Central Ohio ציבורי
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show episodes
The Life in Labor Podcast explores the Unions in Central Ohio who are affiliated with the Central Ohio Labor Council. Learn the truth about labor Unions from their members. The grievance files, hosted by Jason Perlman, is the flagship show where rank and file Union Members share their stories. Join us for each episode to hear what real union members in Central Ohio have to say. Learn more about what the Central Ohio Labor council does including how you can get involved, upcoming events, and ...
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Central Ohio Matters

Michelle Gatchell & Ryan Rivers

Central Ohio Matters is a podcast where hosts Michelle Gatchell and Ryan Rivers discuss the issues shaping Central Ohio's future. Each episode features in-depth conversations with local leaders, visionaries, and changemakers driving progress in Central Ohio. These conversations offer insights into our communities' challenges and the solutions being crafted to move them forward. Central Ohio Matters covers government policies, healthcare challenges, housing and business developments, transpor ...
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Central Baptist Church is located in the community of Niles, Ohio; between the towns of Warren and Youngstown. We meet regularly at 11 am for our Sunday Morning Worship Service (Sunday School starts at 10 am) and at 6 pm for our Sunday Evening Worship Service (kids activities start at 5:30 pm). Check out our website at www.centralbaptistniles.weebly.com. LIKE US ON FACEBOOK and/or subscribe to our podcast channel to enjoy Pastor Dan's two weekly sermons.
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show series
On this episode, Jason interviews Camryn Schooley from IBEW Local 683. Camryn shares about himself and talks about the labor movement today. Learn more about IBEW Local 683 by visiting https://ibew683.org Learn more about the Central Ohio Labor Council by visiting https://www.columbusaflcio.org. Music in the podcast is used under a creative commons…
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On this episode of The Grievance Files our host Jason Perlman, chats with Kelly Sidner. Kelly is member of Ohio Association of Public School Employees (OAPSE). She works at Eastland/Fairfield Career and Technical School as a Lunch Lady. Kelly's workplace became unionized within the last year and they are still trying to get their first contract. Un…
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Hear how Townships are working to provide a good community for their residents and businesses. What are the rules governing them that are hampering growth, and what legislation needs to change to make township trustees' jobs easier to work for their communities? We discuss challenges for trustees when dealing with their roads, cemeteries and housin…
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Sunday morning, we continued in Luke 9 and talkedabout how Jesus resolved conflict. Allof us have been through conflict and most of us would rather avoid it yet conflictis a part of life. Jesus dealt with His fairshare of conflict. Thus, finding aconflict resolution strategy based on the example of Christ is the best way tolearn how to deal with co…
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Sunday morning, I preached about the Transfiguration of Jesus. This was a very heavy sermon from atheological perspective, yet I ended it with one basic point of application: Weall need to open our hearts and minds so that we can see the glory of Christ. Often, we are distracted from the works ofGod taking place all around us. To frequentlywe focus…
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On Sunday nights I have been preaching a follow up sermon to the theme ofour Sunday School lesson from earlier in the day. Sunday morning, we talked about being deceivedby false teachings. John the Apostle hasa lot to say about this subject. Hisfirst epistle (1 John) focused quite a bit on combating the false teaching of falseprophets. In 1 John 4:…
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Hey, here is Pastor Dan's sermon from CBC's morning service. Listen to it directly (or download to yourcomputer) through the link below to archive.org (our hosting site) or subscribeto FBCW's "podcasts" channel. You can download the "podcasts" app to most of your smartphones by going to your app store (purple app with something that looks like aper…
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We began the 9th chapter of the gospel of Luke by looking at the story ofJesus sending His twelve disciples out on their own for the first time. There is a lot Christians today can learn fromthis event. Followers of Christ are equippedto serve God through the Holy Spirit. Weare instructed in our service of the Lord through God’s Word. And we need t…
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Ever find yourself wishing that you could just blow past a stopped school bus because you have better things to do then wait on a bunch of children to unload? A central Ohio Chief of Police found himself in that exact situation, and is now under investigation for a moving violation. Continuing the trend of using Columbus as a test bed for rolling o…
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On Sunday Evenings my sermon text comes from thetheme of our Sunday School lesson from earlier in the day. Yesterday morning we finished the unit titled“The Full Picture of Christmas”; which focused on different individuals orgroups of people within the Christmas story. Yesterday we looked at the wisemen and how they worshiped Jesus. In continuing …
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Yesterday we returned to the Gospel of Luke. We looked at the story of Jesus casting out the many demons of a demonicman who lived amongst the tombs. AfterChrist “cured” the man, we found two completely different reactions to the miraculouspower of Christ. The first was one offear and rejection. The people of thearea completely rejected what took p…
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Person of the year in Austin, Texas, wants the city of Columbus to know that is “very, very happy” for #savethecrew, and the city’s new sports venture. We also discuss how much efficacy matters in terms of the proposed $100 million in incentives the team has been offered by the city and county. Business news: lots of local closures for the end of t…
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This Sunday evening, we focused on Micah 5:2, “But as for you,Bethlehem Ephrathah, too little to be among the clans of Judah, from youOne will go forth for Me to be ruler in Israel. His goings forth are from long ago, fromthe days of eternity.” I find it amazingthat this passage of scripture was written hundreds of years before Christ yetthere is s…
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This Sunday morning we took a break from the gospel of Luke to talk aboutthe Christmas story. I preached from John 1:14, “And the Word became flesh,and dwelt among us, and we saw His glory, glory as of the only begotten fromthe Father, full of grace and truth.” Now, to be honest, when we think about Christmas this is not a versethat often comes to …
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Sunday morning we looked at the story, according to Luke, of Jesus calmingthe storm. I pointed out that all of usface hardships or “storms” in life. Youare only fooling yourself if you think your life is burden free; we all facetrials. BUT, we do not have to face themalone; Jesus can face them with us! In mytext (Luke 8:22-25) Jesus asked the quest…
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This week has been chock-full of followups to long running Columbus news. Leading off with the two big sports stories: The Crew 2.0, Columbus Edition is poised to receive a new stadium downtown, with heavy potential investment from many major players, including the city and the state, with a caveats. Urban Meyer is retiring after the Rose bowl, cit…
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On Sunday morning we continued our study of Luke 8 and responding to theWord of God. We talked about being partof Jesus’ family and looked at His dedication to us and what a Christian’sdedication to Him should look like. Sermon by Pastor Dan Squezello At Central Baptist Church, Niles, Ohio Morning Service On December 9, 2018 Series: Preaching throu…
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While the Ohio weather meme might not always be true, it's certainly alive this week. It's December in Ohio, and it's been hot enough to go swimming outdoors, and cold enough to accumulate an inch of snow, within 40 hours of each other. Outside of weather gripes, we have a post mortem on the OSU Michigan game, more conflict over the ticket tax, and…
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On Sunday morning I preached what could easily be considered a follow up textfor last week’s message about “the sower and the seed.” Jesus’ “parable of the lamp”, from Luke 8:16-18, talks about responding toGod’s Word. I told my congregation thatChristians need to respond to God’s Word, and the Gospel message of Jesus’death and resurrection, by (1)…
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Who would have thought something as small as a tax on tickets within a single municipality could be so controversial that it has everyone from Mayor Ginther, to Arnold Schwarzenegger drawing battle lines? Columbus this week, that's who. Join Trevor this week, for a very political episode, where local politics intertwines with bitcoin, hit and runs,…
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On Sunday nights I preach a sermon that is a followup to what we studied in Sunday School earlier in the day. Sunday morning, we finished up the unit istitled “How to Pray” by talking about thanksgiving and how we need to pray aprayer of thanksgiving to God. God isthe only source of your blessings. Who elseare going to give credit to for all the bl…
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On Sunday morning I preached about one of Jesus’ most well-known parables;the parable of the sower and the seed. Each soil type, where seed fell, represents a reaction humanity may haveto the gospel of Christ. To sumeverything up; you can either react to the gospel message of the life, deathand resurrection of Jesus Christ by embracing it or by rej…
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...Never ever getting light rail, HQ2, or the hyperloop. This week we discuss OSU Michigan, the saga of the two hipster towers, Kasich putting his foot down on principle and ceremony against the GOP, and of course, Amazon deciding it can do without our dear city. On the other hand, no one's rent is going up 40% (yet), so at least you can rest easy …
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On Sunday nights I preach a sermon that is a goodfollow up to what we learned in Sunday School earlier in the day. Our current Sunday School unit is titled “Howto Pray.” Each session of the SundaySchool will look at a portion of the Lord’s Prayer from Matthew 6. This week we talked about Matthew 6:12-13, “And forgive us ourdebts, as we also have fo…
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On Sunday, November 18, 2018, we continued our way through the Gospel ofLuke by looking at a summarization passage that gave us some insight on thosewho were following Jesus. We learnedthat this group was made up of the twelve disciples and “many women.” I told my congregation that a local church needsto be a (1) Gospel Driven Church, (2) Welcoming…
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Update: Between the time this was recorded, and when you listen, Amazon made their final announcement on HQ2. We'll be releasing early next week to focus on the outcome, even though (spoiler) neither HQ2/3 is coming to our dear city. The media is now swimming in articles about revoking Ohio's purple card, and sticking the red label on the state. Sa…
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On Sunday nights I preach a sermon that is a goodfollow up to what we learned in Sunday School earlier in the day. Our current Sunday School unit is titled “Howto Pray.” Each session of the SundaySchool will look at a portion of the Lord’s Prayer from Matthew 6. This week, for the second week in a row, welooked at the fourth line of the prayer (ver…
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Sunday morning, I spoke about how all of humanity can receive forgiveness,salvation and peace through Christ. Welooked at the story of a sinful woman anointing Jesus’ feet with an expensive perfumeat the home of a Pharisee named Simon. This woman, who must have been looked at as one of the worst of theworst sinners in the community, was able to fin…
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The mid terms are finally here, two local boys are scolded by CPD for flashing a bb gun, we have even more coverage of the child poisoned with meth, and we do a policy by policy stance breakdown to wrap up our local election coverage. show notes: http://columbusthisweek.com/notes/60.txtעל ידי Columbus This Week
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Yesterday morning we talked about the message of Jesus and John the Baptistand asked ourselves the question: “Are you going to reject Jesus or acceptJesus?” John the Baptist prepared theway for the Messiah and Jesus is the Messiah. They both had powerful messages for their listeners and Jesus’s gift of salvationis something that everyone needs. The…
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Another Halloween, another batch of parent who need to be pelted with snopes links until they stop claiming that malicious strangers are OBVIOUSLY trying to poison their precious Hayyden, Aiden, and Jaidan. That aside, this week we chat about the second amendment and the gubernatorial candidates, the hyperloop finalization, and scooter lawsuits. ht…
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We have a spooky episode lined up this week, as two central Ohio girls address the social media phenomenon known as momo, a creepy bird like being that has been ascribed to have done everything from convincing people to light buildings on fire, to bullying children into suicide, to doxxing, to [insert bad thing here]. Don't listen to creepy bird la…
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The great Columbus soccer war is nearing its end with support from the people of the north, and Crew fans couldn't be any happier. Lots of dotted i's and crossed t's to come yet, but the commitment is all but final. In other news: vote! Not educated enough? Luckily for you, for the next 4 weeks your favorite podcast, Columbus This Week, will be bre…
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Do you like Columbus day? If you said yes, odds are, you are Italian, or get the holiday off. City employees however, will have no such luck, as Columbus Day is now a working holiday for cowtown, and Veterans city is a city Holdiday. In other pulse pounding news, Columbus has now witnessed its first scooter shooting. Community events ramped up this…
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The women arrested with Stormy Daniels at Sirens back in July have filed a suit with the state of Ohio, under the grounds that the arrest was political and defamatory in nature. In less dramatic news, Chipotle aims to move 270 people to Columbus, Chase opens up a new FinTech center on the Otterbein campus, and CMH has been purged of all flights wes…
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The struggle to have functional medical marajuana continues in Ohio, as new technologies are developing locally, and current providers fail to deliver. Meanwhile the midterms ads and political pieces are starting to drift out in preparation for November, and this year we only have one (1) issue on the ballot: Drug and Prison reform. We also discuss…
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This week is abuzz with news, and Ohio has been making the national press after a young Cinci girl is tased during a shoplifting incedent. What's the most Dangerous road in Columbus? The answer may not surprise you. Sweeping scooter policy changes for the city of Columbus see a quick part three, in response to much criticism directed at the mayor's…
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Authur Blank has ignited the passion the legion of Crew fans with two statements almost designed to send fans into a frenzy. Could the Austin Crew and a new Columbus team coexist? Did the city of Columbus inadequately fight for the Crew? Only time can validate Blank's predictions. In other news, a mass casualty comes out of Ross County Correctional…
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Are you overjoyed or distraught or the Urban Meyer decision? If so, you probably don't live in Columbus, where citywide citizens came together to collectively say "Meh". In other news, our fair city gets yet another visit from el Presidente Trump this summer, while Kasich decided to avoid Trump and attend Matsuricon instead, cementing his tsundere …
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Lots of follow up stories this week, as the Urban Meyer OSU drama continues to heat up after the investigative committee follows up with Zack and Courtney Smith. In addition, we finally got to the root cause of the Chipotle food poising incident in Delaware county, the legislation around the 7% entertainment for Columbus is live, and the rental sco…
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Balderson. O'Connor. The election is down to the wire, with money bombs, presidential visits, key endorsements, and seemingly everything on the line, if you listen to the party rhetoric. The problem is, this race isn't even over when it's over, and the victory will by definition be fleeting, since the elected candidate has to win again in November,…
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MWe can't avoid the elephant in the room this week, Urban Meyer is front and center of the local news cycle. The feature topic is an in depth discussion of the Urban Meyer scandal, the reactions from supporters and detractors, and a breakdwon of likely outcomes. In news that won't be making any headlines, we also talk about a three way twitter figh…
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It's often said that no news is good news, and unfortunately Columbus has a lot of news this week. Join us as we discuss the Stormy Daniels planned police sting, drugs being brought into Ohio prisons, corruption in manufacturing, and the worst crime against humanity yet: dog parties. Don't despair though, it's not all bad news this week, as Ohio li…
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...and he says "Dear farmers and Ginthers, please do not cut these". In a rare moment of republican environmentalism, we witness John Kasich fighting against a coalition of farmers on the speed and regulations around the lake Erie cleanup. On the flip side, Columbus's own mayor Ginther would like to remove trees from poor, high crime areas of city,…
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This episode marks the one year anniversary of Columbus This Week, which we celebrate by drinking heavily, and blathering about the local antics of the fine folks of Columbus. This week sees a porn star arrested in the classiest joint in the city, serial vandalism towards nice cars in nice neighborhoods, and harsh words from Honda USA towards the T…
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You won't believe what went down in the city of Pickerington this week during the city's annual fireworks display, but that might be because even the officer reporting the near riot struggles to believe what he's saying. Outside of that den of evil, things are so calm, that the biggest uproar in the entire metro area is changes to parking laws. If …
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America's youth is in rough shape it seems, if the slew of articles and legislation in the air in Ohio are actually needed. From articles about how to prevent your child from burning themselves for fun, to legislation throwing 19 year olds in a rehabiliation school for sexting, this week has been all about protecting the children from themselves.…
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CoverMyMeds is looking to build their own #HQ2, and they would like you, the taxer payer, to provide a small grant of ~40 Million dollars for it. The BFA and the NRA are suing Columbus and Cinci, as exactly every person on the planet predicted, given the new gun legislation on the table. Meanwhile, the church(TM), Kasich, and the police are making …
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It's a fun week to be gay in Columbus, as Vice President Pence is protested during a serendipitous visit, drama brews over private security changes for the pride festival, and the festival itself finds protestors of the event arrested. If you are homeless however, it's not your week: as not only is Dublin going after you, but Columbus City has also…
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Lots of worlds colliding in the Captial of Ohio this week. We have sagara making national news, Com Fest only supplying Columbus local brews, and Canadian tariffs that will hurt the economy of one midwestern state more than the other 49. Which state could it be? Find out, on Columbus This Week!על ידי Columbus This Week
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