Chris Nowinski is a former football player at Harvard University and professional wrestler with WWE, World Wrestling Entertainment. After enduring a career-ending head injury, Chris has dedicated his professional life to serving patients and families affected by brain trauma, particularly Chronic traumatic encephalopathy, or CTE, a progressive neurodegenerative disease that develops after repeated head injuries. Jay and Chris discuss the state of head injuries in American athletics, the difference between advocating for head safety at youth and professional levels, Chris’ newest research, and much more. Episode Chapters (00:00) Intro (00:50) changes in the culture around concussions in the past two decades (02:39) padded helmet technology (03:55) concussion reporting in the NFL (10:35) Chris’ career path and concussion history (14:52) connecting with activists who haven’t themselves suffered a traumatic brain injury (17:42) SHAAKE - a new sign to identify concussions (20:53) Unions can help players advocate for safety policies (23:10) final thoughts and goodbye For video episodes, watch on Stay in touch: X: @JayRuderman | @RudermanFdn LinkedIn: Jay Ruderman | Ruderman Family Foundation Instagram: All About Change Podcast | Ruderman Family Foundation To learn more about the podcast, visit…
What happens when we die? Is there life after death? What happens when we die? From where we came - To where we go? What exists beyond our "reality"? There is an interconnection among these questions. They will be the subject of several posts. In this post, we will concentrate on what happens when we die. What dies? Who dies? What happens when we die? And what happens when someone dear to us dies? These questions seem to have the same answer. But the motivation behind them is different. In the first one, we try to console ourselves about surviving after death. In the second one, we are trying to deal with the sorrow and missing of a dear one. Before I answer those questions, we have to be on the same page about some points. What part of a person do we get used to or attached to? And what part of us are we afraid to lose when we die? The answer to both questions is what you consider "I" and "you". What is the "I" in me? The probable answer is "individuality". This "unique thing" makes one person feel separated from the others. We can relate this individuality to the Ego and the personality (click here to see a post about that). And we are so attached to that individuality... The first time I reached a state of non-separation, it was amazing and frightening at the same time. I had no individuality anymore. Where am I? Am I still existing? Where is that guy (me) who liked so many things and had many plans? So, although it is possible to feel the divine essence, you usually get attached to the Ego. Our fear of death is the fear of losing it. And our sorrow and longing are for that Ego of someone we don't have access to anymore.…
So, let's get rid of our Ego? If you have read the text so far and thought about the words derived from "Ego": egoism, egotism, egoic, etc., you can be thinking about how to get rid of your Ego. In some texts from eastern schools of thought, you can find mentions about how to dissolve the Ego. In a sense that, after this process, we would be "Ego-less". In my humble opinion, this is a mix of ideas lost in translation and nuances lost over the centuries. Also, the diverse connotations of the word "Ego" contribute to that confusion. To me, the Ego is a construct characteristic of our existence on this plane on Schoolroom Earth. It is impossible to incarnate as human beings in this frequency without an Ego. As you begin to react, you produce selves, which leads to Ego formation. The Ego also exists in higher planes, in different flavours. And we also receive their influence. But this will be the object of other posts. Anyway, even without being able to get rid of the Ego, it is possible to "heal" it. We can do that by healing the selves (which interplay forms the Ego). In the following topics, let's understand what means to heal the Ego. Who am I? And who are you? Are you your Ego? There is a huge identification of you with your Ego. This is surprising given that the interplay of the selves is so dynamic, and you still are able to identify this interplay with "You". But you are not your Ego. At least not only your Ego. Inside you, there are more elements. It doesn't take much to notice that. Aren't you able to feel something more behind the chit-chat of the selves? Don't you feel a crush in your heart because something is lacking beyond the chit-chat in your mind? Who is the "you" hearing the chit-chat inside "you"? One of the most important of these elements is your Inner-child. You can consider your Inner -child part of your essence, part of your Soul. This essence or Soul is the key to your happiness and realization. It is a pure part of you, non-contaminated by all the societal programming and hurt selves. Usually, we represent or "see" it as a child (your Inner-child). But keep in mind that we are talking about an all-knowing child. In some sense, we can also consider this Inner-child as a Master-self. If you let this Inner-child guide you, instead of the many hurt selves, you will be happier and realised. So, the healing of the Ego happens by aligning it with your Inner-child. To make this alignment possible, we must heal many of our hurt selves. Otherwise, their chit-chat will be too loud to allow the Inner-child guidance. The Ego and Selves as energies: It is important to understand that the selves are energies. The interplay that forms the Ego, and the Ego itself, are also energies. And those energies are way more powerful than most people think. In fact, these energies constitute a big part of the very fabric of our "reality" here in Schoolroom Earth. So, you can keep it simple and only think about the Ego influencing our decision-making, feelings and emotions. But still, there is a whole extra layer represented by those energies and their effect in creating our practical reality. You don't need to believe in that, but if you do, your life on Schooroom Earth will be easier and more fulfilling. There are several techniques to heal the hurt selves and align your Ego with your Inner-child.…
Is your Ego your friend or foe? Is your Ego your friend or foe ? To answer this question, it is important first to have a common ground about the concept of the Ego. "Ego", "personality", and "self" have different meanings in different schools of thought. We did a whole post explaining the concept of the Ego from our point of view ( check it by clicking here ). The short version, to put us all on the same page, is: For us, the Ego is the interplay of the selves that live inside you. This interplay of selves impacts all decisions, emotions and feelings we have. It also tends to hinder the expression of our essence (our Inner-child). So, you can jump to the conclusion that the Ego is a "bad" thing. But it is not as simple as it appears at first sight. What are the purposes and effects of the Ego? The Ego is a part of our psyche that makes our identity as human beings. In some sense, it represents who we are and what we are. However, there is more than the Ego inside you. The Ego produces a sense of individuality and separation between the beings. It is the "entity" within us that craves attention, love, recognition, belonging to a group, etc. The Ego is also a mechanism of protection. To understand this mechanism of protection, imagine: The Ego is the interplay of the selves; The hurt selves are usually loud; So, they tend to influence you to avoid situations that could hurt you. This seems to be an excellent thing. And in a few situations, it can even be helpful. But in most cases, the Ego is "hearing" the reaction of selves to situations that don't make sense anymore: The Ego can be "hearing" an ancestral self that was trying to run away from a wild beast. The Ego can be reacting based on a traumatized self who didn't have access to chocolate when you were a child. The louder self is reacting because he was hurt by a simple phrase heard during childhood. The selves are responding based on past lives situations that don't make sense anymore. I am oversimplifying this explanation because the keyword here is the interplay of the selves. In general, you react based on the net effect of the interplay of many selves. And not based on only one or a few hurt selves.…
How many selves are in there (inside you)? Can you tell me how many selves are in there? Well, first of all, you need to understand that no one knows exactly what it's like to be you. There are many selves inside of us. It is hard to say for certain how many selves are inside of you because it is a subjective experience. How many times did you catch yourself with conflicting chats inside your head? If you ever wanted to embrace change, you heard plenty of complaints inside your mind. Plenty of selves complaining about your age, security, future, etc. Trying to be in the present moment is another trigger for many of your selves start worrying. Worrying about your problems, to-do list, opinion of others, etc. Are you sure about who you are? Even in a simple way. As a professional, partner, friend or human being? Have you ever felt surprised by the number of conflicting ideas, moods and reactions you had? (Besides what you could consider rational or normal) Do you feel as if there are several conflicting and competing parts inside you? All trying to "win" your actions and reactions: Should I buy it? Should I move? Will I regret it? Better safe than happy? Did I say that? I would if I didn't have children. I would if I was younger. I would if I had time. So, that thing you call "I" doesn't seem to be so uniform and whole. With so many competing forces inside you, it is surprising that you have a sense of Self and continuity. Who or what are these selves inside me? Psychoanalysis has a peculiar terminology to deal with this subject's nuances. I will use spiritual teachings to complete or change some psychoanalytic concepts. It is my belief that soon those definitions will be part of mainstream science. The selves are energies inside us, inside our subconscious. They behave as tiny brains for all practical means, thinking alongside each other. Some of those selves are very clear: You develop a separate self for behaving in the workplace, family, sports, social life, etc. You can also think about an animal self (although psychoanalysis wouldn't name it as self). You have selves produced by traumas and attachments from this life. You have selves that come from past lives. You even can "receive" selves that others impart on us. You also have playful and gifted selves, not only hurt ones. The interplay of all those selves is what we call Ego. Patterns of stability in the Ego behaviour are what we call Personality. We also have something we can call a Master-self, a Divine Spark, or our Inner-Child. All those forces or energies are in your subconscious, competing or interplaying. There are many more elements, but in this article, I will limit my explanation to those. What are the practical influences of all those selves in your life? Those selves influence all your life, happiness, realisation, sense of purpose, etc. They affect, to some degree, any decision, feeling, and emotion you have. To treat the hurt selves is essential to allow your Master-self (Inner-child) to take care of your life. Otherwise, the noise coming from the hurt selves will obliterate your Inner-child. This noise is a sure recipe for being unhappy, confused, losing joy in life, depression, etc. If you decrease this noise, the expression of your Inner-child will blossom. So, your Ego will be more aligned with your Inner-child (Master-self). But why is the Ego alignment with the Inner-child necessary for my practical life? The Inner-child is a pure expression of your essence. It is you without the programming and traumas imposed along your life (and past lives). This all-knowing child understands what would make you happy, healthy and realised. From a spiritual point of view, the Inner-child represents the Divine Spark that is you. But this will be the object of future articles. How can you heal your hurt selves and better align your Ego with your Inner-child? There are several techniques to do that. Using some of those techniques can result in immediate effects. See the post on " How to raise your vibration ", for example. But it would be best if you kept in mind that we are talking about a way of living. You can compare it to taking care of your health. Although some measures can have an immediate effect, you must keep working on them for good. So, subscribe to our Free Newsletter to keep updated with tips and tricks on how to achieve that.…
7- Pausing the Matrix: Technology is not always bad. But the use the industry is making of it to improve the "efficiency" of the advertisement is. The advertisements' frequency, moment and content make us consume and accumulate. This is not bad per si but deviates our attention from what is important -- our inner life. The info pushed by influential groups is using this same technology. In that case, instead of using it to sell products, they are using it to push programming. They are programming us on how to behave, what to believe, what we should consider as success, etc. Also, to keep the leash short, they need to sell us a high level of drama. Not only is the news dramatic. Every advertisement and information channel has to be dramatic too. The problem is that complying with the status quo never makes people happy or realized. So, the tip is to try to disconnect from the drama of the news. Try to disconnect from your phone. Leave it for some hours and observe the shift in your mood. You will notice that being up to date with the news isn't something as essential as people imagine. 8- Meditation: Meditation is a tool able to connect all the other techniques. It is, by far, the best tool for raising your vibration. If you want to: feel better in a consistent way; keep your vibration high; increase the awareness and quality of what you are feeling; access higher states of consciousness; meditation is the answer. Meditation is a technique validated by centuries and centuries of testing. Countless studies validated the benefits of meditation in improving the quality of life. A daily routine of a few minutes of meditation is the cheapest and more effective medicine you can take. Meditation allows you to experience different vibrational states. These high levels of consciousness will start to change the way you perceive life. You will feel simple things with much more "colour" and joy than before. And the connection between vibration, energy and consciousness will become evident. You have hundreds of meditation techniques available on the internet. From breathing techniques to different kinds of guided meditations. So, there is no excuse such as "I don't know how to meditate", find and try a guided meditation of your liking. Concluding: You now have simple, actionable techniques to raise your vibes and feel better. Besides those techniques, there are comprehensive programs structured around synergetic strategies. These programs can change your life, show your mission on Earth and how to fulfil it, etc. You are here to be happy, healthy and wealthy. Live with purpose and joy. If you aren't living like that, I can show you the way and help you along your path. If you want to discover more, check out and sign up for our Free Newsletter . Both are full of techniques and messages to lift you.…
3- Forgiveness: You could say that most of these topics and interconnected, and they are! But they also are too important to be put in the same basket. Forgiveness is another complex feeling. You can think that the person being forgiven is the one receiving the benefits. But actually, it is you that is receiving most of them! If you don't forgive, you attach your energy to a moment in the past when the "unforgiving" act happened. You are wasting energy that could be available to you in the present. As much you forgive, as much you will be reclaiming wasted energy. Imagine how much energy could be available for you in the present! The first step is to forgive what is bothering you, what comes to your attention from time to time. The following step is to forgive even what you don't know you should forgive. Use your intention for that. Those acts can be something you said and hurt someone without you even noticing. Or even things related to your past lives and ancestral. You should also forgive even what is unforgivable. This is a powerful one. Again, remember that you are the one receiving most of the benefits. It is your energy that is being reclaimed. Not the other way around. Try and confirm the higher states of mind that people feel when doing that. 4- Love, Kindness and compassion: Undiluted Love is the highest frequency. We can get closer to it by exercising love, kindness and compassion. These are complex feelings. The ideal situation is practising them without any investment. For example, to perform a compassionate random act to a strange. It is common to feel a high vibe when doing those acts. But you should avoid getting too attached to the feeling and concentrate on the acts. 5- Physical Exercise: If you spend some time exercising, your energy will improve. This happens because of the mind-body connection. The endorphins released in your brain by the exercise are a sure way to make you feel better. If you exercise in nature, you will receive double the benefits. Once spending time in nature is also a sure way to feel energized. 6- Nature: Spending time in nature is an effective way to make you feel better. This happens not only because nature is able to raise your energy but also because it is good at grounding you. One part of the equation is to improve your vibes. The other part is getting rid of low vibes (grounding), and nature can do both. So, spend time in nature, and you will have all kinds of benefits. There is no need to convince you that nature is a perfect place to raise your general vibration and mood.…
How to raise your vibration and keep it high ! Before we learn how to raise your vibration and keep it high, let's refresh what you saw in the previous post of the "Basic Principles" series: There is a connection between what happens to you and your vibration or frequency. Your Life becomes easier if you become a living beacon of positive vibes. Even if the "world context" is chaotic. So, raising your vibes is the most relevant habit you can develop. Vibrations are more connected to the laws of the Universe than people can imagine. There are many practical methods to influence your vibes. Before we talk about them, it is important to understand that: Raising your vibration should become part of you. It is the same as taking care of your hygiene. A good shower will improve your hygiene, but the effects will fade if you don't keep good hygiene habits. It is important to understand that to keep your vibes high. There is no separation between your mundane and spiritual life. So, "improving your spiritual vibes" is the same as "improving your vibes". Your vibrations impact your energy field. This influences not only your "outside reality" but your body's health too. It is cliche, but it is true: body, mind, spirit and vibrations are connected. From a more sophisticated point of view, they are the same thing. So, here are: 8 ways to raise your positive vibrations: These are very practical techniques. After you get comfortable with them, you can try the more subtle ways of working your energy. 1- Thoughts, feelings and Emotions: Thoughts, emotions and feelings are a good place to start. Instead of discussing who comes first, let's recognize that those things are connected. This is enough for our purpose of raising our frequencies. Positive thoughts raise your vibration and produce a good mood. If you "think" good thoughts, your vibrational frequency will increase. Low or negative thoughts lower your vibes and can affect your health too! What you are feeling is essential to manifestation (law of attraction). Your vibration attracts a similar quality of choices and opportunities to your life. Try to begin your day by setting your mind for positive vibes, and you will see how your life goes easier along the day. It is important to check and be aware of your feelings and emotions at each moment. As soon as you notice low ones, it is important to revert them using higher vibrational thoughts. 2 - Gratitude: Gratitude is one of the best ways to raise your emotional and spiritual vibration. To practice gratitude, think about the circumstances you feel grateful for the day. It is easier than people think; having a functioning body is a good start; being alive, being able to feel love, etc. We should be grateful for so many things we take for granted! This is a complex feeling, but able to change your reality and your attitude towards life. Any time feeling gratitude is an amazing investment in your well-being.…
There is a connection between what happens to us and our vibrations. So, if we become a living beacon of high vibrations, our Life becomes easier and more beautiful. And our personal reality changes even if the "world context" is chaotic. It is important to understand that raising our vibration should become part of us. It is the most relevant habit we can develop. In the next episodes of this series, we will address how to raise your vibration. To get up to date with the knowledge and techniques we will be sharing, sign up for our Free Newsletter (click here for that) . Fabio Campos…
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