Last summer, something monumental happened. One of Uncuffed's founding producers, Greg Eskridge, came home after more than 30 years in prison. In this episode we’ll bring you back to that emotional day last summer when he walked out of the San Quentin gates, free at last. Our work in prisons is supported by the California Arts Council, the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation, independent foundations, and donations from listeners like you. Learn more, sign up for Uncuffed news, and support the program at Follow us @WeAreUncuffed on Instagram and Facebook Transcripts are available within a week of the episode coming out at…
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Faith Afolabi Pidgin English Children Bible Story Teller

Faith Afolabi Pidgin English Children Bible Story Teller
Faith Afolabi
This podcast will tell stories that can inspire you towards positivity. Our first series will focus on children who can't speak or understand English. We want to share the Bible story to them in a language they can understand. As time goes on we will share other lives stories that can lift you up from any state you may find yourself. Feel free to reach out to me via this email address for support towards reaching these childrens daily needs! Thank you
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Faith Afolabi Pidgin English Children Bible Story Teller

Faith Afolabi Pidgin English Children Bible Story Teller (Trailer)
הפעל מאוחר יותר
הפעל מאוחר יותר
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This is the last episode of the children pidgin audio Bible. It speaks of our future in heaven when Jesus will come to take us as His bride and there shall be rejoicing for ever and ever Amen.
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The talks about how Paul and Sold were thrown into prison and got delivered.
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This highlights how The angel of God delivered Peter out of the prison.
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This highlights peters vision and how he was able to preach to people in Cornelius house and many were saved.
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This story tells us how Saul was converted to a follower of Christ and how he changed his name from Saul to Paul
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This episode talk about Philip and the Ethiopian Enoch and how Philip Helped him to understand scriptures
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This episode talk about how Stephen- The first Martyr was killed because he woke about the history of the Jews and how they rejected the truth till date .
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This explains how the disciples received the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost.
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Jesus ascended to heaven but before then he told them the great work that's ahead of them. He is risen ineed.
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This episode reveals the great workork the disciples ought to do when He rises to heaven.
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Jesus meets two men talking about his death and to them they didn't realised it until he vanished from their site after he had broken bread
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This story talks about how Jesus met with the disciples after death and reappeared again for Thomas to believe. Blessed are you who believe even though you do not see him
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This episode highlights story of how Jesus rose from the tomb.
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This shares insight on what happened to Jesus on his way to Golgotha and his last word's on the cross. He died to set us free.
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This episodes shares insights on how Jesus was condemed by the crowed in front of the Pilate.
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Jesus prayed kn the garden of Gethsemane but God strengthened Him. Judas betrayed Jesus with 30 pieces of silver coins.
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This story shares insights on how she spoken about his exit on earth and how there are many mansion up in heaven for us. He goes to prepare for our coming.
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This episodes show us how Judas Iscariot betrayed Jesus and how Jesus enjoyed last supper with his disciples
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This episode shares story of how Mary washed Jesus feet with very expensive oil and how Jesus rode on a donkey fulfiling a prophesy by prophecy Zachariah.
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This episode shares story on how Jesus raised Lazarus from dead.
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This episode highlights the story of how a son wandered off from his Father's house and came back after he had realised his mistakes.
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Faith Afolabi Pidgin English Children Bible Story Teller

Jesus teaches love and forgiveness
הפעל מאוחר יותר
הפעל מאוחר יותר
3:12Jesus speaks to his disciples about love and forgiveness using stories to elaborate his points.
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Jesu told a story of who truly is our neighbor and how we should treat them just like the Samaritan did.
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When the elders did bad in the temple of the Lord by selling and buying and gambling Jesus came and drive them away and played with her children who came to the temple.
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Jesus took his disciples to a mountain top to show them what is to happen Moses and Elijah came.
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Jesus and his disciples faced a huge storm but Jesus quietened the storm
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Jesus see a short man on a tree on his way to Jerusalem and invited the man to come down. The man Zacchaeus invited Jesus to his house and everything changed.
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Jesus walked on water in this episode as well as Peter his disciple.
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He fed the multitudes with five loaves of bread and two fishes.
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Faith Afolabi Pidgin English Children Bible Story Teller

Jesus heal Bartimaeus the blind man
הפעל מאוחר יותר
הפעל מאוחר יותר
2:40This story explains how Jesus healed the blind man as a result of his faith.
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Faith Afolabi Pidgin English Children Bible Story Teller

Jarius daughter and the woman with issue of blood
הפעל מאוחר יותר
הפעל מאוחר יותר
3:13Jairus daughter was dead but Jesus healed her as well as the woman with issue of blood
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In this episode Jesus made Peter to catch plenty fishes and afterwards, Peter became Jesus disciple
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Jesus and his disciples saw a funeral about to happen but JESUS healed the dead son of the widow.
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Jesu met a woman from Samaria and told her things about her life and she was amazed.
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This episode shares information on how Jesus did His first miracle
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This gives summary of how Jesus was baptized and tempted by the devil
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This details the first words Jesus spoke in the new testament and how he started his work.
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The Shepherd and Wiseman visited baby Jesus at the manger, they were all excited.
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This savior was born in a manger
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Angel Gabriel visits Mary to inform her of God's plan upon her life
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John was born after an angel came to prophecy to his parents
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God sent Jonah to go warn the people of Nineveh but he refused and so God sent a whale to swallow him..
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The princes of Persia sought to kill Daniel but ended up killing themselves
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God made king Belshazzar to be over taken by the Medes and Persians for his bad ways.
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King Nebuchadnezzar wanted Daniel and his friends to worship His image or be killed but God saved them
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God send Jeremiah and Baruch to warn the people of their sins but them no listen
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God showed Isaiah a vision that made him believe in Gods holy ways and he told the people about God's ways.
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Esther ask for mercy from the King before Haman establishes his evil plans to wipe the Jews off. He was also killed.
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Esther was selected to be the Queen after Vasti.
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