Why is it so hard to work with editors? Why don't my guest post submissions get approved? What's wrong with my writing? The Managing Editors to the rescue! This weekly podcast features serial managing editor Jess Tyson and a slew of highly intelligent yet perfectly rational guests. Jess's years of experience and high level of hilarious snark make this show a can't-miss exploration of all things writing, editing, and content without too much sassy bullshit. Promise.
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If you’re using content to solve business problems, we made this podcast for you. We’ll explore what it means to communicate in the digital age. We’ll share stories about the messier side of content marketing — what works, what doesn’t, and the big questions we’re all asking at work. In this no-advice and no-checklist zone, you’ll hear from marketers, creatives and leaders. You won’t walk away from this content marketing podcast with all the answers. Instead, we hope we help you think about ...
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Organizing the Way Forward: Season 4 Recap
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29:38In the season finale of Margins, Mary Ellen and Elena reflect on the season’s theme: organization. As we organize ourselves in so many different areas of our lives, how do we make sure we’re always creating safe, inclusive and diverse spaces? Listen back to interviews from earlier this season to hear from the folks who dedicate themselves to creati…
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Bonus: Organizing a Book Proposal
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11:24Vanessa Soto is a book coach who specializes in giving non-fiction authors all of the necessary guidance and feedback they need to make their dream a reality. Starting with the proposal.
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ZeroBounce’s Brian Minick (6:14) shares his advice for ensuring security and privacy in your personal and professional digital interactions. Then, Southern University Law Center professor Marc Roark (9:53) explores the merits and potential pitfalls of information aggregation sites like Airbnb, and the University of Rochester’s Miranda Mims (15:15) …
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In this episode of Margins, Dr. Sam Goldstein (4:49) tells Mary Ellen Slayter and Elena Valentine why everyone has a different internal clock. Then, Elena’s husband Emilio (9:21) drops by to tell us about how time affects his work as a trader, and Dr. Chris Mullen (15:21) breaks down why “work-Iife balance” is a bunch of BS. Learn more about Margin…
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In this episode of Margins, Mary Ellen Slayter and Elena Valentine spoke with Stetson University professor Sven Smith (03:43), Fordham University professor Paul Levinson (10:44) and human rights activist Ben O’Keefe (15:06) on the forces that drive how we organize ourselves as societies and why they can be so difficult to change. Learn more about M…
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Organizing our ideas is a deeply complicated task. Many of us struggle to distill our thoughts into words so they can be communicated to our peers, our community and the world. In this episode we talk to three masters of organizing big ideas: media scholars Susan Jacobson and Elizabeth Marsh (05:21) and bestselling novelist Mackenzi Lee (14:18). Le…
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Organizing work is complex. From organizational culture, to societal values around how we value labor, creating the proper structure is essential. This week, Elena Valentine and Mary Ellen Slayter speak to three experts who think about organizing work in different ways. Join us as we chat with Henry Albrecht (04:08), Amy Dufrane (13:09) and Harish …
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Space can impact our emotions, determine our path, and set us up for success or failure. This week Elena Valentine and Mary Ellen Slayter are speaking with two masters of maintaining and building productive spaces. We’ll be joined by chef Katie Juban (07:14) and architect Katherine Darnstadt (15:08) to hear how they organize space. Learn more about…
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Is it really possible to “organize” your life? Jennifer Turliuk, CEO of MakerKids and author of “How to Figure Out What to Do with Your Life (Next),” discusses how you can apply design principles to find your ideal career (6:10). Then, Lara Corey and Luigi Aldon, co-founders of Smudge Wellness, share how they help people create order in their spiri…
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What does it mean to be “organized”? In Season 4 of Margins from Managing Editor, we're digging into what that word means to all sorts of people and from all sorts of angles— none of which involve tidying your sock drawer. Our new season launches April 28. Make sure to subscribe, so you don’t miss a single episode! Click here for more about Margins…
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In the season finale of Margins, we look at the role of influence in entrepreneurship — and we hear how three women are using their influence to drive change in their industries and communities. In our first interview, Kim Seals, general partner at The JumpFund, discusses what she looks for when investing in startups (7:46). Then, Chicago Media Pro…
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The most influential tool in the marketer’s toolbox is the story. So how can you tell the most resonant, compelling stories possible? First, Influence and Co. CEO Kelsey Raymond joins us to break down storytelling from a marketer’s perspective (4:53). Then, we sit down with slam poet Xero Skidmore and director Tommy Talley to discuss their award-wi…
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What makes a great salesperson? The answer may surprise you. First, we talk with Sales DNA founder Josh Braun about how teaching is at the core of sales (7:42). Podcast Ally CEO Brigitte Lyons discusses how being a great podcast guest can help you close more business — especially when everyone is stuck at home (16:10). And finally, Blair Enns, auth…
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Peer influence is massively important in marketing, but what does it really mean — and how we can use it for good? First, HR tech guru Jessica Miller-Merrell tells us about what it’s like to be a peer influencer (6:49). Then, designer Theresa Stewart joins co-host Elena Valentine for a discussion about how her Twitter thread about her experience wo…
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In this episode of Margins, we examine the intersection of trust and influence from three different perspectives. First, we talk with SmartRecruiters CEO Jerome Ternyck about how his time in the French military shaped his views on trust (11:03). Then, M&A expert Jennifer J. Fondrevay discusses how high-pressure situations can breed mistrust (20:12)…
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There are so many influencers online these days, but you do know where there have always been influencers? The office. So what does it mean to have influence at work? To get to the bottom of that question, we turned to two influencers in the world of work: “Punk Rock HR” host Laurie Ruettimann and Mike Wood, Industry Relations Manager at Workhuman.…
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For our third season of Margins from Managing Editor, we’re breaking down influence. In our season premiere, we examine what influence really means. First, we sit down with psychology professor and author Art Markman to learn how our minds perceive and process influence (7:20). Then, fundraising consultant and politician Beverly Brooks Thompson tel…
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Right now, adaptation is the name of the game. In this episode, we break down one of many marketers’ biggest challenges at the moment— going from a live world to a digital one. In our introduction, host Elena Valentine shares some best practices for recording quality, compelling DIY video. Then, corporate speaker Ryan Estis joins us to share how he…
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Is it possible to create good content, maintain your integrity, and pay your bills? In our season finale, we’re taking on the Content Industrial Complex. We talk with Sarah Lessire, senior content producer at Culture Amp, about how to stay creative when there’s always something to do (6:00). Consultant and author Lily Zheng joins us to discuss her …
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There’s a lot more to building a team than putting a bunch of people in a room together. A whole lot. On this episode, we talk with Offor CEO Ify Walker about transparency and setting expectations (5:09). Then, Aon content lead Deanna Erday joins us to discuss how she selects her creative teams (13:52). And finally, Ethos Talent CEO Alida Miranda-W…
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Learning doesn’t stop the day we leave school. But how do we actually make the time to do it, and why does it get so difficult as we get older? On this episode, we interview Eric Dexter, director of business development at Civil Solutions Consulting Group, about how performing this monologue in an acting class made him a better salesperson (4:45). …
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So you’ve got a big, new idea — but how do you know if it’s as good as you think it is? Or even if you’re addressing the right problem? On this episode, we share how we judge the quality and viability of our own ideas. Elena Valentine interviews entrepreneur and design process pioneer Chris Conley about how design thinking can help you create amazi…
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Getting Through the Creative Doldrums
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32:10There’s no worse feeling than getting stuck on a creative project. But often, getting stuck — and getting unstuck — is just part of the creative process. On this episode, we introduce new Margins co-host Elena Valentine and discuss what we do to get unstuck in our work. Then, we talk with comedian and speaker Jessica Holmes about her experiences na…
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Here’s a brutal reality for marketers and creatives: sometimes, you hit a wall with a big project — and you have no choice but to strike a match and burn it all down. But sometimes burning it down is the best possible thing for your big idea. First, we discuss how burning down our agency blog led to Managing Editor and Margins from Managing Editor …
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If you help other people turn their ideas into published content, you probably do some form of content therapy. Running an agency for the past seven years, we have become expert content therapists. In this special episode of Margins, we talk to licensed therapist Rachel Hebert and business coach Gloria West about the messiest side of our work: huma…
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May I Have Your Attention, Please?
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36:27Global, remote teams. Working anywhere with an internet connection. That sounds like a dream, right? But if you’ve ever been bruised by someone’s angry email, or tried to follow the conversation during a 10-person video conference, you know that modern communication can be tough. We talk to Nick Morgan, Felix Wetzel and Dima Ghawi about how to be h…
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Feedback. If you’re doing creative work, feedback is an important part of the process. But feedback can be hard to hear and tough to give. How can we all get better at giving and receiving feedback? We talk to screenwriter Rex New, novelist Angus Woodward and Aon creative director Ave Shalom.
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We’re about to wax nostalgic about our favorite old-school way to stay in touch: Email. Email is awesome and the inbox has become a sacred space in a noisy world. We talked to Ann Handley and Hung Lee, who send much-loved email newsletters, and Liz Willits, who gave us some data to back up our feelings. Learn more and subscribe to our Friday mornin…
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What is a “thought leader”? Who gets to decide who is qualified to be an “expert”? On this episode, we talk to three experts on expertise. David C. Baker tells us how he defines expertise, Jane Atkinson explains how people come to be experts, and TEDxLSU organizers Melissa Thompson and Annemarie Galeucia share how they decide who makes it to the st…
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People have voices. Brands have voices. How do you find yours? We talked to voice coach Ita Olson, ghostwriter Cathie Ericson, and marketing consultant Katie Martell to find answers. Margins from Managing Editor is hosted by Lee Price and Mary Ellen Slayter. Learn more at http://www.managingeditor.com/podcast. Subscribe to our Friday morning emails…
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Welcome to a new content marketing podcast from Managing Editor. On Season 1, we’ll ask big questions about what it means to communicate in the digital age. Get a preview of the topics we’ll cover, like: How do you find your voice? What does it really mean to be a thought leader? And in the age of social media, why should you care about email marke…
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EP029: How the Hell Do I Pick an Editorial Strategy?
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14:55Let me stop you right there, fam. You have to stop thinking about your strategy as *your* strategy...(wha?)... because it’s not FOR YOU. It’s for your audience! Don’t write about what you want… write about what THEY want. Once you have stepped back and considered that your editorial strategy has very little to do with what you want or need, it sets…
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EP028: Context Is Literally Everything
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15:09Were you aware that SOL is the last missing piece of your content marketing plan? Finally, all your content marketing dreams can come true with one easy session of SOL! And if that doesn’t work, there’s always DTF to get you through those long, stressful nights. Whaaaaaaaa? These days, as the global market both explodes and shrinks, context is more…
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EP027: Maybe the Best Productivity Hack You Never Thought Of
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26:05GUYS. Burnout is a PROBLEM. Being a content marketer is tiring and can run you down real quick. It’s hard to stay engaged and excited about your content when you’re tired, angry, and resentful of all the time sucked into terrible pitches. It may sound like we’re living in opposite-world, but the trick to managing your time when you’re too busy to e…
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Have you ever sent a managing editor a message just to be helpful and not ask anything in return? No? Well, maybe you should! Relationship-building is one of the best ways to get your pitch situated for success. If you help me and find ways to connect that don’t have ANYTHING to do with asking for something... odds are I will remember that fact whe…
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EP025: Why Intuition Matters for Managing Editors
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27:51I have talked a lot (a *lot*) about how to keep your pitch out of my trash. But what about becoming the person that holds all the power? If you’re a good writer, you have the foundation of what it takes to be a managing editor. But landing that job takes more than impeccable grammar and spelling. Jessica has walked the road from freelancer to write…
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EP024: How to Break Away From the Fear of Writing
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14:02Writing is terrifying. TERR-IF-YING. Putting pen to paper (I’m sorry, I mean fingers to keyboard) can feel like such a finite act. Like THIS IS IT. The final countdown of content. There is nothing else out there for you besides this one and only document. But it doesn’t have to be that scary or serious! Sometimes we, ourselves, are the biggest obst…
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EP023: Is Content Intelligence As Pretentious As It Sounds?
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25:18Who the hell does this Brandon guy think he is? Coming up into MY show and trying to tell ME what to do with his fancy schmancy “content intelligence”?!? Wait, I can do what with it? Cut out all those terrible hours spent combing through historical posts and analyzing the engagement data? Take the guesswork out of content creation by knowing what’s…
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EP022: 4 Quick Editing Hacks You Can Win With Today
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11:54It’s no secret that most people suck at writing. And I mean SUCKKKKK. This season I aim to tackle this problem by sharing writing tips, tricks, and hacks to get your content out of the trash and into production. It all starts with editing the crap out of your draft (literally). Chopping out 15% of your content will go a long way towards cutting the…
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EP021: What's the Point of Guest Blogging?
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13:44Guest bloggers. Love ‘em. Hate ‘em. Love to hate ‘em. Why do we keep on with this complicated relationship? I’ll tell you why. Because you need us and we need you and neither one of us is getting off of this damn boat. But let’s spend some time and iron out the waves before we all get sick. I’m going to share the Managing Editor buttons to push tha…
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EP020: Does Content Marketing Actually Suck?
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27:11Have you ever been rolling along, doing the same ol’ thing you’ve been doing for a hot minute, and then suddenly have the following realization?: “Holy shit. This final product seriously blows. WHAT HAVE I BEEN DOING WITH MY LIFE?” No? Okay, well, if you are a content marketer, maybe it’s time to pull up a chair and have a think because it’s entire…
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EP019: Rand Fishkin, Wizard of Moz, on the Tumultuous Relationship Between SEO and Content
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27:58Why is SEO so important when it comes to closing the deal? Because nobody, literally nobody, goes to the very first website they encounter and says “Ok cool I don’t want to look around, read reviews, or compare prices. I will just plop down $700 on this item right here and now!” Think of your own behavior… would YOU do that? If the answer is yes, t…
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EP018: Should You Hire Someone to Pitch You?
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26:47What’s up, pitchessssss? On Episode 18, Elisa and Jess get real the different ways hiring somebody to do your pitching can make or break your career. A successful pitch can land you on stage in front of influencers and game-changers while a generic novel sent to strangers can burn bridges and send your career into the gutter. Save yourself the hass…
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EP017: If It's a Maybe, It's A No
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20:28On Episode 17, Elisa & Jess discuss how a writer’s interest in their work dictates its success and why editors need to trust their gut when it comes to an engaging (or not!) piece. A writer’s feelings about their work is contagious. If you can’t show that you care, nobody will care... especially your editor and your reader! Pour some heart into you…
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EP016: On Being Original and Unique
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20:31As has been mentioned before, all writers are beautiful snowflakes. But what keeps them from being a blizzard of sameness is submitting unique and original content! In Episode 16, Elisa & Jess take their listeners back to the basics when it comes to screening out repetitive content. Plus, Jess revisits the phenomenon of bullet journaling, and drops…
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EP015: Writing for Style Guidelines ISN'T Losing Your Voice
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22:36Editing matters! Don't be so attached to your work that you can't take a little style change here and there! On Episode 15, Elisa & Jess use a frustrated writer's letter to discuss the merits of how writers should be responding to an editor's critique! Even Hemingway (Ernest) was edited! For instance, don't be too attached to one particular piece o…
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EP014: Bonus! Amy Schmittauer, Vlogger at YouTube's SavvySexySocial
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28:04B-b-b-BONUS! Elisa & Jess welcome Amy Schmittauer, renowned vlogger and author of the upcoming "Vlog Like a Boss." Amy gives the finer points of being one with the vlog, how you can become a vlogger, and - most importantly - what a vlogger is. Plus, Amy goes old-school for today's tool recommendation. LINKS SavvySexySocial (Amy's YouTube channel) -…
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EP013: An Exceptional Pitch Strategy
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18:39Elisa & Jess are trying to avoid the nicknames Doom & Gloom in our 13th episode, so today, they're giving some well-deserved shout-outs to some awesome pitches that kept our managing editors intrigued. Plus, Jess gives some love to Samepage, an online tool bringing a user's various profiles and platforms to...well...the same page. Episode 13 - that…
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EP012 Follow the Directions - It is THAT Simple
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19:45If you can't read, then most assuredly you cannot write. That's not to slam those that can't read, but those that can and choose not to are in Elisa & Jess' crosshairs today. Today, don't bog your editors down with submissions that either aren't submitted the correct way or are clearly ill-conceived. Do it the right way - send money! Well, actually…
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EP011: How the Right or Wrong Founder Can Make an Editors Life Awesome or Miserable
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25:56Elisa and Jess have never worked with a difficult content site founder; in fact, all of their clients are beautiful tulips in the garden of life. But for those editors and founders who may have a profound disconnect in their respective goals and visions for their platforms, this episode is for you. Also, Jess gives us the rundown on several transcr…
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