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(S1E7) ๐ฆ A SLEIGH RIDE THROUGH CHRISTMAS: The Solstice to Santa
Manage episode 335653896 series 3374779
It's Christmas Eve! Wrap up warm, pour yourself a mulled cider and hop on board as tonight we take a sleigh ride through Christmas. We're visiting Newgrange for the Winter Solstice, dropping by on a Roman Saturnalia, as well as encountering the Holly King and that jolly Saint Nick.
If you enjoyed, feel free to buy me a coffee https://bit.ly/3dxssVw
If you have any thoughts on todayโs show, please get in contact [email protected] | Connect with Folkways on Instagram or Twitter @folkwayschannel
Music by Big Big Sky @big.big.sky | Excluding Many Points of Light by Judson Lee | Christmas piano carols by Roberto Diana
40 ืคืจืงืื
Manage episode 335653896 series 3374779
It's Christmas Eve! Wrap up warm, pour yourself a mulled cider and hop on board as tonight we take a sleigh ride through Christmas. We're visiting Newgrange for the Winter Solstice, dropping by on a Roman Saturnalia, as well as encountering the Holly King and that jolly Saint Nick.
If you enjoyed, feel free to buy me a coffee https://bit.ly/3dxssVw
If you have any thoughts on todayโs show, please get in contact [email protected] | Connect with Folkways on Instagram or Twitter @folkwayschannel
Music by Big Big Sky @big.big.sky | Excluding Many Points of Light by Judson Lee | Christmas piano carols by Roberto Diana
40 ืคืจืงืื
ืื ืืคืจืงืื
×ืืจืืืื ืืืืื ืื Player FM!
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