Check A Pro, your local source for pre-qualified service providers.
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Coastin With Kobi is a podcasts dedicated to me voicing my opinion about many theme parks and rollercoasters around the world. Six Flags Great America is my home park so once I get the opportunity to travel to different theme parks and rides I will expand my experiences by riding new rides and experiencing new theme park aesthetics!! My email is kobi7841@live.com if anyone has suggestions to send me! Welcome to Coastin With Kobi!
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KoA Publishing

Knights Of Awakening

For years, the KOA has been providing countless hours of conversation, learning, and entertainment on multiple medium platforms. Starting out as a single radio show, the KOA has grown to encompass a larger multimedia footprint in the world! ​It all started with a simple tagline that we signed off with each and every week... Awaken the Knight Within! This is what you will find here at KOA Publishing, a commitment to Service, Betterment, and Enlightenment. You will find a wide range of product ...
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一次call in節目中,誤打誤撞被其他觀眾封為海外無尾熊姐姐,德州菜鳥人妻被敲碗用聲音治癒觀眾。希望能透過唸故事來服務大家! 歡迎大家提前在當週表單投稿想讓我唸的故事,中文英文主題不限,但是要能闔家觀賞的話題喔! While calling-in to another stream show, I got compliments about my voice and they gave me the nickname Koala Jiejie(means older sister in Chinese.) To thank those audiences, I decide to start my own broadcast on Firstory and Spotify. I'll read the stories mostly in Chinese but also in English base on request. You are welcome to submit your story in the Google form I provide each week. ...
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As a Certified Executive Coach and Performance Consultant, I started ImpactBank to support executives in transition. ImpactBank's signature system is called ON YOUR MARK... To maximize ROI, ImpactBank focus especially on the first 180 days an executives spends in a new position. ImpactBank's the Kickass Koach podcast is designed to share stories--my own and others--to inspire, educate and encourage these new leaders to maximize and leverage the early days in a new role and AVOID the common m ...
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show series
In this episode of disrupt. I had the pleasure of chatting with Nick Coetzee, who transitioned from a biokineticist to a successful e-commerce entrepreneur. Nick shares how his desire to avoid trading hours for money and to financially free himself and his parents led him to start his own health-focused e-commerce brand. Nick takes us through his j…
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Ti sei mai fermato a pensare che la tua vita non è infinita? Che i giorni che hai a disposizione sono meno di quelli che pensi? Questo episodio vuole essere un punto di riflessione che può dare una svolta significativa alla tua vita. Domani ti sveglierai vivendo la stessa vita che stai portando avanti da vent'anni o darai una svolta? In questo epis…
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In this engaging sit-down, Dr. K and his son, Michael, answer a diverse range of questions submitted by viewers, covering topics from the medical field, cars, mental health, and even personal advice on dealing with heartbreak & loss. Dr. K brings his wealth of experience as a seasoned medical professional and coach, while Michael, currently in medi…
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Immagina se potessi immergerti nelle profondità dell'anima umana senza affrontare il costo e la complessità delle tradizionali ricerche di mercato. Bene, oggi ti svelo un piccolo segreto: puoi farlo attraverso i film. I film, quei capolavori cinematografici che ci appassionano e intrattengono, sono molto più di semplici storie: sono specchi fedeli …
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This week on the Roach Koach podcast we finally heed the call and dive into the second album by Ill Niño, 2003’s Confession. Lorin and Matt discuss where they were in 2003, how many boys there are in Ill Niño and so much more. Topics this episode include: -Chopping it up -Supporting your local FYE -Running and gunning -Brunette hotties -Who’s Snack…
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Hai mai provato le classiche diete solo per fallire miseramente? O forse hai tentato di instaurare buone abitudini dicendoti di avere una grande forza di volontà? In questo episodio, esploriamo come i semi di una vita leggendaria non siano qualcosa che cresce all'improvviso, ma qualcosa che coltiviamo col tempo. Ti mostrerò come, partendo dal quoti…
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In the eleventh episode of Kars & Koaching with Dr. K, we welcome Eric Field, a young and dynamic entrepreneur who co-founded the successful auto transport company Guardian Auto Transport. Recently, at just 28 years old, Eric achieved a significant milestone by selling his company to ACERTUS. Eric has been a close friend and mentee of Dr. K for the…
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Diese Meditation eignet sich wunderbar, um eine Pause einzulegen, wenn es gerade "einfach viel" ist. Du darfst dich entspannt hinsetzen oder hinlegen, für einen Moment die Augen schließen und achtsam in dich hineinfühlen. Dein Körper kann sich dadurch entspannten und Verspannungen sanft lösen. Anschließend schauen wir, welche Gedanken dich momentan…
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E se ti dicessi che la mente umana può essere ingannata al punto da trasformare non solo la realtà che ti circonda, ma anche te stesso? Nell'ultimo episodio del Koan Bogiatto Show parliamo di un esperimento degli anni '80 che è unico del suo genere. Immagina: anziani catapultati in un rituale di vita degli anni '50, senza potersi vedere allo specch…
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This week we have included some excellent tunes selected by avid listener "The Hat Man" - Keith Patch from sunny Exeter. What a fine selection, just perfect for summer (when ity actually gets here in the UK !)...Many thanks to Keith. Much like all our regular listeners Keith has great taste in music and every tune he selected was available in the S…
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نكت مرتجلة عن كتب ومرايات مع أمهم. أغاني بارودي ونبوظ أكبر عدد من الأغاني. Improvising jokes about books and mirror with their mothers. Parody songs on way too many songs. --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/koalasandwich/message
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This week on Roach Koach it’s all about Who’s Tweeting, as Lorin and Matt go over feedback, questions, and Nu News. Topics this week include: -HUGE Louisville Loves Nu-Metal Update -Who’s Duetting -Who’s in those DMs with Gorepig -The return of Puya -Crosses feedback -And Chad Radical’s Rippers for Roaches Take a listen! Exclusive episodes and more…
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Questo episodio del podcast è la seconda parte dell'episodio 66, in cui abbiamo parlato di come scegliere consapevolmente gli stimoli che influenzano il nostro corpo e la nostra vita. Oggi andiamo ancora più a fondo: e se potessimo scoprire chi siamo veramente attraverso ciò che ci piace? In questo episodio, esploriamo come i nostri gusti in film, …
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In the tenth episode of Kars & Koaching with Dr. K, Dr. K is joined by a long-time friend and esteemed colleague, Dr. Todd R. Barrowclift. Dr. K and Dr. Barrowclift have shared a remarkable journey together, practicing medicine side by side and building a strong professional and personal bond. Dr. Barrowclift isn't just a guest—he's a cherished fri…
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Oggi ti condurrò in un mondo automobilistico molto particolare: sono entusiasta di presentarti Luca De Guglielmo, un imprenditore eccezionale che dà vita ad automobili dal costo di mezzo milione di dollari, destinati a una clientela decisamente agiata. Luca ha costruito la sua impresa partendo da una passione travolgente, un giorno disegnando il pr…
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ضيف حلقة النهاردة برناديت! (مع مروان امام وبلال علي). نتكلم عن: كاسيو. المعاكسات. شخصية برناديت عالمسرح. إزاي اتقابلنا. كوميدي ست. أول ستانداب. نظرية مؤامرة عن الشنب. آدم يشوف الناس كلها. لو كل الناس ستات. فين الأكذوبة: قصة تحية العلم ولا خبط واحد مشلول بالعربية. كوالا ابتدى إزاي وأكتر حلقات بنحبها. الحلقة برعاية "بوك الآماني" و "مراوح الدرفيل". Ou…
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This week we celebrate on the Roach Koach Podcast! It’s the beginning of Side Project Summer! And it’s a celebration of 8 years of Roach Koach! Matt and Lorin reflect on 8 years of podcasting before diving into Chino Moreno’s debut album from his goth/nu-wave/witch house project, Crosses. Topics this episode include: -Chuck Doom, top 5 name -Depech…
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Oggi parliamo del 2025: un anno che sembra destinato a portare con sé grandi cambiamenti e sfide. Quali sono gli elementi che già adesso stanno tracciando il percorso verso eventi cruciali che potrebbero accadere nel 2025? L'Intelligenza Artificiale raggiungerà un livello di coscienza? Scoppierà un'altra pandemia? Prepararsi al futuro non significa…
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Join us for the ninth episode of Kars & Koaching with Dr. K as we welcome a legendary figure in the automotive content creation world, Shmee150. Tim Burton, known to millions as Shmee150, is one of the original automotive YouTubers who has set the benchmark for high-quality car content. In this episode, Dr. K sits down with Shmee150 to explore his …
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Diese Meditation hilft dir, eine Entscheidung aus dem Bauchgefühl heraus zu treffen. Unser rationaler Verstand ist eine wichtige Unterstützung, da er aus Erfahrungen lernt und uns davor bewahrt, wiederholt Fehler zu machen. Damit wir uns gedanklich nicht in einer Pro-und-Kontra-Liste verlieren, verbinden wir uns in dieser Meditation mit deiner Intu…
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Hai mai sentito parlare del Principio di Peter? Se sei un imprenditore con dipendenti o un lavoratore in una struttura organizzativa, comprendere questo principio è fondamentale per gestire efficacemente la tua carriera o la tua impresa. Il Principio di Peter sostiene che, in una gerarchia aziendale, ogni individuo tende a salire fino al proprio li…
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أحمد حلمي ماسك عودين قصب. ترافل. بوكر. مطعم المستشفى. ظهور مفاجئ من الدكتور محمود حسن تكة. ضفادع. ميس باسترز تكلمنا عن الإحتباس الحراري. طريقة جيمي في التنفس تحت الميا. نهاية العالم. كوالا لايف قريب! أغاني مرتجلة عن: الأم الفلاحة، عواميد النور، أفاعي وفار، وطفل تخين محدش عايز يلعب معاه. السويدي للكابلات. Ahmed Helmy. Truffle. Poker. Restaurant hosp…
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This week on the Roach Koach Podcast it’s all about Who’s Tweeting, as Lorin and Matt go over your emails, DMs, Roachamendations and more! Topics this week include: -The return of Louisville Loves Nu-Metal! -Loserville meet up at Pine Knob -Bands re-recording old albums -Prime grappling music -10 Most Insane Nu-Metal Feuds of All Time -Limp Bizkit …
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Alla domanda "Di cosa ti stai nutrendo?" è normale pensare subito al cibo che mangiamo ogni giorno. Ma il cibo è solo una delle tante cose di cui ci nutriamo, e spesso non ci rendiamo conto di quanto gli altri tipi di nutrimento influenzino profondamente la nostra vita. Ogni giorno, siamo immersi in un mare di segnali e stimoli che modellano il nos…
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Kars & Koaching with Dr. K | Automotive Content Creator Eddie X Welcome to another exciting episode of Kars & Koaching with Dr. K! In our eighth installment, we are thrilled to feature Eddie X, a renowned automotive content creator known for his engaging and insightful digital content. Joining the discussion is Dr. K's son, Michael Kulisz, who brin…
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In this podcast, I sit down with Dean, the visionary co-founder of DUNK, a company that's transforming the way we experience cold therapy. Dean's entrepreneurial journey began with a simple idea that came to him while lying in bed. Together with his co-founder Roelof, they launched one of South Africa's first cold plunge companies. Dean shares the …
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Oggi ho il piacere di presentarti un ospite straordinario: Marco Columbro, un talentuoso attore con una carriera che spazia dal teatro alla televisione. La sua storia è piena di peripezie, sfide e successi. Iniziando come la voce iconica della mascotte Five su Canale 5 nel lontano 1981, poco dopo attraverso il suo show "Buona Domenica" è riuscito a…
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Today we pay Tribute to Alto Saxman David Sanborn so it'll be smooth ride for sure, if thats not your bag "Run for Cover" ...Did you see what I did there ? ..If you know you know ! Whilst we celebrate David Sanborn we tip our hats to fellow Alto Saxophonist Sadao Watanabee and the amazing guitarist Ronnie Jordan. If you would like to get in touch s…
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This week on the Roach Koach podcast Lorin and Matt are joined by previous guest JD to discuss Deftones and their modern classic/instant classic album, Koi No Yokan. Topics this episode include: -Where were we in 2012? -CD rot? -The “Swerve City” music video -Signing up for Songingmeanings dot com -String counts -Missed connections in the pit -Sad-…
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Hai mai pensato alle sfide come qualcosa di essenziale per raggiungere grandi risultati nella vita? O forse credi che si possano ottenere successi anche senza affrontare difficoltà significative? In questo episodio, esploriamo il vero valore delle sfide. Scopriremo se sono davvero necessarie per il successo o se puoi farne a meno. Vedremo la differ…
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Join us for the seventh episode of Kars & Koaching with Dr. K as we welcome Dillon, the expert behind Dynamic Detailing Chicago. Dillon's business is renowned for its commitment to quality, passion, and professionalism in automotive detailing, making him the perfect guest to discuss both the art of car care and the journey of entrepreneurship. In t…
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Diese Meditation schenkt dir Geborgenheit und Schutz, so dass du in einen wohltuenden Schlaf übergehen kannst. Zunächst entspannen wir Stück für Stück deinen Körper und lösen Anspannung auf. Auch deinen Geist laden wir ein, den Tag mit all seinen To Do`s und kreisenden Gedanken loszulassen. Anschließend visualisieren wir ein liebevolles Wesen, das …
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Tutti noi, specialmente noi Tribeker, desideriamo una vita straordinaria e ci poniamo obiettivi ambiziosi. Ma perché così tante persone falliscono nel realizzarli? In questo episodio, affrontiamo un punto cruciale che molti dimenticano quando pianificano i loro obiettivi. Forse, proprio questo è l'episodio che ti serve per raggiungere quel sogno ch…
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رجعنا أخيرا! ومصديين أوي! نتكلم عن بريد القراء وبريد الجمعة. عبدالوهاب متاوع يحل مشاكل الحجة لمبة أم لمبة. We back! We rusty! Abdel Wahab Motawe3 solves Lamba's problems. --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/koalasandwich/message
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This week on the Roach Koach Podcast it’s all about Who’s Tweeting, as Lorin and Matt go over your feedback, questions, Roachemendations and more. Topics this week include: -Matt’s first livestream -Addressing the Kendrick/Drake beef -RIP Steve Albini -Slipknot is back -Coal Chamber on Tour -The Heavy Music Awards -Who’s Festing: Godsmack Edition -…
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Se sei come me, anche solo sentendo il titolo del noto libro "Cinquanta sfumature di grigio", ti torcerai il naso. Eppure, da quando ho registrato questo episodio, sono trascorsi diversi anni, ma credo che il tema che affrontiamo sia più rilevante che mai. In questo episodio ci immergiamo nell'analisi di "Cinquanta sfumature di grigio", un fenomeno…
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In this episode of Kars & Koaching with Dr. K, we invite you to join us for an insightful conversation with Michael Kulisz Jr., a promising medical student and the son of our very own Dr. K. In this sixth installment, we explore the unique journey of a young aspiring physician as Michael shares his experiences, challenges, and aspirations in naviga…
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In un'epoca di incertezza e turbolenza economica, l'oro si è sempre distinto come un bene rifugio affidabile e sicuro. Nell'episodio odierno, esploreremo insieme le ragioni per cui l'oro è considerato un bene rifugio e perché questa valutazione potrebbe persistere nel lungo periodo. Durante la puntata, affronteremo diversi punti chiave: Approfondir…
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All you need this week are your headphones and your fave tipple as one of our avid listeners adds to our own selection with some great Jazz-Fusion tunes ....Martin Thompson, thanks for a great selection and for supporting the show ! Koal Bee 481-Sneakers54 Collection (08-05-24) S54 Plus Tomo's Jazz Selection If you would like to get involved see co…
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Get the whole bottle and split a pie, it’s time to talk about Mudvayne’s self-titled album! This week on the Roach Koach Podcast, Lorin and Matt welcome back friend of the show and local boy done good Garrett Fuller to discuss Mudvayne’s apparent swan song. Topics this week include: -Garrett’s growing celebrity -Merch complaints -Black light packag…
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Ricordi il dibattito su Internet, dove alcuni vedevano il vestito bianco e oro, mentre altri lo vedevano blu e nero? In questo episodio riviviamo il curioso fenomeno del "vestito virale" che ha scatenato discussioni accese nel 2015: una semplice domanda sul web che è diventata una discussione globale, coinvolgendo social media, giornalisti, e persi…
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Join us for a compelling episode of Kars & Koaching with Dr. K as we sit down with esteemed guest Dr. Faisal Saghir, MD, a leading Hematologist and Medical Oncologist. In this fifth installment, Dr. Saghir shares his expertise and insights into the evolving landscape of cancer treatment and research. Listeners will gain a deeper understanding of th…
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In dieser Meditation lassen wir selbstkritische Gedanken los. Wir nehmen zunächst wahr, welche Gedanken da sind und schenken diesen inneren Anteilen Aufmerksamkeit. Anschließend gehen wir in die Körperwahrnehmung und bringen deine Aufmerksamkeit auf deinen Atem und in deinen Körper. Das hilft dir, die Anteile mit etwas Abstand wahrzunehmen. Anschli…
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This is a trial for my upcoming podcast and a conversation in the process. After explaining the background and the use of AI layout to be replaced by actors, I upload the first draft of the first chapter. The future podcast series will be entitled "MOMENTUS" and it is a fantasy but not dystopia. I'm asking for feedback, a conversation in the method…
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Hai mai desiderato avere a disposizione un metodo chiaro e scientifico per raggiungere i tuoi obiettivi e realizzare i risultati desiderati? In questo episodio, ti guido alla scoperta di uno strumento che personalmente utilizzo con successo: il "risultario". Il risultario non è solo un semplice strumento, ma una metodologia efficace per trasformare…
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This week on the Roach Koach Podcast it’s all about Who’s Tweeting, as Lorin and Matt discuss Nu-News, episode feedback, Roachamendations, and more! Topics this week include: -EXCLUSIVE STEPA PREMIERE! -Lorin vs The Rock n Roll Hall of Fame -Who’s Recommending with Bodysnatcher -Who’s Emailing -Does Logan Mader know we exist? -Path of Totality feed…
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Quando pensiamo al coraggio, spesso lo immaginiamo come fosse una pozione magica o una qualità innata che alcuni possiedono mentre altri no. Ma cosa succederebbe se ti dicessi che il coraggio può essere coltivato e creato? In questo episodio, esploriamo a fondo il concetto di coraggio e scopriamo il vero segreto per sviluppare una forza interiore c…
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Welcome back to another episode of Kars & Koaching with Dr. K. In this fourth installment, join Dr. K as he delves into the world of mindset mastery with special guest Tyler Joseph Kelly, the genius behind Instashred. If you're into all things automotive and looking to rev up your personal development journey, this episode is a must-listen. Tyler, …
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Hai mai sentito parlare della singolarità elettronica? È un concetto affascinante che rappresenta il punto in cui la tecnologia supererà la capacità umana di comprendere e controllare l'evoluzione dell'intelligenza artificiale. Immagina un futuro in cui le macchine non solo penseranno come noi, ma lo faranno in modo più rapido ed efficiente, aprend…
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نحتفل بعيد ميلاد كوالا ساندوتش بودكاست ٢٠ ابريل. ٣٦٠ يوم أجازة عيد. عمارة يعقوبيان. خالتي في دبي. السفارة في العمارة مدبلج. الكلام العربي بالانجلش. لعبة "ذا إيفل ويذين ٢". ليه فيه محل اسمه "دراجات ابليس" ويافتة مكتوب عليها "الرجاء عدم". سترولر للكبار. عائلة ابليس. شنصل عشنصل مدبلج. حط زيت ترفل على أختك. كشف اسماء العالم كله. مسلسل "سكسشن". سيجمنت ج…
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מדריך עזר מהיר