ืืชืื ืืืฆื ืื ืืงืืื ืขื ืืืคืืืงืฆืื Player FM !
Tafseer-e-Quran Class # 21๏ฝMufti Tariq Masood Speeches ๐
Manage episode 446277525 series 3522535
(00:00) What are the benefits of Surah Fatiha in hadiths?
(Surah Fatiha ke sahih ahadees ke mutabiq fazail.)
(05:50) What is the tafseer and issues of Surah Fatiha?
(Surah Fatiha ki tafseer aur masail.)
(14:20) What does โAl Aalameenโ mean?
(โAl Aalameenโ ki tafseer.)
(18:51) What is the meaning of worship (ibadat)?
(Ibadat ki haqeeqat.)
(32:50) What types of worship are there?
(Ibadat ki qismein.)
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
783 ืคืจืงืื
Manage episode 446277525 series 3522535
(00:00) What are the benefits of Surah Fatiha in hadiths?
(Surah Fatiha ke sahih ahadees ke mutabiq fazail.)
(05:50) What is the tafseer and issues of Surah Fatiha?
(Surah Fatiha ki tafseer aur masail.)
(14:20) What does โAl Aalameenโ mean?
(โAl Aalameenโ ki tafseer.)
(18:51) What is the meaning of worship (ibadat)?
(Ibadat ki haqeeqat.)
(32:50) What types of worship are there?
(Ibadat ki qismein.)
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
783 ืคืจืงืื
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