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show episodes
Documenter toutes les expériences de la vie, des cultures et des savoirs. Chaque semaine, un grand thème en quatre épisodes, autonomes et complémentaires. Du lundi au jeudi de 17h à 18h. Rendez-vous sur l'application Radio France pour découvrir tous les autres épisodes.
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LSE: Public lectures and events

London School of Economics and Political Science

The London School of Economics and Political Science public events podcast series is a platform for thought, ideas and lively debate where you can hear from some of the world's leading thinkers. Listen to more than 200 new episodes every year.
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LSE Podcasts

LSE Podcasts

The London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) is a world-leading university, specialising in social sciences, with a global community of people and ideas that transform the world. Our podcasts focus on the social sciences and the world today.
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LSE IQ podcast

London School of Economics and Political Science

LSE IQ is a monthly podcast from the London School of Economics and Political Science in which we ask some of the smartest social scientists - and other experts - to answer intelligent questions about economics, politics or society. #LSEIQ
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Welcome to the LSE Middle East Centre's podcast feed. The MEC builds on LSE's long engagement with the Middle East and North Africa and provides a central hub for the wide range of research on the region carried out at LSE. Follow us and keep up to date with our latest event podcasts and interviews!
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Join the LSAT Demon team Tuesday through Saturday as they discuss a broad range of topics related to the LSAT and law school admissions. Listen on your way to work and kickstart your daily study routine. Questions? Email Learn more at
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London School of Economics and Political Science

LSE IQ is a monthly podcast from the London School of Economics and Political Science in which we ask some of the smartest social scientists - and other experts - to answer intelligent questions about economics, politics or society. #LSEIQ
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Jenny Eliscu

Interviews focus on key moments of discovery, and the songs/artists that have soundtracked the guest's life. Hosted by journalist and radio presenter Jenny Eliscu (@jennylsq), these are laid-back but in-depth discussions about the journey to find their creative voice and process, and how it has evolved over their career. Episodes also occasionally feature clips from Eliscu's extensive archive, which includes 25 years' worth of interview audio.
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LSQ Podcast

Redeemer Lincoln Square

Our church began in 2017 and is located just down the street from Lincoln Center, which is in the Lincoln Square neighborhood of Manhattan. This podcast will primarily feature sermons from our Sunday worship service and the occasional interview or ministry resource. We hope you’ll subscribe.
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LSU Daily

Guaranty Broadcasting

LSU Daily is a Podcast hosted by 104.5 ESPN's Matt Musso breaking down all things LSU. Matt is the producer of the critically acclaimed "After Further Review" radio show in Baton Rouge. Musso is also the host of Musso at The Box, a daily LSU Baseball podcast that runs in season.
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Africa's LSP Podcast is a monthly podcast for the African language services industry, covering trends in translation, interpretation, localization, and language services in Africa. We speak with industry professionals such as translators, interpreters, language researchers, and scholars, as well as African language enthusiasts. Africa's LSP Podcast is presented by Bolingo Consult. Kindly send feedback and suggestions to Visit our website at Soun ...
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Thinking LSAT

Nathan Fox and Ben Olson

Ben Olson and Nathan Fox started the Thinking LSAT Podcast to become better LSAT teachers and have some fun. Please 1) subscribe, 2) rate and review, and 3) send us questions: Don't pay for law school! Learn more at
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Steve Schwartz of LSAT Unplugged created this podcast to help you with the LSAT and law school admission process. He started teaching the LSAT after scoring a 152 and gradually working his way up to a 175 (it took over a year!). Please (1) subscribe, (2) rate + review, and (3) email me your questions:
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The official podcast network of LSU Athletics. The Hey Fightin' Podcast Network takes you inside LSU Sports all year long. From Hey Fightin' Podcast – the official podcast of LSU Football – to Tigers Win, Hearing Voices, Play by Play, and more, the Hey Fightin' Podcast Network brings you episodes covering all things LSU Sports (almost) every week day.
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LSE IQ is a monthly podcast from the London School of Economics and Political Science. This is the podcast where we ask some of the leading social scientists - and other experts - to answer intelligent questions about economics, politics or society. To subscribe on Apple Podcasts please visit - Or search for 'LSE IQ' in your favourite podcast app or add our RSS feed - ...
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LSEG Sustainable Growth

LSEG (London Stock Exchange Group)

The LSEG Sustainable Growth Podcast tackles important issues which intersect sustainability and finance, hosted by Jane Goodland, LSEG’s Group Head of Sustainability. We talk about some of the biggest issues of our time – from climate transition and investment, green infrastructure to greenwashing, natural capital, carbon markets, financial inclusion, equality and inclusion and more! We hear from leading experts from Microsoft, ISSB, IIGCC, Blackrock, IFAD, Women's World Banking, Climate Imp ...
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Logic Games Bible author Dave Killoran (@davekilloran) and PowerScore Test Prep VP Jon Denning (@jonmdenning) are two of the world’s foremost experts on the LSAT and law school admissions, and they’ve created the PowerScore LSAT PodCast to share their knowledge and experience with you! Topics will range from specific LSAT concepts and strategies to test changes and updates to admissions advice and frequently-asked student questions, so be sure to (1) subscribe, (2) rate and review us, and (3 ...
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Democracia en LSD

Democracia en LSD

La política en Chile y el mundo ya no es sólo izquierda vs. derecha. Cada vez más, es sobre democracia vs. sus amenazas: populismos, autoritarismos y el retorno del fascismo, las que crecen y tienen sus espacios y medios. La defensa, promoción y proyección de la democracia necesita los suyos. Ese es nuestro objetivo. Programa semanal por Ximena Jara y Davor Mimica
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Hachana L'Shabbos

Rav Shlomo Katz

What type of rest do we yearn for on Shabbat? How do we frame our mindset during the week to prepare for Shabbat and how can we transform our Shabbat experience? Using the teachings of Rabbi Yaakov Meir Shechter, a leading Breslov Rabbi, in his sefer Yom Machmadim, we build tools towards enhancing our ability to connect to the day of rest.
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LSU Podcast

LSU - Sveriges Ungdomsorganisationer

Följ med in i ungdomsrörelsen! I LSU:s podcast lär du dig mer om barn och ungas organisering, om makt och representation och om alla de sakfrågor vi på LSU driver.
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Stressed about applying to law school? Looking for that *something* to provide an edge when your LSAT scores and GPA aren't enough to set you apart? Steve Schwartz of LSAT Unplugged shares insights on everything law school admissions – personal statements, diversity statements, LSAT prep, recommendation letters, and more. This show is for you if you’re looking to craft law school applications that will showcase your strengths and maximize chances of law school admission. Please (1) subscribe ...
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show series
LS Community Church live Sunday gathering, December 1st; teaching by Stan Rodda. Judges 21:25; Joshua 2:1, 9-11, 4:5-7, 11:23, 24:14, 15; Matthew 1:5-6 In the hit show, “Game of Thrones,” we are introduced to an entirely different world where nine noble families fight for control over the lands of Westeros: Baratheon, Bolton, Lannister, Stark, Targ…
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How to Crush LSAT Reading Comp Questions and Score 175+ Free Easy LSAT Cheat Sheet: Book A Call: LSAT Unplugged Courses: LSAT Schedules: LSAT Blog Free Stuff: htt…
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How to Crush LSAT Reading Comp Questions and Score 175+ Free Easy LSAT Cheat Sheet: Book A Call: LSAT Unplugged Courses: LSAT Schedules: LSAT Blog Free Stuff: htt…
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Matt Musso reacts to LSU losing the commitment of five-star cornerback Kade Phillips to Texas the day before the early signing period. What led to his decision and can the Tigers hold onto DJ Pickett and Aidan Anding in the fold for 2025? Plus, we preview LSU and Florida State in men's hoops.על ידי Guaranty Broadcasting
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Vides pieejamība uzlabojas, bet problēmu vēl ir daudz, tā Starptautiskajā cilvēku ar invaliditāti dienā uzsver Latvijas Neredzīgo biedrībā. Latvijā ir liels cilvēku ar invaliditāti skaits – tādu šobrīd ir vairāk nekā 200 000, un tas norāda arī uz problēmām veselības aprūpē. Joprojām finansējuma un atbalsta trūkumu izjūt arī "mūžīgo bērnu" aprūpētāj…
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Vašingtona un Abū Dabī apspriež iespēju atcelt Sīrijas autoritārajam līderim Bašaram al Asadam piemērotās sankcijas apmaiņā pret viņa distancēšanos no Irānas un ieroču piegāžu pārtraukšanu Libānas šiītu kaujinieku grupējumam "Hizbullāh", aģentūrai "Reuters" atklāja vairāki informēti avoti.
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Dzelzceļa "Rail Baltica" projektam Latvijā ir jānosaka maksimālie cenu griesti un turpmāka finansējuma piesaistei būtiski ir uzlabot vērienīgā projekta pārvaldību. To paredzēs likumā. Galvenais uzdevums ir realizēt pamattrases izbūvi un, ņemot vērā militārās mobilitātes nozīmi reģionā, par projekta iesaldēšanu pašlaik nav runas. Tā "Rail Baltica" p…
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Lielas politiskas un ekonomiskas nepatikšanas nobriedušas Francijā. Domstarpības ar opozīciju budžeta jautājumā šonedēļ varētu novest pie valdības krišanas. Galēji labējās un kreisās partijas iesniegušas neuzticības rakstus premjerministram Mišelam Barnjē, kuram parlamentā nav absolūtā vairākuma, tādēļ valdības krišana šķiet ļoti reāla.…
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Bez nopietniem taupības pasākumiem Jelgavas novada pašvaldībai draud smaga finanšu situācija ar nespēju samaksāt saviem darbiniekiem un pakalpojumu sniedzējiem. Tāda aina esot atklājusies līdz ar politiskās varas maiņu un ķeršanos pie nākamā gada budžeta plānošanas.
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Kamēr Saeima pēc sabiedrības sašutuma vērtē iespēju "labot kļūdu" un tomēr neprasīt obligāto civiltiesiskās atbildības apdrošināšanu (OCTA) arī transportlīdzekļiem, kuri nepiedalās satiksmē, atbildīgā ministrija piedāvā problēmu risināt, vienkāršojot transportlīdzekļa reģistrācijas pārtraukšanu.
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Valsts prezidents Edgars Rinkēvičs otrdien, 3. decembrī, Saeimā iesniedzis grozījumus iedzīvotāju ienākuma nodokļa likumā, lai motivētu darba devējus brīvprātīgi palīdzēt darbiniekiem vai viņu apgādībā esošai personai segt zāļu izmaksas.
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Gaļas liellopu audzētāju biedrība otrdien, 3. decembrī, rīko protesta akciju pie Zemkopības ministrijas saistībā ar ministrijas virzītajām izmaiņām regulējumā, palielinot maksājumus Pārtikas un veterinārajam dienestam (PVD), kā arī ieviešot eksporta nodokli liellopiem, pavēstīja organizācijā. Tikmēr zemkopības ministrs uzskata, ka nozare nespēj ied…
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Onkoloģija, retās slimības un diagnostika – tās ir medicīnas nozares, kur visbiežāk ārstēšana izmaksā ļoti dārgi un dažkārt iedzīvotājam ir nesasniedzama. Kāpēc tas maksā tik daudz? Kā norāda nozares eksperti, medicīnas un farmācijas jomā zinātne strauji attīstās, ilggadējie pētījumi prasa lielus ražotāju ieguldījumus, kas savukārt ietekmē zāļu cen…
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Jau vasarā valdība lēma, ka no jaunā mācību gada bērniem – kara bēgļiem no Ukrainas – jāmācās Latvijas skolās klātienē, tādējādi vairs neļaujot viņiem izglītoties tikai tālmācībā skolās Ukrainā. Lai šī prasība stātos spēkā, nepieciešams arī Saeimas atbalsts. Taču pašlaik iecere iestrēgusi Saeimā, jo daļa deputātu uzskata, ka šāda prasība radīs nevi…
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Latgalē aktīvi atgriežas reemigranti. Tur ir arī lielākais skaits atbraucēju, kuri izmanto iespēju saņemt finansiālu atbalstu, ko piedāvā plānošanas reģions kopā ar pašvaldībām uzņēmējdarbības uzsākšanai. Šobrīd deviņi reemigranti Latgalē jau uzsākuši vai tūlīt uzsāks savu biznesu – četri no tiem Daugavpilī, piesakoties grantu programmai "Impulss".…
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Free Easy LSAT Cheat Sheet: LSAT Unplugged Courses: LSAT Unplugged Podcast: LSAT Unplugged Instagram: LSAT Unplugged TikTok: LSAT Coaching YouTube…
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Free Easy LSAT Cheat Sheet: LSAT Unplugged Courses: LSAT Unplugged Podcast: LSAT Unplugged Instagram: LSAT Unplugged TikTok: LSAT Coaching YouTube…
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Matt Musso recaps LSU's 37-17 win over Oklahoma to close the regular season at 8-4. We go through key sequences from the game, standout individual performances and a look at what was the general theme of the night. Plus, we react to Brian Kelly's national championship comments from post-game. Finally, Musso gives his thoughts on backup quarterback …
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durée : 00:58:35 - LSD, la série documentaire - par : Elise Gruau - En Méditerranée vivent huit espèces de cétacés. Alors que nous prenons la mer pour tenter de les observer, des éthologues nous font entrer dans leurs mondes fascinants. - réalisation : Agnès Cathouעל ידי Elise Gruau, Emmanuel Laurentin, Johanna Bedeau
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durée : 00:58:35 - LSD, la série documentaire - par : Elise Gruau - Les rivières sont peuplées de milliers d’espèces de poissons. Certaines resteront toute leur vie dans le même cours d’eau, d’autres parcourront des milliers de kilomètres jusqu’aux océans. Mais les cycles naturels sont aujourd’hui gravement perturbés par les actions humaines. - réa…
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durée : 00:58:28 - LSD, la série documentaire - par : Elise Gruau - La connaissance des espèces aquatiques est une des voies pour comprendre la grande histoire de la vie et inventer la science de demain. Une déambulation à travers des approches scientifiques, où l’on explore qu’humains et poissons ne sont pas si éloignés dans la lignée des vertébré…
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durée : 00:58:33 - LSD, la série documentaire - par : Elise Gruau - Les zones maritimes protégées laissées en libre évolution sont comme des Jardins d’Eden de la vie aquatique, où les poissons apparaissent dans toute leur splendeur et leur variété. - réalisation : Agnès Cathouעל ידי Emmanuel Laurentin, Johanna Bedeau, Elise Gruau
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Some have called Cooley Law School the “worst law school in America.” Is it? Nathan and Ben investigate. The guys also demonstrate their approach to Strengthen questions, advocate a spoiler-free method of review, and compare the importance of GPA and undergraduate institution prestige. Study with our Free Plan Download our iOS app Watch Episode 483…
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Latvijas basketbolists Kristaps Porziņģis svētdien Nacionālās basketbola asociācijas (NBA) regulārā čempionāta mačā guva 21 puntku, tomēr tas nepalīdzēja viņa pārstāvētajai Bostonas "Celtics" komandai izvairīties no zaudējuma viesos pret Klīvlendas "Cavaliers" vienību. Divu līgas un Austrumu konferences līderu duelī pārāki ar 115:111 izrādījās māji…
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The Biggest Mistakes Everyone Makes on LSAT Must Be True Questions Free Easy LSAT Cheat Sheet: Book A Call: LSAT Unplugged Courses: LSAT Schedules: LSAT Blog Free…
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The Biggest Mistakes Everyone Makes on LSAT Must Be True Questions Free Easy LSAT Cheat Sheet: Book A Call: LSAT Unplugged Courses: LSAT Schedules: LSAT Blog Free…
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durée : 00:58:38 - "Where have all the the flowers gone?" (Pete Seeger) (1955) - par : Laurent Valero - "Pete Seeger, après des études de journaliste, se consacre très tôt à sa passion de la musique folk qui l’amènera à côtoyer l’ethnomusicologue Alan Lomax et le poète-chanteur Woodie Guthrie. En 1959, il fonde le Festival de Folk de Newport, d’où …
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Brune and Shea break down everything they saw from LSU's 37-17 win over Oklahoma on Saturday night in Death Valley!The Bengal Tiger Gameday content is presented each week by LSU Snacks, the officially licensed snack of LSU Athletics. Specifically created to boost LSU’s NIL efforts, every purchase of LSU Win! Bars and LSU Win! Cookies directly suppo…
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Bryce Koon reacts to LSU's convincing win over Oklahoma. For more video content and podcasts, subscribe to the channel and feed! For more written content head over to: #lsu #lsutigers #lsufootball To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: Learn more…
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If I Wanted A 175+ LSAT Score in February 2025, This is What I’d Do [FULL BLUEPRINT] Free Easy LSAT Cheat Sheet: Book A Call: LSAT Unplugged Courses: Unlimited Application Essay Editing: Unplugged Prep: http…
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On today's show, Mike Detillier and Herb Tyler preview the LSU Tigers vs. Oklahoma Sooners.Mike and Herb talk to:Andrew Williams (Host of "Andrew's College Game Day")Jeff Palermo (Louisiana Radio Network news & sports director / host on Tiger Rag radio)and Ryan Aber (Oklahoma Sooners beat writer for The Oklahoman).…
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Free Easy LSAT Cheat Sheet: Book A Call: LSAT Unplugged Courses: LSAT Schedules: LSAT Blog Free Stuff: Best LSA…
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Free Easy LSAT Cheat Sheet: Book A Call: LSAT Unplugged Courses: LSAT Schedules: LSAT Blog Free Stuff: Best LSA…
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Lee’s Summit Community Church Pastors Stan Rodda and Kevin Hartman sit down to talk through our upcoming series – The Story: Game of Thrones. The Game of Thrones is Act 2 of our journey through The Story. Over seven weeks, we’ll cover approximately a 500 year stretch of history, from Joshua to Solomon, where Israel goes through some really tough ti…
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