E27: E27: Honor, duty, evacuations - ending the 20-year war in Afghanistan
Manage episode 337458935 series 3381384
Would you prefer a reassuring lie about the situation in Afghanistan? Or an uncomfortable truth?
In the latest episode of "Right Now with Stephen Kent," Stephen sits down with Fiona Harrigan of Reason magazine to discuss the US withdrawal from Afghanistan; the rise of the Taliban; the media's partisan divide between getting Americans out vs. getting Afghans out; if there was any true reason or justification for US invasion in the first place; and what the future may look like for both Afghanistan and the world.
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---- Content of This Episode ----
00:00 Episode start
00:05 A little white lie
05:50 Giving the Taliban legitimacy – or not
10:55 Throwing good money after bad
12:57 How to help Afghans now
18:30 Afghans still looking for ways out
21:33 The refugee debate feat. Sasse & Vance
33:00 It didn’t have to be like this
34:21 For Gen Z 9/11 is history, not memory
43:10 Good news on film school and audio books
---- Reading list -----
We Need To Get Afghans Out of Afghanistan Too (Reason) https://reason.com/2021/08/16/we-need-to-get-afghans-out-of-afghanistan-too/
Withdrawing From Afghanistan Is Still the Right Thing To Do (Reason) https://reason.com/2021/07/14/withdrawing-from-afghanistan-is-still-the-right-thing-to-do/
Denied American Visas, These Afghans Were Forced To Make a Perilous Escape After Helping U.S. Troops for Years (Reason)
AT WAR WITH THE TRUTH: The Afghanistan Papers, A secret history of the war (Washington Post) https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/2019/investigations/afghanistan-papers/afghanistan-war-confidential-documents/
WHAT WE NEED TO LEARN: LESSONS FROM TWENTY YEARS OF AFGHANISTAN RECONSTRUCTION (Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction) https://www.sigar.mil/pdf/lessonslearned/SIGAR-21-46-LL.pdf
Tony Blair: Why We Must Not Abandon the People of Afghanistan – For Their Sakes and Ours (Tony Blair Institute for Global Change)
---- Plugs for our guests ----
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