Material Analysis is a self aware podcast about a materialist look Indian politics, policy, media, news and society. If you like our work support us on
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In this episode, Chandu, Bela, and Pramod historicise the concept of sedition and laws made on it, the fundamentally antisocialist nature of these laws, the history of various colonial laws on sedition, and post independence history of these Black Laws. The primary focus among them is the history, nature, and analysis of the UAPA.The music in this …
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In this episode, Chandu and Bela discuss the proposed population control bill from the Indian state of UP, what it is like as a policy, the history of population control, and its politics.על ידי Material Analysis Podcast
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In this episode, Chandu and Dhileep discuss the medical emergency of the second wave of the covid pandemic hitting India, and the political-economic causes of the sameNote: When this episode was recorded, events have evolved a bit since then in US policy, for one the US has now indicated it will support waivers on IP protection.…
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Episode 30 - Retrospective
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1:18:05As was characteristic of 2020, even its recap is three months late. Chandu, Pramod, and Bela talk about their feelings about last year, and recap some major and some not so major events that happenedעל ידי Material Analysis Podcast
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In this episode, Bela, Pinky, Dhileep, and Chandu discuss the political production and reproduction of hatred and how to think about it systematically.על ידי Material Analysis Podcast
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After taking a month long break the pod is back. In this episode, Pinky, Bela, Pramod, and Chandu deviate from their usual political analysis and talk about something they rather like, food! They discuss some history, some culture, some politics of food, food in new/social media, the history and the battles of authenticity on it. Biriyani is discus…
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In this episode, Dhileep and Chandu discuss police brutality, abolition and justice, in context of police violence from Tamil Nadu to the United Statesעל ידי Material Analysis Podcast
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In this episode, Pramod, Bela, and Chandu discuss the cyclone Amphan and the response to itAmphan relief contacts and details:על ידי Material Analysis Podcast
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Episode 25 - Don't Fear the Reaper
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59:25Bonus episode for May DayIn this episode, Bela, Chandu, and Pinky talk about the cultural and artistic depiction of pandemics and plagues in various ages and societiesMusic: Danse MacabrePainting: 'Self-Portrait After The Spanish Flu' by Edvard Munchעל ידי Material Analysis Podcast
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In this episode, Pramod, Bela, Chandu, Shiuli, and Dhileep talk about the asinine and baffling month long mismanagement of the pandemic, and the political conundrum thereinHappy May Dayעל ידי Material Analysis Podcast
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In this episode, Bela, Chandu, Shiuli, and Dhileep talk about the global response to the pandemic.על ידי Material Analysis Podcast
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Episode 19 - The Anti CAA NRC NPR Protests
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40:52על ידי Material Analysis Podcast
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In this episode, Dhileep, Chandu, Pramod, and Bela discuss and analyse mental health and its relationship with society.על ידי Material Analysis Podcast
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In this episode, Bela, Pramod, and Chandu discuss the Supreme Court's historic judgement on the Ayodhya title dispute case, and its grave social and political implications.Music: Kumar Gandharva singing Kabir's Sunta Hai Guru Gyaniעל ידי Material Analysis Podcast
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Episode 16 - Words Mean Things
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1:04:10In this episode, Chandu, Pinky, Bela, and Pramod dissect four oft used (incorrectly) phrases in progressive circles.על ידי Material Analysis Podcast
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Episode 15 - Climate Change
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1:08:23In this episode Dhileep, Pramod, Bela, and Chandu go into the details of the science, politics, and activism of climate change.על ידי Material Analysis Podcast
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In this episode, Chandu and Pramod discuss the recent fracas about Newton and Einstein, and the state of science and pseudo science in India in generalMusic: Nasadiya Sukta from Bharat Ek Khojעל ידי Material Analysis Podcast
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In this episode, Pinky, Chandu, Pramod, and Bela deviate from their usual analysis and talk about books they hate, books that made them think, and books they love. They of course cannot resist critically analysing these books.Music from Scheherazade by Rimsky-Korsakov, an orchestral work inspired by the Arabian Nights. Artwork is a painting called …
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Episode 12 - Kalparashtra Part 2
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29:53In this episode, Chandu interviews Prasanna S, a Delhi based lawyer who has been following the ongoing issue of the "abrogation" of Article 370. They discuss the legal history of the article in all its complexity, and end with how the developments effect the very basis of Indian constitutional rule.על ידי Material Analysis Podcast
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In this episode, first Chandu, Bela, Pinky, and Dhileep quickly discuss the implications of the "abrogation" of Article 370. The main part of the episode which follows (with Pramod replacing Dhileep)is about nationalism, its critique, how it manifests and is used in Indian society. The episode discusses the criminalisation of dissent and the steady…
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Episode 10 - National Register of Citizens (NRC)
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1:13:55In this episode, first, Pramod and Chandu give a short primer on the history of the Assam colonial state and the roots of the language conflict. Then (from 24 min onward), they along with Jasmine interview Gautam Bhatia, Indian constitutional lawyer about the NRC, and discuss the role of the Indian judiciary.Music: Haradhon Rongmon, a song which wa…
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In this episode Chandu, Bela, Jasmine, Dhileep, and Pinky explore the landscape of the politics of representation in India, its optics, limitations, and structural consequences.Be our patron:על ידי Material Analysis Podcast
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Episode 8 - Gentoo Society Part 2
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45:37In this episode (part 2 of 2), Bela, Chandu, Pinky, and Pramod continue the analysis from the last episode of India's dominant religious society, and focus on the seemingly unsolvable issues of disharmony and rapprochementעל ידי Material Analysis Podcast
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Episode 7 - Gentoo Society Part 1
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46:22In this episode (part 1 of 2), Bela, Chandu, Pinky, and Pramod take up the important yet contentious issue of how does the Indian progressive analyse and deal with India's dominant religious society.על ידי Material Analysis Podcast
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In this episode, Chandu and Bela, along with new regular panelist Pinky, discuss and analyse the phenomenon of poor bashing prevalent in Indian media, societal, and political discourseעל ידי Material Analysis Podcast
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Episode 5 - Which Side Are You On?
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40:44In this episode, Chandu and Pramod, along with new regular panelist Bela, discuss the Bengal Doctors' Strike, and clarify misconceptions in the progressive sphere about it, also discussing the politics of strikes in general, differences between strikes and protests, and details from the ground in West Bengal.…
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In this episode, Chandu and Jasmine, along with new regular panelist Dhileep, discuss the aftermath of the election results and why it makes sense to resist reactionaries at their apparent triumph.Music:על ידי Material Analysis Podcast
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In this episode, Pramod and Chandu, along with guest panelist Suchitra Vijayan of the Polis Project, critique the idea and substance of exit polls in Indian elections.על ידי Material Analysis Podcast
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In this episode, Pramod and Chandu attack and turn on its head the prevalent ideology which calls workers parasites and explain why welfare is good.על ידי Material Analysis Podcast
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In this episode, Chandu, Jasmine, and Pramod, analysts extraordinaire, trash on the concept of political and media centrism in India.על ידי Material Analysis Podcast
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