TCNW 790: Mayberry Filming Locations Part 2
Manage episode 443542985 series 3605641
Host: Allan Newsome Running time: 0:29:42
This is part two of Codie’s report that began last week. I want to encourage you to possibly watch the video version of these reports because Codie shows us the sites and locations that he’s talking about and I don’t think you’d want to miss that.
As a reminder from last week, in early April 2024 members of the Mayberry Chapter of The Andy Griffith Show Rerun Watchers Club (TAGSRWC) lead a group on a trip to the Los Angeles, California area. They visited major filming locations for TAGS including Franklin Canyon, Red Studios and the Desilu (Forty Acres) backlot. They also discovered other filming locations that haven’t, so far as anyone is aware, been identified before such as the baseball field where Opie’s Mayberry team played Mt. Pilot and the gas station location where the Taylors & Goober stopped for gas in “Goober and the Auto Show.” They were able to sit in the plane used when Aunt Bee learned to fly and to see where that episode was filmed, Whiteman Airport. They met up with several cast or crew members including Ruta Lee, Bruce Bilson, Leroy McNees and Joy Ellison. They also met with kids of cast and crew to include Dixie Griffith (Andy’s daughter), Andy Bullock (TAGS writer Harvey Bullock’s son), and Kit McNear (Howard “Floyd” McNear’s son).
The person responsible for locating and identifying previously unidentified location was Codie Sloan and we are so fortunate to have him sharing his first hand experience of this amazing trip. Codie wanted everyone to know he’s not trying to toot his own horn with his report but hopes that through it all listening or watching can share in the excitement he, and the others on the trip, experienced.
Thank you, Codie, for letting us all travel along with you virtually.
Stick around after the report for some Mayberry trivia about moonshiners and see how many questions you can answer.
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Related Links:- The Andy Griffith Show Ambassadors Program
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- “40 Acres” Backlot Tour (
- The Andy Griffith Show – Behind the Scenes (Facebook)
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Executive producer of Two Chairs No Waiting for Episode #790: Codie Sloan
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