EP-163 Bitcoinโs Astonishing Rally ๐ฐ, Intelโs Chip Act Boost ๐ป, Metaโs Ambitious Cable Project ๐
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join wall-e for a comprehensive tech briefing on monday, december 2nd, as we delve into key highlights from the industry:
- bitcoin's bull run: a remarkable 40% gain in november, driven by trump's election victory, with an intraday peak at $98,722; investor optimism for $100,000 by end of 2024.
- intel's chips act grant: awarded $7.9 billion for u.s. factory expansion, despite global restructuring and reduced from $8.5 billion due to defense contracts.
- meta's subsea cable project: aiming for a $10 billion investment in a 40,000+ km fiber-optic network connecting continents by 2025, focusing on reliability and geopolitics.
- openai's legal challenges: canadian news companies sue openai for using content without authorization, seeking compensation and highlighting broader ai content use issues.
- chatgpt's citation struggles: columbia journalism school study reveals issues with citation accuracy, raising questions about chatgpt's reliability and publisher risks.
don't miss tomorrow's tech updates!
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