In this episode, despite being an excellent Bible version, the KJV has not escaped the pitfall of some errors. We look at that and how it connects to the Apostle Paul's observance or supposed lack thereof of the Torah, the Law of Moses.
If you would like to contact us or the host of this episode, please feel free to email them at truthandtestimonyemail@gmail.com
93 ืคืจืงืื
In this episode, despite being an excellent Bible version, the KJV has not escaped the pitfall of some errors. We look at that and how it connects to the Apostle Paul's observance or supposed lack thereof of the Torah, the Law of Moses.
If you would like to contact us or the host of this episode, please feel free to email them at truthandtestimonyemail@gmail.com
93 ืคืจืงืื
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