The Silent Footprints | Stillbirth, Miscarriage, SIDS, Stigma, Baby Loss, Grief, SHINE for Autumn Act, Advocate, Legislation, Infant Loss, Pregnancy Loss, Maternity
16 | Walker & Natalie Boggs-Barrett's Bears Ministry
Manage episode 445236314 series 3577181
In 2018, the Boggs family seemed to be in a good place in life. Walker and Natalie were on fire for Christ, learning and taking in the scriptures. Their life seemed picture perfect when they received a phone call that would alter the course of their lives. Barrett went Home at just shy of being 5 months old. However, his little life would have a great purpose that has impacted thousands of families across the world. The Boggs family were in shock and grief but prayed that God would use Barrett. Through that prayer the Barrett's Bears Ministry was born.
Natalie and I were connected soon after her loss. I sent a grief basket that was delivered to her at church. You’ll hear what transpired and how our friendship deepened. She, in her greatest grief, wrote short devotions to the Lord. Crying out to God and seeking Him daily. You could almost see her on her knees reaching out to Jesus as her only lifeline. She was constantly on my mind. The Lord was using her and I asked her and encouraged her to write short devotionals on my group page. Little by little a planted seed for ministry began to grow in her heart. Through her faith she began Barrett's Bears Ministry, where she encouraged other mothers, parents and families to seek the Lord in their greatest trials.
Come to the Barrett’s Bears Ministry’s first Birthday Bash! Click on this link to find out more information or if you feel led to donate, sponsor or even volunteer! Barrett’s Birthday Bash will be on May 11th, 2024 so mark your calendars now and if you’ve received a bear bring it! I know I will! This is a worthy cause as this ministry is allowed in the most sacred spaces when families are heartbroken and devastated. Barrett’s story has brought so much encouragement to them. Barrett’s Bears Ministry is a 501c3 charity.
“When I received the Juliana Grace Ministry box my daughter watched me open the box and when she saw the bear she grabbed it, hugged it tightly and ran to her room. Now she has something to hold onto in memory of her lost sibling.” JGM grief box recipient.
Just click on Walker or Natalie if you would like to contact them. Click on Barrett’s Bears Ministry for more information.
Link Tree
Give if you feel led. All donations will go to the Julianna Grace Ministry. Click on general then the Julianna Grace Ministry.
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