“Oh Lord, it’s a Nerd Party!” Newly minted co-host, luisoscarb is away this week, so regular co-hosts, terror_beast and daviddoel strike up conversation with returning guest, -Sparky– and our awesome new guest this week, FuzzDaCat ! A lot of you will know FuzzDaCat since she is a regular visitor/mod to the Vesti! But what you might not know about are the adventures of FuzzDaCat and -Sparky– together, which apparently involve broken windows, chips and cola for breakfast and a shower scene! shock We have a whole smattering of topics this week: Metal Gear Solid 4, broken consoles, “TerrorBeast’s Guide to Getting a Really Great Home Theatre” delves briefly into surge protectors and HDMI, we tackle the iPhone coming to Canada and our feature round table is all about… The Future… And what’s to come in gaming and movie theatres! Thanks for listening! And we’ll be back next week! Listen here As always, comments, questions and feedback are most welcome! Post a comment here in the blog or send your feedback to our Modcast e-mail: ignmodcast@gmail.com Thanks all! – Robert H.…