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Developing a Migration Strategy ๐ from WorkflowMax by Xero
Manage episode 414212547 series 1076311
Today Iโm sharing with you a webinar I hosted on behalf of Projectworks and WorkGuru that provides an overview of alternatives to WorkflowMax by Xero as it reaches end of life 26 June 2024.
The panellists who joined me were:
- Heidi Seal Ops Consultant at Business Sense (NZ)
- Matthew Peng Founder at Business Continuum
- Matt Hayter Co-Founder at Projectworks
- Tony Harcourt Co-Founder at WorkGuru
The panellists discussed the triggers for change, comparing features of the two solutions. They explored how each platform caters to different industries. The expert implementers shared case studies of successful migrations, highlighting challenges and opportunities clients faced. The presentation covered developing a migration strategy, including exporting data, mapping business processes, and change management. Attendees learned about assessing potential solutions by considering key questions, desired outcomes, and post go-live improvements. The session emphasised preparing early by testing new platforms and leveraging experienced partners for a smooth transition. Overall, the webinar helped attendees understand options for transitioning away from WorkflowMax by Xero to Projectworks or WorkGuru.
The Flow of the webinar
- Understanding the Transition
- Trigger for Change
- Market Reaction
- Comparative Overview of Solutions
- Common Features
- Target Industries
- Points of Difference
- Deep Dive into Migration
- Migration Strategy
- Case Studies
- Assessing Solutions
- Preparation for Transition
Relevant links
Heidi Seal Ops Consultant at Business Sense (NZ)
L: https://www.linkedin.com/in/heidiseal/
B: https://businesssenseconsulting.co.nz/
Heidi Seal Resources
The WorkflowMax Changeover Workshop : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1P7arD82_9YSyW26ekE6ryY6bSR4Z1EQf/view
The 7-step process for implementation success : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Q_nif1fqgCcXfu8o90JhtXscvBhG5CQl/view
Matthew Peng Founder at Business Continuum
L: https://www.linkedin.com/in/matthew-peng/
B: https://businesscontinuum.com.au/
Matt Hayter Co-Founder at Projectworks
L: https://www.linkedin.com/in/matthew-hayter-9180037/
Tony Harcourt Co-Founder at WorkGuru
L: https://www.linkedin.com/in/tony-harcourt/
Tony Harcourt Resources
Migrating from WoFM to WorkGuru Overview : https://support.workguru.io/support/solutions/articles/43000698451-migrating-from-workflowmax-to-workguru-overview
WFM to WorkGuru One-Click Migration Tool : https://support.workguru.io/support/solutions/articles/43000699631-wfm-to-workguru-one-click-migration-tool
Support Solutions Hub : https://support.workguru.io/support/home
Contact details:
Accounting Apps newsletter: http://HeatherSmithAU.COM
Accounting Apps Mastermind: https://www.facebook.com/groups/XeroMasterMind
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/HeatherSmithAU/
YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/ANISEConsulting
218 ืคืจืงืื
Developing a Migration Strategy ๐ from WorkflowMax by Xero
Accounting Apps Podcast | Accounting Technology | formerly Cloud Stories
Manage episode 414212547 series 1076311
Today Iโm sharing with you a webinar I hosted on behalf of Projectworks and WorkGuru that provides an overview of alternatives to WorkflowMax by Xero as it reaches end of life 26 June 2024.
The panellists who joined me were:
- Heidi Seal Ops Consultant at Business Sense (NZ)
- Matthew Peng Founder at Business Continuum
- Matt Hayter Co-Founder at Projectworks
- Tony Harcourt Co-Founder at WorkGuru
The panellists discussed the triggers for change, comparing features of the two solutions. They explored how each platform caters to different industries. The expert implementers shared case studies of successful migrations, highlighting challenges and opportunities clients faced. The presentation covered developing a migration strategy, including exporting data, mapping business processes, and change management. Attendees learned about assessing potential solutions by considering key questions, desired outcomes, and post go-live improvements. The session emphasised preparing early by testing new platforms and leveraging experienced partners for a smooth transition. Overall, the webinar helped attendees understand options for transitioning away from WorkflowMax by Xero to Projectworks or WorkGuru.
The Flow of the webinar
- Understanding the Transition
- Trigger for Change
- Market Reaction
- Comparative Overview of Solutions
- Common Features
- Target Industries
- Points of Difference
- Deep Dive into Migration
- Migration Strategy
- Case Studies
- Assessing Solutions
- Preparation for Transition
Relevant links
Heidi Seal Ops Consultant at Business Sense (NZ)
L: https://www.linkedin.com/in/heidiseal/
B: https://businesssenseconsulting.co.nz/
Heidi Seal Resources
The WorkflowMax Changeover Workshop : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1P7arD82_9YSyW26ekE6ryY6bSR4Z1EQf/view
The 7-step process for implementation success : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Q_nif1fqgCcXfu8o90JhtXscvBhG5CQl/view
Matthew Peng Founder at Business Continuum
L: https://www.linkedin.com/in/matthew-peng/
B: https://businesscontinuum.com.au/
Matt Hayter Co-Founder at Projectworks
L: https://www.linkedin.com/in/matthew-hayter-9180037/
Tony Harcourt Co-Founder at WorkGuru
L: https://www.linkedin.com/in/tony-harcourt/
Tony Harcourt Resources
Migrating from WoFM to WorkGuru Overview : https://support.workguru.io/support/solutions/articles/43000698451-migrating-from-workflowmax-to-workguru-overview
WFM to WorkGuru One-Click Migration Tool : https://support.workguru.io/support/solutions/articles/43000699631-wfm-to-workguru-one-click-migration-tool
Support Solutions Hub : https://support.workguru.io/support/home
Contact details:
Accounting Apps newsletter: http://HeatherSmithAU.COM
Accounting Apps Mastermind: https://www.facebook.com/groups/XeroMasterMind
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/HeatherSmithAU/
YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/ANISEConsulting
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