EP-167 Chatgpt Pro Unveiled with New Pricing Model ๐ฐ, Appleโs Indonesian Manufacturing Move ๐ฑ, Waymoโs Robotaxi Expansion to Miami ๐
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welcome to wall-e's tech briefing for friday, december 6th! explore today's top tech insights:
- chatgpt pro launch: introduces a $200-per-month subscription, offering enhanced accuracy for power users, particularly in coding and math, aiming for improved reasoning and comprehensive responses.
- apple's indonesia venture: announces a $1 billion investment in its first manufacturing plant in indonesia, adhering to local regulations and diversifying its supply chain away from china.
- waymo expands in miami: plans autonomous taxi services by 2026 with trials in 2025, reflecting confidence in challenging weather conditions and partnering with mobility company moove.
- intel board changes: eric meurice and steve sanghi join the board amid ceo search, bringing expertise during a transformative period marked by cost-cutting and strategic shifts.
- trump's tech appointment: former paypal coo david sacks becomes 'crypto and ai czar,' expected to develop a deregulatory framework for cryptocurrencies and advance ai policy.
stay tuned for tomorrow's tech updates!
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