Episode 173: The Call to Endurance - Slaying the MYTH of the Problem-Free Christian Life (aka "the Prosperity Gospel")
Manage episode 425158392 series 3008716
Hebrews 10:23-27, 29-31, 32-37 / 11:32-40
Deuteronomy 28
There was simply no version of the modern "Prosperity Gospel" in the Early Church. The Apostles would not have recognized much of what is being preached/promised today to Christians.
Many have walked away from Christ (I have known more than I can remember) because, and it was because troubles came into their lives as Christians and they got offended.
Tragically, they were LIED to by well-meaning Christians - they were told that following Jesus would be easy, or pain-free, or simply a "Blessing Fest" - a life of constant and continual breakthroughs.
That is NOT what happened to the Apostles. Nor was it the experience of the 1st Century Christians that received the Letter to the Hebrews.
Hebrews also knows NOTHING of the Hyper Grace message nor does it a Pretribulational Rapture.
#endurance, #problem-freechristianity, #prosperitygospel, #pretribrapture, #augustine, #luther, #calvin, #creflodollar, #joniearecksontada, #josephprince, #hypergrace, #oldcovennat, #newcovenant, #mosaiccovenant, #promises, #blessings, #curses, #covenants
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