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ืชืืื ืืกืืคืง ืขื ืืื iHeartPodcasts Australia & WSFM, IHeart Australia, and WSFM. ืื ืชืืื ืืคืืืงืืกืืื ืืืื ืคืจืงืื, ืืจืคืืงื ืืชืืืืจื ืคืืืงืืกืืื ืืืขืืื ืืืกืืคืงืื ืืฉืืจืืช ืขื ืืื iHeartPodcasts Australia & WSFM, IHeart Australia, and WSFM ืื ืฉืืชืฃ ืคืืืคืืจืืช ืืคืืืงืืกื ืฉืืื. ืื ืืชื ืืืืื ืฉืืืฉืื ืืฉืชืืฉ ืืืฆืืจื ืฉืื ืืืืื ืช ืืืืืืืช ืืืฆืจืื ืืื ืจืฉืืชื, ืืชื ืืืื ืืขืงืื ืืืจ ืืชืืืื ืืืชืืืจ ืืื
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ืืชืื ืืืฆื ืื ืืงืืื ืขื ืืืคืืืงืฆืื Player FM !
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ืคืืืงืืกืืื ืฉืฉืืื ืืืืืื
TechSurge: Deep Tech VC Podcast

Artificial intelligence is evolving at an unprecedented paceโwhat does that mean for the future of technology, venture capital, business, and even our understanding of ourselves? Award-winning journalist and writer Anil Ananthaswamy joins us for our latest episode to discuss his latest book Why Machines Learn: The Elegant Math Behind Modern AI . Anil helps us explore the journey and many breakthroughs that have propelled machine learning from simple perceptrons to the sophisticated algorithms shaping todayโs AI revolution, powering GPT and other models. The discussion aims to demystify some of the underlying math that powers modern machine learning to help everyone grasp this technology impacting our lives, even if your last math class was in high school. Anil walks us through the power of scaling laws, the shift from training to inference optimization, and the debate among AIโs pioneers about the road to AGIโshould we be concerned, or are we still missing key pieces of the puzzle? The conversation also delves into AIโs philosophical implicationsโcould understanding how machines learn help us better understand ourselves? And what challenges remain before AI systems can truly operate with agency? If you enjoy this episode, please subscribe and leave us a review on your favorite podcast platform. Sign up for our newsletter at for exclusive insights and updates on upcoming TechSurge Live Summits. Links: Read Why Machines Learn, Anilโs latest book on the math behind AI Learn more about Anil Ananthaswamyโs work and writing Watch Anil Ananthaswamyโs TED Talk on AI and intelligence Discover the MIT Knight Science Journalism Fellowship that shaped Anilโs AI research Understand the Perceptron, the foundation of neural networks Read about the Perceptron Convergence Theorem and its significanceโฆ
๐ EXCLUSIVE CHAT: Dr. Esmรฉ Louise James (Sex Historian)
ืืคืขื ืืืืืจ ืืืชืจ
ืืคืขื ืืืืืจ ืืืชืจ
Manage episode 463873540 series 3014373
ืชืืื ืืกืืคืง ืขื ืืื iHeartPodcasts Australia & WSFM, IHeart Australia, and WSFM. ืื ืชืืื ืืคืืืงืืกืืื ืืืื ืคืจืงืื, ืืจืคืืงื ืืชืืืืจื ืคืืืงืืกืืื ืืืขืืื ืืืกืืคืงืื ืืฉืืจืืช ืขื ืืื iHeartPodcasts Australia & WSFM, IHeart Australia, and WSFM ืื ืฉืืชืฃ ืคืืืคืืจืืช ืืคืืืงืืกื ืฉืืื. ืื ืืชื ืืืืื ืฉืืืฉืื ืืฉืชืืฉ ืืืฆืืจื ืฉืื ืืืืื ืช ืืืืืืืช ืืืฆืจืื ืืื ืจืฉืืชื, ืืชื ืืืื ืืขืงืื ืืืจ ืืชืืืื ืืืชืืืจ ืืื
The delightful Esmรฉ Louise James joins Jonesy & Amanda for a chat ahead of her 'Kinky History | The Eggplant Tour'.
See for privacy information.
8171 ืคืจืงืื
Manage episode 463873540 series 3014373
ืชืืื ืืกืืคืง ืขื ืืื iHeartPodcasts Australia & WSFM, IHeart Australia, and WSFM. ืื ืชืืื ืืคืืืงืืกืืื ืืืื ืคืจืงืื, ืืจืคืืงื ืืชืืืืจื ืคืืืงืืกืืื ืืืขืืื ืืืกืืคืงืื ืืฉืืจืืช ืขื ืืื iHeartPodcasts Australia & WSFM, IHeart Australia, and WSFM ืื ืฉืืชืฃ ืคืืืคืืจืืช ืืคืืืงืืกื ืฉืืื. ืื ืืชื ืืืืื ืฉืืืฉืื ืืฉืชืืฉ ืืืฆืืจื ืฉืื ืืืืื ืช ืืืืืืืช ืืืฆืจืื ืืื ืจืฉืืชื, ืืชื ืืืื ืืขืงืื ืืืจ ืืชืืืื ืืืชืืืจ ืืื
The delightful Esmรฉ Louise James joins Jonesy & Amanda for a chat ahead of her 'Kinky History | The Eggplant Tour'.
See for privacy information.
8171 ืคืจืงืื
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Join Jonesy & Amanda for an EXCLUSIVE (unaired) episode! See for privacy information.
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JAM Nation with Jonesy & Amanda

Here's everything you need to know about the deaths of Gene Hackman, his wife Betsy Arakawa and their dog. See for privacy information.
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Join Jonesy & Amanda for an EXCLUSIVE (unaired) episode! See for privacy information.
Did you have a nutty kid? Or maybe you're the nutty kid? We want to hear your stories! See for privacy information.
This is going to end in disaster... See for privacy information.
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The extraordinary Gus Worland joins Jonesy & Amanda to chat about his new book 'Boys Do Cry' and his passionate response to the Marty Sheargold controversy. See for privacy information.
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Marty Sheargold said that the Matildas players reminded him of "year 10 girls". See for privacy information.
Does the NRL in Las Vegas pass the pub test? See for privacy information.
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