Different Meanings Of “Ecco” in Italian - Come Utilizzare “Ecco” in Italian
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Ciao ragazzi! Bentornati nel mio podcast! Nella puntata di oggi, parleremo di come la parola “Ecco” viene utilizzata in italiano. Dovete sapere che “Ecco” è una parola che gli italiani usano molto nelle conversazioni di tutti i giorni. Per questo motivo, ho deciso di affrontare con voi questo argomento. Oltre ai vari esempi, sentirete quali sono i punti fondamentali dell’utilizzo di questa parola. Per aiutarvi con la comprensione vi riporterò tutti gli esempi nella descrizione di questo episodio. Dateci un’occhiata, vi aiuterà a comprendere al meglio l’argomento di oggi! Buon ascolto!
Hi guys! Welcome back to my podcast! In today's episode, we’ll talk about how the word "Ecco" is used in Italian. You should know that "Ecco" is a word that Italians use a lot in everyday conversations. For this reason, I decided to discuss this topic with you. During the episode you'll hear a lot of examples. I'll report them in the description of this episode, take a look! It will help you better understand today's topic! Have a good time listening!
The word “Ecco” can introduce the appearance of something or somebody.
A: Hey! What are you doing here?
B: I’m waiting for my mother and my father!
[The parents appear]
A: Here are your parents! (“Ecco” i tuoi genitori!)
A: When does the train come?
[The train is coming, they see it]
B: Oh, here is the train! (Oh, “ecco” il treno!)
“Ecco” can be used also with the direct pronouns (mi, ti, lo, la, ci, vi, li, le), depending on which person or thing is appearing
A: When are going to be here?
[B appears]
B: Here I am! (Eccomi!)
A: Where’s your dog?
B: Here it is, it’s behind you! (“Eccolo”, è dietro di te!)
Sometimes, the word “Ecco” is used to take time and think about what to say.
A: Can you give me a ride to the airport?
B: Well… actually, I don’t think I can… I have an important meeting… (“Well…” = “Ecco…”)
“Ecco” is used in some Italian expressions, such as:
- “Ecco perché”: means “that’s why”.
A: I’m so happy!
B: Why?
A: I won the lottery
B: Aaaah, that’s why (ecco perché)!
- “Ecco fatto”: means “I’ve finished”, “I’ve done what I had to do”.
A: Can you turn off the air conditioner?
[B turns it off]
B: Done! (Ecco fatto)!
- “Ecco cosa succede quando…”: means “these are the consequences when…”
A: I’ve been fired!
B: That’s what happens when you don’t work well! (Ecco cosa succede quando non si lavora bene!)
- “Ecco come…”: means “this is how…”
A: I can’t turn on my phone!
[B turns it on]
B: This is how you do it! (Ecco come si fa!)
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