(EN) Beyond Apologies: Fighting Anti-Chinese Racism in Canada
Manage episode 450372202 series 3550942
Interview w author William Ging Wee Dere
In this conversation, Alex Tyrrell interviews William Dere about the historical and contemporary issues surrounding anti-Chinese racism in Canada. Dere discusses the long struggle for redress for the Chinese head tax, the significance of the apology from Stephen Harper, and the implications of Bill C-70 on the Chinese community. He also addresses the role of Canadian intelligence in vilifying the Chinese diaspora and the broader geopolitical tensions affecting perceptions of China in Canada. In this conversation, Alex Tyrrell and William Dere discuss the historical and contemporary issues surrounding Canada's relationship with China, including the legacy of the Yellow Peril ideology, the tensions in the Taiwan Strait, and the exclusion of China from global scientific collaboration. They explore the implications of a multipolar world and the importance of fostering better relations with China, particularly in the context of climate change and technological advancements. The conversation also highlights the need for unity within the Chinese Canadian community to combat systemic racism and promote democratic rights.
📚 William Dere's Book:
Being Chinese in Canada: The Struggle for Identity, Redress and Belonging
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This podcast episode is produced by the Green Party of Quebec. We choose guests whose work resonates with the party's values, platform and ideology. A guest's appearance on the podcast does not imply partisan support for the Green Party of Quebec. https://www.pvq.qc.ca/
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