Why do most businesses fail? An interview with the author of "FURTHER, FASTER", Bill Flynn
Manage episode 279878156 series 2838757
Hi everyone! Welcome back to FC Media!
Who is Bill Flynn?
Bill is a growth consultant at https://catalystgrowthadvisors.com/ and the author of the book, "FURTHER, FASTER."
He has worked for/advised hundreds of companies including 20+ startups (10 operationally; 5 successful outcomes) as a 8-time startup VP, WW Sales – UK, Singapore and 2-time CMO. During the time, he has helped companies going through 2 IPOs and 7 acquisitions.
Taking from 30 years of experience in startups, he simplifies & teaches the process of running a successful business with tools and techniques that anyone can learn and use as a springboard to profitable and healthy growth.
Today we asked Noble the following questions:
1. Please tell me your background and what you do today including the story of being a COO of 10 startups.
2. Having said the answer from #1, What did you learn about taking a startup to making an IPO ?
3. Why do few companies survive, fewer flourish and most fail?
4. What is the gap between science and business?
5. What are the few things that truly matter?
6. What does successful leadership mean to you?
7. What does it mean to create a culture of Psychological Safety as a leader, and how is this important to organizations?
Watch the video: https://youtu.be/clXc34-cRKQ
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