This week we discuss the first half of our fall. It has had some highs and some lows. There has been a good public land buck taken with the bow by His Sons Outdoors, but outside of that there has not been much to speak of. We discuss a bit about our gator hunting adventures, Rhett's buck, and the upcoming fall/winter seasons. Last, we give our review on scrambled Deer brain and why you should not eat it! In our study of the Word. We wrap up the Sermon on the Mount in Chapter 7 of Matthew. The Lord gives us one of the most convicting verses in the Bible when He tells us that not everyone who says to Him Lord Lord will enter the kingdom of God. He also wraps up the sermon with a charge for everyone to build on the Rock, because when the rain, floods, and wind come, the house built on the Rock will stand the test of time. We hope you enjoy, God Bless!…