Episode 171: Imitating Paul - Paul's 3rd Missionary Journey - Acts 19 & 20
Manage episode 420406036 series 3008716
Part 12 in the Houses of Fire series - IMITATING PAUL
Paul’s 3rd Missionary Journey (AD 54-57) Acts 19:8-12, 20:6-12, 20:18-38
A message that will challenge both the Evangelical and the Charismatic Christian: A challenge for the Evangelical because they will often find ways to minimize the possibility of living like the Apostle Paul due to his unique office and authority as a 1st Century Apostle. And, this message will challenge the Charismatic because so much ministry done by modern charismatics violates much of what Paul practiced and preached.
Paul was/is an equal-opportunity offender!
Acts 19:8-10 - "Reasoning and Persuading"
Hall of Tyrannus? - “was either a building for hire, named after its owner, or the private residence of a sympathetic donor”
Acts 19:11-12 - "Extraordinary Miracles"
Kingdom Ministry = BOTH/AND
Acts 19 - V. 8, 9 & 11 – Paul was BOTH “reasoning and persuading them about the Kingdom of God…reasoning daily AND God was doing extraordinary miracles by the hands of Paul
Imitating Paul? 6 NT passages where he exhorts us to do what he was doing!
Acts 20:6-12
•Sunday worship (first day of the week)
•Communion included
•LONG meetings (till midnight…Paul talked still longer…conversed until daybreak)
•Miracle of resurrection
1st Century Christian Calendar developing - Sunday worship and Pentecost
Acts 20:18-38 - Paul's message to his Ephesian Elders
*So, how Did Paul LIVE?
*Humility – “with ALL humility”
*Tears, Trials & Suffering = PART of following Christ) – imprisonments & afflictions
*Public (Synagogues) & Private (House Churches) – Evangelism & Teaching
*Jews & Greeks (for 10 years)
*Message included REPENTANCE (not just faith)
*Led by Holy Spirit
*Dead to Self – Surrendered to Christ’s Lordship & Plan (v. 24)
*Believed we are RESPONSIBLE (v. 26-27)
*Warning - False teachers/teaching coming (v. 29-31)
*Trusted in God’s Ability & God’s Word to keep them & grow them (v. 32)
*Paul & the Prosperity Gospel (v. 33-35) – Giving – to who? - PAY ATTENTION CHARISMATICS!!!
*Paul’s relationship with his team (v. 36-38)
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