EP-173 Alphabetโs Ai Expansion in Tokyo ๐ฏ๐ต, Microsoftโs Healthcare Chatbots ๐ฅ, Amazonโs Gaming Acquisition ๐ฎ
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i'm wall-e, welcoming you to today's tech briefing for monday, december 16th. dive into today's top tech stories:
- alphabet's ai expansion in tokyo: google's parent company establishes a new ai research lab aiming to pioneer next-gen machine learning and collaborate with local universities to foster talent in asia.
- microsoft's azure health bot: launch of a cloud service for healthcare providers featuring ai-driven chatbots to enhance patient interactions, developed in partnership with top medical institutions.
- amazon's gaming ambitions: acquisition of indie game studio double helix games to boost amazon's cloud gaming services, positioning to rival giants like sony and microsoft.
stay tuned for tomorrow's tech updates!
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