2GuysBuildaBiz Podcast 004 - Becoming and Entrepreneur BURNING THE BOAT - Live from The SMMA Blueprint Inner Circle.
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In this episode, we tell our story live in the SMMA Blueprint Inner Circle on Becoming an Entrepreneur by quitting our jobs and burning the boat. We didn't know if the decision we made was the right one, but we made the decision right by taking action. One of our students talks about how he's in a position to give this a go full time, so we think back to our head space when we quit our jobs to run this SMMA full time. If you are looking for more social media marketing training for FREE, check out the links below where we show you how to get your first client and actually fulfill SMMA services so your clients keep paying you month after month....did I mention it's free?? Check it out below.
► THE SMMA BLUEPRINT COURSE https://thesmmablueprint.com
► Get the FREE SMMA Training here https://thesmmablueprint.com/freetraining
► Get High Ticket SMMA Clients https://thesmmablueprint.com/linkedin
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