IG: @healingw.ness Website: www.healingwness.com Bio: Hey there, I am Vanessa! I struggled for years with Chronic Lyme Disease, Bartonella, POTS, EBV, SIBO & Leaky Gut, Chronic Fatigue & Pain, and Parasites. At 24 yers old, I was bound to a cane, at rock bottom, and thought I was missing out on the most important years of my life. After abandoning my pastas, breads and cheeses, I realized how much food has an effect on my symptoms. This diet shift, though drastic, gave me hope for remission and changed my life. Now I am happy to say I am in remission from most of these symptoms. I continue to heal each and every day, becoming more myself through nutrition and a holistic & healthy lifestyle. Where I once saw my illness as a curse, I can now find gratitude for the path on which it’s taken me- to becoming a certified holistic health coach! I am so inspired to help others find their own way and I am happy to be able to guide you on your own unique journey. Emotionally and physically, because healing is a lifestyle.…