Today, let's meet Espree Devora , aka the Girl who Gets it Done . She is a speaker, author, founder, and podcast host (WomenInTech and WeAreLaTech). Espree talked about her passion for code and sports when she was a kid, her parents that were both entrepreneurs, how she found resources and strengths to start her first company, her beginnings in the tech industry , her struggles, her routine to keep mental and physical health, her way to stay productive, how she founded ZexSports - a social network around sports -, the Impostor Syndrome , the role of communities and networks in the tech world, the difference between the L.A, S.F and Miami tech scenes, how she facilitates meaningful connections and advices to do so, WeAreLATech 'Experience' Club, offline experiences, gender and diversity openness. Discover his inspiring and insightful story!โฆ